Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 100

0390_ Palace

Our direct inviter is the Yuhe royal family, according to Yuhe's rules, so we can directly live in the palace.Even if you don't live there, you can still have a lot of freedom to visit in the palace. Except for some confidential and important places that you can't go to, you can even ask to live in the king's dormitory.

...Probably equivalent to inviting a one-night stand.

The little master uncle is bold and bold, and took Yan Ziqi to live in the palace that night when he arrived in Yuhe. The fundamental purpose was to observe whether there were any traps in the palace. It would be even better if he could observe the whereabouts of the treasures by the way.

It's a pity that although Yuhe doesn't have the ability to transform into a god locally, the secret realm itself has accumulated over the years, and the palace as a resource gathering point has been built to be beautiful and practical, with a strong defense.It's impossible for the little master uncle to use his spiritual knowledge to investigate without anyone noticing.

If you want to investigate thoroughly, you will inevitably make a big commotion, and if you want to be quiet, you will be restrained everywhere.Otherwise, Yuhe would not have dared to invite the little uncle by name.No matter how infatuated they are with beauty, they can't just play with their own secret realm.

Besides, although Yuhe doesn't have Huashen locally, other sects do, and the little master can only suppress each other, so what can be detected is very limited.What's more, what he can detect, can also be detected by other sects' transformation gods, and other people who didn't bring transformation gods but brought symptomatic spiritual weapons can also detect them, so our Yunxia sect didn't get more rewards because of this. Intelligence advantage.

However, the safety of the palace was confirmed at any rate, so I moved into the palace——I really couldn't bear the enthusiasm of the people.

I directly lived next door to the little uncle, and my sister immediately said: "Uncle Qi, please protect him, I'll go out and do something."

After I finished speaking, I didn't wait for the little uncle to respond, so I ran away in a hurry, leaving me and the little uncle staring at each other, and there was Yan Ziqi with a mouse and a hairball staring at him.

I chose a topic that should be relatively safe, and asked Yan Ziqi, "Your new spirit beast?"

Yan Ziqi nodded, looking very happy: "Cute?"

Well, a mouse that looks like a hamster, except for its tail, is indeed not cute, but is it really okay for you to put him in front of the furball cat?The fur ball is relatively small, but your mouse is also pocket-sized, just big enough to hold the fur ball in one bite.I don't care if I get caught and eaten.

0391_ is a nice guy

Yan Ziqi introduced her new mouse partner to me: "Shen Chen sent me. He said that if I take care of me well, he will introduce Qingqing to a boyfriend before I leave Yuhe. But if I don't take care of me well, see It seems unreliable, if you can't support Qingqing's family well, you have to let Qingqing go down alone."

... Shen Shen? ... Qingqing?

"It's called Qingqing." Yan Ziqi said, "It's a cute girl."

Me: "... Oh."

Yan Ziqi: "Shen Chen is Yuhe's prince, not as cute as Qingqing, but he is a good person."

...As far as I know, Yuhe's royal family stands at the top of Yuhe by virtue of their beauty.In the beginning, this clan became the king because they were the most beautiful clan of Yuhe. Later, although they had to make some mistakes in choosing the princess or husband from time to time, they still preferred to choose Yuhe and the most beautiful person at that time, or invite them from outside. A more beautiful person than Yuhe was the most beautiful person at that time.

Including the king who fell in love with the disciple of the Rebirth Gate back then, but didn't force him to marry the plain-looking disciple, and finally chose a beautiful woman as the princess.After strengthening the beauty gene layer by layer, in terms of appearance, Yu and the royal family are definitely very good at it.

If the new generation of the Yuhe royal family didn't have a genetic mutation, then the prince's appearance...is not as cute as a hamster, and can only be described as a good person. Yan Luoli who can think so, you are indeed worthy of jumping through the outer door of the entry group Life, the girl who was directly chosen by Yushou Peak.

But I'd better see that Prince Shen Shen before making a conclusion. What if that person is a true genetic mutation and becomes disabled, or inherits a certain princess with a strange appearance from another generation, rather than Yan Ziqi's dehumanized aesthetics? Woolen cloth?

0392_ innocent

"What's wrong with you again?" Little Martial Uncle didn't let me continue to gag, and asked, "Even Pei Miao can't protect you anymore?"

What does 'again' mean?I've never caused trouble... well, in Yuhe, my face invites trouble.Especially Yuhe's local dressing style, which is fashionable and flamboyant, makes my face look... glamorous?

In fact, if I didn't dress up at all or tried to dress up as simple as possible, for example, when I was in Jijia Village when I was doing a series of missions, I would still be beautiful, but it would not be as thrilling as it is now.

My appearance is more suitable for luxurious dresses, no matter how luxurious decorations are placed on my body, they will only set off my appearance, and will not overwhelm the guests and let my face set off the decorations instead.

In order to achieve the intended personality of the big brother, I have been dressing up according to Yuhe's fashion since I came to Yuhe.The popularity of Yuhe is that the more beautiful people dress up, the more complicated they are, so I dress up more and more abstractly every day, and now I am almost abstracted into a humanoid jewelry store, but the effect...

Anyway, now someone is fighting for me.They also organized a group arena to compete for the winner.

"Whoever wins, do you want to reward him?" Yan Ziqi asked curiously.

Me: "...It has nothing to do with me. I don't know why the arena broke out suddenly, and I didn't understand the benefits of those who won the arena. It seems that there are too many people making troubles, and then they gather together to score points." Compete...that's it, I..." is innocent.

