Xian Xian

Chapter 71

Chapter 70: the truth

Li Chaoge had previously felt that Hua Lingfeng was too obvious. If the person who followed them that day was really Hua Lingfeng, who knew he had been injured and appeared brightly against the wound, wouldn’t it be too stupid? Moreover, even though the man in black was blindfolded that day, Li Chaoge could recognize that the other party was a little slenderer than Hua Lingfeng.

Sure enough, there is an inside story. Li Chaoge calmly asked, “When did this happen? Is the injury serious?”

“What happened the night before.” Sheng Lanchu complained, “Senior brother, too, it’s too late, and suddenly I have to test the martial arts of two apprentices, and the start is very heavy. Fortunately, I didn’t hurt my muscles and bones. Big trouble.”

Li Chaoge looked at Gu Mingke, raised his eyebrows silently, and motioned to him, “Look at what I said is right.” Gu Mingke only corrected Li Chaoge’s view of men not long ago, but he didn’t expect to be slapped in the face so soon. Gu Mingke said: “The owner is really strict with the apprentice. The owner is so responsible to the apprentice, should he adopt it for a long time?”

“Yes.” Sheng Lanchu sighed, “It’s been seven years. Their senior brothers entered the door at the same time, and Ling Feng was half a year earlier than Ren Fang. Fang’er was very young when he came to the villa, only eight years old, and even slept alone at night. Don’t dare. Senior brother worked hard to pull them up, really? Raise these two children as sons. If you make these two children the heirs in the future, Senior Brother will not regret it.”

“One day as a teacher and a lifelong father, the wife and the owner are kind-hearted, the two apprentices in the future will surely be filial to you.” Li Chaoge said, looking at the sky outside, and stood up, “I have been harassing Madam for a long time, and we too Time to go. Thank you, Mrs. Xie.”

Sheng Lanchu stood up to leave a meal, but was rejected by Li Chaoge. Sheng Lanchu personally sent Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke out. She stood at the door and watched the two figures go away. It is always enviable that handsome men and beautiful women walk together. One of them is strong in color, the other is clear and undyed, and the two walk side by side in the sunset, as if they are going to rise with the brilliant rays of light.

Sheng Lanchu stopped at the door and watched quietly, and then turned around and walked back to the yard when he could no longer see the figure.

Sheng Lanchu asked softly: “Is the owner coming back tonight?”

“The owner said he is going to talk about business today, won’t you come back?”

Sheng Lanchu nodded, and answered as usual: “I see.”

On the other side, Li Chaoge walked on the road and hit Gu Mingke with his arm: “Look, what did I say.”

Gu Mingke staggered slightly, holding Li Chaoge’s arm, and said helplessly: “Mrs. Zhuangzhu is still watching from behind.”

“I know.” Li Chaoge didn’t care, and said, “She can’t hear it anyway. What do you think? How old is Hua Lingfeng this year?”

“On the first day, the person in the villa mentioned that the senior brother Hua Lingfeng was 20 years old and the second junior brother Ren Fang was 15 years old.”

Li Chaoge smiled and deliberately asked Gu Mingke: “The best age for martial arts enlightenment is seven to ten years old. If you miss this age, your child’s bones will grow hard, and future gains will be limited. Hua Lingfeng and Ren Fang are five years apart in age, but It only took half a year to enter the door. Mr. Gu, say, why is this?”

Reluctantly, Gu Mingke corrected her and said: “This is an individual behavior, and does not represent the whole. Don’t make generalizations.”

Li Chaoge snorted softly. She didn’t want to discuss those trash men, so she turned to ask: “You said that water ghost in the lake is really the maid who bought it? I still think? She’s very strange.”

“The documents are complete, at least in terms of identity.” Gu Mingke seemed to sigh, and said in a low voice, “But it doesn’t matter whether it is or not.”

Li Chaoge heard something and immediately asked: “What’s wrong? What do you see?”

