Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 376 Thousands of ships compete and the Holy Light comes to help

Lovac's choice of place and time is rather subtle.

First of all, the location of the Golden Summit Star is very special. It is located at the junction of the Chaotic Star Field and the Star Spirit Sea. If you set out from the Lion Palace, get on the best spaceship, and go at full speed, you can arrive there in about 20 days.

Secondly, Su Mo is currently in seclusion and may not be able to take the final step within 20 days. He even said that even if he does succeed, he will not be able to reach the Golden Summit Star in time.

Obviously, everything was planned by the Lovak Civilization or the All Souls Sect behind them. After they saw Su Mo enter the Tower of Time, they launched an operation to capture Isaac, but their target was directly at the Lion Palace.

"Dad, what should we do now?"

Fox East asked nervously.

Everyone can guess that the All Souls Sect must be involved behind the arrest of Isaac, otherwise the time would not be so precise. By coincidence, it happened just a few days after Su Mo retreated. .

If the Lovac civilization had the ability to capture Isaac, would it still wait until today?

Moreover, if you really want to execute Exar, wouldn't it be more appropriate to place it in the capital of the Lovak civilization? Why should it be placed on the Golden Dome Star, and an extremely delicate time of 20 days was set.

It's obvious that Isaac is just a bait, and their real target is the Lion Palace, Dad!

For a moment, all eyes were focused on the Lion King.

Isaac is an important member of the Lion Palace and has very deep feelings with many people present. If he rescues Isaac, he will undoubtedly fall into the trap of the All Souls Sect, and his future life and death will be unpredictable.

But if we don't save him, not only will everyone be heartbroken, but at the same time, the Lion Palace's culture and belief that values ​​family members above all else will collapse in an instant.

What decision the Lion King will make will affect the fate of everyone present.

"Dad, you know this is a trap, are you going to jump or not?"

Tiger Wood's eyes were half-closed, hiding his fleeting expression.

In his heart, he naturally hopes that his father will not save Isaac. In this way, although the reputation of the Lion Palace is damaged, it will not be affected too much. The Lion Palace is still the overlord of the Chaotic Star Territory, and he is still the Lion Palace's At the helm.

But if Dad decides to save Isaac, he knows very well that there will be no return, so he will have to make other plans.

Tiger Wood, Snake Yuri, Fox East, Angela, Bobo and many Lion Palace officials are waiting for the Lion King's final decision.

For a moment, the hall became extremely quiet, and you could hear a pin drop.

"Let's all get ready. We'll set off in half an hour." The Lion King said calmly.

Hearing this, everyone's hearts trembled, and then a smile slowly appeared on their faces.

Yes, this is the Lion Palace, family always comes first.

How could the famous and unparalleled domineering Lion King Rein Gut give up his son in the face of a mere trap?

Isaac, here we come!

The Lion Palace, which had been silent for a long time, started to operate at high speed like a war machine that had been activated.

Groups of heavily armed soldiers boarded the airship, and the cadres went home to pick up weapons and equipment, and set off towards the star port with their long-hidden trump cards.

"What's going on? Is the Lion Palace going to war with someone?"

"It's so scary. Who is so brave and dares to offend people from the Lion Palace?"

"Don't you all know? The Lion King's fourth adopted son, Isaac, has been captured!"

"What? I don't know anything about the situation in the Lion Palace. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"To put it simply, Isaac is the fourth adopted son of the Lion King. At the same time, he also has another identity, the leader of the rebel army in the Lovac civilization. Of course, he can also be called the Restoration Revolutionary Army. Why is Isaac I don’t know how to form such a revolutionary army. Anyway, he has been captured by the Lovak civilization. With the character of the Lion Palace, he will naturally try his best to rescue him."

"Wow, that is to say, the Lion King is going to fight with the Lovak Civilization. One is the domineering and invincible peerless God King, and the other is a star cluster-level civilization. It's hard to say who will win between the two."

"Is there anything bad to say? I think the Lion King will win!"


"It's very simple. If the place where Isaac is executed is located in the heart of the Lovak civilization, then it's really hard to say who will make it to the end. After all, the star cluster-level civilization is not a soft persimmon. Relying on a large fleet and forbidden weapons, it is not There is no chance to kill the God King, but the Golden Summit Star is located on the border of the Chaotic Star Territory and the Celestial Sea, and is not even in Lovak. How many fleets in Lovak can get there within 20 days? No way Fight, now let’s see if the Lovak civilization will execute Isaac in advance.”

"When you say this, I feel strange. Why would the Lovac civilization choose such an embarrassing place and time? It doesn't make sense. Are you saying that the people of the Lovac civilization are all fools?"

