Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 151

0601_tell a joke

The communication came at a strange time, which reminded me of the dark history not long ago, and the person who dialed the communication was also strange, it was the elder brother.

I was worried at first that it was some kind of emergency, but as soon as the screen turned on and I saw his face, I knew this guy was here to have fun again.

"Let me tell you a joke." As soon as the eldest brother opened his mouth, he said that he really had nothing to do.

Me: "Tell me." As long as it's not telling my jokes, I can listen to it.

Eldest brother: "Elder Guanghe cried to Elder Huigu just now."

As soon as I was shocked, the remaining sleepiness was completely gone immediately, and I looked at him vigilantly.

The elder brother raised his hand and made a slight pressing motion: "Oh, it's okay, you can continue to be confused. Although you are indeed the primer of this joke, the joke itself has nothing to do with you."

The big brother didn't keep it secret, and then said to me:

Elder Guanghe cried to Elder Huigu: "I made a joke with Pei Lin to let him relax, but he became angry instead. Hey, you said there are so many disciples in the sect, his peers, senior brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, and even You always joke about his appearance, why did he get angry when I teased him with this? He was really angry, and he immediately complained to Pei Ji. Pei Ji also came to warn me right away and told me not to be an old man. Respect."

Elder Huigu stared at Elder Guanghe for a while, and then said: "Maybe it's because of the face. Do you have to make yourself look like a bad old man? It's fine if you make it like this, and you still use this face to make fun of the beauty? Don't say it." If Pei Lin wants to get angry, I can't bear it."

Elder Guanghe: "... Is this kind of judging people by their appearance something that should be said in the transformation stage?"

Elder Huigu: "Unfortunately, the little guy you teased is only at the foundation stage, and he hasn't completely ignored his appearance. And maybe because he usually looks at himself too much, his tolerance for ugliness is a bit low, and he has a low tolerance for ugliness. The tolerance for wretchedness is even lower. I said you can just choose this kind of appearance, can you not be so sloppy? And the expression is not right, deliberately making such a dirty look, considering that you are born from the heart, if I don’t know you After so many years, I really want to beat you out. Don’t cry! It’s so disgusting. Our head only makes people feel ashamed when he cries, but when you cry, it makes people want to silence you.”

Elder Guanghe: "Is... so bad?"

Elder Huigu: "It sucks. Get out, don't pollute my library."

Elder Guanghe walked out in a daze, and Elder Huigu added: "But the fundamental reason why Pei Lin dislikes your jokes is that the generation gap is too deep. What you think is a joke, he seems to be offensive. Old things just want to obey the old, Don't make jokes, just speak seriously so that people won't be misunderstood."

Elder Guanghe was shocked: "I just chose the appearance of an old man, but in fact..."

Elder Huigu: "Actually, he's just an old man. He's an old man in the stage of transformation, and he still thinks he's young. Qi Xi is the only person in the stage of transformation that can be described as young in our entire sect. All others, including me Inside, they are all old things. Not to mention that you are a generation older than me."

After the big brother finished the process, he said: "Then Elder Guanghe drifted away like a wandering soul. I guess he didn't have the heart to joke with you during the whole mission of yours. He must talk to you and finish the mission. Are you sure? Feel very relaxed? I also think Elder Guanghe's sense of humor is very distorted, making jokes always makes people want to sack him. Elder Huigu is really beautiful."


Hmm... "It's not good to talk about elders behind their backs like this?"

Eldest brother: "I was so conspicuous standing in the Library Pavilion at that time, and they didn't drive me away, of course they tacitly agreed that this matter is not a secret."

Wait a minute, they just agreed that you can listen in, but they didn't default that you can spread it everywhere? ... Well, with this sect's transmission mode of gossip, it may also be passed by default.

Eldest brother: "So for the sake of your peace in this mission, you must not apologize to Elder Guanghe in person again tomorrow. Sending a message to express your sincerity is enough, don't do more, otherwise Elder Guanghe will have to apologize again. It's floating up. Save your face-to-face apology until after the task is completed."

Me: "...how do you know that I sent a message to apologize? You happened to see it again?" Why am I always being surrounded by people recently?

Eldest brother: "That's not true. I just guessed based on what I know about you, and I hit it again. The main reason is that you are too sincere, Junior Brother Lin, and your behavior patterns are easy to grasp."

... Let's change the subject.Me: "What exactly is this mission?"

Eldest brother: "Your technique of changing the subject is really failing for more than ten years. Knowing that I can't answer the question?"

I... I cut off the communication.

Then I dived back into the water and looked through the refraction to see water lilies of various colors.I have found that the breathing of each flower is slightly different, but they affect each other to form an ensemble.I didn't use spiritual power to explore the inside of the water lily, but only rubbed the frequency of its breathing, and once again built a model of the lotus group in my mind.

When it was established, I also had a little fantasy that this time it would bring a breakthrough again, allowing me to enter the peak of foundation building, but it was just a little fantasy.When it didn't happen, I wasn't disappointed, just had a 'sure enough' feeling.

