Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 130


Regarding Feng Qiang's own occupation, he vowed that the occupation that would not be dragged down by his reputation was an antique restorer.

Antiquities restorer is one of the few professions that can be found in both the mortal world and the comprehension world, but in the mortal world it is an independent profession, while in the comprehension world it is often a part-time job, such as repairing artifacts part-time, Confucianism repairing ancient books part-time ,etc.

As far as the mortal world is concerned, the scope of 'antiquities' is relatively wide. According to their time, value, etc., the corresponding restorers are divided into multiple levels. The highest level is the restoration of items before the catastrophe.This top-notch restorer of antiquities is a treasure, and the entire mortal world should hold it in high esteem, and the cultivation world should have equal academic exchanges with it.

——The world of comprehension and the world of mortals always have contacts, so the utensils of the two worlds in the same era have something in common, and their restorations can also learn from each other.

Feng Qiang is still far from being able to restore the antiquities before the catastrophe, but many seniors in the antiquities restoration industry think that what he lacks is experience, and his talent, enthusiasm, hard work and other factors are absolutely sufficient. In his lifetime, he should be able to Become a master.

——Feng Qiang also spent a lot of time on daily training in antiquities restoration and reading the latest materials when he was an actor. Compared with his dedication to acting...he is not dedicated to acting at all.

It is heartbreaking for such a promising young man to go to the entertainment industry halfway. It is hard to come back. The circle of antiquities restoration is very gratified.

As for the messy negative news, the restoration of antiquities is a very 'quiet' job. These professionals basically don't pay attention to the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, and occasionally they don't care when they hear about it.So no matter how bad Feng Qiang's reputation in the entertainment circle is, the antiquities restoration circle can say he didn't hear it, or even really didn't hear it, and his reputation wasn't that bad when he quit.

Feng Qiang's life turned a corner and returned to the right track with a bright future, and He Xunyu's life also returned to the reality of half a foot in the coffin after a dream.

Before the illusion-making seeds in He Xunyu's body completely expired, I returned to him and watched him wake up reluctantly from his dream face to face.After he opened his eyes and saw me, he smiled happily. It wasn't the kind of facial movement that bent his spine and showed some contradictions and humbleness when I saw him twice before, but it was lighthearted from the heart.

"It was a wonderful dream," he said.

"As long as you like it." I said sincerely.

He Xunyu: "I like it, of course I like it, I want it even in my dreams, but unfortunately I only got it in my dreams."

His cultivation base has loosened. I originally thought that he might fall to the Qi training stage, but he took a step up and reached the middle stage of foundation establishment. Although it only lasted for a moment, he fell back to the early stage, but , This is a very stable early stage, so that his face doesn't look so old anymore, as if he is so many years away from the end of his life.

0514_ Sure enough, I still don’t like it

He Xunyu looked at me in astonishment: "What happened... did you give me another seed?"

In fact, I was also surprised, but I'm sure I didn't do anything, and I didn't find any abnormal spiritual power fluctuations around me, so it should be his own problem.I pretended to him: "Ask yourself. You just woke up from the dream of Jindan, and you should be very clear about what it feels like to have an illusory cultivation base. Was that moment just an illusion? Is the current cultivation base an illusion? ?”

He Xunyu felt it for a moment, his body shivered and curled up slightly, choked up and said, "...no...no...it's true, it's true...the mid-term, I actually entered the mid-term, even if it's only a few minutes... "

As a person who quickly skipped the early stage and entered the middle stage as soon as the foundation was established, and as a person who grew up in the environment where the entire foundation stage was treated as an intern child, I don't quite understand He Xunyu's current mood, but crying with joy is better than sadness Good tears.

It turns out that in addition to giving golden elixir dreams, the illusion-making seeds can also help people improve their mood, and is it beneficial to cultivation?Maybe not, maybe it's just that He Xunyu wandered in the dream of Jindan and relaxed his mind, let go of the psychological burden that he had been burdened all the time, and when his mind opened up, his cultivation improved.

It's a pity that the state of mind is very important to the cultivation base, and the accumulation of spiritual power is also indispensable. He Xunyu's spiritual power, meridian level, and physical fitness are only comparable to the standards in the early stage of foundation establishment. In fact, a real upgrade cannot be achieved.

However, with such a vain upgrade, if He Xunyu can train his body and accumulate his spiritual power in a short period of time, it will be easy to really enter the middle stage.Moreover, after entering the middle stage, his life span has also been extended, maybe he is lucky enough to enter the later stage?Then seize the time to reach the peak... Maybe it is not necessarily true that you will be able to form an alchemy?

I was imagining a bright future for He Xunyu, and I heard the old man shout loudly: "I will die without regret!"


The voice is loud and unrepressed.

Well...you are happy.

I rolled my eyes in my heart: "Are you okay? I'll go back and hand in the task if I'm okay."

