Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 173

0688_ Taking roughness as temperament

Qingyinya occupies a valley, and the layout of the buildings is not regular, but it follows a certain pattern.When the bell struck, the extended refraction of the sound gave me a glimpse of that regularity, but only slightly.After I entered Qingyinya, it was like an engineering student entering an art department, and I felt a little awkward.

Diao Ye left for a few minutes, during which Pei Cen looked up at the trembling clock on the top of the clock tower and said, "It's so strange, you all think it's hard for me to break through to the foundation-building stage, and I think so too, but, I It doesn’t seem to be sad because of this, but when Senior Diao said that my voice is interesting, I feel very happy and want to continue to improve. Why? It’s meaningless to improve my voice if I can’t improve my cultivation. Why don’t I lose my voice? The cultivation base is full of fighting spirit to improve the voice? This bell sounds awesome."

Me: "It's okay, it's not harsh."

Pei Cen: "It can't be harsh, look at the shape of that clock..."

I stopped her: "You don't have to explain to me, I'm not very interested in sound."

"Fellow Daoist Pei Lin is really a straightforward person." Diao Ye came back with a piece of paper in his hand, and said to me friendly.

Me: "It's not a disgrace that a sword cultivator doesn't have musical talent."

Diao Ye: "Qingyinya has always been critical of Jianxiu's style of taking roughness as temperament."

Criticize it, criticize it, anyway, you have few people, and you can't take advantage of public opinion.I smile politely.

Diao Ye was stunned for a moment, and turned his head somewhat concealed.I think it should be my face that eliminated the little hatred value - as a minority, the sound repair has been used to other professions who are not good at and don't pay attention to sound. It's not enough to draw, but they can't take it too seriously, at most they will only have a little hatred.

Diao Ye handed the paper to Pei Cen, "You can try to recite it. Stressed reading, soft voice, etc. are marked, which can be used as training items. It is basically useless for improving cultivation, but, um, it is useful for being a host." benefit."

Pei Cen gave me a sad look.

I glanced at the contents of the paper.Things like staves remind me of my middle school days in my previous life. When I was still in music class, I was asked to sing in the final exam, and I got a passing grade of sympathy... No, Pei Cen is practicing speaking, not singing, and he can also So complicated?People who study art are really hard to understand.

0689_ Beauty

Pei Cen and I stayed in Qingyinya for two days and one night and then left.When the flying boat lifted off, Pei Cen looked at Qingyinya's direction reluctantly: "If I had worked harder when I was young and started practicing Qi in my early ten years old, do you think Qingyinya would accept me?"

Me: "If you decide to practice music at the age of ten, it's possible."

Pei Cen was melancholy for a while, and then took out the sheet music that Diao Yi had given her and read it. In the past two days, she has recited 57 times just what I saw.

When I listened to it for the first time, I felt as if I was touched a little - but the feeling was very faint, although I will not forget it, but after that I didn't get any deep meaning - but the second and third times ...that is the incomprehensible chanting.You must know that even the tongue twisters still contain small jokes. The practice words on this piece of paper are all rote.

Pei Cen: "Didn't Senior Lin appreciate the beauty in it? The beauty in the cadence seems to touch the soul. It doesn't lie in the meaning of the words, but in the magnificence and mystery of the existence of the words themselves."

Me: "...how did you know that I came to the Feicheng office as a staff member?"

Feicheng is the city where the Pei family is located. Before my father was born, the Pei family was the most dominant here. After my father rose up, a leader of the city wanted to change the name of the city to Peicheng, but the Pei family firmly rejected it. Therefore, it still retains the name of Feicheng.

My brother once mocked this: "What should I change? I'm afraid the Pei family is not enviable enough? Besides, 'Pei' and 'Fei' have half the same shape and half are related, which implicitly marks the status of the Pei family. Straightforward 'Pei Cheng' is much better. Some people just don't have the talent to flatter and deserve to be fired in the end."

Hey, hey, hey, it seems that the dismissal of the leader has something to do with the Pei family. The Pei family didn't do anything, so don't discredit your own family.

0690_Internet celebrity

Hearing my question, Pei Cen put away the paper cherishingly, and then replied: "Someone took a photo of you, just a profile photo, and then you became an Internet celebrity. When I found out at home, the spread has been somewhat controlled." I can't hold it anymore, but I've suppressed it now. Some companies wanted to sign you as a star before, but when they saw you entered the Yunxiazong office, they were ridiculed by the ordinary staff of the office when they asked about it. I also wanted to ask you about your wishes face to face, but my uncle and the others held them down."

