Worthy Core

Chapter 158: Cleanliness is Demonic – Explicit


We've got our first M/M-focused scene tonight! I've been meaning to get one of these in for a while now, but could never seem to line up the characters and the plot timing right for one.

No major plot points for skippers.

Later that evening, after the day's minor festivities had ended and Xenia had shooed everyone out of her core chamber, Sincere knocks on the door to Trush's apartment. He finds it to be slightly ajar as he does so however, and it swings open a little from the force of his knuckles. "Trush? I suppose neighborhood security is rather tight, but perhaps you ought to at least fully close your door, eh? May I come in?"

A voice echoes out from deeper within the apartment. "Privacy is overrated anyhow! Yes, come on in, I'm just getting ready."

The demon steps inside, looking for his colleague, but both the living room and dining areas of the apartment appear to be empty. Making the logical deduction that the Knight must be in his personal armory or perhaps the bedroom, he makes his way on down the hall towards the rear of the living space.

Only to be rather surprised when he passes by the open bathroom door to find Trush inside, entirely nude, and stepping into his Worthy-designed shower. "Ah! Am I...interrupting something? I thought you said this would be a good time."

"Your timing is perfect! Really love these plumbing stations Worthy set up for us, true luxury! And after a fight like the one I had today, I could use a good shower to wash away the sweat of the day, eh?"

He smirks at Sincere, who half-turns away in an attempt to spare the man's privacy, even if he did just utter his disdain for the concept. "You recall that you're in a brand new body now, yes? I imagine that would take care of any sweat or grime issues all on its own. The showers are an interesting design, though, I'll agree."

"And large enough for two or three - or perhaps four, if the occupants were properly comfortable with each other, haha! Would you care to join me, Seeker? In the army it'd be a shame to waste so much water on a single man."

Sincere raises an eyebrow. "And here the water is created by mana, with a cost Xenia has already paid for up-front. Your dedication to preserving resources is laudable, however."

Trush's expression turns to one involving a bit more side-eye. "Are arcane demons always so circumspect about taking a hint or five, man? You going to take off those robes and join me already, or what?"

Rather than take offense at the rabbit's directness, Sincere grins. "I'll admit, my mind is always full of questions - for example, I wasn't aware you had an interest in men. I'm aware that at this point you've bedded all the women of the dungeon - quite a few times, at that, but unless I'm entirely obtuse you've never made a pass at me. Unless...hrmm, perhaps you've enjoyed the company of your squires?"

"The squires and I are all quite intimately acquainted by now, it's true. As for you, well, don't take this the wrong way, Seeker, but you're not quite my usual type. May have been a little prodded into making the first move, though."

This time both of the demon's eyebrows rise in surprise. "Prodded? Xenia - no, wait, was this what you and Beatrice were discussing earlier? That was going to be my next objection, to be honest. Beatrice and I are not exclusive by any means, but I thought that while she was staying here...might I ask what she's getting out of this?"

"Stop asking so many questions and maybe you'll find out, man! Now are you going to get in here and let me get this shower running, or am I going to be standing around with my kit out all night!?"

"Well, if you're going to insist..." Sincere finally steps fully into the bathroom, pulling off his robe in a single smooth motion. His underclothes don't take much longer, and by time he's stepped into the shower the water is already running, magically instantly hot. The shower is indeed quite spacious, likely designed with some foresight of activities like this in mind, and it gives Trush all the room he needs with which to grab Sincere by the waist and push him against one wall. The Knight immediately takes him in a passionate kiss, and while Sincere is far from inexperienced with aggressive lovers, he still finds himself turned somewhat passive under the assault of lips and hands.

As Trush pulls back for a breath, Sincere asks yet another question. "You've done this often, have you? To...conserve water supplies?"

Trush laughs. "Among other reasons! What can I say, Seeker, army boys make do. But I'm not pushing you too hard, am I? I'm told you're not inexperienced with men yourself, but if you need a guiding hand to help you along..."

Sincere simply nods, not being a man given to blushing. "To be honest, I do prefer to focus on the wants of my partners. And you seem to be a man who knows what he wants..."