He Xunyu immediately restrained his happy expression after hearing this, and returned to a cautious state: "It's okay, thank you very much, Senior Pei. I can't repay you, I..."

"Okay, don't talk about it," I interrupted, "This is just a task, don't take it too seriously. Then I will go to my client, Mu Yao, say goodbye, and then go back, first Say goodbye to you. If you still have something to say thank you, just tell Muyao, after all, it was his commission, and I just completed the task. Goodbye."

He Xunyu slightly bent down and said, "Goodbye, thank you Senior Pei."

I really still don't like this guy.

0515_Check it yourself

Both my task and Zhang Mi's task have been successfully completed, and some corner information checks have also been done, but there is one thing that I am a little bit concerned about, the incense burner.But this thing is not something that can be exchanged for a bunch of materials with a few spirit stones. It belongs to the cultivation world. If you want to check it thoroughly, the price is another standard.My funds are enough, but such a waste... I'd rather check it myself.

——The information found can also be sold to the mission office.The task office said that there is no problem, and this thing will be handed over to the second son for investigation.As for the reward... we'll see what we find out.

In Chaidu's materials, there is a more detailed process of how she got the incense burner, including the time, place, and stall owner.I arrived at the roadside stall at the same time. Not surprisingly, the seller had changed, and the stall was not selling knick-knacks, but a barbecue stall.

"Sister, do you want to order a bunch? It's not delicious and you don't need money." The stall owner greeted me warmly, although there are already many customers waiting in line in front of his stall-judging from the length of the queue, it should be really good Eat——he was still courteously pulling business... and also misidentified my gender with a lame eye.

Forget it, at night, the street lights are not very bright, so it's normal to misread.

"I want a bunch of potatoes," I said.

"Okay." The stall owner immediately grilled another bunch of potatoes, and let me jump in the line openly.

Not only did the people in line have no objection, but the person at the front of the line—note, a male—had quickly said, "Give her my potatoes first, and give her all three skewers."

Stall owner: "That's fine, come on, girl, take it."

I reached out to pick it up and asked, "How much?"

The original buyer of the potato skewers immediately said: "I invite you."

Hmm... I won't be embarrassed to be offered a few skewers of barbecue by a stranger, but can you hide your pervert eyes?You make me look stupid for not reacting like this.Although my IQ is indeed not too high, but because it is not too high, I want to maintain the lower limit of maintenance.

So I still respond.I said, "Although it may not look like it, I am a man."

For a moment, there was only a greasy sound, and then a real girl tapped her palm with a fist and made a 'snap': "I just said, so cute, of course it's a boy!"

As an otaku, I can tell what kind of attribute you are, girl, as soon as I hear it.

0516_two years ago

Buyer of Potato Skewers: "Ah... boys... Hahaha, it's good too... Oh, it should be, even better, how about we go have a drink together?"

not so good.Sometimes I think that the ethos of the heterosexual mainstream in my previous life and the homosexual shyness in public are not bad. At least in this case, I can avoid many flies by revealing my gender.But the world of mate selection in this life is very broad-spectrum, not to mention that I reveal the male gender, even if I reveal the monster gender, I can still catch anyone who wants to pounce.

"Not interested." I replied while biting into a potato, "but if you know this piece well, we can chat."

The young man with potato skewers came up to me with his barbecue: "It's cooked, of course it's cooked. I've lived here for more than ten years. Brother, do you want to know something? Are you here to catch rape? I'll kick the door for you." .”

Catch your ex-husband's traitor, what idea?I stared at him.

He patted his face lightly: "I'm sorry for this stinky mouth, I can't talk, don't be as knowledgeable as me. Brother is such a beauty, a fool will cheat after having you. Come, come, come again Take a few strings, and I will make amends for you."

I took another bunch of grilled eggplants as good as I could, and let the hairball bite a piece first.

The young man with potato skewers stared at the hairball eating eggplant slices in a daze.

"About two years ago," I said, "was there a stall here selling odds and ends, such as pots for watering flowers, wind chimes, water cups, incense burners, feather dusters... Now this place sells barbecue."

"No." It was the uncle of the barbecue stall who answered me, "I have set up a stall here for almost five years. Except for heavy rain, Chinese New Year and illness, I set up a stall here every day. Even if I don't come, this The position is also reserved for me."

The night that Chai Du got the incense burner was not a Chinese New Year holiday, nor did it rain. "March 27 of the year before last," I said, "Uncle, have you set up a stall?"

Uncle Barbecue: "Oh, you're embarrassing me, how can I remember it. Let alone March 27 of the year before last, even if it's March 27 this year, I don't remember whether I have a stall or not."

Well, I guess so, that's why I didn't say the exact date at first.But since I said it now, let’s promote the memory again, “It didn’t rain that day, and the weather was fine, and it was a sunny day.”

The barbecue uncle smiled and shook his head and sprinkled chili noodles: "I can't remember."

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