Worthy Core

Chapter 159: Throwing the Gauntlet


Hey all, just wanted to say something a little extra tonight in celebration of Worthy Core's one year anniversary! (First posted on Royal Road, and then ported to Scribble Hub a few months later.) It's been quite a year working on Worthy Core, and I've had a lot of fun with it. I wouldn't necessarily say WC is my first writing experience, but it is my first 'proper' writing experience, as most of what I've done before comes in the form of a decade+ of being an RPG DM, and writing for my game dev project. In a way, writing a proper story's been rather relaxing in comparison, as here I don't have pesky players complicating my plots and schemes... 

Last week I wrote up a little progress report post on reddit, which you can check out here if you're curious about some of the numbers and experiences I've had. The short of it is that although WC's never topped the charts on RR, I'd say it's been very modestly successful, with over 2000 active followers across the two sites. It has topped the trending charts on ScribbleHub a few times, so clearly we can tell which site has the better taste. I don't do this for any financial reward, so I've been very gratified that so many people have been enjoying my efforts.

I'm pretty hesitant to put any real schedule on things, as I do not have the story planned out in detail, but I would roughly guess that the story has about a year left to go in it. The chapter stockpile has the next month's worth of posts already written, and I can certainly say that the current arc is still far from over. There's a lot of twists, turns, and of course, smut left to come, and I hope you're ready for another year of Worthy!


"Sansie, you're not supposed to be eating the rations we just bought before we've even left the town!" Arlon scolds his cousin as the two walk through Grassbrook, on their way to meet up with their party, but given the charming smile on her face he can hardly say his heart's entirely in it.

"Rations? Rations, is that what you think these are? Or what you choose to call it? Arlon cousin, these are pastries, they were never meant to survive long in my grasp. I can't believe you didn't buy anything from the new bakery yourself aside from plain old bread. What kind of nobleman are you?"

The heavily-armored man snorts. "The kind of man who knows a pastry doesn't last long in a travel pack."

"Which is why I'm eating them now. Now, do you want one yourself?"

The young man attempts to keep his discipline firm, but alas, he is only human. "...Fine, very well - perhaps half - " He finds himself coming to a halt in the middle of his sentence as he spots something down the street, and Sansie has to catch herself and turn around to see what the matter is.

"Don't tell me you just thought of another piece of gear we need to go pack."

The noble shakes his head. "No, sadly. I was hoping I wouldn't see them this soon, but if they must be here, I'm glad I saw them before we left. ...Not that I was expecting to see them, specifically. Take a look."

Sansie does so, and almost gasps as she spots the two women walking down the street in their direction, their slightly-pointed ears just barely visible from underneath their long, gorgeous hair. One is a shining blonde, the other practically platinum, although their identity as sisters was undeniable - twins, as a matter of fact. She also knew their family to be known for their half-elf ancestry, although unusually enough the other half was human, rather than dwarven. "The Highbranches! You're right, I expected perhaps representatives - not them! You mean to intercept them, cousin?"

"Would be rude of us not to, of course. Besides, how else will we learn more of their arrival?" Stepping forward again, Arlon raises both his voice and an arm. "Hail! My fair ladies, a surprise to see you here today!"

The sisters grant the Perlins slight smiles as they recognize him, and as the pairs meet, Arlon and Sansie both pause to give slight bows, as suits the respective ranks of their families. Hiding a half-eaten pastry behind her back, Sansie offers further greetings. "Truly a surprise! It's good to see you both in good health, though, Silva, Gilda."

Silva, the blonde-haired sister, greets them back. "Thank you, and likewise, although we had heard your family was rushing to beat us here. Our condolences on the deaths of your cousins, by the way, it was a shame to hear."

Arlon nods back at her. "Thank you, Lady Silva. Sadly, they were not properly prepared for the risks of a dungeon, which is why we're now attempting to be all the more ready for the challenges ahead. But, forgive me for asking - surely you two do not plan to challenge the dungeon yourselves?"

Gilda brushes back her shining white hair before raising an eyebrow at him. "And why should we not? Should the daughters of a duke be any less courageous than the son of a count?"

Shaking his head, Arlon explains himself. "It wasn't your stations which had me wondering. It's just, well - I am aware that the two of you both have achieved Challenger classes of some repute. But unless I've misheard, are your classes not...?"

