Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 165

0656_Cultivation World Network

There is also the Internet in the realm of comprehension, and monks use spiritual power as a pass to enter this network.No matter where a monk is or what magic weapon he uses, as long as his spiritual power pattern remains unchanged, his identity on the Internet is unique.This unique identity can be affixed with various false names, but any monk whose cultivation level is higher than this person can directly grasp the lines of this person's spiritual power, and then take advantage of the opportunity to find out all the information he has published on the monk network.

Yes, the world of comprehension is so brutal, it's not like the world of mortals still playing hacking techniques.Everything depends on the cultivation level, as long as the cultivation level is high, the real network will be grasped.

Can a monk's spiritual power lines be faked?Hmm... just like fingerprints, irises, dna, etc. of ordinary people, can they be faked?The answer is of course yes, but no matter how clever the fraud is, if you meet a monk with a high enough cultivation base, how can you see everything or how to see everything.

Cultivation circle played so unreasonably to make trouble, using strength to defeat tricks.

It is for this reason that the Internet in the realm of comprehension has completely implemented the real-name system, so slander, rumors, brainwashing... can't be said to be completely absent, but they can really be ignored.The atmosphere on the Internet is relatively harmonious, but there are also disadvantages.

It's like a company group, whoever speaks, others know you or can easily find out which department you belong to. Even the leader can check all your speech records at any time. Of course, you have to think carefully about what you say, and then the whole group Relatively lack of vitality.

Similarly, although the Internet in the mortal world is full of negative things, the environment where everyone wears a mask and is not very worried about being ripped off allows everyone to show their hearts without any scruples.Whether it is positive or negative, whether it is good or bad, they are all mixed together, chaotic, but also rich.

The monks also like the richness of the mortal world's Internet, and sometimes they will mix in the mortal world to surf the Internet.

It is very easy for a monk to use the network in the mortal world. Although the network signal in the mortal world will be interfered by aura, when the concentration of aura in the environment is higher than a certain limit, the network signal will not be transmitted. Find a piece of land to reduce the environmental concentration and set up a dedicated mortal world network signal receiving device.

For example, Yunxiazong Zangshu Pavilion has such a place. I often use the network of the mortal world in Zangshu Pavilion.In addition, Pei Feng, my father also built an Internet room for me to satisfy my desire to stay at home without leaving home.

But I don't like surfing the Internet very much in my life, because the information on it is too messy and scattered, and I spend far more time looking for memorable information than memorizing valuable information.And long articles need to turn pages. Although the network speed is very fast, there is no delay, and you can go to the next page with one click, but you still have to keep clicking. This speed is much slower than turning over a stack of paper brushes. .So in terms of efficiency, I still prefer to go to bookstores to flip through books, and only use the Internet from time to time to supplement some cutting-edge knowledge that is too late to be published, as well as interesting jokes and stories that will not be published.

0657_just a tool

It is actually not appropriate to use a group of companies as a metaphor for the network in the realm of comprehension. After all, there is no relationship between monks and monks.Even between masters and disciples, seniors and juniors of the same sect, there may be respect and fear, but there is a lot of warmth, not purely cold interests.The relationship between peers is also impossible like that of colleagues, where malicious stumbling and secret fights are bloody.

Of course there will be competition between disciples of different sects, but they will not compromise each other like competing companies, and even different sects may not necessarily talk about benefits.Sometimes everyone will happily join together, you let me a little and I let you a little to have fun.

In the final analysis, resources are important for cultivation, but the aptitude of a person is much more important, so many benefits are actually not worth fighting over.Let's be more harmonious, sometimes an interest can double the value.

Therefore, in the network of the comprehension world, although everyone will speak cautiously to a certain extent, they will not be too depressed.Just like the juniors will quarrel or even fight in front of the elders, they will never be more restrained on the Internet than in the three-dimensional world.

Generally speaking, the online atmosphere in the realm of comprehension is still very healthy and positive, but because of the real-name system, it is more like a supplement to real life, such as making it easier to pick up tasks, transfer information, and trade items. A tool that serves reality does not have the charm of a wonderful virtual world by itself.

No monk wants to build a wonderful virtual world in the cultivation world.In fact, if Mahayana or Huashen monks take action, it is possible to create a virtual world where everyone's false identity is not detected by others, and then this virtual world can develop in the same way as the Internet in the mortal world.

Although the few Mahayana or God Transformation Stages can know the real people behind all the fake identities in the virtual world, it is not the case in the mortal world that people can easily find out the identity of any Internet user, so the omniscience of a few people will not affect the overall development. trends affect.

But no monk took the lead in doing so, even if it was a trivial matter to operate a magic weapon for a Mahayana cultivator.

The reason for not doing it is that although the monks are also interested in the Internet in the mortal world, they don't think it is so interesting that they need to own it.The monks just treat it as a special snack in a certain place. It is good to taste it occasionally, but it will be disgusting if you eat it often.In the final analysis, monks still think that the real cultivation world is much more interesting than the virtual network.

