Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 158


When I looked down at these strange fireball lotuses, the corner of my eye suddenly glanced at the sword under my feet, and I remembered something.

I took out the rough magic weapon made from the petals of the fireball lotus picked in Yunxiazong, used it as a flying machine, and put away the sword at the same time.

Immediately, the fireball attack of the fireball lotus below stopped.

Do you only see the sword as a foreign object... because of...breathing?

I drew the sword again and tapped it rhythmically, making it vibrate slightly.Of course, the vibration frequency of metal is very different from the breathing frequency of animals and plants, but the frequencies that are so different can be played together harmoniously, and the sword of the sword repairer is not an ordinary metal, it has a certain frequency resonance with the sword repairer, Just like there is no need to command, the hairball naturally matches my breathing rate.

The fireball lotus started to throw petal fireballs at me again, but with the change of my tapping rhythm and the adjustment of the vibration frequency of the sword, the number of fireballs became less and less, and finally stopped completely after a certain adjustment.

At this time, I no longer tapped the sword with my fingertips, but let the spiritual power flow in the sword, making the sword active and matching the frequency of the fire ball lotus.

After completing this process, I also accidentally found the center of this group of fireball lilies.It can be said to be their commander, or their boss, but in essence, it is the strongest, most beautiful, most accurate and powerful fireball, and the most powerful fireball lotus.

Its frequency is the most special among all the fire ball lotuses, and the frequencies of other fire ball lotuses are all listening to it.

When I hung the sword directly above the boss of this fireball lotus, its frequency obviously changed, and then drove the surrounding fireball lotus to change, and then this change spread layer by layer, affecting farther and farther.

I still maintain the frequency harmony between myself and the sword, and of course the hairball and this fireball lotus, so although the boss of the fireball lotus felt threatened, he didn't seem to find where the threat was, and he didn't direct his fireball lotus younger brother They dropped bombs on me.

It's that simple.

I split and reassembled the petals of the fireball lotus from Yunxiazong to get a small lotus, then I dug out the root of the fireball lotus in the water with a full blow and stuffed it into the small follower, and at the same time put the newly made small lotus into the fireball lotus boss on the water at its original location.The little lotus was breathing at the same frequency as the fireball lotus boss before, and the surrounding fireball lotuses continued to keep quiet after their boss disappeared.

I waited for a while, watching the appearance of these wild fireball lotus change, and finally turned into artificial products like those fireball lotus in Yunxiazong pond.

When I try to pluck a petal and none of the others attack me, I know they have indeed lost their aggression.Can it also be said to be domesticated?

However, such a large area is obviously unlikely to be the special fireball lotus that Kunlun Faxiu said can be used as a spiritual vein, otherwise the spiritual vein is too cheap, but the fireball lotus that I poached is more like the boss. It's... Huh?Where is the fireball lotus boss?

I poked Xiao Sui, and Xiao Sui gave me a happy signal. At the same time, the little ice sculpture moved, making a burp shape.

Me: "..." House thieves are hard to guard against?It's not that I won't let you eat it, but you should tell me after you eat it, so don't let me think that the thing is still there, and I'm still foolishly looking for it.And the little ice sculpture, I just ignored you for a while, you can even pose?

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I thought for a moment how to reason with these two guys who had emotional feedback but couldn't communicate, and the hairball suddenly made a 'mi', and looked straight into the distance.

I fly higher and take in the distant scene in my eyes.

With the former boss of the fireball lotus and the current temporary instrument, the small lotus, as the center, circles of fireball lotus in the distance are rapidly withering, and the withered area is constantly approaching the center.

I paused, and immediately rushed into the water and started harvesting the whole plant of the fireball lotus—it's rare for Xiao Sui to eat, how can I let them wither in vain.

It wasn’t until I harvested all that could be harvested, and the rest were all dead branches and rotten leaves, that I thought: It’s just harvesting plants. What about jumping into the water?Jumping into the water is not collected together with water and mud, and it is not more accurate.Is it because you are used to soaking in water?

Alas, you really can't be in a hurry to do things, and make mistakes in a hurry.If I suck it on the water surface, I may be able to grab a few more plants. After all, the resistance to movement in the air is less, and it is more flexible than water movement.

However, when I saw that the fire ball lotus collected in Xiao Sui was piled up in such a mess, Xiao Sui didn't have the slightest intention of eating it. It's nothing rare to me, more or less is just something to save as materials.

After drying myself with spiritual power, I sat on the fireball lotus petal cushion from Yunxiazong and floated in the air, with a fur ball and a sheathed sword resting on my coiled legs.The fur balls creaked and sharpened their claws with the scabbard, and I patiently sorted out the fireball lotuses that had just been messed up in the pocket.

Although they are all harvested by the roots, and there is plenty of water and mud, but Xiaosuili can’t support live animals yet, so I have to put the water in one pile and the mud in another pile—these two things will be difficult if Shi Bolin encounters them. Give it to him—and the fireball lotus...

