Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 152


These petals are certainly not true water lily petals.Although this kind of spiritual plant grows in water and looks like a water lily, it is actually of the fire attribute and is called a fire ball lily.The origin of the name is that when the wild fireball lotus encounters danger, its petals will fall off automatically, and then turn into small fireballs to attack the enemy.

However, the fireball lotus of Yunxia Sect has been domesticated. If you pick the petals directly, the petals will not burn by themselves, and will only attack when the root system is seriously damaged.Compared with the wild ones, which shoot a few fireballs even when the wind blows, they are so dull that they don't look like the same kind of creatures.

Refining these petals with ice spiritual power and pairing them with ice flame stones is quite satisfactory.

The function of the magic weapon is also quite satisfactory.

Each flower can spread into pieces of petals, and a thin layer of ice can emerge outside the petals, making the petals a sharp blade for attack and defense; the petals can also be burned into fireballs, which can also surround the user for defense, or Lases out to attack.

The original petals of the fireball lotus will turn into ashes when burned, but the petals in the magic weapon burn only on the surface of the petals. In essence, what burns is the spiritual power of the user. Therefore, as long as no one destroys the petal itself, it will not burn by itself of.After use, the undamaged petals can be reassembled into lotus flowers.

Every lotus has the same function. It can be used alone, or in combination of three or four, or three plus one, four plus one, three plus three, three plus four and other combinations.But no matter how they are combined, the power of offense and defense is increased, and it is convenient to arrange the layout of part attack and part defense.

In fact, if it is well designed, each lotus can have different functions, and each combination can also have different effects.But that would be too troublesome. A professional weapon repairer might take pleasure in that kind of fine design, but a creature like a sword repairer who can't wait to use a sword for everything is absolutely impossible to carefully set the variability of a magic weapon.

Although I'm not a competent swordsman, I absolutely support the point of view of swordsmanship.

0606_ extra trouble

After refining, I put the lotus magic weapon aside and used the refining room as a training room for meditation.Elder Guanghe came, and after taking a look at my refining results, he took me to Hunting Peak without any comment.

I'm really too lazy to guess what this mission is for, maybe it's just to pile up some irrelevant things to fool me.

When we arrived at Hunting Peak, Elder Guanghe said: "Just use the magic weapon you just made and go straight in. Except for fighting, meditating to adjust breath and healing injuries, you are not allowed to stop. Go straight in until I come again."

I reminded: "I am a sword cultivator." Your sword cultivator does not use a sword in battle, but a new magic weapon that has not been tested in actual combat?

Elder Guanghe: "There is no explanation. You just carry it out."

Ever since he was beaten so badly that he didn't act cute and cheap, he has been serious and succinct.Although it was impossible to get the words out, but now it seems that there is no chance to take advantage of it.

Maybe I should apologize to him, let him think that he is not rejected by the young beauty, and then maybe he will talk about it when he is excited? — Tsk, I might as well continue to be at a loss.

I sincerely suggested: "Actually, if you just give instructions like this, you don't have to go back and forth in person at all, just message me."

Elder Guanghe: "Don't try to beat around the bush. At my age, what kind of cleverness haven't I seen? When I fought wits and courage with my disciples and even gained my experience, your father was not even born yet."

Me: "..." I dare not accept this self-defeating tone.

After Elder Guanghe left, I looked at the lotus magic weapon that I had just refined, which was not very good except for its appearance, and thought to myself: If I said earlier that I had to use this thing to fight, I would not be perfunctory. Practice hard, at least practice a spare sword, not such a fancy thing.It's not impossible to use, but it's really not easy to use.

So, there should be an overall plan for doing tasks, how can we take one step at a time?All the extra trouble has been created.

Although the purpose of the elders arranging this task for me may be to correct my habit of relying too much on information, but now I am more firm in the idea of ​​"should obtain sufficient information before doing the task"-but when there is no enough information , you should calm down, adapt to the situation, and don't panic.

Oh, this should be what the elders want me to do - they obviously don't appreciate the heroic way of working of my brothers and sisters.

0607_no pressure

Elder Guanghe didn't set a time this time, 'keep walking until he comes again', which is a kind of psychological pressure.

The task person may be worried that his speed is too fast, and he will go deep into a place that he can't handle before the elders come, so he slows down his progress, but he is also worried that his progress is too slow and he will be judged as lazy by the elders and get angry, so he doesn't Dare to be slow.Being so entangled and constantly adjusting your progress can easily cause mental fatigue, so that you have already begun to fall into danger where your own strength can deal with it.

But in fact, this kind of psychological tactics is meaningless in the sect, because there is a major premise: it is impossible for an elder to watch a disciple die.

So, no matter how fast I rushed or how careless I was when I hit the ground, it was a serious injury.

...Thinking about it is still a bit vain, the serious injury is very painful.

However, speaking of it, I have never been seriously injured, the kind of injury that can only be cured after lying on the bed for ten days and a half months. I am actually a little curious.Although it will be very painful, it is common to be injured in the cultivation world, and sooner or later I will experience it, so I don't have to worry about my life this time, why don't I try?

——Sometimes I feel that I may really have a tendency to tremble a little bit.

Thinking about it this way, I didn't feel any psychological burden anymore, so I walked to the depths of Hunting Peak holding the lotus magic weapon.

The utensils in the realm of self-cultivation basically have their own zoom function, starting from magic utensils, and it is nothing more than the difference in the degree of zooming.This is a space distortion caused by spiritual power, mainly for the convenience of carrying and using.Some magic weapons of the sneak attack category will have special settings in this regard.