Gu Mingke’s eyes are like lacquer, his thin lips are slightly pursed, and the sun and evening light shines on him, instantly turning into a cold color. Gu Mingke shook his head and refused to say, “I haven’t thought about it yet. I still need some corroboration.”

Li Chaoge raised her eyebrows slightly, she glanced at Gu Mingke, smiled and nodded her chin, then turned to look at the sparkling water floating in the setting sun: “Okay. I’ll wait for you to think about it.”

Haunted last night, today everyone is secretly guarding, but fortunately, the night is stable, everyone dreams of dawn. When everyone gathered at the entrance of the villa, they couldn’t help sighing: “It’s rare, I’ve been either on the road or haunted by ghosts this month, I finally slept peacefully yesterday.”

Bai Qianhe felt the same way. At this time, they saw Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke walking by and felt quiet. After Li Chaoge approached, he glanced roughly and said, “Everyone is here, let’s go now.”

Bai Qianhe asked: “Gu Sicheng, princess, what are we going to do today?”

Li Chaoge looked at Gu Mingke: “Man and sword, you choose one.”

Gu Mingke thought for a while and said, “It’s still a human being.”

He is not interested in Hong Chengyuan’s smoky family affairs, he would rather look for the corpse.

“Okay.” Li Chaoge nodded and said, “Then it’s settled. You take someone to find Xu Xingning’s corpse, and I will check the lost Qianyuan sword.”

Bai Qianhe just followed, don’t know why, he thinks? He can’t understand the words of these two people. Bai Qianhe coughed, and Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke looked at him together. Bai Qianhe smiled and said, “I’m sorry to interrupt you. But what are you talking about? Who, what sword?”

“Yes.” The three people who came with Dali Temple muttered incomprehensibly, “We don’t even know the relationship between Tibetan Sword Villa. Didn’t we ask separately and finally exchange information together?”

Gu Mingke said: “Princess Sheng Yuan told me yesterday. I will talk about the details on the road, and now I will look for the body of Governor Xu Xingning.”

Bai Qianhe’s eyes widened silently, and a pair of eyes rolled around. The three people in Dali Temple fell silent. When returning to the villa last night, Princess Sheng Yuan said that she hadn’t thought about it, and she would explain it after the reason was clear. As a result, this morning, Gu Sicheng said that he already knew.

How much are the two of them? Less hidden itinerary that others can’t see?

The eight-person team parted ways in an inexplicable atmosphere. Li Chaoge walked along the street in the morning with Ma Linlang and said: “Today we will focus on the two apprentices of Hong Chengyuan. Do you know the point?”

Bai Qianhe blinked his eyes and smiled meaningfully: “We don’t know. Princess, did you and Gu Sicheng did something yesterday? You always feel that you two have a tacit understanding that others can’t understand.”

“I didn’t do anything, just discussing official business.” After Li Chaoge finished speaking, she found several other people’s “we understand” expressions. She frowned and said strangely, “What are your eyes? Is there a problem with discussing official business?”

“No problem, no problem.” Bai Qianhe smiled, and said, “I understand it when I go on a business trip.”

Li Chaoge instinctively felt that something was not right. When she discussed official affairs with Gu Mingke last time, Li Changle, Pei Ji’an and others also had the same expression. Isn’t it okay to discuss the affairs of the state?

Li Chaoge twisted his eyebrows and looked at Bai Qianhe vigilantly: “What do you understand?”

Zhou Shao dragged Bai Qianhe away and said, “Okay, don’t talk nonsense. Finish things early and finish work early.”

Zhou Shao forcibly dragged Bai Qianhe away. Li Chaoge still felt that something was wrong. Bai Qianhe said that she and Gu Mingke had a tacit understanding, but Li Chaoge still felt that they had a strange tacit understanding. But the other two have already gone far, and Li Chaoge can’t always bring Bai Qianhe back to question, and he reminds him from a distance: “Inquire about personal matters with the surname Hong.”

