Xian Xian

Chapter 141

Chapter 140: Li Chu

The doors and windows were closed, the curtains were quadrupled, and the dim palace was filled with an ambiguous scent of heather. The gasps of men and women intertwined, accompanied by the squeaking sound of the table, taking a long time to rest.

Li Changle is wearing a large pomegranate dress today. After putting down the skirt, he quickly regained his dignity. Zhang Yanchang packed his belt as soon as he put on his belt. It was obvious that the two had only experienced a spring event just now, but they carried each other on their backs when setting up their clothes, as if they were alienated from strangers.

Li Changle checked his clothes and said unintentionally: “The people petitioned in front of Duanmen yesterday, requesting that King Liliang be the prince, what did the queen say last night?”

Zhang Yanchang slowly fastened his belt, and a sarcastic smile crossed his lips. He knew that when she came to him, she would ask for something.

However, the princess took the initiative to give her arms, and Zhang Yanchang was also happy to enjoy it. Zhang Yanchang said: “The empress watched the booklet late last night and did not call. I don’t know what the empress said?”

Didn’t the queen announce Zhang Yanchang last night? Li Changle frowned and asked, “Then how did she feel when you went to see the queen today?”

“The queen is happy and angry. With my patience, how can I see through what the queen is thinking?” Zhang Yanchang looked at Li Changle with a smile?

Yesterday Wu Yuanxiao wanted to imitate the empress’s accession to the throne, and asked hundreds of people to petition under the city gate, saying that the country must not have a reserve, and asked the empress to make Wu Yuanxiao the crown prince. The queen did not express her position, but she did not refuse either. Li Changle fought with fear all night, and even the male pet didn’t even want to cry. Today, he rushed to the palace as soon as he put on good makeup.

Li Changle didn’t want to be a pathfinder by himself. The empress is unpredictable. If she talks nonsense without thinking about her mood, she might not even know how she died. After entering the palace, Li Changle didn’t go to greet the empress immediately, but instead made a detour to find Zhang Yanchang on the pretext of talking to the female officer.

Want to listen to the news, don’t pay anything? It won’t work. However, Zhang Yanchang was originally a male favorite dedicated to Li Changle, and Li Changle was entangled with him without any psychological burden. What’s more, Zhang Yanchang really lives up to the reputation of being one of the best in the world. Li Changle and Zhang Yanchang are happier than the male favorites with her.

It’s no wonder that the empress’s favor, the two brothers can get to this point, there is always capital.

Don’t have a plan for Li Changle, and Zhang Yanchang is not stupid. Li Changle didn’t want to be a pathfinder by himself, so he pushed Zhang Yanchang to him. Zhang Yanchang sneered in his heart, only accompany her in circles, without mentioning a word.

It’s a bit cold today. Li Changle originally put a cloak on the skirt, but the cloak was placed on the table just now, and now it is completely unusable. The blush on Li Changle’s face did not dissipate, but he did not feel cold: “What do you have in the future? Do you plan?”

Zhang Yanchang was dealing with Li Changle, but she unexpectedly asked about future plans. Zhang Yanchang was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn’t figure out her intentions for a while: “It’s nothing more than to continue living. Princess Guangning asked what this does?”

Li Changle sneered, approached Zhang Yanchang, and drew a circle on his chest with his fingers: “You want to go as you go, but you don’t want to think about how long can your current life and the glory of the Zhang family last?”

Zhang Yanchang’s face sank: “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean, don’t you understand?” Li Changle said, “The queen is pampering you now, but how long will this pampering last? Even if your brothers work together to coax the queen so that no one else can be seen, But after all, the Queen is getting older and always has to walk in front of you. When that happens, who can you rely on?”

Zhang Yanchang’s hand suddenly clenched, he stared at Li Changle and sneered: “As a daughter, you curse your mother like this?”

“Everyone is mortal. It’s a fact.” Li Changle didn’t care. She glanced at the cloak on the table with disgust, clumped into a ball, and said, “If you are willing to speak for the crown prince, wait for the crown prince to become emperor in the future. Naturally, your benefits are indispensable. Otherwise, when the next emperor is enthroned, you will wait to be liquidated.”

