Xian Xian

Chapter 142

Chapter 141: Housewarming

Li Chaoge took things with him, and went to Dali Temple by car. People at Dali Temple met Li Chaoge, and didn’t even ask, they said directly?: “Gu Siqing is reading the dossier in the main hall.”

Li Chaoge nodded, she was a little embarrassed to find that many people around her were watching her. She shook the scroll in her hand and said, “I’m here to send information to Gu Siqing.”

The people around nodded, with an expression that we all understand. Li Chaoge was depressed, she? Really came to Gu Mingke for business, what kind of eyes are they? God?

Li Chaoge bit the bullet and walked towards the main hall, without telling her, she was familiar with the door and pushed the door by herself. Gu Mingke was looking at something inside? He looked up when he heard the voice. Seeing that it was her?, he slowly closed the scroll in his hand: “You are here.”

Seeing his movements, Li Chaoge narrowed his eyes and approached quietly: “I heard someone say that you want a volume of records, I brought it to you.”

She said, suddenly stretched out her hand to grab the painting in Gu Mingke’s hand. Gu Mingke gently raised his hand and withdrew away as if he had already prepared: “Don’t make trouble.”

Li Chaoge rushed for a moment, becoming more and more convinced that he was hiding something from her. Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, “What are you looking at, why do you put it away when you see me?”

“Nothing.” Gu Mingke’s ink eyes were like a lake, looking at her calmly. “It’s just a map?”

Who are you lie to? Li Chaoge stood on tiptoe to grab, Gu Mingke blocked her hand and gently pressed to the side. Li Chao, the singer’s wrist flipped suddenly, holding Gu Mingke’s arm, and the whole person rushed directly on Gu Mingke.

Gu Mingke had never experienced this kind of play, and was afraid of falling to her. Li Chaoge hung himself on Gu Mingke’s body, with one arm hugging his shoulder, and the other arm stretched out, exerting enough force to reach the picture scroll.

Gu Mingke was helpless, and was quickly pulled away by her. Li Chaoge grabbed the picture scroll and immediately jumped away from Gu Mingke. She opened the scroll and found that it was really a picture of mountains and rivers.

Li Chaoge snorted disgustedly: “I thought Gu Siqing secretly saw which beauty, it turned out that it was really a map?”

“It’s all right? It’s okay, you don’t believe it.” Gu Mingke pulled the sleeves that had been messed up by her, and asked, “Where did you learn this trick?”

Li Chaoge was full of eyes? All on the map? She? He heard Gu Mingke say something, she froze for a moment, and then casually said: “Does this still need to be learned? It will be natural to deal with you? You see. You see. What does the map do?”

Not only the map, Li Chaoge looked around and found that there were geographies piled on the bookshelf, and on the desk there was a note that he had half-read. These places span across the country, and even if Gu Mingke is investigating the geography of the case, he does not need to pay attention to such a vast territory.

What does he look at?

Gu Mingke said lightly: “Just take a look.”

Li Chaoge didn’t believe it, Gu Mingke would never do things? No purpose. But Gu Mingke didn’t say anything, and Li Chaoge didn’t ask, she believed that when the time came, he would tell her.

After Li Chaoge delivered the things, the drums in the lower office rang. Li Chaoge asked: “Are you going home?”

Gu Mingke nodded, put away the unfinished book, and said: “Okay, the rest will go home and read. But I’m going to the book fair, and there is one volume missing from the commentary in Dali Temple.”

Li Chaoge has no objection, anyway, after get off work, she? There is nothing to do, so it won’t be a problem to drop by to the book market. Li Chaoge said: “There are so many people now, wait a little longer, wait a while? The road? It’s quiet before going.”

The sun went down west, the drums were violent, and many officials bid farewell to each other and walked outside the imperial city together. From a distance, it looked like a crimson torrent.

