Worthy Core

Chapter 201: Renewal

As the Reeves stand up from their chairs, Emma gives them another warning. "Okay, so heads up, first off. We're going to start by showing you the default Rabbit Champion Patriarch model. We're taking for granted that we're going to be making some changes here...especially in the size department, heh. But Xenia didn't want to start off with her own preferences coloring your impressions."

Parker's not entirely sure what he ought to be expecting, but at this point he finds himself willing to roll with almost any oddity. "I'll keep that in mind. I have heard a comment or two about its, ah...size, yes."

Rather than responding, Emma steps away from the table - and from the glances of Trush and Deylia, Parker gets the impression the dungeon spirit must be stepping forward to do her magic. Indeed, only a few moments later a bright light covers the top of the table. It's not sufficient to hurt his eyesight, but the man does find himself having trouble making out any details of what's going on right in front of him. When it fades away, a fully formed, sleeping, and nude figure is lying before them. The monster is massive indeed, surely over seven feet in height when counting the ears, but more than that, it's bulky. Each of its biceps seems more swollen than both of Parker's put together, which is saying something considering the man's always taken pride in his own physique. Its thighs are even more ridiculous, leading to powerful legs that Parker imagines could probably leap over a small building.

Of course, his eyes eventually land on the monster's bare cock, which even in its soft state is clearly a girthy beast. Trying not to stare, Parker does take a moment to take in the other details of the monster's form - the fur on its arms and legs is white, although the thick hair on its chest is mostly black with just a hint of gray. There's stubble on its strong chin, and just enough signs of age on its face to make it clearly middle-aged. Certainly older than Deylia's youthful form, and possibly even older than Trush, although as he sneaks another look at the Knight, Parker gets the impression Trush may have gotten a bit of de-aging done when he got his own monstrous body.

For her part, Laeniel is far less shy about examining the creature's manhood. "...Well. I see the warnings I received were not misplaced. But I suppose it should be...manageable."

Emma chuckles again as she leans against the side of the table. "For the record, it can go bigger. However, not recommended for mortal use! We can go smaller, too. A little."

Trying to keep the conversation sounding somewhat professional, Deylia speaks up. "There is of course much more to consider here than, ah...physical comfort. Keep in mind that the form you choose here will be your child's father, in a blood sense. We're working on the assumption that the child will inherit the traits of the monster, so...would you prefer for it to match Parker as closely as possible, or would there be other changes you would like to make?"

Parker raises an eyebrow at the question. "Just how closely can you match me? Though I wouldn't mind being a little younger, mind you."

The creature begins to glow and shift form, as Emma explains the limitations at play. "The actual 'monster' traits are non-negotiable, sadly. The fur, ears, the nose, and so on. Also, specifically, the Patriarch has a certain role it's presumably meant to fill in dungeon combat and we can only push that so far. Trush here is a Knight, and to compare the two, we think the Patriarch has more sheer muscle strength, but the Knight seems to have better speed and agility. While BB, our Floor One boss, is a Rogue with even more agility but less punching power. Even if we slim this guy down as much as possible, it's almost certainly going to be a bigger - ah, yeah, there we go."

She gestures at the table as the glowing comes to an end, and Parker and Laeniel lean in for another look. It's shorter now, but still taller than Parker - a few inches over six foot without counting the ears, compared to the Headsman's five-and-a-half. And indeed, the bulky muscles still remain, but do at least seem a little less ridiculous. More than that, the creature now resembles Parker much more closely in a cosmetic sense. Its hair and fur now matches Parker's dark brown, and its skin has the same tan the Challenger picked up over decades of working outdoors. It even has his beard now, although the face still seems a little wrong, even accounting for the odd-looking nose.

"It's definitely much closer now, but I don't believe those are quite my features, there."

Trush nods. "Unfortunately, it seems the dungeon's ability to mimic faces is limited, perhaps intentionally so. The dungeon did unlock a way to copy mortal faces for undead monsters, and the flexibility apparently increases as the monsters tier up, so it seems to be a thing the dungeon needs to acquire over time. However, if you wanted to wait for us to tier up our rabbit-men to try for a closer attempt, you could be waiting for a few months or more."

Laeniel shakes her head. "As much as I love Parker's appearance, I don't think we need a child who looks exactly like him, if it were even possible. It has his hair, and..." The elf leans forward and opens the unconscious figure's closed right eye for a quick look. "It does have the color of his eyes, I see. I don't think I have any particular complaints about this form?" She turns towards her husband, who nods.

"I don't think I want us to go so far as to try and pick out every little detail of our unborn son's future body. As your...Xenia said, we perhaps shouldn't let our own preferences define them. And I certainly don't think they'd have anything to complain about...although I do wonder how this would turn out if it's a daughter..."

Emma smirks widely at that. "There is actually a Matriarch variant we have as well, although we're not using it since we're not trying to get dungeon monsters knocked up - yet, anyhow. Xenia did check one out though, apparently they're also impressively well-endowed, and they've got enough hips for...well, probably enough to manage a whole litter of runts in a go. Still got all the muscle, too."

Laeniel leans in towards her husband with a giggle. "Perhaps we'll need to be careful with how we raise them, or we may end up with far more grandchildren than we were expecting, hehe."

"Considering that until a month or two ago the expected number was 'none', I think I could live with that just fine." Having said that, Parker sighs. "If 'live' is indeed the proper term. Speaking of, if we're agreed on this, are there any other matters we need to address?"