Bai Qianhe waved his hand behind his back, motioning them to understand. Li Chaoge looked back and found that Mo Linlang also looked at her with a very strange expression. Li Chaoge asked inexplicably, “What’s wrong?”

How dare Ma Linlang pierce this layer of window paper, and the person on it pretended to be stupid. As a subordinate, he naturally had to cooperate intimately. Ma Linlang shook his head and said, “It’s okay. Princess, where are we going today?”

Li Chaoge seemed to smile. She tightened the straps on her armguards, and when she lowered her arms, her eyes were sharp and sharp: “Check the tomb-robbing gang that did business with the old owner.”

Gu Mingke didn’t want people to know, but Li Chaoge wanted to investigate. Where did Qianyuan Sword emerge from?

Ma Linlang heard frowning: “Grave Robber Gang? This group of people is not easy to investigate. They have no fixed place, come and go without a trace, and this is the old village owner’s life. The old village owner died eighteen. Years, and time has passed so long, it’s hard to say whether those people are still alive. Just because of the two of us, who are unfamiliar with each other, who should we ask?”

Li Chaoge said: “There is no need to restrict it. Who said it must be? I need to inquire about it?”

Mo Linlang was stunned for a while, slowly widening her eyes: “Princess, you mean…”

“That’s right.” Li Chaoge squeezed his fist without changing his face, “Go to the ghost to find out.”

Bai Qianhe has a lot of strange ways. He is most keen to inquire about other people’s gossip. It is more than enough to enquire about Hong Chengyuan’s lace news. Therefore, Li Chaoge was carrying the town demon Sicha Hong Chengyuan on his face. In fact, she and Ma Linlang acted alone to secretly search for the tomb robber.

Normally, it is difficult for an ordinary person to track a tomb-robber gang, but Li Chaoge is obviously not an ordinary person. Mo Linlang was in charge of finding ghosts, and Li Chaoge was in charge of extorting confessions. Under Li Chaoge’s violent deterrence, he really found out a lot of news.

After all, every other line is like a mountain, and to inquire about the robbery of the tomb, you still have to ask the people in their underworld.

Seven days later, progress was heard from all parties one after another. Bai Qianhe is really worthy of the title of his little white face. After spending a few days in the brothel, he quickly became a fish in water. He learned from a sister that Hong Chengyuan had supported her business, and Hong Chengyuan had an outhouse in Nancheng.

Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao found Nancheng through the vines. Zhou Shao’s eldest brother’s temperament quickly convinced several local gangsters. The gangsters enthusiastically invited the two of them to drink, and confided the situation of the house on the wine table.

Hong Chengyuan was showing mercy everywhere outside? One of the women was pregnant, threatening the upper position. Hong Chengyuan raised the man, and finally gave birth to a boy. Hong Chengyuan became a treasure.

But seven years ago, the voice of the child was suddenly no longer heard in the house. The woman said that the child was sick and died, but seeing her red face and beaming appearance, she did not look like a dead son in any way. During the meal, Bai Qianhe passed the news to Li Chaoge while reading the menu. Li Chaoge calculated the time, which happened to be the time for Hong Chengyuan to let him go as a disciple.

Bai Qianhe happily ordered several very expensive dishes. After he dismissed Xiaoer from the shop, he asked: “Princess, have you seen Shenlong these few days? Have you seen the first? The end is mysterious. What are you doing?”

Ma Linlang’s lips moved slightly, and finally he chose to remain silent. Bai Qianhe might not believe it, they went to bully ghosts.

Li Chaoge lightly wrote: “Go to an insider and ask a few words. Combine your information and sort out the chronological order. About twenty years ago, the old owner and a group of tomb thieves bought the Qianyuan sword. This group of tomb thieves. I dug a new tomb and found that the funerary was a sword. The tomb thief learned that the old owner of the Tibetan Sword Villa loved swords, so he came to Luzhou and sold it to the old owner at a sky-high price.”

Zhou Shao frowned: “No, didn’t Qian Yuanjian mean that it was the funeral of an ancient emperor? How could it be dug out from a new grave?”

