Worthy Core

Chapter 202: Fulfilled – Explicit


An M/F scene tonight!

One important plot point for skippers (spoilers!).


Also, it seems I passed 2k readers recently and am now a Famous Author! Thanks to everyone who's been following along! 

Ah, frontpage trending, I'll miss you...


Parker has to laugh at his wife's eagerness. "You really have been looking forward to trying out a more monstrous me, haven't you?"

"Husband." Laeniel narrows her eyes at the now much-taller man. "Let me put it like this. I have been taking fertility potions every day for most of the past week."

"You've mentioned as much, aye. And?"

"What I haven't mentioned is that for the past two days I have been going this close to insane with need. If you don't take me into that bedroom right this moment and fill me with child, I am currently about five minutes away from taking off my pants right here and taking care of myself. And I'd hate to stain your brand new rug."

Parker laughs, a much deeper, roaring sound than it used to be. "I think I might enjoy watching the show - but I can see you've been through enough, so I suppose I won't torture you any further. But please - allow me." Parker gracefully sweeps his wife off her feet, with a light yelp of surprise, and he easily carries the elf down the hall to the bedroom. "The dungeon spirit - Xenia - tells me that she possesses a much more...elaborate bedchamber somewhere on this floor, designed specifically for romantic encounters. But if I'm being honest I don't think I'm much more in control of myself than you, and I think I'd rather save that for a time when we can more, ah...properly enjoy the environment."

Laeniel laughs along. "And you don't think I'll enjoy your more modest bedchamber?"

When the new dungeon guardian grins, his large teeth gleam in the dim light. "I imagine soon I'll have fucked you senseless enough that you won't even know or care where you're being fucked."

It doesn't take long for his large strides to finish the trip down the hall, and with more than a bit of caution concerning his newfound strength Parker lays her down onto the bed. It is perhaps more modest than the one the couple had been sharing at the Church of Bounty for the past few days, and far more modest than Xenia's special VIP suite, but it was still an impressive piece of furniture compared to the one the pair had been using for most of their days together. Laeniel takes a moment to stretch out on the brand new mattress, covered with fur blankets, and stares up at Parker as he stands next to the bed. "I think I like the sound of that. And...my, you really are so large from this angle. It's entirely different from seeing it laid out on a table."

Her husband smirks. "Large, am I? And I haven't even taken my pants off yet."

Laeniel nods. "Show me, please? I know you - we've - dreamed of you feeling complete for so long...I think it's time we gave it a proper inspection, hrmm?"

"I'll be honest, it was all I could do to keep my pants on and not start taking a look at it myself until you arrived. But indeed - let's see what a life can buy us." Rather than immediately move to his pants however, the man starts with his shirt, pulling it off with one smooth motion. That alone is still enough to catch Laeniel's attention, and even Parker needs to take a moment to run a hand across his new pectoral muscles. He'd always been a rather muscular fellow, but what he finds on his new frame is enormously different than what he's used to. "Dear gods, would you look at that. I'm thinking I might never put my shirt back on again."

"I for one would not complain. But I will soon start complaining about the clothes you do still have on if you're thinking about stopping there!" The elf begins to follow her own advice, quickly pulling at her own clothes and tossing them aside, ensuring that there won't be a moment's delay once her husband has finally caught up.

"I swear, you weren't this wild on our vowing night. It almost makes me want to stretch it out a little longer..." The glare the man receives is enough to make him quickly reverse course. "But I suppose I wouldn't want to drive you to violence against my brand new body, now would I? Now, where was I..." Parker then finally pulls off his pants, although it's not quite as fluid a motion as he made with his shirt, given that he needs a few moments to adjust to the new size and shape of his rabbit-like legs. Soon though all garments have been tossed into various corners, and Parker turns back towards the bed for his wife's inspection. Laeniel's eyes go wide as she takes it in, hanging above her as she rests on the bed.

Her hand reaches out, but to Parker's surprise it's not his cock which she begins to fondle, but one of his heavy testicles hanging just behind it. "High heavens. I suppose I didn't notice these so much earlier, but these cannot be normal. I can barely fit one in my hand! It's so...it's so much!"

It takes Parker a moment to answer, as first he needs to stop shuddering at the sensation of her fingers very gently squeezing his new organs. "Oh gods. I never thought...you're right, surely this isn't how the average human man feels. They'd be popping off at the slightest breeze...hrng, ah, you should be cautious, that does remind me of a warning the dungeon spirit gave me."