Zhang Yanchang clenched his fists tightly. He is now in a state of fire. Whether Wang Sun nobles or civil and military officials, they nodded and bowed when they saw him, carefully to please. Zhang Yanchang enjoys this kind of scenery, but after the dead of night every day, Zhang Yanchang can’t help asking himself, how long can this kind of days last?

He also considered his own way out. He had never thought of becoming an official, and knew that he couldn’t be touted by everyone all the time. He just wanted to take a large sum of money and go out to spend the rest of his life with his brother. But now it seems that I am afraid that even this wish cannot be realized.

The Zhang family has accumulated so much money, their brothers have become so in the limelight, they want to retire, but other people tell them not to retire?

Li Changle saw Zhang Yanchang’s face changing, he laughed, and raised his hand to look at his nails: “Rokuro, have you thought about it?”

Zhang Yanchang returned to his senses with a sweet smile on his face. Everyone walks on the strings, who is more expensive than whom? Now it is Li Changle who asks for him. Why is Li Changle? A lofty and supreme benevolent appearance? Zhang Yanchang grabbed Li Changle’s hand and circling ambiguously behind her wrist. He knew that this was a sensitive position of Li Changle: “The queen wants to make the king of Liang the crown prince. This is a good thing. Princess Guangning is the daughter-in-law of the Wu family. Don’t think about it for the uncle?”

Li Changle’s face darkened, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but Zhang Yanchang was a man after all, and Li Changle tried several times, but she didn’t even take it out. Li Changle sneered, and in the same way, approached unwillingly, and put his mouth close to Zhang Yanchang, and said, “How many people are there around King Liang? It’s not necessary for you to support King Liang? That’s the icing on the cake. I would think that you want to please King Liang, and your friendship will not remember you too much. But if you support Li Huai, it will be giving charity in the snow, and you will definitely not be able to treat you badly if your brother recovers in the future.”

After Li Changle finished speaking, he gently pushed his chest and turned away: “The queen won’t live long? You have to think about your brother later. I’ll go first, and you will come out later.”

After that, Li Changle held the crumpled cloak and opened the door and walked out. The wind outside came oncoming, Li Changle only wore a single undergarment. His body was a bit cold, but there were traces and smells on the cloak, so he must not wear it.

However, Li Changle is a princess, these things are nothing to her. After waiting for a meeting with his maid, Li Changle threw the cloak to the maid to deal with. As for the new clothes, someone thought for her.

A person stood at the exit of the corridor, and the other person was standing in the cold wind, seeming to have been waiting for a long time. He was surprised to see Li Changle coming out.

Li Changle didn’t care, and even smiled coquettishly at Zhang Yanzhi?: “Goro, it’s windy today, why don’t you have a lot of clothes? Come out with a few clothes? If you catch a cold, I should feel distressed.”

Zhang Yanzhi gave in and lowered his eyes not to look at Li Changle: “Princess Xie Guangning cares, but Weichen dare not be a princess.”

Zhang Yanzhi didn’t speak up, and Li Changle felt a little boring. She heard that Zhang Yanzhi was stronger than Zhang Yanchang, and she wanted to try it, but unfortunately, he didn’t know how to praise him very much.

Li Changle has no shortage of men, she expected? Zhang Yanzhi didn’t dare to say, just smiled casually? Then she left. Zhang Yanzhi lowered his head and sent Li Changle away. After Li Changle left, Zhang Yanzhi became cold and strode into the side hall.

Zhang Yanchang is crazy! Zhang Yanzhi knew that Zhang Yanchang was in trouble, but he didn’t expect Zhang Yanchang to be so courageous. Today he waited for a long time, but Zhang Yanchang was never seen. Zhang Yanzhi knew his younger brother the most. He instinctively felt that something was wrong, and immediately went out to look for it. Sure enough, he found that Zhang Yanchang had an affair with a woman in a partial hall. Zhang Yanzhi’s anger was not light, but he had to hide it from his younger brother. He could only use an excuse to move away from the people around him, and stand outside to protect them.

Zhang Yanzhi originally thought it was a certain female official or court lady, but he never expected it to be Li Changle.

It seems that Li Changle doesn’t care about it, it’s not like it’s only this time, it’s likely that it will continue next. Zhang Yanzhi was so angry that he died, so he hurried back to beat Zhang Yanchang.

