Xian Xian

Chapter 72

Chapter 71: Ghost trial

Chu Mao stood by the water and rubbed his arms. He has been working in Dali Temple for eight years and has never experienced such a severe test. Chu Mao waited for a while, but he couldn’t help it anymore, and said, “My lord, the ghosts in the lake are not showing up. Let’s change it.”

To be honest, Chu Mao felt that Gu Mingke’s color was fascinated, and his brain had a problem. Li Chaoge is a princess, so just forget it, Gu Mingke actually followed. They blew the cold wind for a long time by the lake, just to wait for a water ghost.

Isn’t this nonsense? Let’s not say that there are ghosts in the world. Even if there are ghosts, they should go to Taoist priests to supersede them. Princess Shengyuan has a whimsical?

Bai Qianhe nodded vigorously, and immediately responded: “Yes, the princess, the female ghost hasn’t appeared for so long, maybe she is asleep. To disturb the beautiful woman… No, it is too rude to disturb the good ghost, let’s come again another day? Bar.”

Li Chaoge was silent, the water ghost was most sensitive to the people on the shore. This time they waited so long and didn’t see the water ghost appear, probably because Gu Mingke was there. The water ghost felt the breath and didn’t dare to show up. If the mountain does not come to see me, I will see the mountain. Li Chaoge said to the next few people: “Water ghosts are different from other ghosts. Only when a newcomer replaces them can the water ghost be freed from reincarnation. Therefore, the water ghost will instinctively drown. People, who of you can swim, pretend to be drowning, and draw it out.”

Zhou Shao shook his head: “I am not water-based.”

Zhou Shao is so strong and reckless that he can hit bears, but he can’t swim. Mo Linlang also shook his head: “This is the first time I have left Dongdu. I was looked at by my stepmother before, and I learned tea from the water.”

The three people in Dali Temple are all Guanzhong men. They have left the land since they were young, and they were all land ducks for generations. Bai Qianhe looked around, and said sadly: “I’m not water-permeable. If I knew that the father-in-law should use people, I learned it in advance.”

Li Chaoge nodded and said, “Okay. Wait, what’s that?”

Li Chaoge suddenly narrowed his eyes and pointed to the other side of the lake. Bai Qianhe became excited, and he was there in any lively place. He immediately leaned over to see: “What is it, what is there?”

Without saying anything, Li Chaoge didn’t wait for Bai Qianhe to react, and kicked him into the water with one kick: “Go down and find it for me!”

Bai Qianhe fell into the water like a weighing mound and threw a huge splash with a splash. As early as when Li Chaoge was pointing to something, Gu Mingke gave way, but it was still too late. He raised his hand to look at his sleeve and frowned, “What a big splash.”

Li Chaoge also wiped off the water on his face with disgust, and said, “I will use my strength next time to kick him further.”

So that the water won’t splash? On them.

The other three people in Dali Temple looked at this scene in astonishment. Hearing the conversation between Li Chaoge and Gu Mingke, they laboriously closed their mouths and silently moved away from the two of them.

The town demon division handles the case, is it so fresh and refined, not coquettish? They feel that they may still not know enough about Gu Da?

When Bai Qianhe was kicked into the lake, his tears almost fell. The water in the lake? There were many tears in his heart. Bai Qianhe was aching heart while swimming skillfully in the lake.

He had to get closer to the shore, or else he would run into a ghost, and Li Chaoge would not have time to catch him.

On the shore of the lake, after Bai Qianhe was “voluntarily” launched into the water, Ma Linlang stared at the water, not letting go of any wind and grass. She looked for a while, and suddenly said, “Bai Qianhe, note that it is coming behind your feet.”

After Ma Linlang finished speaking, Bai Qianhe kicked his feet, and sure enough, the touch of water weeds came from his ankles. Bai Qianhe thought? Little sister Mo Linlang had a really exciting day, and she immediately floated up.