The lotus instrument I made by myself... doesn't have this function.

——I said it was just an errand.

However, although each lotus flower cannot be scaled, the whole set is possible, because there are many gaps between the eleven lotus flowers in a standard arrangement, and the eleven lotus flowers can be directly stacked together in normal times, with the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the bottom. upper most.Although the base is still a bit high, it can also be carried around.

Of course, the best way is to put it in the storage utensils-I omitted the zoom function directly based on this idea, because it is not used at all for me.

Maoqiu also heard Elder Guanghe's words, and kept awake for a rare time. He lay on my shoulder and flicked his tail, ready to protect me at any time.However, I'm not sure if fighting with spirit beasts is a violation of the requirement of 'only use the magic weapon you just forged', so I told the hairball not to intervene when my life is not in danger.

Fuqiu Mimi yelled and nodded, but still maintained a posture ready to enter the battle at any time.

Hmm...Actually, I'm not that weak. I'm sure I can handle walking straight for half a day without any injuries, so you can sleep for half a day first.

0608_Enron passed by

The spirit beasts on the outermost layer of Hunting Peak not only won’t attack me when I approach them, but will actively avoid them—spirit beasts are more sensitive to the difference in cultivation than humans, and the spirit beasts in the Qi training period are forced to die unless they are driven to a desperate situation or go crazy. Otherwise, he would never attack monks who are one level higher than himself.

So I just walked through the previous section of the road, and I almost wanted to use the lotus magic weapon to support me to fly over this section of the road, but I just considered that I don’t know how many ring missions there are in the future, and I don’t know about the hunting with restrictions this time. How many days will the task last, I feel that I am not in a hurry at all, so I walk with my legs, and it is better to keep the magic weapon in full condition for fighting.The magic weapon I forged is not like my sword, it can't withstand all kinds of damage.

An Ran walked through the outer layer of the Qi training period, and came to the inner layer of the foundation building period, and there were spirit beasts and spiritual plants starting to attack me.

As the Yunxia Sect's internal training ground, the spirit beasts and spirit plants here have developed a conditioned reflex in the behavior of the Yunxia Sect's disciples who have been hunting or collecting for many years: when someone comes, they will strike first.

Full of aggression and vigilance.

It is rare to see a picture of people and nature living in harmony - that kind of picture should be found in Planting Peak or Beast Control Peak.

I have made mental adjustments along the way, and when the attack strikes, I immediately throw out the lotus instead of drawing the sword.It's just that even though I've made full mental preparations, when I used my spiritual power to command the lotus to attack and defend, I still felt that my hands were empty, and I finally pinched the fur ball's tail.

The furball moved uncomfortably. After holding back for a while, it pulled out its tail and changed its paws for me to pinch, but then its whole body slid off my shoulders and returned to my arms - A comfortable sleeping position.

However, Fuqiu is a responsible cat owner. He said that if he wants to cover it, the human will definitely not go to sleep alone, so although he changed to a comfortable position, his eyes are still wide open, ready to go throw out.


The petals of the fireball lotus are consumables on the fireball lotus, and the whole fireball lotus is only a spiritual plant in the early stage of foundation establishment. Therefore, using the petals of the fireball lotus as the main material, let me, who is only equivalent to the Qi training period, refine it When facing the spirit beasts in the early stage of foundation establishment, although I always use the spiritual power in the late stage of foundation establishment to assist, the petals will still be lost if I am not careful.

After the petals of the fireball lotus are burned, the body of the fireball lotus will soon grow new petals to make up for it, but the lotus magic weapon does not have the ability to repair out of thin air, so some extra fireball lotus petals must be placed near it , and then it can repair itself with little wear and tear.

If this fight continues, before I get seriously injured, the lotus magic weapon may have to be destroyed first, and I can only fight with pure spiritual power since I can't use the weapon?I managed to pinch a few of them, and the combat skills that can be used to fight are the same as my refining ability, half-baked.To put it bluntly, it can be said to be at the level of the Qi training period, but it must be known that there are some Qi training periods that even mortals can't beat, and facing the spirit beasts of the foundation establishment period is completely beaten.

Can I really hold on to the sword at that time?I don't think so.After so many years of training, I still have some conditioned reflexes for using a sword in battle.Now that the battle situation is easy, I can rationally control my reflexes. When I deal with a difficult situation, I will definitely lose my restraint, so I will definitely violate the mission requirements.

Okay, if you violate it, you will violate it. I don’t lack those mission records.

Thinking about it this way, I will no longer be stingy with the petals. When it is more efficient to kill the enemy if they are blown up, I will blow them up directly, and I don't insist on keeping them intact.

However, because there are a lot of fireball lotuses in that pond, a lot of petals were picked, so each of the lotus magic utensils made is very thick, and two-thirds of the damage can still show a more natural lotus shape. Affects the suit function of the eleven flower combination.

I estimated that it would probably last until the spirit beasts and spirit plants in the later stage of foundation establishment, and then I could experience serious injuries.

"Mi?" Fuqiu tilted his head to look at me.

...It doesn't matter if I'm seriously injured, but the furball will never leave me alone, so if I'm seriously injured, it means that the furball will be seriously injured.This is not possible, I still have to think about how to make better use of this clumsy lotus magic weapon, so as to extend the safe time for me to go deep into the Hunting Peak.

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