Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 63

0223_Corrected tasks

Although the mission judges are all experienced Jindan monks who have done a lot of missions, no one can avoid making mistakes.Judging tasks by just watching, although most of the time relying on experience is very accurate, but from time to time, special cases will be ignored due to experience.

This chain of missions I took on was the type of judge who made a mistake.Before it was set as a single task, someone picked it up, did it, and then came back miserably, and complained to the task judge.After the task evaluators and the failed taskers detailed their observations, experiences, and judgment basis, the task office carefully studied and conducted another on-site inspection, and finally changed the task to a serial task.

The previous judges were fined for judging mistakes, and the former task recipients were compensated.And because the former task recipient's suggestion in the complaint that "this task should be released as a chain task" is reasonable and adopted, so although this task failed, the number of tasks in the current month is still considered completed, and an additional reward for completing the task is given. .

These things are recorded in detail in the instructions given after accepting the task, and the experience of the previous tasker and the task suggestions of the judges are also recorded in it regardless of whether it is right or wrong.After all, the task is not an exam, and it will not deliberately conceal the conditions to make the task more difficult for the tasker.In addition to training the disciples, the purpose of the task is also the key point of how much the Yunxia sect can benefit from it.

Embarrassing the disciple to fail the task that shouldn't fail, making Yunxiazong lose face, pay compensation, and reduce the trust of outsiders in the sect, it is completely useless.It would be even more unforgivable if someone died in the middle.

Therefore, such things as concealing known conditions will never happen. It’s just that some tasks involve the privacy of the client, and the inside information of some tasks is inconvenient to be disclosed to the public. Therefore, it is uniformly stipulated that the task descriptions that can be seen before accepting the task are all brief. The version is mainly used to qualitatively judge the difficulty of the task to see if you have the ability to accept it. After accepting the task, you can read the detailed version description and use it to assist in the task.

It is precisely because you can see the detailed description of the task immediately after accepting the task, so normally after accepting the task, even if you have not officially started to do the task, but regret not doing this task, it will be treated as a task failure. If you make a mistake in judgment, of course you have to bear the consequences yourself.

Although I was personally guaranteed by the big brother to open the back door, after reading the detailed instructions, I still feel that it is okay. Although it is a bit troublesome and I don't understand why it is so troublesome, I think I should be able to handle all the steps.

However, just to be on the safe side, in response to the senior brother's call for caution, I still decided to ask the previous senior sister who was doing this task face to face just in case.

0224_Popular Rivals

The previous tasker for this task was Senior Sister Ma Qingli, who is now in the late stage of Foundation Establishment and has half-stepped into the realm of Dzogchen, and her cultivation level is higher than mine, which is one of the reasons why I am a little nervous about this task.In the world of self-cultivation, where one speaks on the basis of cultivation, those with high cultivation have failed, but can those with low cultivation succeed by relying on skills?

"Theoretically, it should be possible." Senior Sister Ma said, "The cultivation level requirements for this task are not high. The main trouble in getting the core itself is that it is a grind. If you want to pull it quickly, accurately, and hard, you can pull it out. , but it is impossible to achieve the requirement that Ji Zuo is harmless and painless, and it is better to be ignorant. And if it is obtained by water grinding, it is more than enough in the early stage of foundation establishment."

So, why did you look at me so stunned when I said I accepted this task?

Facing my question, Senior Sister Ma blinked: "Aren't you always taking on missions in the sect?"

Me: "This may be one of the reasons, but it's certainly not all. You won't be surprised to that extent just for this reason."

Most of the relationships I have with the female cultivators of this sect are good, not the ones that are good for men and women, but the kind that are for girlfriends.Among them, my shemale face played a fundamental role - when I was a child, everyone saw me as a loli instead of a real lady, but now, just ask Shi Bolin, he can still hypnotize himself saying that I am a beautiful woman - because I What my mother and my sister learned about, including rouge and gouache, clothing accessories, makeup skills, etc., also played a positive role in assisting.

Senior Sister Ma pondered for a moment, then asked: "If you cancel this task now, does it count as a failure of the task or just cancel it by mistake and it's over?"

Me: "...I've been telling you for so long, even if I open the back door, it's impossible for me to undo it?"

Senior Sister Ma: "In other words, before you come to see me, you can cancel this task at any time? Even if everyone knows that with your reading and memory speed, you can memorize all the details of the task in a few minutes or even ten seconds Come down. Hmph, I knew that those men in the mission office who are interested in sex have no principle at all in currying favor with beauties."

——Hey, there are not only men in the staff of the mission office, the gender ratio there is quite balanced.

The other thing is, what, most of the relationships between me and the female cultivators of this sect are good, but for those female cultivators who have a sweetheart, I am the thorn in the side and the thorn in the flesh. They eat three meals a day to cover my sack.Well, it's the same for those men who have a sweetheart.

People give nicknames, public rivals, men and women take it all.

I am wronged.In this life, the only man I have a crush on and want to develop a relationship with is that pseudo-single spiritual root sword repair Miaozi Min Lun, who I absent-mindedly left behind for a long time before I developed any development. After thinking about it, who else can I be a rival in love with?The first love of my life has not been officially given away yet.

Moreover, the task office was wronged this time, the one who opened the back door for me was the senior brother... well, he had to go through the task office to open the back door in the end, and it was the task office's fault.