The dungeon's representatives share a few looks with the empty space between them, but eventually Emma shakes her head. "Think that's it for the preliminary business. Xenia's already set up living quarters for you, and we can help you decorate those a bit, but we can handle all that later. Seems like you've passed the background check, the skills test, and the psych exam. So unless you've got more questions on your part...? Or if you need another night or two to sleep on it, that's fine. We've been working on this for a few months now, we can wait a few more days if you're still uncertain."

Parker glances at his wife, but seeing the surety in her eyes, quickly turns back towards the reflection. "I think we've been prepared for a while now, ourselves. And just putting it off another night..." The man shivers slightly, nervous energy running through his body. "I doubt I'd be able to relax or think any more clearly than I have been already. So let's have this done, shall we? But, ah, how exactly shall we..."

Trush chuckles as he runs a hand along his neck, almost subconsciously. "Well, I went for 'decapitation by dungeon avatar', and I can tell you it was quite quick and painless. We've got poisons of course, and I'm sure any variety of messier options. Won't need to worry about how you look for a funeral, regardless. Also..." He nods towards Laeniel. "Will you be wanting witnesses? Your wife, or the Church?"

Laeniel answers for herself. "I want to be here for him, of course. But perhaps we could keep it private? As much as possible? It just feels...I don't know, like an intimate moment, I suppose."

Deylia nods. "Of course. I suppose Emma and Xenia can handle things from here, so...we'll be outside if you need us." With that said the two rabbit-folk make their exit, leaving the couple alone with the enchanted mirror and the invisible dungeon spirit. Emma looks back over to Parker, but the man answers her next question without her needing to ask it.

"Poison, I think. I'm not surprised the Shieldbreaker chose to die in a way approximating combat, and I suppose in other circumstances I could see myself choosing the same. But..." He looks at his wife with a wry grin. "I think I'd rather it if Laeny's last memory of my current self wasn't that of my head rolling across the floor."

"Fair enough, for sure." With a brief glow of light, a cup of tea suddenly makes its appearance on the table in front of the Challenger, steaming and hot. "I can't promise it'll be pleasant, but it should at least be quick."

The man's hand reaches out for the cup, but before it gets there he pauses one more time and moves his hand to his wife's cheek instead. The pair kiss, and it's as if a thousand unsaid words pass between them for a brief minute. When he pulls back though, only four words need to be said. "I love you, Laeny."

"And I you, husband."



Twenty minutes later, Laeniel pulls her cloak more tightly against her chest as the cold mountain air breezes by. She was waiting outside along with the three members of the Church of Bounty, as the dungeon couldn't absorb Parker's remains until the 'party' had made their exit, and so they were standing around rather awkwardly as the dungeon did its literal magic. There had been a few attempts at small talk, but the list of available topics had exhausted itself rather quickly, and so the four mostly just spent their time standing in silence, looking out at the sight of the forest and growing town in the distance.

Eventually though, their private thoughts are interrupted by an announcement from Doorman. "I have been informed that Headsman Parker has been revived into his new form, and has had a few minutes to adjust. Mrs. Reeves, if you'd like to take a step into that new portal ring there on the ground to your left, it will take you right to your husband's new apartment. As for our guests from the Church, you're welcome to return to the inn now if you'd like."

"Well, it's not as if I plan to spend all night standin' around out here." Elance quickly starts to make her way towards the portal rings, but stops to clasp Laeniel's hand on the way. "Best of luck, aye? And remember, just because this part of it all is over now, doesn't mean we're not still here to support you if you need it. After all, with any luck this'll be more of a beginning than an end, eh?"

The elf smiles as she pats the Mother's hand in turn. "Thank you, and I imagine we'll have occasion to talk again soon. But for now...it's time to see what awaits us." The pair break away, and other than a few more quiet words of support from Sable and Lilly, Laeniel is left to return to the dungeon in silence. As she steps into the arcane ring and its magic activates, she's briefly surprised again by the sudden shift in temperature, but she quickly refocuses in order to take in her surroundings. Her eyes need a moment to adjust to the dimmer light of the windowless apartment, but she does quickly recognize that she's inside one, standing at the entrance of a modestly-decorated living room.

And in the center of that room, wearing an outfit not unlike what he wore on his climb up the mountain, is a much taller version of the man she's loved for decades. Parker gives her a slight smile and is about to say something, but the words are stolen away as Laeniel launches herself towards him and wraps him up in a hug. Or as much of one as she's able, given that her arms don't quite get all the way around his new chest. Eventually Parker recovers though, and tries again. "Miss me, love?"

"Terribly." The pair kiss again, and Parker finds himself actually needing to slightly pick up his wife in order for the two to manage the task - a motion his new arms find completely trivial to perform. As he sets her back down, he asks her another question with a more serious look in his eyes.

"So, as for the...purpose of all this, the dungeon master tells me there's no rush. If you want to take some time to adjust to all this..."

He's shushed by a finger placed against his lips, and Laeniel's eyes stare into his own. "Did this new apartment of yours come with a bedroom, husband?"

"Indeed it did."

"...Then why are we not already there?"


Got about 50 positive responses for a discord server across both RR and SH, which seems like enough to give it a shot to me. I still need to actually set up the server though, so check in next week or so. Thanks for all the comments!

Also, smut time next time!


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