"How is that possible! I guess there must be something we don't know about."

"Just wait and see, the universe is going to get busy again."


"Wood, what are you thinking about?"

A hoarse and dark voice sounded in his ears. Tiger Wood turned his head and saw Snake Yuri's green snake eyes staring at him.

"I'm wondering, will Isaac suffer any harm in these 20 days?"

Tiger Wood shook his head and said in a low voice: "The Lovac civilization hates Isaac deeply. They will not kill Isaac before the formal trial, but it is hard to say whether they will torture him and vent his anger. resentment."

"In the video, Isaac's eyes were lifeless. It was obvious that there was something wrong with his soul. I...

"As long as you don't die, these injuries will recover."

Snake Yuri said coldly, with no emotion in his tone, as if Isaac had nothing to do with him.

Tiger Wood has become accustomed to Snake Yuri's way of speaking. This guy is like this. He always speaks coldly, like a robot. Officially because of this, Snake Yuri is awe-inspiring in the Lion Palace. But not popular.

However, in the Lion Palace, the one whom Tiger Wood values ​​the most is Snake Yuri.

Snake Yuri is in charge of intelligence work. He is meticulous and alert. He can detect anomalies from the slightest disturbance. He feels guilty now and really doesn't want to see this king of intelligence.

"Hey, that's what you said. It's just that as the eldest brother, I really can't feel at ease." Tiger Wood sighed.

"The relationship between the uncle and the fourth master is really good~"

"That's not true. We were all brothers who lived together through life and death. Besides, my uncle's character is like this. He always worries about his brothers' affairs."

The cadres of the Lion Palace next to them were whispering, and they were full of emotions. Isn't it just for this loyalty that they joined the Lion Palace?

A hundred years have passed, and the Lion Palace is still the same Lion Palace. For the sake of family and brothers, they will never hesitate to die.

"Yuri, I'm going to check the armament situation. You should also check the situation near the Golden Top Star in advance."

Tiger Wood gave instructions and turned to leave.

Looking at Tiger Wood's slightly unnatural steps, Snake Yuri frowned slightly, and something strange flashed in his green snake eyes.

Something's wrong~


"Dad, will the Soul Emperor appear this time?"

Angela stood next to the Lion King. When the name Soul Emperor was mentioned, a flash of deep hatred flashed in her eyes, but at the same time there was also a lingering look of worry.

It was the Soul Emperor who trapped her in that small, cramped, and dark soul prison for hundreds of years, unable to survive or die. Her hatred for the Soul Emperor was simply beyond words.

But at the same time, the Soul Emperor is also the pillar of the Wanling Sect and belongs to the top group of god-kings. His strength is second only to the strongest people in the universe such as the Black Emperor, Doram, and the Queen of the Zerg.

Back then, if the Federation of Radiance and the Iron-Blooded Empire had not intervened in time and deliberately favored the Lion Palace, I am afraid that even if my father burned all his blood, he would eventually fall to the Soul Emperor's soul-destroying technique.

"Soul Emperor, he will definitely appear."

The Lion King said calmly, "Not only him, but also the leader of the Light, Kraye, will definitely show up that day."

Hearing this, Angela and Bobo next to her looked even more worried.

One Soul Emperor is already difficult to solve. If a Light Cult Leader is added to the mix, can this battle really be won?

"Do not worry."

The Lion King noticed the expressions of the two men and smiled lightly, his voice full of domineering and pride.

"The two of them combined are no match for me."

For a hundred years, his body and will have been fighting against the withered divine power, which is equivalent to fighting a powerful opponent all the time. During this period, he successfully condensed the true body of martial arts and integrated the true meaning of his martial arts into the lion. Huangquan also ushered in a big breakthrough.

Then, after Su Mo's treatment, the withered divine power was removed from the body. The body that had been suppressed for a long time was like an erupting volcano, and the muscles, blood, and martial arts power were sublimated at the same time at that moment.

Now, he has one foot on the threshold of the peak of the God King. Facing two old opponents, he is confident that he can defeat them.

Hearing that domineering and confident declaration, the worries in Angela and Bobo's hearts melted away quickly like snow meeting the scorching sun, and their eyes became firm.

Yes, when they were growing up, no one had ever been able to defeat their father. Even in the most dangerous battle with the Soul Emperor, his father persisted in fighting to the end and remained standing.

In their hearts, their father is majestic and invincible.

Didi didi~~

At this moment, an alarm suddenly sounded in the command room.

"Alarm, alarm, the space fluctuations are abnormal, and a high-energy energy source is leaping towards our fleet."

