Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 150

0597_No way to start

Elder Guanghe: "Spiritual plants are different from plants in the mortal world. They are full of variation, and this variation is by no means a joke like a different color of flowers, more branches, and several times the size of the fruit. Can cross the boundaries of the species itself. Aquatic becomes terrestrial, and insectivorous becomes cannibal. The same kind of spiritual plant, each plant and each tree may have a unique effect. It is not the subtle difference between fingerprints and fingerprints. Unique, but, fundamentally, completely different except in appearance."

I nodded: I understand all these principles, but what should I do?Just because each spiritual plant may be unique, their cultivation methods are also full of variables.I can try it according to the script, but let me research and discover the cultivation method of a certain spiritual plant by myself. I think it is better to let professional, your disciples and grandchildren do it.

Elder Guanghe: "So, you play with them for a day first."

Me: "?" It's very common to play with spirit beasts at Yushou Peak, but now even Lingzhi has to play with them?What kind of companionship?Soak in water to absorb carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen?

After Elder Guanghe gave his orders, he walked away with his hands behind his back. While walking slowly, he said, "I'll come back at this time tomorrow to tell you what to do next."

I restrained the urge to ask questions, but seeing Elder Guanghe walking away, I still couldn't help shouting: "How can I play with you? What are they going to play with?"

Elder Guanghe stopped, turned his head and looked at me with a smile: "Playing with you is a task I assigned to you. When did you do the task and guide you on how to complete every step?"

But in the tasks I have done before, there is no one sentence without explanation that makes me unable to start or even understand.I feel a little aggrieved and want to refute, but Elder Guanghe clearly wants to correct my bad habit of relying too much on information, and it is likely that I have been entrusted by my father and will never release me. It is futile for me to argue, why not...

"Oh, I almost forgot," Elder Guanghe said, "This chain of missions has an overall requirement. You are not allowed to ask others for help. Once you ask for help, it will be regarded as a failure of this part of your mission. But the good thing is that the failure of one part does not affect Scoring for the next link. This chain of missions is quite special this time, completing one link counts as a score, and failing to complete the last link will not affect the previous ones. Not bad?"

Not bad... what a ghost!I didn't know it was a chain mission!

Elder Guanghe: "You seem to have a problem."

Opinions are big.I really couldn't hold back: "This is against the rules. When a disciple accepts a task, he has the right to choose the task he wants to do and is sure to complete according to his own needs and abilities, and he also has the right to choose long-term or short-term tasks according to his own schedule. You don't have to. Tell me the details of the mission, but you can't even hide the basic classification of the mission from me."

I want to say even more, if I report this matter to the discipline department, you will be punished even if you are an elder—the discipline department also has elders sitting in charge.And it's the elder Jianxiu, there is no pressure to physically punish the planter.


Elder Guanghe: "Regarding this point, Elder Pei Ji entrusted me to assign this task to you. It can be said that I accepted his task, and all my requirements for you are in accordance with his terms. If the discipline department wants to punish you , is also punishing him. Elder Pei also made it clear that all violations of this mission will be punished by him. Do you want to sue him?"

I... Oh, I went to the discipline department to sue my father for violating the rules, and then the discipline department sent someone to punish Elder Pei, but the problem is, one of the elders of the discipline department is Elder Pei himself!Although there are two other elders in the Disciplinary Department, unfortunately, my father is the most powerful among the three elders.So unless the other two elders join forces to beat him, the execution of this punishment depends entirely on my father's self-consciousness, and it's just a passing scene, not to mention a joke.

However, the father and master violated the rules a little in the process of educating his son and disciple. Will it alert two elders to join forces to deal with an elder?The elders of Yunxiazong are not neighborhood committees, so they don't care about other people's housework.

Besides, except for those that endanger the sect and may cause irreversible harm, the Discipline Department of the Yunxia Sect generally adopts an attitude of not suing and ignoring them.May I sue my dad?After suing, he is likely to obey the rules and accept the punishment, and then when he returns to Peifeng, he will receive a lighter punishment and use it to punish me for a round as revenge?Oh, for such a trivial matter, the punishment is not very strong, maybe there is no need to reduce it, and the punishment he himself received can be directly copied to me as the punishment item.

——Even father and master dare to sue, against you.If you are not punished, you will go to heaven.

I made a bitter face: "Why doesn't my dad come and correct me himself, and bother you?"

Elder Guanghe: "Don't bother, don't bother at all. Originally, Elder Pei wanted to do it himself, but I just snatched it up. If I didn't know how to act quickly and happened to have such a suitable job on hand, this little beauty would I can't get a good job. And it's really refreshing to break the rules and adjust casually without any worries."

I looked at his orange skin face and felt a little cold.Don't be ashamed, you are a hundred times my age?You actually took advantage of me verbally?My father allows you to punish me casually, but it does not mean that he allows you to tease me, just wait a moment.

I bowed my head and sent a message to my father, directly forwarding to him the words that Elder Guanghe said just now, and also attached the expression of Elder Guanghe when he said this.