"Are you as innocent as a rabbit? Pure as a blooming white lotus?" The little uncle finished what I hadn't finished.

Me: "..." I was innocent in the first place, I just brushed my face for a few days, and the problem is also the fault of the big brother who asked me to brush my face.

Junior Uncle: "I changed your body, I feel dizzy looking at it."

Do you feel dizzy?I put these things on my body one by one with my own hands, and it was very tiring.Is it easy to brush my face?

However, I have brushed my face so well that everyone knows me, and my beauty has left a deep-rooted impression on them. After that, even if I dress up plainly, they will only regret it, thinking that their excessive noise makes me bored Then, in my mind, I will perfect my appearance after dressing up-if my appearance can be more perfect.

...Damn, that sounds disgusting.

0393_ dress up

I changed back to the standard uniform of Yunxiazong Jianxiu Peak.When he came out after changing his clothes, the little martial uncle was stunned for a moment, and Yan Ziqi tilted his head.

Me: "...why?" I've always dressed like this in Yunxiazong, why are you acting like it's the first time I've seen you?

Young Master Uncle: "It's hard to go from extravagance to frugality. Your previous attire was too visually impactful. After seeing it, you will look at this light attire... Yuhe is going crazy, they must make you dress in line with their aesthetics." some, and even stranger things."

...It's all the big brother's fault.

Yan Ziqi, look at me, look at Furball cat, look at Qingqing hamster, look at Furball cat, look at Qingqing hamster, look at Furball, look at Qingqing...

I am very relieved that there are still people who don't look at faces in this world.

"Is it okay to let Maoqiu and Qingqing play together? Put them together." Yan Ziqi first put the hamster on the table, "Maybe they hit each other, and they can have babies, which must be even cuter."

...Although it is true that spirit beasts can mate across races and have children, is it really appropriate for you to mate cats and mice?Moreover, my master is still single, why do you think I will let my spirit beast get out of the single first?Absolutely not, if there is dog food, I must eat it with Fuqiu.

I ruthlessly rejected Yan Ziqi's request, and then began to pick off the pile of jingling things on Fuqiu's body—well, yes, as my beloved pet, Fuqiu must of course be groomed when I brush my face.

Yuheren's reaction to fur balls is average, but he is much more tolerant than his attitude towards my sister. At least they already know that this is my pet, but my sister still protects passers-by.Yuheren also suggested to me a lot of ways to dress up pets, and I did some of them, which attracted their praise:

"Although the cat's foundation is ordinary, it can still be seen when dressed up."

So I am not on the same line with Yuhe's aesthetics.I think fur balls are the cutest when they are black and fluffy without decoration, just like I also think that my natural beauty can be better reflected when I dress plainly.

——The face of a shemale is already enough, but after dressing up again, the gender is unknown...

After looking at myself in the mirror for a long time, I really see that everyone has the face of passers-by, and I feel that everyone has an ordinary appearance.It is said that the meaning of love at first sight is to fall in love with someone at first sight, but I have been blinded by my own beauty to the point of not being able to see the beauty of others, that is, I have lost the possibility of falling in love with someone at first sight.And long-term love... I don't have the patience to get along with people for a long time and gradually understand them.

I think the demon cultivators may be right, I am really sick, I am not here... I don't know if I am, but I must be seriously ill.

0394_Good attitude

I met Prince Shen Shen who gave Yan Ziqi a hamster...

Although I can chat with Yan Ziqi, I also thought that maybe the age is about the same as Yan Luoli, but looking at the five-year-old chubby, I was still silent.

I also understand why Yan Ziqi compares His Royal Highness with a hamster. It's not that Yan Ziqi has a strange aesthetic, but that His Highness Shen Shen is round and chubby. At first glance, he really looks like a big hamster .It's a pity that hamsters are cute on the miniature scale. Of course, the big ones are not cute, and the fleshy body conceals his supposedly handsome facial features.

This kind of appearance is very disadvantageous in a place like Yuhe who looks at his face insanely.Even if people know that the royal family has good genes, the chubby boy should be a beauty when he grows up, but before he grows up, people will just ignore him, neglect him, and neglect him.It's not intentional, but, just like they can't remember my sister, they can't see people who are not beautiful enough.

Fortunately, Yuhe's life is rich and smooth. Although Xiaopangdun is a little transparent, he has no worries about food and clothing and is not bullied.As long as you don't care about it, life is not difficult.So, does the chubby care about it?

"They are still growing and need a lot of sleep. You can't disturb them for your own happiness. Besides, they are very cute when they are asleep. Just looking at their sleeping posture makes me happy." Xiao Pangdun gave to Yan Zi Qi shared his experience of raising pets, oh, wrong, it is the experience of raising spirit beasts.It's full of official feces-shoveling comfort after taking care of Mr. Cat.

Yan Ziqi nodded vigorously: "That's right, master and uncles said the same thing. You have to understand the needs of spirit beasts, and you must not impose your will on spirit beasts."

Xiaopangdun was happy: "Respect each other, this is the most important thing to get along with spirit beasts."

Yan Ziqi: "They are equal partners."

Little Fatty: "It's the best friend of the soul."

... I think Xiaopangdun's mentality is quite good, his heart is full of spirit beasts, and he probably has no leisure to pay attention to others' neglect of him.

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