Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 164: High Prowess Last Resort

"I'm sure you girls also saw those words as well. Even now, it's still inscribed in your mind, right?" 

Darcel began to talk, gathering both Aniela and Masami's attention.

Their expression turned inquisitive as there were two words that immediately popped into their heads when he mentioned it. 

Seeing their faces come to an understanding, Darcel smirked and continued on, "Like what you're two thinking, the most plausible reason for all these incredible changes is Chaotic Energy. It's evolving not just our bloodlines but our entire beings. Just look at Aniela and my bloodline arms Masami."

Darcel raised his bloodline arm to Masami, showcasing the beautiful black feathers blossoming from inside his arm. 

"Ah! That's right, we sure did get a touch-up in appearance." Aniela as well raised her bloodline arm to Masami, putting her elegant-looking white feathers on her display. 

Masami exhaled a small gasp of surprise. Though she always found the duo's bloodline states beautiful, the feathers now exponentially increased their grace!

"Well, would you look at this? There's just no end to just how stunning you two can look. Maybe if I breakthrough to Heavenly King, I can even grow another tail! But….if this is all the Chaotic Energy doing….do you guys think we can use this in battle?"

Masami suggested while bringing her three tails to her hand, getting a full authentic feel for her new tail. 

Darcel and Aniela pondered on her question. 

All three of them recalled how it's now impossible to bring out anymore gray Energy from their soul space for some unexplainable reason.

But, they also could sense deep down in their dantian space, a small quantity of the same gray Energy was nestled deep within them. 

Darcel got a quick idea then and began telling the girls, "Firstly, after all this time, you girls feel any sliver of exhaustion in our bloodline state? I for sure don't." 

Masami looked down her blue fire fox cloak and shook her head.

"Not a single bit of exhaustion. Huh….you know, even at ninth rank Innate Core, I would still feel a slight pull at my stamina. It didn't matter much since I trained to achieve high stamina, but now, it's like being in my base state, really."

"Mnh! Completely the same for me. Now it's like second nature to use these forms. So noow….this mysterious Chaotic Energy! I can tell since we all woke up simultaneously, none of us can no longer pull that gray Energy from our soul space. So how about we test the limits of our dantian, hm?"

Aniela curiously said while rubbing her stomach. It made the most sense to her considering the gray Energy seemingly can move on its own. 

Masami appeared extremely hype to do it, already surging her Spirit Sense to her dantian.

Darcel remained relatively even and reminded the girls, "Take it slow now. This power will obviously come in some form of consequences." 

His warning swirled in the girls' minds, but they were still excited to practice.

The trio took a second to adjust themselves. And once they were ready, they closed their eyes and fully surged their Spirit Sense towards their dantian. 

Similar to going into their soul space, going into their dantian space became a much smoother process now.

Once they were inside their dantian space, the trio didn't have to take long at all to find where the Chaotic Energy was. 

Using their Spirit Sense, they directly grabbed hold of the Chaotic Energy resting in their cores, pulling it outside of their dantian space.

A smirk bloomed on Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's faces since now the Chaotic Energy didn't leave their Spirit Sense grasp. They had then flowed the Chaotic Energy to their bloodstreams, eagerly anticipating the results.

The results were immediate, and Darcel, Aniela, and Masami shot their eyes wide open! 

They quickly raised their other palms, looked down towards it, and was astounded by what they saw and felt in their bodies.

The all-powerful Chaotic Energy was now swirling around their palms! 

The grayness of the Energy mixed in with their bloodlines auras, creating a unique color mix.

However, the most significant change they felt was their prowess. The trio felt it was actually like Night and Day between the power differences of their bloodline powers and Chaotic Energy!

They felt like there wasn't anything in the entire Province that could close to stopping them. 

Aniela even began to uncontrollably giggle, saying, "Hehehe~, this power really is Godlike! For sure, if we were to face those silver eyesores with this kind of power, we could've obliterated the whole group in a second!"