——I have lived in the cultivation world for a long time, and the mild Internet addiction in my previous life has been cured for a long time.It can be seen that the dependence on something is just because there are no better substitutes.

0658_Total and local area

It is precisely because in the world of comprehension, the Internet is just such a tool that is not particularly valuable and is only relatively commonly used. Like all commonly used magic tools, it is easy to use, but there are many people who use it. Some people hold their own identities or want to show off. Some people sometimes deliberately don't use it, in order to show that they are more powerful or special.

As it happens, many functions of the network can be realized purely with spiritual power, and then it can be realized more easily with the help of other magic tools.

Therefore, in addition to the general Internet in the cultivation world, monks have built many local area networks by themselves. Although the basic principles are the same, they are completely independent and independent.The key point is that only the monks inside the local area network can detect the situation of other monks, other local area networks and the general Internet cannot, at least it is very inconvenient to cross-border detection, which makes the monks feel a little more secure.

Some LANs are temporary, such as the one we built today. At most, the group will be disbanded when they leave Kunlun. There are also long-term LANs that even last longer than the entire Internet, such as the LANs of each sect. For example, Yunxia Zong.com and Kunlun.com can only be accessed by disciples of various sects. Internet access is not restricted by space—except for blocking in certain secret realms and similar situations—only by identity restrictions.

Please believe that the sect's internal LAN will not confuse its own disciples with outsiders.Our Yunxia Sect has Ms. Yunxia and the elders controlling the bottom line. Of course, other sects also have their own means of protection.If outsiders want to enter, they can basically only force their way through the defensive formation of the sect.Sneaking in secretly... is also possible, but it is recommended not to test your smuggling ability on the top ten, otherwise——

The intruder who violated the rules was hurt by the backlash, and the foundation was damaged. This sect does not care about medicine.

The last sentence is the external warning slogan of Yunxiazong LAN.

I am currently in Kunlun, but I can also check the mission description on the Yunxiazong website.I am waiting for Elder Guanghe to upload it after filling it out so that I can see the task situation explained from his perspective.

——Compared with explanations in the form of questions and answers, I still prefer to read the information directly. The former always makes me doubt my IQ more, while the latter can at least give me a guaranteed sense of satisfaction in remembering the information.


I don't know if Elder Guanghe did it on purpose. With the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator at the transformation stage, he can write a detailed mission description almost instantly, but I haven't waited for it, so I have to rely on the news in the temporary group Kill time.

The news spread quickly.Handwriting input, sketch input, voice input, spiritual input... Many input methods can make group chats much faster than face-to-face conversations. Keep your hands on the key points, and let yourself go when it comes to nonsense.

Qiao Yuanguan also shared with me the chat records before I joined the group, and then I concluded:

In fact, when I was in the Yunxia Sect, it wasn't that Elder Guanghe deliberately concealed the matter about the giant mutated fireball lotus from me, but that Kunlun had limited what he said when he sent out the invitation.Kunlun directly admitted that the more you know about this operation, the more dangerous it is, and he showed part of the tragic situation of the Kunlun Expeditionary Team to various sects.

Elder Guanghe and other elders trained us in the seven foundation building periods, which they thought could be used when dealing with the fire ball lotus—no matter what kind of fire ball lotus it is.

All sects are willing to accept this invitation in a muddled situation, largely because Kunlun's credibility is high enough.

Kunlun is indeed not purely sharing with good intentions, but borrowing more people to discover the potential of the huge mutated fire ball lotus and its external water polo.

I developed a healing water droplet skill for Water Polo. A second-rate beast master from the second-rate sect found a way for a person to obtain multiple spiritual vein fireball lotuses inside the huge mutant fireball lotus—the ones you hold in your own hands, not the ones. Like me, it is directly consumed.

The fortune-teller opened the method of exchanging items with the giant mutated fireball lotus in a limited amount; the cultivator of the Demon League developed a method of planting the fireball lotus on his own body, and allowing the fireball lotus to be grafted with himself to form another spiritual plant——the planter The body of the demon cultivator is a spiritual plant, so his method may not be applicable to humans, but Kunlun also has demon cultivators.

The petals of the Chiwuzong and the fireball lotus burned each other, and the whole fireball lotus that could turn into flames was produced—the appearance also changed. The situation of fireball lotus can also greatly improve the security after entering.

The huge mutated fireball lotus and its outer water polo cannot move for the time being. Judging from the current situation, it still has the tendency to form a secret realm. If it really forms a secret realm, then within Kunlun's territory, it will naturally belong to Kunlun.

The help of monks from other sects to explore now has given Kunlun more information and provided help for future use of the secret realm, and the monks of these sects have also benefited from the exploration. Generally speaking, it is a win-win situation.

Although Kunlun must have benefited more, there is no way around it. The things grow in other people's homes, and the big heads must belong to their homes. The giant mutated fireball lotus is destined for his home.However, Feng Shui takes turns, Kunlun took advantage today, and might have to come back at a disadvantage tomorrow.There is ample time.The road to comprehension is long, and there is no rush.

In layman's terms, everyone rides a donkey to read the libretto, just wait and see.

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