Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 377 The war begins, a head-on attack

20 days later, Golden Top Star

The morning sun rises over the horizon, and there are only 4 hours left before Isaac's public trial.


Heavy footsteps stepped on the bluestone. Isaac's arms were tied behind his back by mechanical shackles. There was a collar around his neck. The two jailers pulled the chain in front of the collar, like a dog, and led Isaac up. Execution platform.

Faced with such a humiliating move, Isaac looked calm and there was no trace of anger on his face, which made the reporters nearby nod secretly.

Although he is the leader of the rebel army, his demeanor is indeed very impressive.

In front of the execution platform, thousands of reporters gathered, all kinds of guns and cannons aimed at the back of Isaac climbing up the stairs.

Tens of thousands of Slovak soldiers, armed with weapons, lined up in a special formation around the execution platform, with solemn expressions and prepared for the execution.

Outside the planet, hundreds of thousands of warships were flying across the sky, their gun barrels stretched out, and they were ready for battle.

"Four more hours."

Greco, a senior general of the Lovak civilization, a natural disaster-level martial artist, and the chief officer of this execution, glanced at the time on his watch.

"Greco, do you think the people from the Lion Palace can arrive?"

Execution adjutant Hines asked in a low voice.

"They will definitely arrive."

Greco's eyes were deep.

The Lovak Intelligence Department accurately collected the movements of the Lion Palace and the Holy Light Army as early as 20 days ago. Among them, the Lion King led all members of the Lion Palace to come, and Su Mo entered the Tower of Time for retreat, but all members of the Holy Light Army Deploy, board the mothership Holy Light, and rescue Isaac with the Lion Palace.

After spending so much effort and crossing the star field, how could they miss Isaac's trial and execution at the last moment.

"Greco, to tell you the truth, I'm really a little nervous~"

Hines put his hands on his thighs, licked his dry lips, and lowered his voice.

"There must be too many god kings this time, several of them."

"There's no other way. The other side is the Lion King Rein Gut."

Greco looked at the soldiers below with majestic eyes, his lips moved slightly, and there was a wave of emotion in his heart. Only those who know the inside story know how much the All Souls Sect paid for this operation.

To be able to make the universe's overlord, the Wanling Sect, become so nervous, even if the Lion King dies in the end, he will definitely leave a mark in history.


As soon as Isaac stood on the top of the execution platform, he was forced to the ground by the jailer, kneeling on his knees, facing forward.

Seeing this scene, reporters also pressed the shutter one after another, and the picture was simultaneously presented to the audience watching the live broadcast.

"Okay! This is what a rebel should do, let him kneel down."

"Isaac, the leader of the rebels, is finally going to face the final trial."

"Father, the rebel leader who killed you has been arrested. You can go in peace."

When the civilized people of Slovakia saw Isaac's embarrassed and humiliated appearance, they couldn't help but feel happy and praised the strength of the Slovak military.

Facing the increasingly serious humiliation, Isaac remained expressionless. He just looked up at the sky and prayed silently in his heart.

Dad, don’t come!

These are all traps. Don’t put all the brothers in danger just for me. Please.

Time passed bit by bit.

With only one hour left before the final moment, everyone at the scene became nervous.

"There's still one hour left. Will they stop coming?" Haines whispered.

"No, they will definitely arrive." Greco's eyes remained firm.

"All right!"

Hines shook his head helplessly. In his opinion, as long as the Lion King had time to calm down and analyze, it would be impossible to fall into this long-planned trap.

More than a hundred years have passed, does it mean that the Lion King's temperament has not changed?

To be honest, he hoped in his heart that the Lion King would not come, so that the Lovak civilization could directly kill Isaac, and he and his soldiers would not be affected by the battle of the God King.

Unfortunately, Hines' wish was soon shattered.

Didi didi~~

On the star map, a huge red dot slowly appeared, with an extremely high energy level. Then, the huge red dot split into tens of thousands of small red dots.

The Lion Palace... is here!

Greco, Hines and other generals suddenly stood up.


Outside the Golden Summit Star, the Holy Light jumped out from the space impulse. Immediately afterwards, the belly compartment opened, and tens of thousands of warships flew out like a swarm, neatly arranged around the Holy Light.

The Lion King stood in the control room of the Holy Light, looking at the shackled Isaac kneeling on the screen, a flash of anger in his majestic eyes.

