Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 166


Kunlun also paid attention to second-rate sects. For example, the reason why Hehuanzong was not invited was because the Hehuanzong had intelligence contacts all over the world, so it was too dangerous to enter the giant mutated fireball lotus.Although theoretically the giant mutated fireball lotus will throw people out when they are about to die, and will not let people die in the huge mutated fireball lotus, but who can guarantee that people will not die during the throwing process?And who can guarantee that the foundation is not damaged under serious injuries?

The fact that Kunlun's own disciples dared to do this was specially evaluated by Kunlun, and the disciple who was least likely to suffer irreversible damage from each profession was selected.For sects like the Hehuan Sect, whose cultivation methods are special and not very good at fighting, it would be a pity if they inquired too much about information and were folded into the mutated fireball lotus.

The characteristics of the second-rate schools that Kunlun chose to invite are that they are not so curious, their intelligence capabilities are not so strong, their own combat effectiveness and adaptability are relatively strong, and they have some whimsical ideas that are more capable of discovering unknown phenomena.

In addition to these serious information, there are also many unscrupulous ones, such as:

"Why doesn't the beauty Jianxiu of Yunxia sect speak? She's so shy." This is someone from the second-rate sect.

"Is everyone in Kunlun healed? Don't hold on if you need a rest. The normal operation of this group does not require you to host it all the time." This is Chi Wuzong. They always tease everyone, especially when they see Kunlun Those who are at the gate of death are even more uncomfortable.

"To be honest, the countless small mutated fireball lotuses in different directions in the giant mutated fireball lotus, including the spirit vein fireball lotus, seem to be all fighting and cultivation-oriented? Are they not entertainment-oriented or beauty-oriented? Water polo They can all split into healing water droplets, so there should be small mutant fireball lotus too?" This is the female cultivator of Yanxing Sect.Girls are more delicate, and they don't spend all their time fighting and killing.

"I don't know if there is a beauty orientation, but there is definitely a corrosion orientation. My arm was burned a lot, and the bones were exposed." This is from Jianzong. Wound pictures, high-resolution large pictures.

Kunlun's Faxiu girl screamed and kicked Jianzong's rough guys out of the group, and won praise from most of the female cultivators including Yan Xingmen and some male cultivators.

Chi Wuzong provoked again: "Kunlun, how many administrators do you have? If you become the group owner, will the administrators also get their hands?"

The Kunlun Faxiu girl started to cry—this time she really cried, not just sobbing like before—and made a voice, crying heartbreakingly: "My brother almost died in it! Because I was afraid that I would get upset over this matter." Devil, my brother was dying and forced me to participate in this operation. He told me that I would rather die in the fireball lotus than see me being scared off at the beginning of my practice! He has been protecting me in the Behind me, the elder brother who protected me meticulously forced me to participate in an operation where I would definitely not die and be seriously injured! Because he was so injured that he was not sure to protect me!"

The channel cleared instantly.

I sent a text message: "Isn't your brother one of the members of the rescue team? He was the one who caught you when you came out of the giant mutated fireball lotus. Judging from his movements of catching people, it doesn't look like he still has Seriously hurt."

I saw that you mouthed 'Brother' when you faced him, but you were seriously injured and couldn't make a sound.If there are more than one older brother, it is generally not just 'brother' or 'brother', but a distinguishing word will be added, such as big brother, second brother or a certain brother.

Kunlun Faxiu was crying and confident: "Is the injury healed now?"

Everyone was angry: You cried so sadly after you got hurt!

Then started shelling her in unison.

Even Yan Xingmen didn't support her this time. Although they didn't speak ill of Kunlun Faxiu out of their usual habit of protecting female cultivators, they just kept silent.


There was a lot of noise on one side of the group, and Elder Guanghe on the other side finally filled out the mission description and submitted it. As the only mission executor of the mission, I have to check the mission description. Access to all records.

Elder Guanghe now needs to submit another mission statement, which is the mission for us to visit Kunlun in the seven foundation building stages to visit the giant mutated fireball lotus.Originally, my serial missions should also be included in it, and I shouldn't be doing a single mission. However, the elder, if he occasionally sends out a nervous violation to do something that doesn't involve principles, the mission office can't stop him.

Although the mission office must be dissatisfied with Elder Guanghe's illegal operation, it is a good thing for me.Because of multi-person missions, not every mission executor can check the complete mission records—for example, the time I went to Yuhe, the information I could see was very incomplete.

Although this time because the task executors are all in the foundation building stage, the scope of the mission materials I can read after the mission must be more than that of Yuhe, but don't forget that this time the team is leading the team in the transformation stage, and than Yuhe's that time It was too much for Jin Danqi to lead the team - although there was also participation in the Huashen period, but it was just participating, not leading the team, and the meaning was different - so the mission records I can read this time have a lot of information at the bottom level, and the upper level However, the information is likely to be even less than that of Yuhe.

I don't know if Elder Guanghe did it on purpose or he was negligent because he didn't write the mission record himself for too long. He not only separated my chain mission from the main mission of Huoqiulian, but also defined this chain mission as a single-person mission.He himself is purely the publisher of the chain of tasks, neither the leader nor the participant. This chain of tasks was completed independently by me under his definition.That is to say, as I said before, as the only participant in this series of missions, I have the right to consult all the information of this mission, and nothing has been concealed.

