Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 72

0262_ are all routines

It wasn’t until I went to the cinema that I realized what the problem was. This is a romance film covered in leather. Of course, the skin is not important. The point is that this is a female-female romance film—the main character of the monk in the play is a woman— —So, sitting down and watching, the audience is almost all couples of lily lovers.

The promotion of the film is suspected of deliberately misleading. The promotional words did not specify the gender of the main character of the monk, and the main character monk on the poster only has a hazy back, and the gender cannot be seen... Okay, I admit that my habitual thinking is preconceived and I think it is a heterosexual movie. I didn't look at what was filled in the sexual orientation column at all, just like I didn't look at who the director, protagonist, etc. were.

I was dumbfounded for a moment, then turned my head and said solemnly to Ji Zuo, "I really don't want to chase you."

Ji Zuo laughed: "I know. You just lack common sense."

...It's okay, it's common practice for sword repairers to lack common sense.

Now that it's here, let's see it.

In fact, I prefer text works to film and television works, and pictures are also good.I don't have any opinions on the film and television works themselves, but at my reading speed, the playback rhythm of film and television works is a very tormenting thing, especially since there is no fast-forward button available in movie theaters.

Watching movies and TV keeps fast-forwarding. I’m not even a habit that I developed after I had a memory cheat in this life. I used to watch this way in my previous life. If I don’t fast-forward, I will fall asleep watching [-]% of the film and television works—— —Don't talk to me about blockbusters full of blood-boiling scenes, I fall asleep faster in blockbusters.

Now, when the movie is playing, I stare blankly at the screen with my eyes open, and at the same time I start to look at the inventory data in my brain.

After the movie ended, Ji Zuo waved a hand in front of my eyes, I woke up and looked at her suspiciously.

Ji Zuo: "I thought you fell asleep with your eyes open."

In fact, it's almost the same... But, I looked at her red eyes and said: "The mortal heroine said, 'I don't want to wait any longer, I told myself not to wait any longer, I am determined not to wait any longer, but, what? That's called not waiting', you cried."

Ji Zuo immediately retorted: "I didn't cry."

"Oh, that's called," I corrected me kindly, "you have red eyes."

Ji Zuo: "...you've been watching it since you were asleep, but you didn't respond at all?"

Me: "What kind of reaction do you want? Are you tear-jerked? This kind of plot is a routine." I will give you ten thousand copies of such routine works every minute, do you believe it?

Ji Zuo: "Being able to complete a routine shows that it is easy to use."

Me: "Maybe. The relationship line may be a good routine, but it's a pity that there are too many flaws in other aspects. For example, with the current communication conditions, what kind of revenge will not be given for ten years? When the monk and the heroine were seriously injured at the beginning, a reserve The bag of pills is actually not as good as the bandage salt water of the mortal heroine?"

I don't care to say how bad the special effects of Yujian are, and the monks can't easily say the word "definitely". Revenge is such a dangerous thing, and they promise to "definitely come back within ten years" knowing that they may die. What about looking for demons?

Ji Zuo: "...you watch romantic dramas with logic?"

...I made a mistake in positioning it as a comprehension drama.


I have finished watching the drama, but can it naturally transition to the topic of saving monks?After I've already slammed how cruel this show is?

Alas, I'm still so dumb.

In order not to turn the topic too bluntly, I could only temporarily give up the discussion of the plot and go home with Ji Zuo.Ji Zuo has been taking care of me like a big sister along the way.To be honest, my own sister has never taken care of me so meticulously, which gave me a glimmer of hope for my mission.Until we walked to the door of the house and said goodbye to each other, I turned my head and walked to my temporary residence. From the corner of my eye, I could clearly see Ji Zuo's indifferent expression in an instant.

That kind of expression, like a person who finally got rid of disgust, and also like a scene that finally got rid of disgust, so that he couldn't wait for one more second to let out a foul breath.In my previous life, when I first started working, I often had this sudden change in expression. Later, I sacrificed some benefits and opportunities and even offended some people on purpose, and finally got a peaceful life that didn’t require forcing myself to socialize with a fake face.

...So, am I now the hateful person that Ji Zuo doesn't want to deal with but has to deal with?Who forced her?I sure didn't.Ji's parents don't seem like the kind of people who would do this kind of thing.

So, could this be one of the effects of that nucleus?What about a double personality?

Although I had so many thoughts in my mind, I didn't stop at all when I went back to the room. I just fine-tuned the angle of my walk so that I could always see Ji Zuo from the corner of my eye.

Ji Zuo didn't seem to be aware of my observations. She almost couldn't wait to turn around and walk home, showing some urgency in her movements. However, the expression on her side face I saw was still cold, and she didn't go home. Joy, doesn't seem to be expecting anything.Even to me who was eager to get rid of, she never gave me the slightest glance at all, even to confirm that I really walked in the door and would not suddenly turn around and want to stop her for some reason.

I suspect that even if I turn around and look at her squarely, she won't notice it at all, because she seems to have been filled with some kind of emotion, and she doesn't care about me at all.

I waited until Ji Zuo walked into the house and closed the door, then I slowly took out the key and opened the door, while still trying to figure out what was going on with Ji Zuo.

First of all, I didn't perceive spiritual fluctuations, which means that either Ji Zuo's performance has nothing to do with the core, she is so weird purely for personal reasons, or the role of the core is more hidden than expected, so that it It's active but I can't perceive it with my ability.

Secondly, no matter what the reason for her being so weird, as a mission target, I have to find out.