"Let's begin." The Lion King said solemnly.


Han Jia nodded and ordered: "All troops, set off!"

Buzz! ! !

All battleships turned on their energy shields. With the Holy Light as the center, a network of energy links was set up between battleships, and the energy shields became more solid and thicker.

matrix defense system

Through the special resonance between the battleship defense systems, the effect of enhancing the overall shield strength is achieved.

The fleet started up, like a wolf king leading a pack of wolves, and rushed towards the Golden Top Star.

"Intercept them!"

The Lovac fleet outside the Golden Dome Star accepted the order and quickly entered combat mode. The cannon barrels lit up with dazzling light. The next moment, countless light cannons exploded towards the Holy Light Fleet like a curtain of rain.

The battleships of the Holy Light Fleet steadily withstood the first wave of fire, and at the same time, they immediately launched a strong counterattack.

Colorful beams of light shuttle and collide in the starry sky, and the interstellar war begins.

"Pooh, it's up to you now!"

Han Jia stood in front of the command panel, paying close attention to the battle damage reported in real time.

With the participation of the mothership Holy Light, the performance of our own fleet in the first wave is better than that of the Lovac Civilization. However, after all, the Lovac Civilization is a cluster-level civilization. Whether it is battleship command or weapon diversity and strength, it must be To be superior to their own side, therefore, they must find another way and use other methods to deal with the Lovac fleet.


On the control panel, a black robot image appeared, nodding towards Han Jia.

Seeing this scene, the Lion King also showed a look of expectation in his eyes.

He knew who this robot was, Infinite Arms, one of the treasures of the universe controlled by Su Mo, and its avatar was Jarvis, the chief scientist of the Holy Light Legion who was worshiped by countless mechanics.

Su Mo personally told him that the virtual technology of Endless Arms has far exceeded that of natural disaster peak mechanics, and is only one step away from god-king level mechanics.

In an interstellar war, a powerful natural disaster-level mechanic who is proficient in virtual technology will be a nightmare for the enemy fleet.


The main ship of the Lovac civilization, the commander calmly ordered:

"The first fleet outflanked the left, and the second and third detachments provided cover for the fourth detachment..."

However, as soon as his order was issued, changes suddenly occurred.

The fleet on the left side of the Lovak civilization suddenly stopped, the energy shield disappeared, and all warships aimed their gun barrels at friendly warships and fired bombardments.

At the same time, the transport ship protected in the center by the armed ship moved in all directions like crazy, instantly disrupting the formation and throwing the Lovac fleet into chaos.

"what happened?"

The commander's expression suddenly changed. The transport ship lost control and the left fleet turned back inexplicably. This made him think of a possibility.

Bobo Zatanwi?


The command system of the Lovac civilization has been upgraded many times and has been tested in actual combat. It is impossible for three natural disaster peak mechanics to break the firewall and hack into the system in a short period of time. How can a Bobo Zatanvi do it? It can be done.

"Report, the operational intelligence of the logistics spacecraft and the left fleet has been compromised, and we have lost contact with them." The technical expert was sweating with anxiety.


The commander was furious, "I don't care what methods you use, you must stop him, or else you will be dealt with by military law."

The technical experts no longer cared about what the commander was saying. They tried their best to delay the enemy's virtual invasion as much as possible.

"Who is he?"

Fili gritted his teeth. He was a natural disaster-level mechanic with the highest virtual technology in the fleet. He was also a technical expert specially used by the Lovac civilization to target Bobo Zatanvi. However, he never expected that his technical The expert was defeated by the enemy.

The man's skills were so strong that he even felt helpless when facing the God King's mechanics.

Bobo Zatanwi definitely does not have this ability. Who is he?

Where did the Lion Palace recruit such a top virtual master?


The Lion King's eyes lit up and his face showed approval.

He was greatly surprised by Pooh's strength. He was worthy of being a cosmic-level artificial intelligence life. In an interstellar war, it was so comfortable to have such a helper.

"The opponent's defense strength has increased, and the subsequent invasion will be slower." Winnie reported in real time.

"It doesn't matter, Winnie, you just need to disrupt the opponent's formation as much as possible." Han Jia said.

Even a God-King-level mechanic cannot paralyze the entire fleet in a short period of time. Currently, Pooh's virtual ability has not reached the God-King-level level, so she has never expected Pooh to kill the Lovac Civilized Fleet alone.