I don't believe that Elder Guanghe can still not reveal the high-end information in the record after filling out the task record completely.

0662_task record

Soon, Elder Guanghe also submitted the record of the fire ball lotus general mission this time - as long as he wants to do it, this kind of record is a matter of seconds for the transformation of the gods.If they delay for a long time, it can only mean that they are lazy and don’t want to write, rather than being delayed by something, they didn’t figure out any task-related problems when they filled it out, and they needed to redefine the task...all It's an excuse for being lazy.

Sure enough, I can't see all the information about the general mission, but I can still infer something new by combining my single-player serial mission and the general mission.

I played with the fire ball lotus, petal refiner, and petal battle in Yunxiazong, all to enhance my affinity for the fire ball lotus.Elder Guanghe didn't fully understand the status of this general task before we entered the giant mutated fireball lotus. He just assigned everyone homework to improve their ability in a certain aspect related to the fireball lotus.

For example, my affinity, the extraction and fusion of different parts of the fireball lotus when the alchemist does not use other materials, the endurance of the beast master and his spirit beasts to the fireball lotus, the control of the law repairer over the fireball lotus, and the planter's ability to control the fireball lotus. In the process of planting the fireball lotus, the inertial force formed under the high-intensity repetitive labor, the character repair uses the surrounding objects of the fireball lotus to affect the ability of the fireball lotus.

Except for me, the activities related to the fire ball lotus when they were in Yunxiazong were actually assigned tasks, but except for the planter Zhang Li, the others were passively accepted, and the tasks were directly assigned by the elders.

——Although Zhang Li took the initiative to accept the task at the task office, she found that the task description was too understated after a short time. There is no abort option, which is equivalent to assigning tasks.

The biggest difference between assigning tasks and voluntarily accepting tasks from the task is that the task executor has no right to choose.There is neither the right to choose the content of the task, nor the right to refuse or give up, and it is usually not counted in the amount of tasks that must be completed every month-but this time it is counted, and more than one task is recorded amount, although the other six foundation periods were probably not realized until now after the quest log had been submitted.

In addition, please note that the calculation of multiple tasks for a task is not necessarily a serial task.Some tasks have a high degree of completion, and the task amount can also be issued as a reward.Elder Guanghe's way of labeling a serial mission on a random mission is just reckless.

The task records of the other six people were not submitted by Elder Guanghe. Elder Guanghe is the leader of the general fireball lotus mission, but besides me, he handed over the other six pre-foundation tasks to Shi Bo Lin's master and others went to issue separately.

Those seniors are much more reliable than Elder Guanghe, they have already filled out the quest description, but it is only after we got out of the huge mutated fireball lotus that the quest was marked as completed, that is, today - I checked these quests one by one Published and completed commit times.The query method is to directly flip the list of task records from one year ago to today.

The reason why I started to read it a year ago is because I finished it a year ago.

0663_New Capabilities

After we were sent into the giant mutated fireball lotus, Kunlun explained the situation of the fireball lotus to the elders of each faction in detail, and according to the prior agreement, the items each of us obtained in the huge mutated fireball lotus belonged to ourselves, and Our direct and indirect promotion of the new skills of the mutated fireball lotus, if we do not get the corresponding reward items from the mutated fireball lotus, then Kunlun will make equivalent compensation.

For example, the fortune-teller at the Gate of Sky opened up a limited method of exchanging items with the huge mutated fireball lotus, and Kunlun compensated for some items that help improve the rank of the compass.

I helped the big water polo activate its healing skills. Although I later found out that the dew condensed by the spirit vein fire ball lotus brought out has healing effects, but after all, it has become something that everyone benefits from. It is not the mutated fire ball lotus reward that I got alone, so Kunlun compensated me with a magic weapon for healing—it was not given to me by Elder Guanghe. Elder Guanghe said that I don’t need this thing, and he plans to blackmail Kunlun tomorrow to give me something else.

And the reason why I can't use it is not that I have a lot of healing things in my collection. Although I do have a lot, the key this time is that I still have seven spiritual vein fireball lotuses that can condense healing dewdrops.

The seven plants eaten by Xiao Sui, although their bodies disappeared, but their skills did not. They were actually fused together with Xiao Sui. Xiao Sui digested them, obtained their skills, and then strengthened their abilities. Skill.Right now, Xiao Sui is still in the process of digestion, and after a few more days, I will find that my portable spiritual weapon has the following abilities:

Produce spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy produced is enough for my cultivation. I am equivalent to carrying a spiritual vein with me, or a non-spiritual plant spiritual vein that does not need to be watered and dewormed; it produces healing water, and it produces steadily every day. Store more and more, and it will definitely be enough when needed; other skills that have been newly produced by the hugely mutated fireball lotus and its internal spiritual vein fireball lotus due to the stimulation of others, users are welcome to discover by themselves.

The sentence 'Please discover by yourself' is written in the mission record. I think it should be written purely for me to read, and it will probably be crossed out when it is entered into the file.

These new abilities that Xiao Sui possessed by digesting the spirit vein fire ball lotus will continue to strengthen as Xiao Sui grows.All the elders of the Yunxia Sect know that my little follower is basically a predetermined spiritual treasure, and the future growth is naturally worth looking forward to.

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