Zhang Yanchang and the female officials were not clear before, and often said ambiguous things behind their backs, but at least they did not break through that line. Zhang Yanzhi originally thought that Zhang Yanchang knew the importance, but he did not expect that he would mess around with Princess Guangning in the side hall in broad daylight.

This is an ordinary palace, although remote, it is not that no one comes. In case it was discovered… Zhang Yanzhi couldn’t imagine it.

Those who are emperors all have a desire to monopolize their own things. As a person who has climbed from Zhaoyi to empress and then becomes emperor, the desire to control will only be stronger. Zhang Yanzhi and Zhang Yanchang are the most beautiful jewels on the Queen’s scepter. Can the Queen tolerate Zhang Yanchang and other women messing around?

Not to mention that the man is the queen’s youngest daughter.

Zhang Yanzhi was angry? He rushed in and smelled the dampness inside. Zhang Yanzhi frowned, stood patiently at the door, turned around and closed the door.

After closing the door, Zhang Yanzhi immediately calmed down and scolded: “Zhang Yanchang, what are you doing?”

Zhang Yanchang poured himself a glass of water carelessly. No one came here for a long time, and the water was cold: “It was her who took the initiative to give her a hug. I just played around by the way.”

“Do you know who she is?” Zhang Yanzhi lowered his voice and said angrily, “If I hadn’t cleared people away, do you think you could lie to outsiders? She is the queen’s daughter, and the queen will not kill her anyway, but And you?”

Zhang Yanchang still doesn’t take it seriously: “It’s not that there is no accident, why panic?”

“Absurd.” Zhang Yanzhi looked at him coldly, “Rokuro, you are fascinated by the prosperity. You no longer know who you are.”

Zhang Yanchang squeezed the cup. After a while, he dropped the cup with a sneer and stood up and said, “I am absurd, but I am at least working hard for the future of the Zhang family. Brother Five, do you remember your last name?”

Zhang Yanzhi twisted his eyebrows vigorously: “What did she say to you?”

Although Zhang Yanzhi is a favorite of men, he is not bad at learning after reading many books. He has more brains than Zhang Yanchang who is bluffing.

Zhang Yanchang is not a person who is prepared for a rainy day. When he suddenly mentioned the Zhang family, it must be what Princess Guangning said to him.

Zhang Yanchang knew that he couldn’t hide it from his elder brother, so he simply said: “She asked us to speak for the crown prince.”

Zhang Yanzhi only needs to think about it to understand: “Because of the petition of King Liang yesterday?”

Zhang Yanchang nodded. Zhang Yanzhi was angry just now? The younger brother didn’t know the severity, and now he calmed down. He quickly thought about it, and said: “Don’t mix these, the queen is unfathomable, so many mistakes. Are you willing to listen to others talking about Prince Li? We can control neither Liwu nor Li Li. Princess Sheng Yuan is so pampered and never talks about things related to Prince Li. What do we intervene in?”

As soon as she heard Princess Sheng Yuan, Zhang Yanchang sneered: “My brother only thinks about her, but we are not the same as your sweetheart. She is a princess, and in the end, no matter who is in charge, we will not treat her openly. But we Different? We don’t plan for ourselves anymore, let alone keep our glory and wealth in the future, even leaving the court alive is an extravagant hope.”

I don’t know where Zhang Yanzhi was hit by this sentence. He suddenly lowered his eyes and didn’t speak for a long time. Upon seeing this, Zhang Yanchang was surprised and asked: “What’s wrong? What did you dream of in the palace? Why? You have been in a trance and restless since your return?”

Zhang Yanzhi didn’t answer, but just said: “It’s just a nightmare. In addition to Prince Li, what else did she tell you?”

Zhang Yanchang doesn’t believe what Zhang Yanzhi did not dream of? But Zhang Yanzhi can’t do anything if Zhang Yanzhi doesn’t say it. He spread his hands and said: “There is nothing else. The rest is nothing but the crown prince with no one else. If we help him out, we will not treat us badly in the future.”

Zhang Yanzhi was silent. Although Li Changle’s words were selfish, they were not without reason. Wu Yuanxiao and Wu Yuanqing were surrounded by many fans. Their help might not be good, but it seemed to take the initiative to seek refuge. But if they speak for Li Huai, it would be a life-saving grace.