Li Chaoge had long known that they would have this question, and he was not surprised by this, and said calmly: “Because the owner of the new tomb is also a family of tomb robbers.”

Bai Qianhe said with joy, “This shovel was dug into a colleague. They did this. I thought they would be very particular about the construction of the cemetery and would not be stolen.”

“How is it possible.” Li Chaoge sneered. At this time, the shopkeeper brought food, and everyone stopped talking. After the people left, Bai Qianhe approached and asked in a low voice, “According to these words, who did the family dug in the grave? Is it the emperor’s tomb?”

“How do I know this?” Li Chaoge picked up his chopsticks and said while eating, “Time is limited, I didn’t inquire.”

“No, no, princess, only? Seven days, you can find out this, it’s already amazing?” Bai Qianhe sighed sincerely, “Princess, where are you looking for an expert? The grave digging thing twenty years ago? ? Can be found out by you, too powerful.”

Ma Linlang bowed his head and steak rice silently, without speaking. It’s not easy for Li Chaoge to cook in the kitchen. He didn’t tell Bai Qianhe the true source of the news. Instead, he said, “It’s not convenient to say the specific way now, so I won’t mention it. Continue to sort out the time. Twenty years ago, old? Two years later, the old owner died suddenly, and the sword passed to his daughter and son-in-law. Hong Chengyuan became the new owner. Sheng Lanchu was hardly pregnant because of martial arts training. After Chengyuan became the owner of the shop, the shopping mall’s pride, coupled with the flattery of everyone, gradually began to provoke flowers. Two years after Sheng Lanchu and Hong Chengyuan were married, Hong Chengyuan had a play, a brothel woman stayed pregnant, borrowing her son to force her. Hong Chengyuan had to raise the person as an outside room. One year later, outside room gave birth to a son, and Sheng Lanchu still showed no signs of pregnancy. Hong Chengyuan gradually moved his mind. He stole the outside room in Nancheng for eight years and let him The son takes his mother’s surname and Ren’s first name. When the child was eight years old, Hong Chengyuan took Ren Fang to the villa under the name of accepting apprentices. In order to cover up, he accepted a big apprentice six months in advance, it was Hua Lingfeng. Ren Fang In this way, he entered the Tibetan Sword Villa in an open manner, and as the second disciple, lived in a beautiful place for seven years.”

Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao heard Li Chaoge say “it is inconvenient to say now”, thinking that Li Chaoge’s Tibetan skills did not want to be disclosed to outsiders, they stopped wittily and did not ask any more questions. Only Mo Linlang knew that Li Chaoge said it was inconvenient now, not because of confidentiality, but because it was indeed inconvenient to mention those things when eating.

Bai Qianhe may vomit.

After listening to the timeline compiled by Li Chaoge, Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao felt that there was no problem. Bai Qianhe sighed: “The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant. The wife of the owner is good-looking and gentle. What else is Hong Chengyuan insatisfying about. I have seen that outer room, it’s far from his wife, really? I know what Hong Chengyuan has drawn.”

Li Chaoge was merciless, and coldly dismantled the platform and said: “You are soaked in flowers and grass outside, what else did you picture?”

“This is different!” Bai Qianhe was quite wronged, “I know I am not going to have sex, so I never get married, and I never provoke Liangjia. Every relationship between me is true. I know, you are in love? I wish. Hong Chengyuan and I are a scum like Hong Chengyuan, who eats soft rice while making money and killing, and pretending to be affection when it’s over? It’s different.”