Li Chaoge sat in Gu Mingke’s palace and waited, thinking that the people outside were almost gone before Gu Mingke went out together. Gu Mingke fell behind and locked the door, while Li Chaoge stood behind the wall and waited. The people outside may think that there is no one, and whispered: “Have you heard? Did you hear that the Queen regained the title of King Zhao and asked King Zhao Zhao to move to the East Palace.”

Another person was surprised when he heard: “Since the crown prince was changed to the title of King Zhao, why should the crown prince move to the East Palace?”

The other side didn’t say anything. Obviously, none of them knew what the queen thought.

The news spread quickly when they were leaving the office, and the movement of the deep palace spread quickly outside. The female emperor never did useless things. Wu Yuanxiao asked the people to petition to make him the prince. The female emperor changed hands and let Li Huai move into the East Palace. But the emperor asked Li Huai to live in the East Palace, but she did not give her status. Instead, she regained the title of Li Huai Zhao. This confuses the courtiers, Baiguan, what does the emperor mean?

They all say that the emperor’s heart is unpredictable, and their empress’s mind is especially unpredictable.

The person who spoke first suddenly lowered his voice and said, “Do you know that the queen agreed to move King Zhao out because she listened to the persuasion of Zhang Yanzhi’s brother?”

“What?” The other person was so surprised, he didn’t even control his voice. “Their brother can actually decide the prince’s candidate?”

“Yes.” The other party sighed, and said with emotion, “The Zhang family brothers are so spoiled, in the future, no one dares? They did it against each other.”

Li Chaoge stood behind the wall and didn’t move. They didn’t know there was someone behind, so they said something to themselves. Gu Mingke locked the door and walked towards this place. Hearing the movement, the other party hurriedly left.

Gu Mingke came over, glanced backwards?, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Li Chaoge shook his head: “Nothing. Go to the book market first.”

All commerce in Luoyang is concentrated in the northern city of Nanshi, where outsiders come and go, and there are so many businessmen in Nanshi, which is one of the most prosperous areas in Luoyang. Li Chaoge? Gu Mingke went to the largest bookstore in Nanshi. The book Gu Mingke wanted was very rare. The owner of the bookstore paused after hearing it and said: “This book is a bit off. I remember where I read it before, but I’m not sure about it. No. I’m sorry, Mrs. Langjun will wait here for a while. If you are younger, go to the warehouse to find it.”

Gu Mingke had no comments, and nodded in response. Anyway, I had to wait. Seeing that the book stand outside was all colorful, Li Chaoge walked outside to read the book.

Li Chaoge flipped through a few books and couldn’t stop laughing. Gu Mingke followed slowly and asked, “What are you looking at?”

Li Chaoge focused on the illustrations inside, and ignored Gu Mingke. Gu Mingke is on the book stand? A rough sweep, the daughter and the poor scholar, the glamorous vixen and the little book boy who shelters from the rain, and the love between people and ghosts… Gu Mingke helplessly asked: “Do you like to watch these?”

Li Chaoge casually? Perfunctorily: “I’ll pass the time.”

When the stall owner saw that there was a customer, he immediately sold the product: “Miss, you came to our house and you found the right place. We have the most complete list of words here. Recently, we have just arrived in batches of new products. It is about a scholar’s personal experience. Story. Lady, take a look?”

Li Chaoge nodded: “Bring it.”

Most of the people who came to the bookstore were officials and literati. The stallholders were accustomed to receiving guests in official uniforms when they drove the traffic in front of the bookstore. The stall owner didn’t care about the clothes on these two people, and enthusiastically handed a book of quotations to Li Chaoge, and said mysteriously, “Madam, don’t worry, this book is guaranteed to be the latest one, Dongdu Lida Ladies and little girls like it all.”

Li Chaoge opened it curiously, and Gu Mingke could see the pages of the book as soon as he looked down. He patiently read two pages, and after seeing the scholar-girl-ghost in it, he fell in love at first sight and was about to take off his clothes at third sight, then silently opened his eyes.

He knows that the folk customs of the Tang Dynasty are open, and the times of different countries are different. But this is too open, right?

