Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 157

0625_ Introduction

Kunlun said that he gave an introduction, but the introduction was more like a fantasy nightmare with personal feelings heavily added.

Kunlun Faxiu said that the landing point after the teleportation is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the petals of the fireball lotus permeate the space, burning everyone who enters.Fireball lotus leaves spread on the ground, hiding all kinds of unsightly corpses.If a person steps on the leaf without any precautions, the leaf may turn over in an instant, allowing the living to become neighbors with the dead body, and will be tightly pressed under the leaf, unable to break free.

On the rotting corpses grow small fireball lotuses, which grow from bones, flesh, and brains. The petals that are more gorgeous than the true colors of fireball lotuses fall, and after falling on the living person, they quickly take root and grow a new plant. Little fireball lotus.

The living person is swallowed alive by the fireball lotus, the painful feeling of tearing, the piercing feeling of spreading, the feeling of suffocation that cannot be broken free, until they die, until they become one of the corpses all over the ground.

If you are careful enough to avoid the overturning of the leaves and float in the air, countless petal fireballs will attack you continuously.If it is attacked, no flower petals will take root on the body, but the flame cannot be extinguished.

The instant damage caused by the flames is not serious, but the flames cannot be extinguished, cannot be driven away, and adhere to the body surface, burning through the skin, muscles, blood vessels, bones... until the whole body.

If the ability to defend and dodge is sufficient, and it is not burned by the petal fireball, soon after, the rhizome of the fireball lotus will suddenly burst out from the ground, and if it misses a hit, it will lurk back underground, and launch another surprise attack after a while.

The petal fireball's attack is dense and soft, while the rhizome's attack is intermittent but violent. Even the strong wind that passes by is enough to lift a person from the flying magic weapon to the ground, and land on the fireball lotus leaf, wrapped in leaves, Flip and go with the corpse.If it was hit directly, it would become a fleshy pulp in the air, and when it fell to the ground, it would still be part of the group of corpses.If it is not only hit but also entangled by the roots, it will be eaten by the roots and become the nutrient of the fireball lotus, making this mutated huge fireball lotus grow better and attack more powerfully.

Of course, it's not all dangerous.

Petals, leaves, and rhizomes, if you catch them and control them while avoiding them, they are all excellent alchemy materials, and the abundant aura contained in them can be absorbed directly, which is equivalent to a middle-grade spirit of the same volume. The spiritual energy that the stone can provide is different from the spiritual energy of the spiritual mine. The spiritual energy of the spiritual plant has always been easier to be refined by the monks, and it can be absorbed in a large amount in a short period of time without causing too much burden on the body.

If you can domesticate the whole fireball lotus you encounter, bring it out and plant it in your own residence, it can also provide a steady stream of spiritual energy, which is equivalent to a miniature spiritual vein.

How many such fireball lotuses with a chance of domestication are contained in this huge mutant fireball lotus soaked in the water polo?The answer is, countless.Everyone who conducted the investigation before encountered an incalculable fireball lotus, and everyone experienced a different environment. I don't know how much space has been formed in this huge mutant fireball lotus, and I don't know what kind of space it is. Does every one of the countless fireball lotus have a chance to be domesticated?

However, some of them must be domesticated, because Kunlun has already domesticated three plants.

Kunlun gained experience during the domestication process, except that each person can only enter once, only those who have close contact with the fireball lotus can enter, and only the foundation building period can enter. In addition, the more dangerous the scene encountered, the better the chance of domestication; The less calculations you make in dangerous situations, the greater the possibility of successful domestication; the less you know about this huge mutant fire ball lotus, the easier it is to encounter a tameable fire ball lotus.

0626_ One thing is certain

Judging from the introduction, there are some contradictions.

For example, since the less you know, the easier it is to get in touch with the tameable fireball lotus, so why arrange someone to make an introduction?Invite people to share the benefits and deliberately and blatantly prevent others from benefiting?Kunlun is not such a small belly and brain convulsion.

For example, although Kunlun does not lack spiritual veins, it is impossible to despise many spiritual veins in this era of general scarcity of resources. Why does Kunlun take out the things that make machines and share them?

Because before they had time to study Kunlun thoroughly, all the foundation-building disciples had already walked through it once, so there was no way to go a second time to continue the research?Moreover, this huge mutated fireball lotus with inner space has a limited survival time, and it is about to die. Can't Kunlun cultivate the next batch of foundation-building period?

First, Kunlun's research ability is not so bad.