However, when Bai Qianhe was about to approach the surface of the water, the plants on his legs suddenly entangled, pulling him tightly and preventing him from leaving. Bai Qianhe tried several times to no avail, and was about to turn around to cut the waterweeds on his legs. Suddenly he felt a wave of fluctuations in the water, and then his hind legs lightened. Bai Qianhe’s body recovered light and immediately surfaced.

Bai Qianhe vaguely felt that something was struggling behind him, and the water clashed. Bai Qianhe didn’t dare to look back at what it was, and quickly paddled back to the shore. When the people in Dali Temple saw Bai Qianhe coming back, they helped him ashore. The people at Dali Temple untied Bai Qianhe’s coat, and asked one after another, “What’s the matter?”

Bai Qianhe spit out the water in his mouth, and covered his eyes without saying anything: “I’m the one. You guys go to interrogate the ghost, don’t let me see it.”

Not to mention Bai Qianhe, who was in the water, the three of Dali Temple stood on the shore, listening to the crackling and struggling in the water, and felt their scalp numb. There is no one on the lake, but the waves continue to spread, as if something is twisting underwater. Li Chao held a rope in the singer and went all the way to the middle of the lake, where the rope was faintly bubbling.

The night is black and the wind is high, the mountains are steep, and this scene is indescribable. Chu Mao consciously felt courageous enough, but when he saw this scene, he was still terrified.

After Bai Qianhe came ashore, Li Chaoge handed the rope to Zhou Shao and said, “Pull it up.”

The water ghost has been soaking in the water for eighteen years, and his body is getting heavier and heavier. But no matter how heavier it was, it looked like a little chicken in Zhou Shao’s hands. Zhou Shao’s expression remained unchanged, and he easily pulled it from the center of the lake to the shore.

Ghosts can hide their traces when their mana is strong, but now the water ghosts have been beaten out of the prototype by Li Chaoge. Bai Qianhe still covered his eyes and refused to watch. Chu Mao took a courageous look. He saw that the other party’s skin was white all over, his eyes were large and convex, his hair and water plants were entangled, and water was dripping wet.

Chu Mao held back, covering his mouth and ran to the roots of the tree, retching. The other two people in Dali Temple were used to seeing corpses. They reacted as big as Chu Mao, but they still complained in a low voice: “I don’t want to eat fish anymore.”

Compared with the collapse and vomiting on the Dali Temple side, the town demon division is unreasonably calm. Mo Linlang was accustomed to it, Zhou Shao had no expression on his face, Li Chaoge carefully examined the details of the water ghost, and Gu Mingke was still concerned about his sleeves wet by the lake.

Compared with the water ghost, the cleanliness can not tolerate the dirty.

Li Chaoge had seen it almost, and asked, “I have nothing to embarrass you. I invite you to come up today, just want to ask a few words. As long as you answer truthfully, we will send you to reincarnation.”

Chu Mao just came back from retching. He was tossed by the water ghost, but when he heard? Here, he still couldn’t help but vomit: “Is this please?”

Li Chaoge? Take care of the waste behind, and continue to say: “Who are you?”

The water ghost fell half to the ground, feeling weak? “I don’t know.”

Li Chaoge raised his eyebrows, and the ending tone couldn’t help raising his voice: “I don’t know?”

Although Bai Qianhe was scared, he could not help but think about it when he heard the dialogue? Participated in the topic: “There are still people in the world who don’t know who he is? Water ghost girl, you? Live, no, you? Dead are too confused. NS.”

Mo Linlang said: “It’s not surprising that if you behave for a long time, you will forget the past and the past. Parents, relatives, and children will forget all of them, only remember the obsession before death.”

“Yes.” Bai Qianhe murmured, “She’s been a ghost for eighteen years. Maybe she’s spent more time than a human being. No wonder she doesn’t remember things in the world.”

After death, the soul will disperse, and when the three souls and seven souls are lost, the memory will be confused and the mind will be blurred. It made sense that the water ghost couldn’t remember his identity, but Li Chaoge still thought it was too fast.