I looked at the wreckage floating in the water and the petals I was sitting on, and looked at the environment with no signs of spatial transformation, and thought that I might have to use them to fight in the future, but I have only been trained to use petals recently, so I will use the petals Roll it all down for later use, put the remaining leaves and other parts together, and prepare to give it away when you meet Nie Jing and the others.


It is very convenient to organize items in the mobile phone, because the mobile phone itself has the ability to control the items in it.As long as I have a thought, Xiao Sui will implement my expectations without deviation.

For example, if I want to pick off all the petals of the fire ball lotus and put them together, I only need to input spiritual power to Xiao Sui, and Xiao Sui is like growing a hand with the same number of petals as the fire ball lotus near the fire ball lotus, instantly removing all the petals. Take them off together and put them in one place.

Since this is just a physical process and does not involve refining and processing, it requires very little spiritual power, which is roughly equivalent to the spiritual power I used to snatch a fireball lotus just now, and I just snatched up all the fireball lotus just now. Feel tired.

So, Xiao Sui is really easy to use, much better than the small ice sculpture that is said to be very powerful but I have no idea how to use it.I looked at the little ice sculpture nestled in the little suit, which had returned to its basic shape, and wondered whether its spirit was born or not. Could it be so obtrusive if it hadn't been born and had no consciousness?

After sorting out the items, I also retracted the lotus magic weapon that I had temporarily refined floating on the water, and waited until I saw that the retraction did not cause any impact, and then chose a direction to fly away from here.

The direction I chose was the direction that Fuqiu stared at when it noticed that the fireball lotus was beginning to wither. Although it indicated that it just had its head facing that direction at that time, there was no meaning of choice, but fate is also a choice.

Not long after flying, I saw the land, because those withered fireball lotus weathered into ashes and spread on the water surface, the water surface turned into land.In this way, the land continues to encroach on the territory of the water.Originally, I looked at the boundless water and soon it became a lake, and then it should be a small pond, a small puddle, and finally... No, I snatched a lot of fireball lotus in the center, so there is still a lot of water left territory.

But it seems that these withered fireball lilies also have a special effect. I took a storage bag and packed a bag of dead branches and rotten leaves.Then I took a few storage bags and took out the water, mud, petals and the rest of the fireball lotus from the small bag and packed them separately.

——I suddenly feel that the things here are a bit evil, and it's better not to randomly put them in the small follower.Although my father said that Xiao Sui's defense is very strong, there is no safety hazard in putting anything I can hold in my hand into Xiao Sui, and Xiao Sui has already happily eaten a plant here, probably It's really safe.However, there is no big mistake in being careful, anyway, the leftovers are not interesting to eat, so put them outside first.


The fireball lotus is an aquatic spiritual plant. Even the giant mutated fireball lotus seen outside is still surrounded by water, so after it lands on land, I don’t think there will be large areas of fresh fireball lotus. Alright, the next situation, by analogy from the task assigned to me by Elder Guanghe, should be to use the fire ball lotus?

——Skip the refining tool, anyway, I can't make serious things.

hunting?I have a very, very large number of fireball lotus petals in my hand now. Even in the face of a herd of spirit beasts and monsters at the peak stage of foundation establishment, I think I can hold on for a long time with the advantage of numbers. Come and give me a group to try?

Speaking of which, I haven't fought a monster seriously yet.

Those who transform into a human form and cultivate in a human form are demon cultivators; those who do not attempt to transform into a human form and strive for perfection in a beast form are spirit beasts, but there is still a transition between the two:

I want to take the route of demon cultivation to break through the ceiling of the upper limit of the beast shape, but I can't let go of the convenience of the beast shape.Directly applying the cultivation techniques of the human form to the animal form, and directly applying the fighting methods of the animal form to the human form, but I can't bear to study the adaptability of the two forms borrowing advantages from each other.They don't adjust the skills and fighting styles to match the current body shape, they just mix them rote, and finally something goes wrong.Also mixed out a special race.

Monsters are not the same as evil spirits, the latter are punishable by everyone, but the former, although they are often on the opposite side of monks, and often salivate for the golden core and nascent soul in the monk's body, and beat the monk to the death, But the cultivation world recognizes this race, and they can cooperate with monsters when necessary.

The definition of modern monsters has been expanded. Some human beings have used the cultivation methods of spirit beasts, or used certain methods to integrate with spirit beasts, and even adopted some methods that demons would use but did not cause group sex. Indiscriminate harm is also classified as a monster.

The word 'demon' is rather subtle in the modern cultivation world.On the one hand, demon cultivators are serious monks, demon alliances and demon cultivator guilds are harmonious and beneficial sects, yaoqi is a neutral name for aura under certain conditions, and monsters are a kind of neutrality among non-human cultivators within a certain range. They are generic terms... But on the other hand, names such as monsters, monsters, monsters, etc., are names with clear hostility and even murderous intentions.

In fact, a long time ago, the entire group of demon cultivators was the enemy of human monks. Mentioning demons was just like mentioning demons. However, after the establishment of the demon alliance, after so many years, it gradually faded It has become what it is now.

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