In particular, Gu Mingke discovered that Li Chaoge was looking at places with pictures. The illustrations in such books could never be landscape paintings. He watched Li Chaoge’s more and more vigorous posture, and couldn’t help but said: “Can this kind of book be openly sold on the street?”

The stall owner was enthusiastic about sales. Hearing Gu Mingke’s words, he couldn’t help but glance at Gu Mingke. The stall owner complained in his heart, this Langjun looked handsome, and said? How could he be so distracted by his words. It’s okay not to look at it. At this look, the stall owner found that Gu Mingke’s clothes were a bit familiar.

This seems to be… the official uniform of Dali Temple.

The stall owner is clever and sober. The common people may not be able to distinguish Zhongshu from the sect. They may not know Shangshu and Shi Lang, but they must know Dali Temple. The highest body of the Department of Three Laws is in charge of various criminal cases both inside and outside the capital. He is pulling a tiger’s tail and calling for help-death.

The stall owner was so scared that he stood upright, and immediately stopped doing business, so he pulled up the stall and ran away. Li Chaoge was hit, and the book in his hand fell on the stall? He ran away with the stall owner.

Li Chaoge clapped his hands regretfully: “I haven’t finished it yet.”

“Look at these things less?” Gu Mingke said seriously, “It’s all mere mortals’ conjecture. It is the right thing to persuade the other person to reincarnate early when encountering a ghost. Yin and Yang have different paths. People and ghosts together will only harm others and themselves.”

“I know.” Li Chaoge glared back, “I didn’t marry again? Ghost, what are you scolding me for?”

Gu Mingke was choked and had nothing to say. At this time, the owner of the bookstore came out and said? I found the book, but there are several editions. I don’t know which one Gu Mingke wants. Gu Mingke went in and picked up a book with the owner of the bookstore, and Li Chaoge was too lazy to leave, so he stood outside waiting for him.

There was a noise at the gate of Nanshi, which seemed very lively. On the street, the people stretched their necks to look, Li Chaoge casually glanced at it, and when he found out which family member was traveling, he took his eyes back as usual.

Li Chaoge is used to seeing all kinds of pomp, but the people on both sides are different. A group of people gathered together and whispered: “Who is outside?”

“It seems that Zhang’s family is traveling. The show is so big that all the streets have been emptied.”

“Zhang Family?” It was a somewhat fat woman who was talking about it. She sipped it and cursed, “I can’t die. I don’t look at the virtues of my family, or what to pretend.”

“Sister-in-law Zhao, they occupy your family’s ancestral house, and the money will be given? Are you guys?”

“Why. Our family lived in a house of three generations. They said that it was occupied. My mother-in-law went to Jingzhao Mansion to complain. When the yamen heard that it was Zhang’s family, she said, “Don’t let us talk?” and directly blasted us away. “I heard that Zhang’s family is going to build a new house again. This time, they have taken a fancy to the land of Luobinfang, and they are now forcing the people of Luobinfang to sign and draw.”

“Where does their family get so much money?”

“Where did it come from? Didn’t it come from our common people? Searched it!” Sister Zhao cursed, “My aunt’s house has a hundred acres of fertile land outside the city. The whole family just pointed to this for dinner, but Zhang’s family took a fancy to it. I made money there and robbed it. The Zhang family said it was nice, saying that it was the Queen’s will to build a villager in the outskirts of Beijing to welcome the Yujia. If my aunt’s family doesn’t give it, it’s disrespectful. Tianyan, intent to conspiracy. What was the investigation of the conspiracy case last year? How dare we ordinary people be involved in these crimes and can only resell them with hatred. Good? Good paddy fields, guess how much money they gave?”

“How many?”

“One mu is worth five pennies!”

“What?” Everyone was shocked. There were almost fifty guanans per acre of dry land, and the Zhang family only gave them five talons. What’s the difference between grabbing them?