"That I do. For starters - how about your mouth wrapped around my cock, Seeker?" One of his hands begins to press down on Sincere's shoulder, and the demon goes along with it, getting down on his knees before the larger man. The rabbit-man's cock is already beginning to grow, although it's not yet fully erect, and Sincere begins to stroke it with one hand. Before doing more than giving it a lick however, his series of questions continues.

"Tell me, have you ever been with a demon before, Trush? Orcs I've bedded, although rabbit hybrids are a new one for me."

"Pfft, what veteran of the Valleylands army hasn't? Not in the Domain, of course - not all demons fled our territory when the Valleylands declared independence, you know. All of the best brothels and bordellos in our cities are run by succubi and incubi! An arcane demon would be a new one, I'll grant you that. Now, I get the impression I'm going to need to occupy your mouth with other activities to keep you from stopping to talk every five seconds, aren't I?"

With that he takes his cock in hand and forcefully inserts it into Sincere's mouth, not that the demon puts up much fight. It's still not fully erect but that doesn't last long once the Mage finally gets to work, his tongue running along the underside of the quickly growing shaft. As the water runs through Sincere's hair Trush wraps his palms around the side of the man's head, although he keeps his guidance slight for the time being. His thumbs do brush aside some of the hair sticking to Sincere's face though, as if they were getting in the way of his admiration of the man's features. "Ah, not so bad once you actually get down to work, are you?"

He continues like that as his dick continues to swell, behaving gently and commanding in alternate doses. First he flatters Sincere's ability to take his length, then next he begins to forcefully pull Sincere's head against his groin, forcing that full length down Sincere's throat as if the demon couldn't do it on his own. When Sincere uses one hand to fondle the Knight's testicles, Trush compliments his initiative, but when the other heads towards Trush's ass, he lightly slaps the man for acting without being told. It's enough to set Sincere into quite a state of uncertainty, although whether that's the intention or simply the result of Trush's ill-thought-out actions becomes impossible to determine. Sincere can't leave a thing like that alone, however, and his mind begins to spin into over-analysis. Is Trush trying to keep him off-balance? Is Trush just bad at saying what he wants?

It's enough that he completely fails to notice as Trush's cock begins to throb between his lips. "Ahh - you're lucky in one respect, Seeker, my one complaint of this new body of mine is that, hrnnn, my first shot is always a bit quicker than I might like! Hope you're ready for it!" Whether Sincere is or not, Trush again presses the demon's face up up against his black-furred crotch just as he explodes, his cum only barely gracing Sincere's tongue before it splashes against the back of the Mage's throat. Even if the speed was rather quick, the volume isn't any lighter for it, and despite his experience Sincere struggles to swallow it down before it begins to spill from his lips. It's fortunate the encounter occurred in a shower, perhaps, as the mess that drips down onto his chest and his own protruding erection is quickly washed away.

After pulling back and swallowing what more he can, Sincere shoots Trush a smirk, his golden eyes twinkling. "Rumor of that may have crossed my ears, in fact, but I've heard you're quite quick on the reload to go along with it. Is that so?"

"I'll show you so! Hmmm...dammit, didn't I have a bottle of that pink stuff around here somewhere!?" As the rabbit warrior looks around the bathroom, a small table suddenly appears next to the shower, followed by a jar of slime lube which sits upon it. Trush grabs it up, grinning at the ceiling as he does so. "Thanks, Worthy! Much appreciated, and not at all disturbing!"

The dungeon doesn't respond, but Trush is already getting to work, spilling some of the fluid onto his hand and lathering up his still-stiff cock. He then raises the bottle in Sincere's direction. "Would you rather take care of yourself, or would you like me to do the honors?"

Smiling as he turns around so that his chest is facing the wall, Sincere leans against it and presses his ass out. "I hope you're not going to make me do all of the work tonight, Champion."

"Let it never be said that I'm a lazy lover!" Adding a bit more lubricant to one hand, Trush steps forward and slides his fingers between Sincere's ass cheeks. His other doesn't remain idle either, and it slips around the demon's front, after Sincere takes advantage of the space to move his wings out of the way. Sincere's breathing was already a bit hesitant as Trush's thick fingers began to spread him open, but as the warrior begins to masturbate him he actually groans, his cheek pressing against the slick shower wall.