“Don’t laugh at fifty steps.” Bai Qianhe was proud of somehow, and Li Chaoge gave him a hammer and continued, “In the twenty-first year of Yonghui, Hong Chengyuan was happy? Forget the form, show his Tibetan sword to the second governor Wu Jinyuan. Wu Jinyuan proposed to borrow Qianyuan sword for a look. Hong Chengyuan was embarrassed to refuse. Three days later Wu Jinyuan returned the sword. Hong Chengyuan didn’t know the sword at first. Was it a fake, or after half a month, Wu Jinyuan died suddenly, Hong Chengyuan? Realized that there was a problem with the sword. He searched the Cishifu and Wu Jinyuan’s luggage under the pretence of a funeral, and found nothing. Hong Chengyuan was in desperation. Xu Xingning is here. Xu Xingning is also looking for Qianyuanjian. He rummaged through the Cishi Mansion and found no whereabouts. The two people searched for no results, and both suspected that they landed on each other. Xu Xingning thought the sword was on Wu Jinyuan and was snatched by Hong Chengyuan. Go, and Hong Chengyuan thought that the sword was hidden in the governor’s mansion, and it was now found by Xu Xingning. The two confronted most of them privately. It is unknown what happened, but Xu Xingning has disappeared. His life and death are still unknown, and his whereabouts are a mystery.”

“There is no problem with the time line and the logic line. This should be the case.” Zhou Shao drank the bowl of wine, put it on the table with a bang, and said, “The only problem is that there is no evidence.”

“Yes.” Li Chaoge sighed leisurely. She looked out the window, where a round of red sun was falling in the undulating mountains, and the tired birds circled back and forth between the mountains and forests. Li Chaoge said softly, “Now, it’s up to Gu Mingke to see if the body can be found.”

The town demon division and a group of people were full of wine and food, and returned slowly to the Cangjian Villa. Li Chaoge is wary, and basically doesn’t touch the food at Cangjian Villa. Ever since Bai Qianhe knew that the lake was haunted, drinking the water from the Hidden Sword Villa always felt strange, so they usually ate outside, and when they returned to the villa, they could bear it.

After Li Chaoge went back, he went straight to Gu Mingke’s yard without entering the house. Gu Mingke is quiet in the courtyard, he hasn’t come back yet. Li Chaoge leaned on the trellis, closed his eyes and rested, slowly recounting what he heard in the day?

The lonely ghost said that the Qianyuan Sword was a sword for the funeral of ancient emperors. Before the king of Kui unified the nations, he relied on this sword to kill foreign enemies and sweep Liuhe. There were countless dead souls under the sword, and he used this sword to kill the nations. Later, King Kui unified and proclaimed himself emperor, and he enshrined the sword Qianyuan sword he used during the battle as the divine sword of protecting the country, hung on the dragon chair. I heard that when the Qianyuan sword was hung in the palace, no birds in Fangyuan dared to approach it. When the ministers went to court, they trembled and sweated. After the death of Emperor Kui, he ordered the sword to be placed in his coffin. There are countless burial objects in his life, but no matter how precious gold and silver jewelry can only be piled in the side room as a lining, this sword is the only one. To sleep with the emperor of the ages.

No one thought that the Emperor’s Mausoleum was stolen, and the Qianyuan Sword had changed hands several times and fell into the hands of the old owner of the Cangjian Villa. If it follows the trajectory of the previous life, this sword will change hands again, going around and falling to the side of the horseman Pei Ji’an, and finally, it will be inserted in Li Chaoge’s heart.

Unfortunately, she almost ascended the throne in her previous life. Although her ascension to the throne was just a ceremony, she had become the de facto emperor at that time, but in retrospect, her name was not right and her name was not right.

Li Chaoge was thinking about getting absorbed, and suddenly a cold and pleasant voice came in his ear: “What are you doing here?”

Li Chaoge was frightened, she immediately opened her eyes and saw Gu Mingke standing next to the dimly lit vine tree, looking down at her.

Li Chaoge let out a sigh: “You scared me to death. Why are you? Come back?”

Gu Mingke raised his eyebrows lightly. This is his room. He has become the one being questioned? Gu Mingke wiped the seat with the kerchief, sat down slowly, and said, “Yes.”

Li Chaoge changed his sitting position, his elbows propped on the fragrant vine branches, his fingers propped his chin. Following her movements, her sleeves slipped down, revealing a narrow frosty wrist. The vine trees were dotted with small purple flowers, and the purple petals fell rustlingly, falling on Li Chaoge’s arm, dotted and dotted like a flower tin.