Since Elder Guanghe said the time when he will come next time, I set the alarm clock when I went into the water. A quarter of an hour before Elder Guanghe came, the alarm clock rang. I came out of the water and dried myself with the hairball , and then waited for the arrival of Elder Guanghe.

0603_ petals

When Elder Guanghe appeared, he looked at me with obvious anticipation.

... Elder Huigu is right, Elder Guanghe's appearance is really eye-catching, why would such a great power make himself look like this?I've seen a lot of straight men who are aesthetically pleasing, but others can be regarded as slovenly at best. Elder Guanghe is trying to pretend to be ugly on purpose and doesn't think he is ugly - he even uses this appearance to show off his cuteness.

What kind of psychology is this?

In the expectant eyes of Elder Guanghe, I saluted slightly: "I don't know if I have completed the task of playing with me, but what should I do next?"

"..." Elder Guanghe coughed lightly, "Pick off all the petals and classify them. You can decide how to divide them into categories, and you can also decide on the classification criteria."

Me: "Excuse me, since it's a chain of missions, no matter if I succeed or fail, am I considered to have completed a chain?"

Elder Guanghe: "I won't tell you this either. During this mission, all your questions will not be answered. It is also forbidden to ask for help outside the venue."

Say it as if I ask for help and someone will answer me.Apart from a few elders who know the situation of this mission, they are probably senior brothers. It is very likely that even the mission office is puzzled or has only a half-knowledge about this matter. Who can I ask to smuggle the answer?

I turned to face the water lily. Influenced by the previous ice lotus, when it comes to classification, my first reaction is to classify according to the degree of delicacy.But this water lily is a real flower, and what needs to be divided is the petals, not the whole flower, so continue the previous memory of the water lily's breathing, and divide it according to the breathing rate.

Thinking this way, I ended up dividing the petals into eleven piles.

Elder Guanghe didn't make any comments, and took me to Qixiu Peak, rented a refining room that focused on ice aura, and said to me: "Refining a set of eleven utensils. Apart from these petals, Do not add any main materials. No more than three auxiliary materials. Tell me what auxiliary materials you need within 10 minutes, and I will leave as if you don’t need auxiliary materials. I know you have a lot of materials in your storage utensils , However, except for what I have explicitly stated to allow, all others are not allowed to be used."

Sword cultivator's task includes refining weapon?How can this make me not think too much?

Me: "Can I use the leaves, roots, etc. of the plant these petals belong to?"

Elder Guanghe: "Nothing."

Me: "I want to use ice flame stone."

Elder Guanghe: "Yes, is there any more?"

I thought about it, and shook my head: "No need." I don't want to waste materials to refine any advanced gadgets with my little refining skills, as long as I can use up all the petals.

Elder Guanghe: "It's still a day from now. I'll come back when the time comes. The ice flame stone will be delivered soon."

0604_ Refining

As soon as the elder gave an order, I received 12 yuan ice flame stone...

Hey, you asked for these to be supplementary materials, why did you send so many over here?One piece, complete set and add another piece?In the normal foundation building period, if a tool repairer dared to use ice flame stones like this, he would definitely be punished to plant ice flame stones.

But since you sent it, I will accept it, use up one piece, and use it later after collecting 11 yuan-collectors never think too much.

In line with the self-orientation of 'I am a sword cultivator', I plan to only put the petals back into a lotus shape, and then connect them into a set of lotus flowers, and it just so happened that I found that the combination of petals in each pile of the eleven piles I divided was enough to put together To form a lotus flower without a sense of disobedience—that is, the number of petals is too many, which makes the flower look thicker, but the combination of petals is appropriate.

Exactly eleven times, maybe not exactly?Is it a good rule to divide the heap?

Of course, only the petals are put together, and the inside is hollow. I considered using ice flame stones to stuff it in, but I still felt that it was too wasteful, so I pasted some petals to block the gap so that the hollow inside could not be seen from the outside.

Of course, the thread that connects the petals is my spiritual power. I have become proficient in this aspect when I was studying the ice lotus, and I can use it with ease now.In half a day, I have already refined eleven thick lotus flowers.

Then I put the largest one aside first, and the remaining ten flowers form three planes parallel to the ground, one square and two equilateral triangles, in combinations of three, four, and three.Then the planes of the four flowers are centered, and the two planes of the three flowers are respectively placed above and below the planes of the four flowers, in a symmetrical distribution.The distance between the three planes and the four planes is half of the diagonal length of the four planes.

After the ten flowers were arranged, I placed the largest lotus flower in the center of the four planes.The ice flame stone hangs above the largest one.

Under the control of spiritual power, the flame in the ice flame stone became more and more prosperous, and the outer ice shell melted into water vapor, which adhered to the petals of each lotus until the ice shell completely melted, and the flame inside fell to the ground. On the largest lotus, in an instant, the largest lotus burned, and then the other ten also burned. After only a moment, the flame disappeared, and the eleven lotus flowers were still intact.

The instrument is completed.

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