“Not only my aunt’s house, but the farmland in their neighborhood was robbed by the Zhang family. An old woman was not convinced, went to the Zheng family to defend her grievances, was pushed down by the dog leg of the Zhang family, broke her leg on the spot, and died within a few days. In this way, the village officials didn’t dare to let go, and even came to talk for Zhang’s family, and gave them three hundred tongs to move them away.”

Taking money from someone is like killing a parent, Zhao said that she gritted her teeth with anger when she started Zhang’s family, and she didn’t care if it was outside. She dared to scold the queen’s new favorite when she opened her mouth.

This group of people gathered on the other side and said, “Li Chaoge’s ears are so good that I heard them all.” She sighed secretly in her heart, the two brothers were pampered, no matter where she went, she would be arrogant and arrogant. The rest of the Zhang family followed the chickens and dogs to the sky. During this period of time, they have arbitrarily collected money, annexed land, searched for people’s fat, and even dared to collect filial money from foreign officials. Everyone can only see two scenery, but they don’t know how many people are under their feet.

When Gu Mingke came out of the bookstore, he saw Li Chaoge standing in a daze, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Li Chaoge shook his head and said, “It’s nothing. Have you taken it?”

“Yeah.” Gu Mingke said, “Let’s go, go back to the house.”

Li Chaoge? Gu Mingke went out from Nanshi, just when the team outside passed by. Zhang Yanzhi was riding on the horse, and Yu Guang faintly swept his back. He was startled, and immediately turned his head in surprise.

In front of him was his dreamy and obsessed woman, but soon, she followed the other man.

They were holding things in their hands and talking while walking. The two did not bring attendants, just like an ordinary couple. After they go shopping at the market, they will go home together.

Plain, ordinary, not romantic at all, but extremely real.

Seeing that Zhang Yanzhi turned around, people around them gathered around to please: “Goro, what do you like, the small one? Buy it for you.”

Zhang Yanzhi stared at the figure from behind for a long time, and slowly shook his head: “It’s nothing, I was wrong.”

The two brothers’ cousins moved and celebrated. Later, because of the presence of Zhang Yanzhi and Zhang Yanchang, many people rushed to hear the wind, the lights were dazzling, and the whole night was upset. This was originally an uncommon thing. Some people in the East are frustrated and there are beautiful people. Every year, there are new favorites who spend a lot of money. The two brothers are not the first, and will not be the last. Li Chaoge didn’t care about it at all, she read the book for a while after returning home, and then went to sleep.

But the next day, when Li Chaoge went to the Yamen, he learned that there was a little unhappiness at the Zhangfu Banquet yesterday.

It was a good night, the host and the host had a great time, and everyone had a great time. But early in the morning, the drum for lifting the curfew had just struck, and when Zhang’s servant opened the door, he found that his door had been splashed with paint and written in big characters.

“One day silk, how many days can you connect?”

At first glance, this sentence is okay, but a closer look reveals that it is very damaging. Silky sound is similar to death, and windy sound is similar to music. If you read it together, then you will die someday. How many days can you still have fun now?

When Zhang Yanzhi’s cousin repaired the house, for the sake of face, he invaded half of the square, broke through the outer square wall, and swaggered open the main entrance of his house on the street. The words “?” was written on the gate of Zhang Mansion, and the pedestrians who came and went could see it clearly, and many people were laughing secretly. Zhang Jia was very angry. Standing at the door, he scolded for a long time, and scolded the person who secretly wrote the word to come out and apologize.

Naturally, no one came out. The Zhang family knew that anger was useless, and after they had cursed enough, they erased the words on the door and painted it again. As a result, early the next morning, the front door of their house was written again.

It’s the same sentence as before, and the location and content remain unchanged. The Zhang family’s cousin jumped his feet with anger, he immediately let people clean it, and at night? sent Jiading to watch closely to see who dared? He was against it. But the third and fourth days… it lasted for six or seven days. No matter how Zhang’s cousin guarded against it at night, how threatened it was during the day, the door was wiped clean the next morning and the meeting would be met early in the morning? The number of stalkers has increased from one to ten, and no one can say it. How do you write that line?