Moreover, I heard from the palace people that Li Huai was gentle and cowardly, nothing? My opinion. If Wu Yuanxiao ascends to the throne in the future, he will probably kill their brothers to buy people’s hearts, but if it is Li Huai, he will be soft-hearted and save their lives. What’s more, they had very bad reviews in the courtroom, and speaking to King Liang was simply adding fuel to the fire. If they turned to help Li Huai, maybe? They would impress those old-fashioned officials, and they would be able to retain their personal face when they withdraw in the future. .

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Huai is Li Chaoge’s younger brother. The upper position of the Wu family is very dangerous to her, and the Li family is her real safe haven.

Zhang Yanzhi made up his mind and said to Zhang Yanchang: “Princess Guangning is probably already on the Queen’s side. Let’s wait for a while. After you go, you can just talk about eating, drinking and having fun, and ignore politics. The more arrogant and ignorant you are, the better. After that, I will think of a way?”

Zhang Yanchang trusted her brother unconditionally and nodded immediately: “Okay.”

Zhang Yanzhi was right. When the two of them went to Daye Hall, Li Changle was playing chess around the empress. She is a little girl, she is obviously married, she is still like a child sitting next to the empress, and she even plays backgammon with no rules.

When Li Changle heard the two brothers coming, he glanced at the corner of his eyes, then turned to look at his chess, seemingly unconcerned. Zhang Yanchang’s eyes fell on Li Changle’s red pomegranate dress. He just opened the skirt and galloped with Li Changle’s legs. Now she coldly retracted her gaze, avoiding suspicion as if she didn’t know him. Oh, this is the “innocent and innocent” little princess that the queen loves the most.

The queen saw the two brothers and asked them to sit down very easily. Zhang Yanchang looked arrogant and domineering, and sat down and asked, “Holy Lord seems to be in a bad spirit. Didn’t you sleep last night?”

The queen sighed slightly and said, “I dreamed of a game of chess last night, and I couldn’t solve it all night after thinking about it. Today, I called the old man to solve the chess. The old man said that this is a warning to me through the game of the heavens. Childless’.”

There was a moment of silence in the palace, and then Li Changle seemed to say unintentionally: “The old man said that it is strange, how can a mother have children and daughters, how can she be’childless’.”

“A country has no prince, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is childless.” The queen said, “I am old after all, and I should think about the prince.”

The queen is not an exaggeration, this problem has indeed troubled her for a long time. The minister wanted her to make Li Huai the prince, and the Wu family wanted her to make her nephew the prince, but the queen herself swayed from side to side. It was too long to make up her mind.

According to the tradition of the emperors of the past dynasties, if you have a son, you must have your own son, but the empress is not the same as the emperor in history. She was usurped and proclaimed emperor by the queen, her son is not only her own son, but also a legacy of the previous dynasty. If the son is established as the heir, after her death, Li Huai will definitely change her country name and calendar back to Tang. Even if the queen now forces Li Huai to change her surname to Wu, she will definitely change back to Li after Li Huai becomes the throne. Could the Wu Zhou dynasty, which the Empress established with great pains, be cut in just one generation?

The queen is not reconciled. She has spent so many years dormant, planning, and proclaiming the emperor. Who wants to see the foundation that she has worked so hard to build destroyed? If Wu Yuanxiao is established as the prince, the Wu Zhou dynasty can continue to be passed on, and she will be revered as the founding emperor by later generations. But to do so is contrary to the nature of the flesh and blood.

Lizi or nephew? The queen was caught in a strange circle, and a person like her was unable to make a choice for a long time this time.

Li Changle looked at Zhang Yanchang, but Zhang Yanchang smiled heartlessly, like a candy wrapped in poison. Li Changle gritted his teeth secretly, and said softly: “Mother is prosperous in the spring and autumn, so we don’t have to say these frustrating words. The crown prince is the foundation of a country, and of course we must establish a person with the same heart as her mother.”