Laeniel quickly pulls her hand back. "What? A warning!? What sort of fine print was she holding out on us!?"

"Haha, nothing like that, love. Just...apparently these rabbit-folk are known for having something of a hair trigger." His eyes suddenly narrow in suspicion. "Or...did she call it a hare trigger? Eugh...anyhow, the good news is we quite make up for it with stamina and endurance, but the first round is said to be rather quick."

"Mrmm...well, I'd hate to waste even a drop, but I really would like a taste of the thing, now that I can see it all its glory. Do you think you can restrain yourself enough to put it where it needs to go before you let loose?"

Parker sucks in a breath as Laeniel's hand once again begins to stroke him, this time running along his now nearly-erect shaft. "...To be fully honest? No. No, I do not. I mean, I hardly even know how this thing works, but I have a definite feeling it could go off at any moment now, especially with you playing with it like that."

"Well, at least wait for me to get to the proper foreplay first, then. Bring it closer, here." As he shuffles forward Laeniel adjusts her own position on the bed, bringing her head next to the edge of the mattress so that the massive rabbit cock is now hanging directly over her face. And onto it, once she pulls the erection down, with the organ being long enough to easily make contact with her despite Parker's new height. The pair do a little more adjusting until finally Parker's tip is just barely touching her lips, and after a brief kiss she begins to flick her tongue along the underside of his head. At the same time her hands start to stroke him more forcefully, and it really is a two-hand job.

As her tongue continues to work, Laeniel focuses on coverage more than teasing any particular spot, lubricating as much of Parker as she can with her saliva. It's not nearly enough, but as precum begins to bead up at his slit her hands quickly add it to the mix, and it doesn't take too long before her hands are more or less gracefully sliding their way up and down his length. She doesn't get to play with him for very long however before the man groans out. "Ah! I don't think I can hold back any longer - it's cumming, Laeny!"

Laeniel opens her mouth to provide him with a bit of encouragement, but has very bad - or perhaps very good - timing. The first jet of cum, impressively thick all on its own, shoots its way directly into her mouth, with the second following soon after. She shuts her lips in surprise at that but Parker is far from done, and the third rope drenches her chin - and as her hands release their grip on him, each further jet shoots further and further down her body, painting her tits, her stomach, and even reaching her thighs.

The pair are both slightly shocked into silence at the man's performance, neither of them having much experience with anything like this, but eventually Laeniel begins to laugh as she wipes at her face. "Well, at least that part of things seems to be working very well. Perhaps it's good that we had the first round outside, I don't think I could have fit that much inside me in any case - especially with all of that in there as well!"

Smiling, Parker leans down to kiss his wife, but he has a rather evil grin as he stands back up. "No need to fret. I could be wrong, but I'm fairly certain there's much more left where that came from. And I feel fairly certain I could go again right now, just as the spirit said. Are you ready?"

"I am, but you're not! There's a bottle of that special lubricant in my things - slather that thing up or the dungeon's going to be responsible for killing both of us today!" Parker chuckles as he does so, and meanwhile Laeniel turns herself around so that her butt is now just barely hanging off the side of the bed. When Parker returns, his throbbing erection now tinted pink with lube, he takes a moment to slap it against her stomach and see how it matches up.

"Practically to your navel! I...think we'll start you off slow, shall we?"

"For a start...but I really do want to feel as much of you as is physically possible..."

"Then we'll just to see what your limits are then, shall we?" With that Parker finally lines himself up at her entrance, and he's actually slightly surprised as his tip begins to drive its way inside. Whether it's the foreplay, the lube, Laeniel's earlier practice...or possible side effects of all the fertility potions the elf has been taking...her body actually seems to be quite receptive to him despite his size. It's not until he gets two or three inches in that he begins to feel much resistance, and even then it doesn't take all that much longer for her to open up even further. Laeniel doesn't quite wince at some of his movements, but her face does express a twitch or two, and Parker slows down further to confirm he's doing things correctly.

"Is this too much? I'm fine with admitting we may not get it all..."

"It's fine! Wonderful, even...although it is quite a bit, yes. Just...go easy, but don't stop until I tell you, yes?" Parker nods and returns to his rhythm of slowly pulling back and driving in, conquering his wife's body by millimeters when he has to. Although he'd never lost his erection, as he continues he can feel as his balls begin to stir once again, and he takes it as a sign that his own body is once again fully ready for action. From then on it requires even further restraint to not force himself too far, but fortunately the challenge doesn't last too much longer.