If you have been dead for fifty to sixty years, it’s normal not to remember who you were when you were alive, and it’s only eighteen years, do you forget too quickly? Li Chaoge? I entangled this question again, and asked: “Why are you at the Tibetan Sword Villa?”

“Why am I here?” The water ghost covered his head, seeming to be in chaos, “My parents sold me? I came here. No, I am here…”

“Do you? Know Sheng Hong?”

Sheng Hong is the name of the old owner. Hearing this name, the female ghost calmed down, and she seemed to know her. Li Chaoge asked again: “What did he bring you back? What did he do?”

“Blood…” The water ghost stared blankly? The water on his body slowly turned into a viscous red, dripping into the ground, “Blood, a lot of blood…”

The water ghost was obviously not right, and the crowd scattered. People from Dali Temple frowned and said, “What’s wrong with her? Why did she suddenly start bleeding?”

The others shook their heads, not knowing. Li Chaoge stood still and moved, seeing the water ghost could not ask anything, her hands were sealed, and the rope in Zhou Shao’s hand flew up automatically, entangled with the water ghost and wound tightly. The water ghost and the rope kept shrinking, and finally the female ghost turned into a waterweed with a thin thread around the grass and flew to the singer Li Chao.

Li Chaoge opened the bottle, put the aquatic plants in the bottle, then closed the lid, and said to Bai Qianhe disgustingly: “Okay, open your eyes, the water ghost has been taken away.”

Bai Qianhe finally opened his precious eyes. There was still a puddle of red water on the ground. Bai Qianhe didn’t dare to think about it? What was that? He hid beside Zhou Shao, holding Zhou Shao’s shoulder, thinking? I didn’t dare to look at the bottle in Li Chao singer. : “Is this a magic weapon?”

As he said, Bai Qianhe sniffed his nose and asked, “Who have you brought wine? I seem to smell it? A smell of wine.”

Li Chaoge shook the bottle in his hand and said, “The nose is good. This is the wine I picked up from the Tibetan Sword Villa. I don’t know if this ghost has a good amount of alcohol. Don’t get drunk in it.”

Bai Qianhe was speechless for a moment. The people at Dali Temple were originally in awe and looked at the bottle in awe. When they heard that Li Chaoge said it was a bottle, they were stunned, and the expression on their faces couldn’t change.

Everyone was busy chasing ghosts, and they had noticed that Gu Mingke was very quiet. His sleeves have long since returned to clean, but he still lowered his head, concentrating on arranging his sleeves, his eyes hidden in the darkness, making it difficult to see his expression.

Ma Linlang has all her thoughts on? On the water ghost, she asked: “Princess, what did the water ghost just say? Thinking? She? She said a lot of blood, what’s going on?”

Li Chaoge was about to speak, when there was a slight sound of breaking branches in the woods, Li Chaoge immediately turned his head, his eyes sharp as a knife: “Who is it?”

The people in the dark realized that they were exposed, threw a smoke bomb at them, turned and ran. After the fog dissipated, Li Chaoge hesitated for a moment looking at the silent villa. Gu Mingke stretched his finger to the left and said, “Over there.”

Without a word, Li Chaoge chased after holding a sword. The man in black noticed that Li Chaoge was catching up and kept throwing hidden weapons behind him. Li Chaoge hooked a boomerang with his sword, turned it twice, and slammed it back. The person in front of him groaned suddenly, and fell with a plop, clutching the wound.

Li Chaoge held the sword and hurriedly caught up. Li Chaoge used his sword to lift the masked cloth towel on the opponent’s face. Sure enough, he was an acquaintance.

Li Chaoge chuckled: “I knew it was you?.”

Ren Fang hung his head, seeming to admit defeat, but in fact? My finger secretly touched his side. As soon as his fingers reached the hidden weapon, Li Chaoge smashed his shoulder severely with the scabbard. Letting go of the pain, I couldn’t help but scream, and the things in my hands were also loose. Li Chaoge kicked his hidden weapon into the air and said coldly, “Use it at a young age? Hidden weapon is not a good habit.”

Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao also caught up. Bai Qianhe took the lead and asked, “How about princess?”

“It’s him.” Li Chaoge received his sword, and he didn’t bother to look at the people on the ground. He turned and said to Bai Qianhe, “Tie him up. His hands are not clean, you should be careful.”

“Understand.” Bai Qianhe said in peace. He Bai Qianhe didn’t dare to say anything else, the yin still had a hand, playing hidden weapons in front of Grandpa Bai, the children might not be qualified.

Bai Qianhe and Zhou Shao went to the back to clean up and let them go. Li Chaoge took two steps with the sword, and suddenly felt something wrong.

Gu Mingke showed her the way, but he didn’t move. Does he treat her as a thug?

Bai Qianhe came over and said, “Princess, it’s packed. It’s definitely stronger than rice dumplings.”

“Yeah.” Li Chaoge nodded and asked, “Where are the others?”

“I’m going to block Hongchengyuan.” Bai Qianhe eagerly said, “The old man didn’t know that his son was caught by us. I took this opportunity to catch him by surprise!”

Ren Fang heard that they were looking for Hong Chengyuan and struggled hard. Zhou Shao felt annoying, so he hammered it down with a fist, and Ren Fang was completely silent. Li Chaoge loosened his knuckles, and said, “They are already dead, and we can’t fall behind. If you drag people, then I will find Hong Chengyuan to settle the ledger.”

Ren Fang had an injury on his shoulder, he was the one who really followed Li Chaoge at the inn. Hong Chengyuan sent his confidant and illegitimate child to inquire about the news, but he was injured by Li Chaoge. In order to cover his precious son, Hong Chengyuan injured Hua Lingfeng’s right arm by means of martial arts. Want to make Hua Lingfeng a scapegoat for Ren Fang. Including Li Chaoge and others on the first night they stayed in, the villa was haunted, and the person posing as a female ghost in white was also sent by Hong Chengyuan.

Hong Chengyuan wanted to take advantage of the haunted rumors in the villa to scare Li Chaoge and others away, so that the deaths of the three provincial governors could be cast off as ghosts, and those who followed Li Chaoge could also use the Hualing Fengding bag. Hong Chengyuan is the only one who wants to come?, the town evil division is full-time to catch ghosts, pretending to be ghosts in front of the town evil division, it is like pulling the tiger’s tail to call for help, and seeking death by himself.

The three of Li Chaoge passed through the border like a storm and went straight to Hongchengyuan’s lair. Hong Chengyuan heard a report that the imperial court had quietly gone to the lake. Hong Chengyuan thought about it and felt uneasy, so he sent it to inquire about the news. The less people know about confidential matters, the better. No matter how reliable his subordinates are, they can’t be better than his own son.

After letting go, Hong Chengyuan’s eyelids kept jumping. Hong Chengyuan was walking up and down on the ground. He was waiting anxiously for his son to reply. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the doors and windows. Several people broke into the window and instantly surrounded Hong Chengyuan.

In the night, a figure in white clothes stepped over the threshold unhurriedly. A gust of wind entered from outside the door, and the candlelight was blown by the wind and swayed quickly. The other party stepped on the wind, and his clothes fluttered like a fairy under the moon.

Hong Chengyuan squinted his eyes, pressed his hand on the sword calmly, with a smile on his face, and asked, “Master Gu? People, you? What is this?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you in the middle of the night.” Gu Mingke said with a calm posture, “I was ordered to investigate the death of three assassins. I need to borrow the owner’s villa for a use, and ask the owner to cooperate.”

The smile on Hong Chengyuan’s face faded, revealing a true and fierce expression: “I am kind to entertain Gu Daren, but Gu Daren will avenge revenge. I have no contact with the three provincial governors. They are dead. It’s not my business?”

Gu Mingke glanced across Hong Chengyuan’s house, and his gaze stayed on a grid of the bookshelf. Gu Mingke retracted his gaze and said coldly, “Maybe the death of Wu Jinyuan has nothing to do with you, what about Xu Xingning?”