Li Changle’s words are very vague, who is in the same mind as the queen? Li Changle seemed to just mention it casually, and then began to complain about her mother-in-law. Wu Meng is the daughter of King Liang and King Wei. She does not have the life of the Queen Mother, but she has the Queen Mother’s money. She is dissatisfied with Li Changle’s indiscriminate style, and she has to stab her every time she meets.

The queen knew very well what her sister-in-law was? Virtue. The queen’s father died early. When the Wu Meng clan was in charge, he treated the four of their mother and daughter harshly. The empress hated Wu Hong and Wu Meng’s couple. She thought that if she passed the throne to Wu Yuanxiao, Wu Meng would be taken into the palace and raised as the queen mother. The queen thinks of this, can’t help but get angry?.

Li Changle thought these tricks were insignificant, but in the eyes of the queen, they were really superficial. The empress was silent, but Zhang Yanzhi saw it and said calmly: “The new year is coming, and the minister wants to ask the empress for grace and go out of the palace to worship the ancestors.”

The empress was very tolerant to Er Zhang, and she gave her permission without even thinking about it. Zhang Yanzhi then said: “The ministers and parents left early. No one wanted to support our brothers back then. Thanks to our aunt who took us over, we could grow up safely. Unfortunately, my aunt met with unfair treatment and died early. Jade is dead.”

Upon hearing this, the queen asked: “Then you are going out of the palace this time, do you want to pay homage to your aunt?”

Zhang Yanzhi shook his head: “In the Zhang family’s family temple, offering sacrifices to the parents and the mother-in-law, is there any reason to sacrifice to the aunt? Naturally, the aunt’s incense should be enshrined by her own son.”

The queen fell silent when she heard that, but Zhang Yanzhi didn’t have much? She said, and stopped. Li Changle was stunned for a while before realizing that Zhang Yanzhi was talking about the empress’s incense.

Yes, whose nephew would burn incense for his aunt? Even with the great kindness, there is no reason to move the aunt’s spiritual card to his own home. Elderly people value incense offerings very much. If no one burns incense for her after death, then she will not have enough to eat and wear, and she will be a beggar.

If the queen wants to be strong for a lifetime, how can she tolerate begging after her death.

The queen thinks about it, so she dismissed Liwu Yuanxiao’s idea of becoming the prince, and said: “The New Year is almost coming, the people are reunited with their families, and it’s not good for the crown prince to be alone. He is most afraid of the cold, deep palace damp, I’m afraid he lives. Uncomfortable. Pack the East Palace and let him move out for a warm winter.”

When Li Changle heard that Li Huai was about to move to the East Palace, his eyes brightened. She resisted the excitement and asked: “The East Palace is the residence of the crown prince. The third brother moved to the East Palace for fear that the name would be unfair.”

Li Changle wanted to take the opportunity to let the empress make Li Huai the prince. The empress didn’t know if she heard it, she just said, “When he was King Zhao, he often went to the East Palace to play, but he didn’t care about it. The Zhao Palace was too far away from the palace, and I couldn’t bear to let him live like that. Far away, let him and the princess stay in the East Palace.”

Looking at the empress’s tone, although Li Huai was allowed to move out, but he was restored to the title of King Zhao, this time even the crown prince was not. Li Changle was very unwilling, but it was not easy to get Li Huai out. The empress still kept Li Huai from leaving the palace, but living in the East Palace, she could more or less communicate with the outside world.

Li Changle can only be patient and persuade himself to take it step by step.

Li Changle knew that he would accept it as soon as he saw it, and did not dare to mention Li Huai’s related matters. At this time, the game of chess was over, and Li Changle gave way to Zhang Yanchang.

Zhang Yanchang was not welcome, and directly sat next to Li Changle. Zhang Yanzhi saw the two squeezed together, his palms were squeezed with sweat.

He was particularly afraid of Zhang Yanchang and Li Changle messing around under the queen’s eyelids, so that the queen could see the clues, but the two of them seemed to enjoy the excitement, always playing the side ball.

Zhang Yanchang went to Shuanglu noisily, and he lost again, pouting that he was boring. The queen smiled connively, and said: “I remember your cousin moved to a new home today. Since you are boring, then go for a walk.”

Zhang Yanchang heard that he could go out of the palace, so he was happy. Zhang Yanzhi seemed to hesitate. Upon seeing this, the empress said, “There is no shortage of people around me. It is rare for your cousins to move to a new house. You go out to see the new house and come back when you have enough fun.”