The story of Zhang Mansion being inscribed in characters spread all over the world in an instant, and Li Chaoge was only heard as a joke, but he did not expect that Li Chaoge would be called to the Daye Hall by the emperor one day.

The two brothers were allowed to go to court by the queen, and now they are also with the queen. Zhang Yanzhi sat down while writing the words, Zhang Yanchang leaned against the empress and gently beat the empress on her leg. After Li Chaoge went in, he didn’t even look to the side, and he saluted the female emperor upright: “See the Holy One.”

Li Chaoge was calm and calm, as if the two brothers didn’t exist. Before Li Chaoge came in, Zhang Yanzhi was secretly worried for a long time. He was worried that Li Chaoge would look down on his identity and worried about her? He showed disgust, but when she? really came in, and as he wished, his face did not show any fluctuations. Later, Zhang Yanzhi turned out to be uncomfortable.

The expression of dissatisfaction at least said that she was not used to it, but she was expressionless, as if she did not care what Zhang Yanzhi was doing.

Zhang Yanchang sat beside the female emperor’s legs, and the female emperor didn’t care, as if she had a cat or puppy nestled at her feet, she looked like she did as usual. Li Chaoge said, “Chaoge, what happened to Zhang’s house recently? Did you say?”

Li Chaoge’s eyes moved, and he asked, “Is it at the entrance of Zhang’s Mansion? Is the ink splashed by someone?”

The female? The emperor nodded: “Yes.”

Li Chaoge thought of the two Zhang brothers in the palace, and he knew that it must be Zhang’s cousin who filed a complaint with Zhang Yanzhi and Zhang Yanchang, and Zhang Yanchang went to the empress again. Li Chaoge felt speechless, and said vaguely: “Splashing ink is a civil dispute and should be taken over by Jing Zhaoyin. Saint? What is the matter of calling the children?”

The female emperor said, “Jing Zhaoyin asked the people around Zhang Mansion, no one saw who did it. He wrote the words of the curse for six or seven days, and can still avoid everyone’s eyes? I’m afraid there is something strange in it.”

Li Chaoge snorted in his heart, and asked the people around Zhang Mansion, of course, that they had nothing. Li Chaoge said, “Perhaps it is the enemy that Zhang Mansion has offended before?”

The female? The emperor shook her head: “The people of Luoyang live and work in peace and contentment, and the Zhang family is kind to others. Who will they offend? Even if someone really doesn’t understand Zhang Mansion, they can’t bypass the heavy surveillance, and scribble on the gate of Zhang family for seven consecutive days. It is very likely that this is caused by a demon.”

Li Chaoge had an ominous premonition as soon as he heard it. Sure enough, the queen said: “Zhang Mansion abides by the rules and laws and must not be subject to such light insults. Chaoge, Zhang Mansion’s ink splashing, let you investigate thoroughly.” Li Chaoge was extremely reluctant. Didn’t he count what the Zhang family did? Are you embarrassed to sue the imperial court? Li Chaoge didn’t want to take the case at all, but the queen insisted and asked Li Chaoge to go out to investigate the case after a few words.

The queen also specifically confessed that she must pull out the people behind the scenes. If you dare not give face to the two brothers, then you don’t give face to the queen, and the queen can never spare them.

Li Chaoge took his orders reluctantly. She? walked out of the Daye Hall, did not take a few steps, someone called her?

“Princess Sheng Yuan, please stay.”

Li Chaoge turned his head, saw Zhang Yanzhi, and asked distantly, “What’s the matter?”

Zhang Yanzhi caught up with him and saluted Li Chaoge. He stared at Li Chaoge with a pair of eyes, and said, “Thank you Princess Shengyuan for your help. With regard to the family of Chen’s cousin, there is Princess Lao.”

Li Chaoge sneered, if she could, she didn’t want to take this kind of thing. She? It’s better to investigate the case for Zhang Mansion even if she goes to investigate.