"Haha, you sound like you've been needing this! I hope I haven't been edging you out, keeping all of the local ladies too busy to spare some time for poor Sincere!"

Sincere has to stop and shudder for a moment before he can defend himself. "No pity, thank you. My sex drive may be, ahn, active, but I'll admit it's not to the level of your own. Or half of the members of our community, to be honest. And - hnng...do you imagine I'd lack for partners if I were to but ask? I've had my share of encounters, not least since Beatrice's return."

"Aye, a fine woman, she is, would make for an excellent orc. But let's refocus on you, eh?" Trush follows up that statement not with more words, but action, as he finally judges Sincere prepared and steps up behind him. With one hand on the demon's hips and the other guiding his cock, it only takes a moment for the well-lubricated Knight to press his way inwards. Both men groan then as Sincere is stretched by something even thicker than Trush's fingers, and even Trush needs a brief moment to recover before he can actually begin to thrust. Once he gets going his hand again returns to Sincere's front, and Sincere actually has to hold himself back from climaxing the moment Trush's grip takes hold of his manhood.

As he begins to pick up speed the Knight leans over towards Sincere's left ear, but if he was expecting some sweet dirty talk, the man is rather surprised. "Perhaps we should talk more of Beatrice, hrmm? I haven't had the opportunity to fully admire her, but what I've seen - ah, if only we'd met ten years ago! And that interesting accent of hers! I'll admit, I'm surprised the two of you seem to have hit it off so easily, you don't seem the type for each other."

Sincere may be a little confused to be discussing this now, but he responds as best as he can. "It's - it's a relationship of convenience, we'll both admit. Personally, I've always had an interest in experts of any type, not merely academic fields. And she, mm, she's found some of my more arcane techniques to be quite...enticing. Now may not be the best time to demonstrate them, but perhaps later...why all this talk of Beatrice, though?"

"Why? Well, perhaps this will give you a hint!" Wrapping both arms around the demon, Trush spins them around so that they're now looking out of the shower - and through the bathroom door as well. Standing in that doorway is a fully nude Beatrice, with a smile on her face and two fingers rubbing furiously at her clit. "Enjoying the show, Slayer?"

Sincere asks a question of his own before she can answer, although it's a bit difficult given that Trush is still pounding away at his ass, furry testicles bouncing off his thighs. "Beatrice!? How - how long have you been there?"

"Since Xen told me the show had started - got here as fast as I could! Hope you don't mind me setting this up, but watching two men has always been kind of a fantasy of mine..."

"You know, if you wanted something like this, you could have just asked - ah!"

Trush chuckles from over Sincere's shoulder. "I can tell the Seeker's close to finishing - has been for a bit now, I'd say. Would you care to do the honors, Slayer?"

Beatrice tries to look unimpressed, although it turns into a smile quickly. "I came here to watch the show, not usually one for audience participation..." Her eyes stare at Sincere's bouncing red cock however, and her resolve soon crumbles. "Ah, hell with it!" Stepping up to the edge of the shower, the scarred woman quickly kneels and pops her lips over Sincere's lower head. Whether he was truly that close to his climax or the act itself pushes him over the limit, it's no more than a second before his cum begins to spill into her cheeks. She allows the thick fluid to fill her mouth, but even as it threatens to overflow, Beatrice resists swallowing.

Instead, once Sincere is finally done, she returns to her feet and takes him in a passionate, and sticky, kiss. Sincere's a bit too surprised to resist, but finds himself swept along by the moment, and finds himself rather enjoying his own taste on her lips and tongue.

The sight of it drives Trush onward with newfound inspiration, and his hips increase their tempo until with a final thrust he utters a deep growl. His testicles clench, his cock pulsates, and jet after jet of semen shoots into Sincere's ass, no less impressively so for being his second load of the night. As Sincere finds himself being filled with cum from both ends, he finds himself a little self-reflective - he's a very lucky man.

Once his partners are spent of their reserves, he tries to say as much, but Beatrice shushes him with a comment of her own. "I promised myself I'd only watch tonight, but dammit, you've pulled me in. So now that I'm here - you up for making this a proper threesome?"

Trush grins widely, but Sincere answers for both of them. "My lovely - if you've enjoyed the tricks I've shown you before, you're going to go wild when I show you what can be done with another partner..."

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