Zhang Yanzhi had to respond. When Li Changle heard it, he also clamored for the empress to give her a reward. Daye Hall was warm and fragrant, laughing and chatting. Not far away, the town demon chief’s office was cold and orderly.

Sitting in the east hall, Li Chaoge calmly burned the note on the palm of his hand.

The empress actually agreed to release Li Huai, and the two brothers were somewhat capable. Li Changle has been stupid for half his life, and now he is finally better off.

I just don’t know if the piebald snake she raised will swallow her in turn.

Li Chaoge didn’t know it, and continued to deal with the official affairs of the Town Demon Division. When the time came to go to the office, Li Chaoge went to the east hall to get information. Bai Qianhe was sitting in the east hall and ready to go. When he saw Li Chaoge coming in, he was nervous.

Li Chaoge glanced at the table in front of Bai Qianhe, which was cleaner than his face, and didn’t bother to care about him. Bai Qianhe smiled? He asked kindly: “Commander, are you looking for the dossier yourself?”

“Why, do you want to help me?”

Bai Qianhe quickly shut up. He waited for a while, then carefully changed the subject: “Today Zhang’s House is hosting a housewarming banquet, do you want to go to the commander?”

Li Chaoge didn’t even think about it: “Don’t go.”

Bai Qianhe sighed: “The Zhang family is amazing now. It is the upstart in Luoyang. The kings and suns and nobles are rushing to go to their place. We are the ones who can’t receive the invitation, the commander, you and Gu Siqing won’t go either?”

Li Chaoge exhaled, then turned around and asked, “Are you too idle?”

“No, no, the command made you too polite.” Bai Qianhe shook his head vigorously. He suddenly lowered his voice and approached mysteriously. The exchanges are very close. These people can talk very well. If they are in a group, how can you coax the queen? Commander, what don’t you do?”

Li Chaoge glanced at him quietly: “What do you mean?”

Bai Qianhe blinked secretly: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, they can give a male pet, so can command you.”

Li Chaoge rolled his eyes, his disdain was obvious. Although Bai Qianhe was joking, he really wanted to persuade Li Chaoge to have another player.

The relationship between Li Chaoge and Lai Junchen is not very good. She doesn’t like Wang Wei and Wang Liang, and she doesn’t say anything about Er Zhang. Since ancient times, Ning has offended the gentleman and not the villain. Even if the queen relied heavily on Li Chaoge, she would not be able to withstand the erosion of her sleep over time.

Everyone knows the truth, but the one who does the real thing is the one who can’t fight and can’t speak. This is the truth, no one can do anything about it.

Bai Qianhe traveled south and north, and had experienced a lot? Humans are so worldly, different from those dumbfounded. He had a vague premonition about Li Chaoge’s current situation, but he also knew that if Li Chaoge catered to the villain, jumped up and down, and offered favor to the queen, then she would not be Li Chaoge.

Li Chaoge found the dossier and said to Bai Qianhe indifferently, “I know it in my heart. You can be lazy for two days less stealing, it’s more useful than anything else?”

Bai Qianhe stopped talking, and resumed his joking appearance. At this time someone walked by outside the door, and Li Chaoge stopped and asked, “What are you going to do?”

The government officer gestured to the scroll in his hand and said: “This is the file requested by Dali Temple. The minister will send it to Gu Siqing.”

When Li Chaoge heard it, he stretched out his hand and said, “Give it to me.”

The yavier hesitated, Bai Qianhe saw it and patted the back of his head vigorously: “Do you have any eyesight? Do you know if the commander and Gu Shaoqing are on the way?”

Everyone knows the relationship between Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke, but she is still a little embarrassed when she is ridiculed in person. Li Chaoge glared at Bai Qianhe vigorously: “Shut up. Go and copy yesterday’s case report. If you can’t finish copying, you are not allowed to leave the office.”

Bai Qianhe’s eyes widened, and he would be off work if he had another stick of incense. Is Li Chaoge at this time? Is it still a person to arrange things for him?

Li Chaoge didn’t care whether Bai Qianhe wanted it or not. She took the scroll and went to the next door to find Gu Mingke.

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