Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 027


Yunxiazong has many kinds of maps.The crudest kind, a piece of paper is divided into nine parts, each listing Feng Jiu's name.In detail, a piece of jade slip, in which the location of each mountain is marked, and their respective names are also indicated, and then the locations such as the mission office are also pointed out one by one.

This kind of very detailed map jade slip can be bought at the logistics office of Yunxia Sect. It is a bit expensive, but it is affordable for disciples above the Foundation Establishment Stage.It's just that most of those who have cultivated to the foundation stage in Yunxia Sect have been in this sect for several years, and they don't need to buy a map to know where is where, so seriously, it is still a tasteless product.

For example, as far as I know, Eldest Senior Brother has never bought it, so when he needs to accurately call out the official names of various peaks and places, he will go to Zangshu Pavilion to record it again in advance, so as not to embarrass Yunxiazong in front of outsiders—— Anyway, he has the authority to enter and leave the library at will.

However, there are two places in Yunxia Sect that the official government deliberately does not publish maps. I mean, except for the classified maps such as the layout of the defense formation.

One is the small secret realm within the range of Fuxiu Peak in the northeast direction, and the other is the Hunting Peak.Because these two places belong to the place where disciples are trained for actual combat, providing detailed maps is like providing reference answers, which is not conducive to practice.

However, it is an official matter that the official did not provide it. The disciples have circulation maps in private. After all, disciples go to these two places every day, and every Yunxiazong disciple will eventually walk every inch of the two places. You can draw your own map of both places.

Even though Yunxiazong asked the disciples who had drawn the map not to share the map with the younger generation, and firmly announced that as long as the privately drawn maps of these two places were discovered, they would be destroyed, and they were ruthlessly implemented, but secrets are something that people who know No matter how much it is banned, it can no longer be a secret, especially for people like me who have a long-term memory. If you give me a chance to take a look, these two places will not be covered up.

Even though I am already obedient and don’t take the initiative to inquire, I can’t bear to read too much. Someone blatantly hid this kind of prohibited privately drawn map in the library. I accidentally glanced at it and remembered it before I realized what it was. Well, it's certainly not my fault.

0083_ sit still

The place I chose to complete my second exam was a large tree, a tree that gave birth to a slightly conscious dryad.After a few hundred years, it will probably be able to communicate with humans, but now, its consciousness is mainly used to expel animals and provide a peaceful living environment for the plants that grow around it, including those clinging to it.Only when the plants need activities such as pollination, some animals will be summoned to a limited extent.

Humans are also a kind of animal, of course I am also on its expulsion list, unfortunately, this dryad only has the cultivation base of the early stage of Qi training, let alone me, most of the animals on Hunting Peak will not expel it Put it in your eyes.

It's just that the buzzing expulsion feels a bit noisy, so many spirit beasts and monsters who are higher than this tree spirit don't like to come here.Although the tree is weaker than them, since they don't want to fight the tree to death, then giving in is just giving in. Anyway, the tree does not require much private land, so it should be used as an investment for the future.

Plant spirits are more difficult than animals, but many plant spirits are full of treasures.The most wonderful thing is that most of the treasures on the plant spirit can be continuously produced. A pile of fruits this year will produce a pile of fruits next year. It is useless for it to keep the fruits. It is happy to sell them, as long as you pay them something equivalent to it.

It's not like an animal that shaves off its fur today, and tomorrow... today it will fight you to the death, not to mention skinning, cramps, and claws. It's all one-off, involving life and death.

Of course, if someone has to dig up the roots of the plant spirits, then the plant spirits will also have to fight to the death.

The expelling sound of the dryad is actually a little noisy to me, but if I leave this tree, the animals and insects scurrying around will be even more noisy, so I choose the lesser evil, and I sit upright. Don't go under the tree.

The tree spirit expelled for a while and saw that I didn't respond. At the same time, I sat quietly and didn't disturb it. It gradually tolerated my existence and stopped releasing the expulsion sound.

Well... the expulsion time is getting shorter and shorter.I am very satisfied.

I have been here many times before, every time I was expelled by the tree, and then it failed in my patience every time, and it may be more or less familiar with me. Now the expulsion is more like a symbolic complaint, I think that after hundreds of years, when it can speak, maybe I can become friends with it.

"Ah, I found you, beauty." A familiar voice sounded today, waking me up from a half-asleep state.

This is the downside of reading with my eyes closed. I don’t know if I’m really reading or dreaming.But not to mention, sometimes my comprehension ability in half-dream and half-awake is better than when I am fully awake. Anyway, I can even remember all my dreams and look back at them at any time, so it doesn't matter whether I am asleep or awake.

——But this kind of unfiltered memorization also makes me a little worried that my brain will burst one day.And after writing down all the dreams, I found sadly that I have too many dreams every night. Can I really rest after experiencing so many dreams in one night?It's no wonder that when one's cultivation level is high, one can use cultivation to replace sleep, because sleep itself can't be static, and its restorative power is really not as good as meditation.