0225_Unable to understand

"So," I asked, "what's wrong with this mission?"

Senior Sister Ma looked very happy: "If I don't tell you, then you went and caused the mission to fail, and I have to pay a little responsibility, so of course I will tell you."

With that expression on your face, I think you definitely didn't want to tell me for this reason.

Senior Sister Ma: "For this task, you have to pretend to be a woman."

I silently recalled the mission description from the beginning, but still couldn’t figure it out: “What does this mission have to do with pretending to be a woman?” So I really hate the implicit way of speaking, even the instructions are implicit, do you have professional ethics? ?Are you people testing my literary literacy or my IQ?Congratulations, I am in arrears for both, and you have got the point.But no prize!

Senior Sister Ma: "Why do you think there are so many steps before the nucleation task is mentioned? Then there is only one center for all the steps, which has won Ji Zuo's trust."

Me: "The mission description mentions that Ji Zuo is very wary and even suspicious, but it doesn't say that she is also male-phobic or misogynistic."

Senior Sister Ma: "No, she is neither afraid of men nor hates men, but you have to keep her away from men other than you. You have to let Ji Zuo kick him for her boyfriend."

Me: "Wait a minute, this is not necessary? It is written in the precautions for taking the nucleus that because the nucleus grows in the female body, the yin energy is too heavy. When taking it out, it is necessary to gradually input the male yang energy to neutralize the female yin energy, so as to To loosen the aura connection between the core and Ji Zuo's body, the purer the male yang qi input, the better, preferably alone."

Senior Sister Ma: "Isn't this obvious?"

Me: "Not at all. Ji Zuo usually comes into contact with mortals. Without very close contact, it is impossible for the yang energy of mortal men to enter Ji Zuo's body to loosen the nucleus."

Senior Sister Ma: "So the boyfriend is the key point."

Me: "But Ji Zuo is a conservative woman who opposes premarital sex. The closest contact she has with her boyfriend is kissing—if the mission information collection is correct." However, if the target of the mission knows how far Yunxiazong has investigated the mission, it is very likely that he will never consider entrusting the mission to Yunxiazong again.

Senior Sister Ma shook her head: "Why don't you get enlightened? If it is so simple to input Yang Qi to loosen the core, why do you recommend sharing the bed with Ji Zuo in the task steps? With the spiritual power control of the foundation building stage, it is necessary to be separated by ten meters away. It's easy to inject positive aura into a mortal's body, why do we have to share the same bed?"

yeah, why?Can you be more direct?Why do you have to guess?The point is that I can't figure it out...

Senior Sister Ma sighed, "You really have too many skill points on your face."

I took your words as a sign of jealousy.

Senior Sister Ma waved her hand: "In short, remember to pretend to be a woman from the beginning of the task, and I suggest you strictly follow the steps of the task. Although the steps are cumbersome and circuitous, I really feel that I have succeeded after analyzing it with the task manager. It is the plan with the highest rate, and it can even be said to be the only plan that may succeed. You can’t even understand the reason for this plan, or you can’t understand it after reading the mission details. I sincerely suggest that you don’t find another way to block yourself.”

You introduced a mission so unclearly, and you still despise me for not understanding?Tsk, I can't read minds enough to be empathetic.

0226_ camouflage

There are many ways for monks to dress up as women.A simple phantom amulet, you can pretend to be whatever you want.But lesser simulacrums provide only a projection-like camouflage, deceiving sight only.There is nothing wrong with seeing it with the eyes, but when I touch it with my hands, I can see that I have a bald head when I look at the long hair fluttering, and I can tell that I am only wearing a pair of shorts when I look at the fancy clothes...

There are too many similar embarrassing things, and the biggest function of the low-level phantom amulet is to deal with emergencies, such as putting on a show for a few minutes.

If you are more reliable, you can use a transformation talisman, that is, to adjust your appearance within a certain range, including clothing.But there are upper and lower limits, and the limit depends on the advanced level of the avatar.This kind of adjustment is very real in terms of contact with the five senses. As long as the spell is not broken, or if you don't meet a monk with a high cultivation level, this thing is considered reliable.

Similar to the transfiguration amulet, there are also some transfiguration magic weapons.

But no matter which one is mentioned above, first, it needs to consume spiritual energy continuously when using it, and second, there is a danger that the magic weapon for breaking the spell will be forced to show its original shape.

The camouflage carried out by means of self-cultivation can naturally be broken by means of self-cultivation, and sometimes others break it without intention.Maybe it was two monks fighting nearby, and the aura was chaotic, accidentally hurting your disguise, and then the disguise was invalid.

Although monks generally don't fight in the mortal world, after all, mortals are too fragile, and accidental injuries can be compensated for, but manslaughter will be more troublesome.Moreover, although mortals are fragile and weak, their weapons still have some lethality.If the monks do not self-restrain and act recklessly in the mortal world, the mortals will become more and more resentful, leading to another war between the cultivation world and the mortal world. I want to please.Ordinary people already know very well how to use foreign objects to counter the monks' spiritual skills.

The monks will try their best to avoid doing things in the mortal world, but there are contingencies in everything. As long as the mortal world cannot fundamentally prevent the monks from using spiritual power in the mortal world for a day, relying solely on the monk's self-consciousness, there will be many accidents.

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