Me: "I know I was photographed, but in fact you don't have to be so nervous, I don't really care about it. Of course, thank you for saving me some trouble." There are too many people photographing me, and they don't mind it. I'm used to it.When I browse the Internet in the mortal world, I seldom look at current trends, but I didn't notice that my photos were spread.

Pei Cen shook his head: "Of course the family knows that without Senior Lin's permission, it is impossible for ordinary people to take clear images of you, but you don't care because of your generosity, we can't allow the public to taint you with entertainment mentality. Lick the screen, call your husband, It’s too bad to want to be positive. There are also things like grafting with unsightly photos. This kind of atmosphere must not be tolerated in the family.”

When there are too many people, it is true that anything that breaks the bottom line will happen, but, "Wouldn't it be more imaginative if you press hard?"

Pei Cen: "We really can't control what other people think, but at least we have to ensure that those bad things will not spread to you. We can rest assured that you don't know anything about it."

Me: "When you say that, I want to search for it..."

Pei Cen: "You can do a search. If you see something that slipped through the net, let us know. We'll clean it up. But we should delete everything from the hard drive."

Wow, won't you be jointly sued for being so ruthless?

Me: "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble by being soft-hearted for a while. I just think that the girl who took the photo is cute and not looking for trouble, so I agree. I don't think there will be any involvement in the future." And even if there is involvement. Subconsciously, I don't pay attention to things in the mortal world.

Pei Cen: "It's not troublesome, we just want to do something, even if Senior Lin doesn't care about these small things, as long as we can help, even if it saves you a little trouble, we are very happy and feel that we still have something to do." worthwhile."

Me: "Of course it is valuable. The continuation of a flourishing family, the existence itself is the value. As long as you are here, we of the Yunxia Sect will be very happy, and the withering will make people feel sad."

Pei Cen: "Don't worry, the Pei family is prosperous... It's just that they are still half-dead in cultivation."

Me: "Cultivation depends on fate, don't worry. Elder Pei is still very young. If you delete photos generously, won't you really provoke people to unite against you?"

Pei Cen: "Human flesh is terrible. Some people have no bottom line at all. Your identity as a monk of Yunxiazong has been exposed, and then you have become an unspeakable beauty. Many people think that the pictures in their hard drives are deleted. When inquiring about Yunxia Sect’s office, the staff did not deny it—although they did not admit it either.”

0691_The position of each person

It sounds like a lot of things happened, and the office was involved, why didn't I, who was in the office all those days, know nothing about it?

Seeing that I had finished asking questions, Pei Cen took out the paper and started reading again.

Pei Cen has a storage bag, but it is obviously not used for a long time, and he still has a sense of care when picking and placing items.

Although the Pei family can be regarded as a family of cultivation, they are more stingy in the use of magic weapons than many ordinary people from rich families.They have a lot of magic tools, but they are opposed to using magic tools with spirit stones, and even spirit beads are not willing to spend on powering magic tools.In the Pei family, there is only one type of people who can freely use the magic weapon: those who have entered the Qi training period, have their own spiritual power, and can use their own spiritual power to drive the magic weapon.

According to the Pei family's concept, mortals should use utensils from the mortal world, magic utensils are for monks, and everyone should find their own position.It is absolutely unacceptable to waste spirit stones just to satisfy one's own show-off psychology, and waste the spirit stones that monks rely on for cultivation and even survival as batteries.

A junior from the Pei family also retorted: "It's not to show off, the storage bag has no substitute for utensils in the mortal world."

The elders of Pei's family: "Consignment, mailing, and buying a warehouse are many alternatives. You have to take it with you? You say it's not showing off!"

Hmm... In fact, I personally support the saying that there is no substitute for magical artifacts in the mortal world. Carrying this feeling with you is definitely not a substitute for transporting things around and sending them home.

Every time Pei Cen reads the content on that piece of paper, there are slight changes, from slightly wrong to completely accurate to accurate, with personal characteristics - how heavy is the accent, how light is the soft tone, and the words and characters are different. The interval is slightly lengthened or shortened.The reading method marked on the paper is just a guide, not precise, just like a little salt and a spoonful of oil in a recipe, it depends on the chef's hand and the diner's taste.

I can hear the changes when she reads, but I can't understand the meaning of these changes, but what I can't understand is: "Why do you have to read with this paper? Isn't it more convenient to scan it down?" ? You hold this piece of paper so carefully that you don't even dare to breathe, so you can't concentrate on reading aloud?"

Pei Cen: "It feels different. This is the original version of Qingyinya. After I'm done getting excited, I'll read it in the scanned electronic file."

Me: "It's definitely not the original version. Even if Qingyinya reads to his disciples, it must be a jade slip. This paper, which looks like a leaflet, must be provided to tourists as souvenirs."

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