"Alarm, alarm, the space fluctuations are abnormal, and a high-energy energy source is leaping towards our fleet."

The command system issued two warnings in succession, and the warning lights flashed.

Upon seeing this, the Lion Palace fleet responded immediately. Each battleship set up energy shields, and the natural disaster-level masters wore armor and stood ready.

"Does the All Souls Sect want to intercept and kill us here?"

Fox East raised his eyebrows slightly.


Snake Yuri said calmly: "This is still in the territory of the Lion Palace. No matter how anxious the All Souls Sect is, they will not choose to attack us in this area."

"Who could that be?" Fox East wondered.

Doubts were doubts, but he didn't have the slightest worry in his heart.

As Yuri said, this is still the territory of the Lion Palace, and Dad is also in the fleet. If the All Souls Sect really loses its mind and intercepts it in advance, it may be a good thing.

"They showed up!"

Fox East looked at the rapidly expanding black hole in space outside the porthole, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Could it be them?

In the huge black hole, a small section of the front section of the battleship was first exposed, but this small section was larger than many entire ships. Then, a giant slowly flew out, and the hull was like a big mountain, covering the sky. On that day, the battleships of the Lion Palace were like pebbles in front of it.

Looking at the burning golden flame marks on both sides of the battleship, Fox East was extremely surprised: "This is the Holy Light, the mothership of the Holy Light Legion! Hasn't Su Mo already entered the Tower of Time?"

Anyone who is familiar with the inside story knows that Isaac’s capture must be a trap set by the Wanling Sect. If Su Mo had not gone into seclusion, they believe that with Su Mo’s character, they would have tried their best to rescue Isaac, but now Su Mo Having entered the Tower of Time, who in the Holy Light Legion can have such courage and dare to lead the legion at this time and take the initiative to join this storm.

"Friends from the Lion Palace, I am Han Jia of the Holy Light Legion."

Han Jia's cold voice came from the wide area communication system.

"Han Jia!"

Upon hearing the name, Angela's eyes opened slightly, and a smile appeared on the Lion King's face.

"Our department has applied to dock with the main ship of the Lion Palace and meet His Excellency the Lion King."

"Dad?" Bobo looked at the Lion King.

"Let them come."


The main ship sent out a pick-up signal, and soon, an assault ship flew out from the Holy Light and successfully connected with the main ship.

"Your Majesty the Lion King."

The cadres of the Holy Light Legion bowed neatly to the Lion King.

The Lion King glanced at Han Jia, Mondo, Hu Tao, Qian Liuyu, Gio Torre, Broden, Ming, Andolfo, Capeo, and in addition to Su Mo, there were many natural disaster cadres of the Holy Light Legion. .

In addition, the five natural disasters from the lucky team that recently defeated Hu Tao are also in the ranks of the Holy Light Legion.

"Oh my god, the Army of Light sent everyone here!"

"There are 14 natural disasters in total, plus the mothership Holy Light, the Holy Light Legion is so loyal."

"But hasn't Master Six already entered the Tower of Time for seclusion? Without him, who dares to make this decision?"

"Of course it's her~"

For a moment, the Lion Palace officials focused their attention on Han Jia.

With the legion commander away, the only person who dares to make such a bold decision is the legion commander's wife.

"Your Majesty the Lion King, Isaac is a friend of Su Mo and a friend of our Holy Light Legion. The Holy Light Legion is willing to help."

Under the gaze of pairs of eyes, Han Jia said these words calmly.

"Girl, is this your decision?" the Lion King asked with interest.

"This is the unanimous decision of our Legion of Light."

Han Jia's voice was calm and powerful, but it made the officials at the Lion Palace beside them feel warm and moved.

Previously, in their view, the Lion Palace was the Lion Palace and the Holy Light Legion was the Holy Light Legion. Although there was a relationship like Liu Ye, the two belonged to two completely different systems.

Many people even look down upon the Holy Light Legion, which is a mercenary group.

But today, they truly realized that the Lion Palace and the Holy Light Legion were of the same lineage, and that they were both friends and relatives.

Because only loved ones will stand by your side without hesitation in the most difficult times.

"Han Jia, thank you!"

Angela stepped forward and hugged Han Jia fiercely, with a thin layer of mist in her beautiful eyes.

Han Jia's cold expression softened a little, and she patted Angela's back gently.

This scene also made the cadres of the Holy Light Legion smile.

It seems that the legion commander no longer has to worry about the relationship between the two legion commanders' wives.

When the Lion King saw this, he also showed a smile that was not easy to detect.

"Don't waste time, let's go!"

The Lion King waved his hand and ordered in a deep voice.


Everyone responded in unison, with momentum like a rainbow.

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