As long as the enemy is disorganized, the situation will be very favorable to our side.


Winnie changed his strategy, no longer pursuing the battleship to remove the energy shield or turn the gun barrel, but focused on disrupting the command system.

Soon, the Lovac command system fell into chaos. Often, as soon as an order was issued, the detachment receiving the order lost contact with the main ship.

Chaos in command is fatal to surface forces, let alone Starfleet.

"Report, Team 13 has lost contact."

"Fleet 14 lost contact, then restored it, no, it lost contact again."

The commander listened to these reports, clenching his fists and looking extremely ugly.

For him, if an interstellar war broadcast live across the universe ends like this, his command career may be coming to an end.


"What on earth is Alpha doing? Being suppressed and beaten by a group of rabble?"

On the execution platform, Haines was furious. Alpha was a famous general who had experienced hundreds of battles and commanded an elite fleet. However, such a combination was beaten to pieces by the Lion Palace and the Holy Light Legion, who were both mercenaries. He It is completely conceivable how the outside world is laughing at the Lovac civilization now.

"The natural disaster-level mechanic, is he Bobo Zatanvi?"

Greco also had an ugly face. He did not expect that Bobo Zatanvi's virtual technology would be so powerful. This was a major mistake in the early preparation process, and the consequences could be called catastrophic.

"Alpha, dispatch the natural disaster troops!"

Greco said into the headset.

"I know!"

Alpha's heavy voice came from the headphones.


"It's our turn!"

Inside the battleships, the Lovak natural disaster expert put on his armor and looked solemn.

The information on the Holy Light Legion and the natural disaster masters of the Lion Palace has long been collected by the military. Among these people, there are many particularly troublesome ones.

For example, "War Madness" Broden of the Holy Light Legion, "Phoenix" Qian Liuyu, "Little Overlord" Hutao, "Blue Dragon" Hyde, "Evil Sword" Asura, and the veteran strongman Tiger Wood of the Lion Palace , Snek Yuri, Bobo Zatanvi et al.

These are all natural disaster peak level experts.

Among them, War Mad Broden became famous in a battle not long ago and was evaluated by a large organization as one of the top ten natural disaster experts in the universe.

In terms of the number of natural disasters, the Lovac civilization has an advantage, but in terms of top combat power, the other side is slightly better.

"Everyone, your mission is to destroy the opponent's warships as much as possible and slow down their approach to the Golden Top Star." Alpha said in a deep voice through the communication system.


Many natural disasters nodded, and then all flew out of the battleships, turning into meteors and rushing towards the Holy Light Fleet.

"Haha, it's finally time to fight."

Broden clenched his fists loudly, and a cold smile appeared on his lips.

"Let's do it."

Han Jia patted her waist, and the fiery red armor covered her delicate body, like a Valkyrie born from the fire.

"The Holy Light continues to approach the Golden Dome Star, Pooh, you continue to command."


Pooh replied.

Neither the Legion of Light nor the Lion Palace had particularly outstanding fleet commanders, so of course Winnie took on the command responsibility without hesitation.

Compared with the famous commander, Pooh's command lacks the imagination and magic of inspiration, but his command style is like his identity, artificial intelligence, rigorous and meticulous, and will never make mistakes.

For the Holy Light Fleet, this is enough.

The Holy Light Legion and the natural disaster cadres of the Lion Palace drank the BUFF potion to adjust their state to its peak, then jumped out of the battleship and rushed towards the natural disaster masters of the Lovac Civilization.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dozens of meteors collided brazenly in the dangerous and terrifying battlefield. The energy aftermath of the clash overturned nearby warships and caused chaos in dozens of areas.

"The natural disaster war has begun."

Greco's eyes were solemn. The beginning of the natural disaster battle meant that the battle had entered a white-hot state. Deaths and injuries of natural disaster masters on both sides were unavoidable.

However, the key to this battle is not the natural disaster, but the relationship between the god kings.

If the battle of the God-King is won, no matter how strong the enemy's natural disaster expert is, he will eventually be easily crushed to death by the God-King, and he and Isaac will die together with the Golden Top Star.

Lion King, are you ready?

The Lion King stood at the top of the Holy Light, his cloak rustling, and he stared at the golden-topped star in the distance.

isaac my son

Dad is here, you will be fine.

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