Li Chaoge replied perfunctorily and said: “Don’t thank me. The emperor’s order is up to you, I’m just being ordered to do things?”

Zhang Yanzhi smiled bitterly. Of course he could see her? He didn’t want to pick it up. But he was selfish and took the opportunity to induce the queen to let the queen take the case to Li Chaoge. Otherwise, apart from this time, Zhang Yanzhi doesn’t know what chance he has to talk to Li Chaoge.

Zhang Yanzhi said: “Princess Sheng Yuan handles the case impartially, and I admire it. This is the second time the princess has shown kindness to me. I don’t know how to thank the princess.”

“No.” Li Chaoge took a step back, and said indifferently, “I have been ordered by the emperor, no matter who the object is, I will check it. If Zhang Fengchenling really wants to thank you, it is better to thank the emperor.”

The smile on Zhang Yanzhi’s face paused. He stiffened and said: “The princess still called my name when I was in the palace. Why is it so strange now? The princess just called me Goro.”

“I’m not familiar with Zhang Fengchen, it’s better to call each other official positions.” Li Chaoge stood far away and said, “I’m going to do the female emperor’s errands, and I don’t have time to delay in the palace. I’m sorry for not being with you, Zhang Fengchen. Take it easy.”

Li Chaoge said? Let’s leave. Gu Mingke originally said that when she did not believe it, now it seems that Zhang Yanzhi is indeed too enthusiastic.

This was still outside the palace of the queen, Zhang Yanzhi made a special trip to chase it out, and went around without mentioning any useful clues. Li Chaoge simply suspected that Zhang Yanzhi had lost his mind.

Li Chaoge was not stupid. Zhang Yanzhi immediately pulled away, and then took someone out of the palace, almost writing the word “avoidance” on his face. After Li Chaoge came out, he went back to the Town Demon Division to check his daily tasks, and he took someone to Zhang Mansion until it was unavoidable.

She? Even if she is reluctant, the task is still to be completed. As usual, Li Chaoge went to Zhang Mansion for questioning. After she went in, she found that Zhang Yanzhi was also there.

Li Chaoge couldn’t help raising his eyebrows: “Zhang Fengchen Ling?”

“It’s me.” Zhang Yanzhi smiled softly at Li Chaoge. “I forgot to say in Daye Hall earlier? I’m going to my cousin’s house to discuss the ancestor worship. Princess Sheng Yuan is a guest and is here to help our family investigate the case. , Can’t neglect. Where does the prince go to ask questions, I will accompany the princess.”

In Dali Temple, officials in Tsing Yi walked around holding the dossier, busy and solemn as usual. It was almost time for lunch, everyone packed up? They were going to eat under the porch. When a subordinate saw Gu Mingke coming out, he casually asked: “Gu Siqing, the commander went to investigate the case today, don’t you follow?”

Everyone knows the relationship between Gu Mingke and Li Chaoge, and he has to be teased by idlers on weekdays. Gu Mingke made no waves, and said, “She? She’s not a child, and she doesn’t know how to handle the case? Why do we need someone to accompany her.”

He touched his nose and said, “Yes, Gu Siqing is fair and strict, and does not favor favoritism. Naturally, he doesn’t care about this kind of thing.”

Gu Mingke thought his tone was a little strange, but he didn’t understand it for a while. An official nearby complained: “Obviously? Well, all civil affairs are under the control of Dali Temple, but the town demon division took over the Zhang family’s case, and they crossed the line again.”

“Come on.” Another official replied, “It’s better to be less contaminated with Zhang’s affairs. Didn’t you hear? Zhang Fengchen ordered to take a leave of absence and went to Zhang Mansion to stare at the investigation. This kind of thing is thankless. It would be better if the Town Demon Division was willing to take over, or else it should be under the control of Dali Temple.”

The colleague thought about it, nodded and said, “That’s true.”

“Wait.” Gu Mingke interrupted them with a cold face, “You just said?, where did Li Chaoge go?”

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