It's so troublesome... I have never been able to guess the murderer and the way of committing the crime when watching detective dramas. It is too difficult for my IQ to let me solve the case.

0264_Ordinary love relationship

When you don't know where to start...let time figure it out.

——I don't think I can say that I'm slack in this way of solution. After all, Ji Zuo deliberately forced himself to approach me. Could it be because of boredom?If there is a purpose, there must be subsequent actions. Sooner or later, if there are too many actions, I will be able to figure out what is going on.

...Well, sooner or later, I hope within half a year, then my task can still have the hope of being completed.

Things went much smoother than I expected, and only a few days later, a suspected breakthrough appeared in front of my eyes.

——The reason for the suspicion... I'm really not good at solving crimes.

This suspected breakthrough Ji Zuo's boyfriend is the boyfriend who tried to get Ji Zuo kicked off during my mission planning step.

I'm not confident in making friends with Ji Zuo, but I'm confident in breaking up the two of them because of their appearance.As long as Fan Jizuo's relationship is not as strong as life and death, it is not difficult to break up.

An ordinary relationship is nothing more than two people partnering with each other. She doesn't hate him just as he doesn't hate her. It's better for two people to partner than to be alone.

Most human beings don't enjoy being alone, so they are always in a hurry to find a companion.Maybe this partner is a friend, but friends always have their own private affairs to do, and it is impossible to get bored together indefinitely, so a lover is a better companion, no matter how sticky it is, the relationship should be taken for granted. For those who are afraid of being alone It couldn't be better.

Of course, there is also the kind of love that is struck by thunder and fire, but the reason why this kind of love story is widely sung and enduring is precisely because it is not common in life.It is a kind of longing, a longing, an unattainable desire, and an artistic exaggeration.

How can there be so many people who live and die for love? Most people's so-called lovelorn is just an unpleasant experience that can be forgotten after a big meal or a day of crazy play.The loss they suffered in a lost relationship is more of a concern than the breakup itself.

Yes, I'm not a big believer in strong love.I still can't understand the suicide, metamorphosis, pain for a lifetime, sacrifice for a lifetime, etc. in the story for the so-called love.

In my perception, love is at the same level as family affection and friendship, it will make people warm and happy.But it is different from the natural fetters of family affection, and also different from the broad and inclusive friendship. Love is more narrow and specific. Its "belonging alone" is its greatest charm, but at the same time, "belonging alone" also means that it is more difficult to happen, even Obtained by no chance.

When you fall in love with someone, you will regard that person as the only one all your life, and it happens that that person also falls in love with you, and you will be the only one all your life.Such a probability, considering the total population of the world and the number of people each person will come into contact with in their lifetime, I don’t say that the probability is absolutely zero so arbitrary, but at least, most people are not so lucky to find the only one .And except for the only one, even if they are in love, it is more for love than for people.

——The above can be regarded as the sour words of a single dog in two lifetimes.Anyway, I just didn't find the only one, although I didn't bother to look for it.As a person who enjoys solitude, I am never anxious or even repelled to find a partner for myself.

I just like being alone, woof woof.

0265_Deliberately avoid

This soon-to-be past tense boyfriend is named Tu Yang.The reason why I call him a suspected breakthrough is that when he first appeared in front of me, he greeted me quite calmly, and then he never looked at me again, but seemed to focus on Ji Zuo all the time. .

This behavior is very abnormal.

The first time I saw me, I wasn't surprised at all. It can be understood that he had seen my video before, but he didn't even glance at me out of the corner of his eye for nearly two hours together. I can't think of any other explanation except deliberately.In fact, even if he has seen my videos or photos before, those are somewhat distorted. The first time he actually sees me in real life, unless the Nascent Soul stage is up to those powerful people who really regard pink as a skeleton, and Naturally cold, almost no one can avoid showing a little bit of surprise expression, if he doesn't show it, it can only show that he is pretending.

I can't quite tell if a person is acting, but I have experience.Even the disciples of the Hehuan Sect who are most accustomed to beauties can hardly move their eyes when they first see me, and even the disciples of the Sword Sect who are permeated with iron-blooded aggressiveness regardless of their appearance are stunned for a while when they first see me. I don’t believe that an ordinary mortal can really Totally unaffected by my face.

It's not that I feel narcissistically that Tu Yang should bow down at my feet as soon as he sees me so that I can easily separate them, but he only glanced at me for the past two hours, and then completely avoided me. This is so deliberate.Don't say I have this face, even if I have a passerby's face, in two hours, it is impossible for the people who are traveling together to keep their eyes from falling.

——I paid special attention to it from the beginning of my suspicions, and I was very sure that Tu Yang's gaze was completely avoiding me.

The reason why we have been together for nearly two hours is because Tu Yang just came back from a business trip today, and Ji Zuo took me to pick up Tu Yang at the airport on the grounds of introducing new friends.We had lunch together by the way, and I didn't leave until I sent Tu Yang home.

Originally, Ji Zuo wanted to go with me and let Tu Yang have a good rest, but I could probably see through her hypocrisy, so I refused, the reason is ready-made:

"You haven't seen each other for so long, there must be a lot to say, I was inconvenient just now, and now my light bulb is gone. I will tell Aunt Ji and Uncle Ji that you will go back later. You have been dating for so long, Don't you need to pretend to be shy in front of me?"

Ji Zuo pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay, since you said so, thank you."

Fortunately, she just pretended to be friends with me instead of pretending to be best friends, and there was still a little distance so that it wouldn't make us both pretend to be too uncomfortable.

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