Silva's smile remains as she answers the unspoken question. "I'm sure your intelligence is correct. I am a Noble Diviner, and my fair sister here is a Noble Enchantress. Both level twenty-nine, I expect us to both achieve our Master ranks here, although of course it may be some time before we can return for further class training."

Sansie's brow furrows. "Are those classes not, well...you know...not...?"

Gilda scoffs. "Not combat-capable? Dear Sansie, do you think the Challenger's Association would offer training in them were they not suitable for use in a dungeon?" Sansie very certainly does not answer that question - the Noble Elementalist is under no false conceptions herself, and is entirely aware that the Association would train a person in just about anything if they were paid well enough, and would slap a 'Noble' adjective onto the class title for a minor additional fee. Arlon saves her from possibly saying as much out loud, however.

"Well, it's certainly not our place to second-guess you. I trust you haven't come alone, however?"

"Oh, of course not!" Silva's smile grows as she looks between the two Perlins. "In fact, our bodyguard Sweet has just returned from her scouting of the district, it would appear. Say hello to Lord Arlon Perlin and the Honorable Sansie Forlin, would you, Sweet?"

As the other pair begin to turn around, Sansie briefly screams and drops her pastry into the mud before she gets ahold of herself. Towering over them is a gnoll unlike any other in the town, certainly past seven feet in height, and with musculature that would match any minotaur's. Despite the mucky condition of the road, the giantess somehow arrived within a few feet of the two without either noticing her in the least. Her femininity is hard to determine, with her bulky body clad in padded hide armor of some sort, and she first inspects the two by taking in a deep whiff with her animal-like snout, cataloging their scents.

Then she opens her mouth, and an extremely cheerful voice comes out. "Greetings to you both, my Lord Perlin, Honorable Forlin! My dearest apologies for making you drop your breakfast, might I acquire for you a replacement? It would be a shame to mar our greeting with such a loss."

Sansie's voice, meanwhile, is more of a squeak. "No! No, it's quite alright - I was almost done already! Besides, I should really watch my figure..."

Arlon's a fair bit intimidated himself, but he does manage to maintain his expression a little better. "It's good to meet you as well, Miss Sweet - I've heard tell you're a Master-rank Challenger yourself? I expect you'll be taking excellent care of your charges, then."

Sweet grins, somehow looking as if she has more teeth than the two of them put together. "Very much so, my lord - you can expect I'll safeguard them from any harm within the dungeon. Or, of course...outside of it."

Gilda chuckles, her good mood apparently restored. "Okay, enough of playing with the poor dears, yes? We still need to acquire our rooms at the unfortunately-named inn, after all. I'm sure we'll see you again soon though, of course, Lord Perlin."

"Of course, Lady Highbranch. I look forward to catching up more at a later time. Until then."

The two groups exchange their farewells and part, leaving Arlon and a white-faced Sansie standing in the road. Gripping his arm, Sansie leans in with a question. "Cousin. What...what was that?"

The man chuckles, releasing a bit of his own stress as he does so. "Sweet, my dear cousin, is said to be a fine example of a plains gnoll."

"A...a what gnoll?"

"Come, did you think the Hordelands got their reputation based on the kind of gnolls we have here in the Rainlands? The gnolls here are descendants of a group of forest gnoll colonists. As you can see, there are a few...differences with their cousins from the Hordelands."

"I...I think I noticed a few, yes."

"Right, I'm sure. Well, shall we proceed with joining the rest of our party, then?"

"Actually, I'll need to make a quick stop back at the inn. I appear to need new pants."



After a somewhat-delayed start, the Perlin party finally made their way up the mountain and entered Worthy Dungeon for the second time. Taking advantage of the shortcut portal, they skipped ahead right to Floor Four, and spent some time marveling as most Challengers did at the twilight-lit forest. The group climbed their way up to the higher portion of the floor without too much issue, and even the shades they found there weren't too difficult for the party to handle. Taylim's abilities as a Royal Protector afforded him magical barriers with which to defend his lieges, and Sansie's elemental blasts eventually managed to slay each monster while the others kept them distracted.