Li Chaoge chased in from the door and heard Gu Mingke’s words and said, “You? What nonsense with him? Just catch him for interrogation, and see if he is still stubborn or not.”

Hong Chengyuan originally sneered again and again, when he saw Li Chaoge behind him, his expression suddenly froze. A Kong Wu’s guard followed Li Chaoge, dragging a person in his hand, just letting go! Hong Chengyuan couldn’t stand up immediately, and yelled, “What did you do to Fang’er!”

“What?” Li Chaoge smiled lightly and said, “If you cooperate and explain the whereabouts of Xu Xingning and Qian Yuanjian obediently, I can spare his life. Otherwise, your son will do it for you. ? The end of the pension delivery.”

When Hong Chengyuan heard this, his pupils tightened. Son, Qian Yuanjian, they all know it. Hong Chengyuan? Know? He is big? Big? Underestimated these people, Hong Chengyuan calmly did not move, he suddenly raised his hand, a mist sprayed out from somewhere in the room, Hong Chengyuan took the opportunity to run to the bookshelf, with ? Press a button forcefully.

Many arrows flew out of the room in an instant, mixed in the fog, and the sound was chaotic. The people of Dali Temple evaded in embarrassment, but Li Chaoge took a step without hurries, stood behind Gu Mingke, and held his hands still. Gu Mingke was extremely speechless in his heart. He gently lifted his fingers under his sleeves, and the arrows flew around, but one shot at them. After the arrow disappeared, Hong Chengyuan disappeared.

“I heard that there are many secret rooms in the Tibetan Sword Villa, and the institutions are all over the place. It is indeed a good name.” Li Chaoge sighed, looked at Bai Qianhe, and said, “It seems that you returned without success last time. waste.”

Bai Qianhe paused, blinked vigorously, and tentatively asked: “Princess, are you complimenting me or scolding me?”

“Praise you?” Li Chaoge responded with an aura, she used her eyes to show Zhou Shao, and said, “Just that wall, let’s do it.”

Zhou Shao understood that he clenched his fist, slowly moved his shoulder joints, and suddenly straightened his arm towards the wall of the bookshelf. The bookshelves vibrated violently, and the jade and vases on it crackled and fell to the ground. Gu Mingke pressed his eyebrows and said with patience, “It will take a while to find it? The organ, why must it make it so noisy?”

Li Chaoge was disdainful, and dropped ten guilds in one effort. Why should he waste time if he could solve things with his fists. Zhou Shao cracked the wall with a fist, and then he gave another punch. The wall was finally overwhelmed and fell down.

Behind the flying dust, a secret road appeared in front of everyone. Li Chaoge stepped forward holding the sword, and said to Gu Mingke: “Take care of Ma Linlang, I’m leaving now.”

Li Chaoge, Zhou Shao, and Bai Qianhe are all involved in martial arts, but Mo Linlang is a special talent who is not good at martial arts. In such situations where violence is needed, Li Chaoge and the other two are enough to protect themselves, but Ma Linlang can’t.

Gu Mingke nodded. They have such a big movement here, they have already awakened the others. Sheng Lanchu hurried over in his clothes, and was shocked to see the mist in the main courtyard: “Gu Da, man, what is going on?”

“Mrs. Village Master.” Gu Mingke turned his head, looked at her calmly and indifferently, and said, “Your husband Hong Chengyuan is suspected of murdering the court governor. Please cooperate with your wife and open the secret room of the villa. Otherwise, I can only contact the wife. We are convicted together.”

When Sheng Lanchu heard that Hong Chengyuan murdered the Assassin, his body shook. The maid and Hua Lingfeng quickly supported Sheng Lanchu: “Madam, what’s the matter with you?”

“Madam, are you? Are you okay?”

Sheng Lanchu cheered up, and said with a pale face: “I didn’t know that he actually did this kind of thing. The map of the villa is here, and my concubine is willing to cooperate fully with Gu Daren in investigating the case.”

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