I opened my eyes and saw Master Shi Bolin walking towards me with a fat rabbit in his hand. My first reaction was that this guy dropped tracking props on me.

Because of this young dryad, its expulsion effect is not only to expel animals that step into its alert range, but the expulsion that it emits is outside the frequency range of human hearing and requires spiritual power to perceive. The sound will also make people subconsciously avoid walking in its direction.

Shi Bolin's cultivation was not much higher than that of the dryad, so the dryad was more effective in expelling him, so unless Young Master Shi consciously resisted the discomfort of being rejected, he shouldn't have come here at all.

And now that he's here, I have to ask, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Fate!" Master Shi replied without hesitation.

I looked at him blankly.Probably confused by my defensiveness, Young Master Shi was tongue-tied for a moment, then changed his words: "Well, actually, my intuition is very accurate."

Me: "Oh?"

"Really," Young Master Shi said quickly, "Intuition, or luck, my luck is very good. I can always choose the correct answer in the situation of choosing one of two, one of three or even one of ten. Broken The same is true when forming a formation, I find a few places that may be formation eyes, and then I choose one at random, then it is really a formation eye, and I never miss it.”

Is it true...wait a minute, the senior brother said that Shi Bolin is a 'very interesting person' and that he might as well make friends with him', then, if Master Shi's luck is true...you must buy a lottery ticket. The luck of winning the lottery?

I'm really envious, I'm the kind of lucky scum who always chooses the wrong answer when choosing one of the two, and the lucky e who only gets "thank you" when scratching prizes... I don't even want to befriend this person.

Although I was upset because of jealousy, I put away my guard against Young Master Shi and asked, "What can you do with me?"

Young Master Shi raised the fat rabbit: "We agreed to have barbecue together, but I only caught rabbits...the meat here is too fierce..."

Nonsense, otherwise can it be used as a training ground?This is only the outermost circle. Go inside and see if you catch a rabbit. If you don’t get caught by a rabbit, you will be worthy of your lucky max.

I didn't answer, but Young Master Shi didn't seem to care, he picked up a branch and started paddling on the ground.It is probably to draw the array of barbecue that he said before.

I was very puzzled: "Why do you tolerate my sarcastic remarks?" I think that with my bad personality, except for the elders who may tolerate me out of tolerance, it is impossible for my peers to be willing to have a deep friendship with me. Casual acquaintances were established based on a preference for beauty.

Master Shi raised his head and smiled at me: "My intuition is really accurate. As soon as I saw you, I knew that you would become a very important person to me. We have a fate that lasts a lifetime. Although I don't know if it will be a Taoist companion fate, but that is not important, what is important is that we will be together for the rest of our lives."

I shivered: "Life?"

Young Master Shi: "For a lifetime."

Me: "...How do you roast the rabbit?" Forecasts or something, just listen to it, no matter how good luck is, it is impossible for everything to be right.Besides, if they are from the same family, it is normal to have a lifelong friendship.

Young Master Shi: "Oh, right away. It's a pity that the rabbit is baked with this. I think it doesn't taste good, so I can barely add an extra meal."

0085_Scene [-]

Two hours later, all the candidates regrouped to the disembarkation place.

Most of the candidates looked like they had gone through a fight.Bloody, wounded, and even one with an arm missing.I may have the most perfect appearance among them, it is spotless, even Master Shi stained his clothes for catching and roasting rabbits.

...It's a little bad.I thought to myself, in this kind of group activity, I seem to be too independent, either I am so powerful that other people cannot catch up with me, or I am wrong in reviewing the questions, and I am walking on a completely wrong path...

I don't think I'm particularly good. After all, there is still a foundation building period among the candidates. I can only be regarded as the tallest among the dwarfs in a Qi training period, and I am far from standing out from the crowd.

Won't you really fail the exam this time?I worry.

"The third project is also the last project," the senior brother said on the flying boat, "you will enter a phantom array, and in it, you will go through all the subjective questions in the first written test. This time, I can tell you in advance Scoring criteria. The more you perform in the phantom array that is consistent with the answers you wrote in the written test, the higher the score will be. So, if the answers you wrote before are forged, then you need to pass this forged answer Do it thoroughly."

After a short pause, the elder brother added: "This phantom array itself will never be fatal, or even cause injury—unless you injure yourself—but there will be no shortage of corresponding pain in the place that should be injured. And in order to strengthen As a result, the pain will be magnified, about two or three times. You have more or less injuries in the previous exams. Sorry, you have to take these injuries to complete the last exam. After you come out of the phantom array, whether you pass or not, Yunxiazong will heal your injuries first. We have brought back the arm that was bitten off in the second exam, and we will take it back for you after the third exam is over. Don't worry, although the Yunxiazong entry selection Mortality, disability, but as long as you're not breaking the rules, we generally try to avoid it."

Following the elder brother's words, everyone intentionally or unintentionally turned their attention to the young man with the broken arm. The young man's expression was gloomy.

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