The party found the bridge key after a bit of searching, but decided to keep at it for a bit longer, just in case they found anything of further interest. Arguably they did, although they weren't entirely sure of the fact, as the nobles stopped and stared for a while.

Raylin speaks up first. "Well, my lords and ladies, I can definitively say that my training as a hunter has allowed me to identify the monster ahead. That...is a rabbit."

Taylim's flat voice offers a dry comment. "Truly, your eyes as a Marksman are a step above, my lord. Have you ever hunted a specimen of this particular mass, however?"

Raylin has to shake his head at that, as the group watches a small clearing up ahead, in which a massive rabbit sits, chewing on some flowers. It would have to be at least five feet long, and four high, or more if you counted the ears. Each member of the party finds their hands twitching towards their weapons, although none of them seem inclined to give the order for an attack. Maid Deylia in particular has questions in mind.

"Are we sure that's a monster? I mean, monstrous in size, certainly. But...you know, is it a monster? It looks...cuddly."

Arlon's eyes narrow. "There's certainly something odd about it. Some sort of secondary boss? I don't see it guarding any treasures, though. Perhaps it's meant to be a source of fur, for gatherer-Challengers?"

Sansie bites her lip. "So do we attack it, or no?"

"I would really recommend you don't, friends. Sir Flopsy here has survived since the earliest days of the dungeon, and it would be a shame to break that streak." As the party suddenly shifts into a combat formation, they look around and eventually locate the source of the voice as being a nearby tree. Peering up into its branches, they spy a man in knight's armor staring back at them. Although his form is still partially hidden, Arlon quickly makes an identification.

"Trush! This is the dungeon's Wandering Boss, very definitely a monster! Do...do you intend to parley before we fight, Wanderer?"

The man seems to take a moment to consider the question. "Well, I'd hate to fight here, with the risk of collateral damage. I'd love to cross blades with a nobleman of the Rainlands, however. Tell you what - leave the poor rabbit alone, and meet me at the bridge, and I'll offer you a proper challenge." He doesn't wait for a response, but instead leaps away, his strong legs carrying him easily into the branches of another tree. He's not the stealthiest figure the adventurers have ever seen, but he is swift, and disappears out of view before long.

Raylin gives a nervous chuckle after the sound of his movement fades away. "Well...let's not piss off the dungeon, shall we? I'm curious about this special challenge..."



It takes the group ten minutes to reach the bridge, maintaining proper caution for ambushes along the way, but eventually they arrive to find Trush standing by the side of the river, his four squires lined up behind him. It feels a bit wrong to approach without attacking, but the lure of a potential bonus reward keeps the party peaceful for the time being. Once they reach a comfortable speaking distance, Arlon greets the Knight once again. "Greetings - you are Trush Sharptongue, yes? I've heard tell of you down in the town."

"I've gone by that name, yes. Forgive me for not knowing my Rainlanders as well, but I believe the insignia on your armor is House...Perlin?"

"Indeed it is. I am Lord Arlon Perlin, son of Count Yorn Perlin. So tell me, what is the nature of the challenge you've offered us?"

The rabbit-man smirks. "Ah, I get a bit tired of the usual ambushes at times, even if they do have the better odds of victory. Been a while since I've had a good one-on-one, so here's the offer. One of you challenges me in single-combat! You win, you get a piece of equipment suited especially for your challenger. Or, alternatively, the winner gets the option of bedding either myself or the squire of their choice."

As the squires in question grin, the nobles seem frozen until eventually Sansie utters a single word. "...What."

"Hrmf, what, not as appealing as I may have thought? Fine, you get to bed us and still get the special equipment."


Raylin raises a hand. "I'll do it!" Said hand is quickly slapped back down by Deylia.

"You'll do what, now!?"

"Ah, I mean...only if I can bring an additional guest, of course."

Deylia's eyes blaze before her cheeks suddenly follow suit. "That wasn't what I...ah. Actually, ah. I suppose that would be...acceptable."

Trush grins widely at the exchange. "I suppose I may be magnanimous enough to grant you that, aye. But a single challenger only for the fight!"

Sighing slightly, Arlon offers one further question. "And what do you get if you win, Shieldbreaker?"

Trush's large teeth become even more apparent. "Why, the challenger's life, of course."


Enjoy, and thanks again for reading!

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