Elder Guanghe: "Hey, little beauty, I said I can't ask for help...huh?"

Elder Guanghe looked at me silently after receiving the communication, and I looked at him calmly - the communication just now was definitely my father asking him to give him a warning.

In addition to the mission-related rules, the Disciplinary Office has many other rules, which are very trivial and all-encompassing.The Disciplinary Department has never expected anyone to abide by them all. They listed a large number of seemingly reasonable rules in detail to create a shocking effect.

For example, it is not allowed to bully younger generations by relying on their cultivation. The definition of 'bullying' includes verbal insults and, by extension, verbal teasing.

My father allowed you to violate the rules of the mission at will, but he didn't open the back door for you in other aspects of the rules. In those aspects, he is still the elder of the discipline department with a strict face.Elder Guanghe, you can figure it out. If I don’t ask for help, I will sue.


Elder Guanghe: "I'm just joking. Your tender face reminds me of when I was young. I just want to find the feeling of youth. I don't really want to do anything to you, and even if you don't believe that I don't have that kind of heart, You should also believe that I don't have the guts. I can't stand your father's sword. Maybe my way of joking is wrong, which surprised you. I am old and can't keep up with the popular way of making jokes about beauties. "

I also answered him sincerely: "I just tell you that I don't like this kind of joke. Because I have never met an elder who made fun of me like this, I don't know how to deal with it, so maybe the method is a little too radical, but I didn't really I thought you would mess around. I believe in the ethics of the elders, and of course I also believe in my father's deterrent power. I just hope that this way can let you understand how disgusted I am."

Elder Guanghe: "..."


I was sick to my stomach because of this hypocritical dialogue, and probably the elder Guang and the same.

In the end, Elder Guanghe's face and nerves were more able to withstand the test. He said: "Go to the task, and I will come back at this time tomorrow."

I sigh.Of course I know that Elder Guanghe has no evil intentions towards me, and his verbal flamboyance is really just a joke. In normal times, I would definitely ignore certain words and extract the key information in the sentence.But today's task really made me a little irritable, and I couldn't help but want to practice the action of 'I'm not happy, so everyone should not be happy'.

Fortunately, my father probably knew how irritable I was, so he didn't continue to irritate me anymore. Instead, he cooperated with me to suppress Ya Guang and the elder, and told him not to be rude in front of me.

This is also in this sect, even the transformation stage can patiently take care of the little temper of the foundation stage.

Elder Guanghe's teasing before was actually trying to ease my irritability, but the rhythm was not right, and the topic was not right - after all, there are hundreds of generation gaps - but it made me feel even worse.He didn't get angry when he was stabbed by me, and he cooperated and left so that I could be alone.

Ugh...have to apologize.so annoying...

I jumped into the pond to soak in water with water lilies. Fortunately, Lingzhi basically has its own cleaning ability. The water in ponds, ponds, and even vases in the cultivation world can also be made into running water, making the water in the pond clean and fragrant. There is no psychological barrier to soaking up.


The water is relatively deep, deeper than my height, but I put a mattress under the water so that it can support me and float at any height.

As a feline, Furball isn't too fond of water, but as a water rooted feline, he doesn't dislike water too much either.After I got into the water, the fur ball climbed onto my shoulders, patted the surface of the water with its paws, probably to assess the comfort, then dived into the water, and after a while, its head surfaced and swam around.

I watched it for a while, closed my eyes, slowed down my breathing, and slowly listened to the breathing of the water lilies, and gradually synchronized my breathing with theirs, and gradually my whole body sank into the water—don’t worry, Binglingen It is easy to breathe in water.

I don't know what Elder Guanghe means by "playing with you", but since they all told me to rely less on information and rely on intuition to adapt to the situation, then I don't think too much, just follow the literal meaning and do it in a way I don't hate implement.

As for the effect of execution... Anyway, I didn't get the mission goal, so whatever effect can be achieved is what effect.

When my mind is completely empty, the first thing I feel is not lightness, but sleepiness.Hey, it is generally believed that sleep is a waste of time for monks. Although I always think that it is inevitable to fall asleep intermittently when meditating for a long time, it is just that the sitting posture is maintained well, and outsiders cannot see it.I often couldn't tell whether I was really concentrating on cultivation or dreaming of concentrating on cultivation when I was meditating.

I yawned, took out the communicator, and sent an apology message to Elder Guanghe, thinking about apologizing again when we meet tomorrow, I was really confused.I also dreamed of the scene of apologizing to Elder Guanghe face-to-face—it could be a scenario simulation.

Disordered thoughts seemed to wander for a long time, but when I was woken up by the communication, only six hours had actually passed and it was midnight.

Tired of swimming, or sleepy again, the fur ball crawled back into my arms a long time ago.When I was half asleep and half awake, I also felt it fluffing on the mat I prepared for it floating on the water-the water on the fur can be completely evaporated with spiritual power, and there is no need for physical shaking at all, so this fluffing is probably just a cat. Keben, it's comfortable to shake - but after it's done, it goes back to the water and sinks with me.

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