Gu Mingke’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on the purple broken flowers. Gu Mingke remembered a certain kind of cake on the Heavenly Hundred Flowers Banquet, which was also white and smooth, dotted with purple flowers. Gu Mingke hadn’t tasted it, but he inexplicably felt that it would be delicious.

Gu Mingke was so confused that he missed Li Chaoge’s words. Li Chaoge finished, see? Gu Mingke didn’t respond for a long time. He looked a little distracted, and he was surprisingly angry: “Did you listen to me?”

Gu Mingke regained his senses, he naturally didn’t have it, but it was good for the gods to cheat. He played back the matter with his force, and found that Li Chaoge asked him if he had found Xu Xingning’s body.

Gu Mingke was calm and unhurried, as if he was not the person who had lost his mind just now. He calmly said: “No. I have basically searched the mountains and rivers in Luzhou these days, and there is no Xu Xingning’s body. If he really died, the body. Not in the wild, but in the city of Luzhou.”

Perhaps Gu Mingke’s scope could be narrowed even further. He has been in and out of Luzhou City these days. If there are corpses nearby, he would have felt it a long time ago. After excluding places such as government offices and streets, there are only a handful of places in Luzhou City that have not been searched by them.

Li Chaoge already knew it, and she nodded and said, “I checked it out here, too. There is only one place left. The night is pretty good, and the other day is worse than hitting the sun. Let’s go.”

Gu Mingke had no objection, he and Li Chaoge had not discussed, but the two met by appointment and both put the Tibetan Sword Villa at the last stop. After all, during this period of time, I have to live in the Tibetan Sword Villa. It is not good to fall out too early.

Gu Mingke got up, Li Chaoge stretched out the wrist of Yushuang Saixue and stayed still in the air. Gu Mingke was taken aback, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Take me a hand.” Li Chaoge said of course, “Wait for too long for you, my legs are numb.”

To be honest, Gu Mingke didn’t believe this reason. But what she said was serious, Gu Mingke couldn’t check whether her legs were numb. Gu Mingke caught her wrist, and Li Chaoge brushed his fingertips across Gu Mingke’s wrist bone with force.

Li Chaoge touched the familiar place, but it was a pity that it was as clean as ever, and there were no scars. Li Chaoge stood still, and Gu Mingke withdrew his hand and said to her, “Are you really? Bored.”

Li Chaoge sneered and said, “You are not bad.”

Gu Mingke secretly said that Li Chaoge was naive, and Li Chaoge scolded Gu Mingke for hypocrisy, and the two attacked each other and walked out of the courtyard. Bai Qianhe is almost the same? Ready to sleep. Suddenly the window was knocked by a stone. Bai Qianhe opened the window. Seeing Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke standing outside, they looked calm, but Bai Qianhe instinctively felt that Li Chaoge was in the mood? not too good.

Sure enough, Li Chaoge had a strong smell of fire when he opened his mouth: “Come out, investigate the case.”

“It’s dark!” Bai Qianhe couldn’t say anything. “The clues have been found, and the rest are all dead. What else to check?”

“Who said the clue was broken?” Li Chaoge flew over with a look, colder and ruthless than June Feixue?, “Don’t talk nonsense, come out quickly.”

Bai Qianhe mumbled and went out. He changed his shoes and complained: “I can’t find evidence, and the reasoning is reasonable? Reasonable? It’s all useless. Can we still let the dead speak?”

After Bai Qianhe finished speaking, he froze for a moment. Li Chaoge smiled and said, “Who said that it can’t be done?”

When the night wind blew, Bai Qianhe hugged his arms, feeling chilly. With the last trace of luck, he asked: “Princess, are you going to interrogate anyone?”

“No.” Li Chaoge picked a leaf from the side of the road and slammed it against Zhou Shao’s window, “Go interrogate the ghost.”

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