Second, whether the spirit plants, spirit beasts, including monks, are about to die can be seen from the aura around them, newborn, fresh, old... This huge mutated fireball lotus is obviously in the prime of life.Although its cultivation base is higher than mine, so I can't accurately estimate its lifespan, but since its cultivation base is higher than mine, it means its total lifespan is longer than mine, and it is in the prime of life, which is equivalent to 40 years of human life span at a hundred years old. Years old, so there is no problem for this fireball lotus to live for hundreds of years.At this time, Chang Kunlun can cultivate dozens of crops in the foundation-building period-with Kunlun's background, it is more than enough to cultivate a batch of foundation-building periods in an average of ten years.

So, is this huge mutated Fireball Lotus has deeper benefits, but to obtain that benefit, you must first rule out serious dangers, so you found a bunch of other sects in the foundation stage as cannon fodder to sweep away obstacles?Are we actually here to die?

This is even more impossible.Finding the top ten and second-rate sects as cannon fodder is tantamount to making these sects all enemies at once, and the deaths of a few foundation-building stages will not reduce the strength of these sects except for the effect of angering the sects they belong to. effect.

Kunlun is indeed the top existence in the world of comprehension, it can be said that there is no one of the top.However, with the addition of the Seven Great Schools, the Gate of Rebirth and Chiwuzong, and [-] second-rate sects, not to mention a steady victory over Kunlun, it is still very sure that Kunlun's foundation will be shaken—on the premise that these sects' own foundations are not shaken.

Now that the world of comprehension is calm, Kunlun has no reason to seek death for quick success and quick gain for no reason.

So the conclusion is...well, I don't know what the general layout of Kunlun is, but at least one thing I can basically be sure of is that the introduction of Kunlun Faxiu does not conform to the facts.It is deliberately misleading everyone's thinking, and it is only used to make the scene we encounter after being teleported dangerous.

I chose a crying little girl to give the introductory speech, also in order to arouse everyone's sense of substitution or sympathy as much as possible.So it doesn't really matter whether you have listened to her introduction or not, because as long as you are infected by her crying and fright, you will start to have the idea of ​​'I have a bad feeling'.

Using words in advance to affect the scene you face later is a typical way of using illusions.

That is to say, after being teleported, what we have to face, or what we have to face in the first scene, is an illusion.

And the way to break this illusion...

I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds around me, just like I listened in the fireball lotus pond of Yunxiazong. I found the breathing sound of the fireball lotus, distinguished and classified them one by one, and adjusted my breathing to play with them.

I opened my eyes, and what I saw was a boundless piece of water. On the surface of the water, the fireball lotus, the normal size and normal color of the fireball lotus, bloomed quietly.


It looks like a wild fireball lotus.Floating in the air, I tilted my head and tried to see if there was anything hidden under the lotus leaves, but the water was quite clear, and there was nothing but the fireball lotus.

On the one hand, I am gratified that my judgment is indeed correct, and the description of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood is nonsense; It's also an illusion, but it's just an illusion made up by my own brain.

——Because under normal circumstances, it is impossible for any plant, including artificially cultivated spiritual plants, to grow so singularly and endlessly.Not to mention that the growth conditions of so many fireball lotuses are about the same. There are no dead or new ones, and they are all in the state of just blooming.

The reason for this illusion is probably the aftereffect of submerging myself in the fireball lotus pond twice in the past few days.

How to break this illusion...

I stood on the sword and slowly flew over the fireball lotus. The wild fireball lotus was really sensitive, and they shot petal fireballs at me one after another.Although the attack power of these normal fireball lotus petals is very low, all the fireballs can be bounced away with spiritual power alone, but after the bounced fireballs fell on other fireball lotuses, more fireball lotuses were alarmed, and the petals fired at me There are more and more fireballs.

If I keep playing like this, I will have intensive phobia attack sooner or later.

The furball aww ate a fireball in one bite.

Hey, you don't have fire root, don't eat it.

I opened the furball's mouth and looked at it, but I didn't see any problem, so I let it eat snacks.I myself drew a small area in the small suit and put all these fireballs in it-with the freshness preservation ability of the small suit, these fireballs can be used as hidden weapons in the future.Of course, if Fuqiu thinks the taste of this thing is really good, you can keep it as a cat snack.

After taking away the petal fireballs, the growth rate of the number of fireballs hitting me slowed down - but it was still growing.Even after I stopped in place and stopped moving, the number of fireballs continued to increase.After a fireball lotus used up its petals, it immediately revived with full blood and grew full of petals again. After observing for a while, I found that at the same time, there was a flower in the distance that all the petals disappeared.

Can the petals be shared among different plants?I have never heard of Fireball Lotus having this skill. The illusion created by my brain is a bit weird... No, is this illusion really based on my brain?Or, is this really an illusion?If it weren't for the illusion, my current course of action should not be to stay where I am and find key points to break the situation, but to quickly fly in one direction and leave this fireball lotus growing area as soon as possible.

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