Once he has about half a foot of rabbit dick buried into her, still leaving a few inches left to go, Laeniel finally bids him to halt. "Okay, okay, I think that's...probably a good place to hold. I might manage a little more, but I do want you to actually fuck me, not just penetrate me, so let's leave a little margin, hrmm?" She takes a deep breath to steady herself, and then meets her husband's eyes. "Alright. Now...give me your child, husband."

"With pleasure, wife." With that agreement the fucking finally begins in earnest, with Parker pulling out and then thrusting forward hard enough to have his dense balls bounce themselves off of her thighs. It does slow him for a moment as he needs to adjust to the sensation of the impact, but he soon decides it wasn't exactly unpleasant and then repeats the process. For the first few rounds Laeniel remains partially sitting up, supporting herself on her elbows as she leans back and watches her husband work, but after he's slammed into her half a dozen times she begins to feel the strength leave her arms. Falling back onto the bed, she settles for running her hands along her own slick torso, massaging her breasts as they jiggle with every thrust.

Despite any further concerns about the rabbit monsters being quick shots, it's Laeniel who cums first in that position, her cunt clenching hard at the massive intruder filling her nethers. More than just that, her entire body begins to tremble and shudder slightly as the energy of it passes through her, and much of it has its own effect on Parker himself. The man believed he still had some restraint left in him, but as her body massages his, almost begging him to release, he discovers that perhaps he still doesn't know his own body all that well yet. Taking himself by surprise the man fires off his second load of the night, his balls clenching almost painfully, and this time depositing his cum directly where it ought to go - against Laeniel's semen-thirsty cervix.

By time he's finally done Parker feels almost unsteady on his legs, and he needs a moment to clear his head before looking back down at his wife. She's practically glowing, her pale skin is so flushed, and her beauty isn't at all marred by the impressive puddle of white currently dripping its way off the side of the bed from between her legs. Chuckling at it, Parker has to shake his head. "Really not enough room for it all, eh? Yet...gods, these balls must be magical, I still feel like I could go yet again."

"Do it. That was wonderful, but I don't care if we need to repeat it once or a hundred times. I don't want us to stop until we've pushed your new body to the absolute limits."

Parker grins, displaying his wide front teeth. "As always, I'm eager to please...."



In the end, Laeniel had to eat her words and beg for mercy. While some of Xenia's bosses did still need occasional breaks to rest, even if they did recover quite quickly compared to most mortals, it turned out that a B-tier monster designed to breed had a recuperation period that was within the margin of error for how long it took Parker to unleash another load within her. She was quite the trooper though, and by time she finally collapsed into the mattress the pair had gone through at least half a dozen positions and more than twice that number of orgasms for Parker alone, with Laeniel not being so far behind.

The top blanket was of course entirely ruined by the end of things and was tossed aside into one corner, although as the two later dozed it faded away and a new one replaced it, almost tucking them in. Parker stirred a little restlessly during the night, still getting used to the fact that he no longer needed to sleep, but any time he felt like leaving the bed all he needed to do was look back over at his wife, and admire the satisfied smile on her face as she slept. It became extremely hard for him to not shout in joy and leap from the bed when he spotted a card make its appearance on a nearby dresser, but as he didn't want to disturb his wife or spoil the surprise, he managed to content himself with the knowledge that everything had gone according to plan.

Eventually the next morning Laeniel does stir, and as she spots her husband next to her she smiles at him once again. "Now that is a sight I can imagine waking up to more often. Although I'll definitely need a few days to recover, I'm not entirely certain my legs still work."

"Oh? Well, that's a shame, as I'm not sure we'll be able to see what message the dungeon left for us over on the other side of the room there if no one goes to get it."

Laeniel's half-asleep expression is one of confusion for a moment, before his words finally sink in. "A message? A...wait, a message!? You mean a card!? Already? Where?" Unlike Parker, Laeniel has absolutely no restraint as she suddenly shoots off of the bed and quickly finds the card sitting only a few feet away. Unsteady legs or not, within an eyeblink she's standing next to the dresser and examining the message written within. Her face forms a wide smile, but as her eyes begin to water, Parker begins to worry if perhaps something did go wrong.

"Is it...what we were hoping for, Laeny?"

"...Yes, but..." Her words trail off into laughter, and rather than explain, she can only turn the inside of the card so that Parker can read it. "...Perhaps I took a few too many potions?"

With an eyebrow raised, Parker takes a look at what could have been so unexpected. Inside the card is a drawing of three toddlers, with diapers and rabbit ears, along with a single sentence written all in caps.


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