"Hell, I'm not even sure what to call all of this! My Grandma talked about other rare special powers that could equal bloodlines. Either powerful Inheritances or Legacies left behind by the ancient Demigods on this planet. But….I feel like none of them can even come close to this. This is like a true divine inheritance!"

Masami, while basking in absolute power, was also trying to connect this to whatever her Grandmother taught her in the past. 

Darcel, throughout this short time, had been silently pacing themselves.

As the girls expressed their awe, he counted seven seconds exactly passed. He began to talk then, starting to say, "I wouldn't even call it just a True Divine Inheritance. We-"

Abruptly, Darcel stopped. 

Sweat burst down from his, Aniela, and Masami's eyebrows all at once. All three of them completely froze. A sudden intense wave of exhaustion nearly forced them to their knees!

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt wobbly in their legs. They were taken off guard by a huge margin. 

All they were doing was simply standing and talking, yet their stamina was almost immediately depleted. Even more strange is none of them didn't even feel exhaustion during the previous seven seconds.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami quickly cut off the Chaotic Energy, and it returned to their dantian. 

Their normal bloodline state returned, yet it didn't help at all with the intense exhaustion. 

Hell, now they felt far too weak to even be in their bloodline state. 

"Fuuu…." Both Aniela and Masami largely exhaled, turning off their bloodline state. They had slightly bent over, bringing their hands to their knees, panting away their exhaustion. 

Darcel as well turned off his bloodline state, feeling none the less better. 

But he had the unique idea to quickly gain back all that lost stamina. A more perverse smile crossed his lips then.

Though Darcel is holding off on the real lustful activities, if it's helping them heal up, then being a little lustful won't matter. 

Upon his reasonings, he had then wrapped his arms around Aniela and Masami's waists, pulling their soft bodies to his chest.

"Huum~?" Both Aniela and Masami knowingly hum, feeling an incredible warmth spread in their bodies. They snapped their heads up Darcel's perverse smile, showcasing their own sexy smirks.

No words needed to be exchanged between them. 

All three of them knew what was going to come next. And Darcel didn't disappoint, and he leaned down to plant a kiss on Aniela's cherry red lips.

Aniela was just around Darcel's shoulder height, so he didn't have to strain much to kiss. As soon as their lips met, their mouths swiftly parted, and their tongues greedily entangled with each other.

Darcel and Aniela eagerly pulled on their tongues, sucking up each other's delectable essence. At their incredibly weary and exhausted state, their Darkness Soul link began to pulsate.

Both pleasure and Qi began to fuel up their bodies then. 

Darcel smoothly controlled the kiss, pulling on Aniela's juicy tongue and licking her sweet gums. 

"Mnnh~!" Aniela had even softly moaned, loving Darcel's divine tongue lick her gums.

After a few seconds, neither Darcel nor Aniela felt like collapsing to their knees. 

Darcel pulled back from the kiss, and he didn't get a second of rest before Masami leaned up to smash her lips against his.

Masami was only slightly shorter than Aniela, so she had to tiptoe up a bit to meet Darcel's lips. Their soft lips met, and Masami showcased her fiery passion by immediately trying to pry open Darcel's lip with her tongue.

It was like she just found her favorite drink after being dehydrated for weeks. 

However, Darcel didn't let his little fox take control. He quickly shot out his tongue and greedily sucked on her's.

"Mn-Mnh~!" Masami softly moaned, loving how zealously their tongues were entangled with each other. 

Their Darkness Soul links pulsate, Qi, and pleasure fuel their bodies as Darcel explores every region of Masami's mouth with his tongue.

After a few seconds, Masami didn't feel heavy exhaustion anymore, and Darcel was returning more back to normal. With some of their stamina back, Darcel pulled back, and a hot trail of saliva connected his and Masami's lips.

"Now then, that Chaotic Energy is far too risky to use in a regular battle. As of now, we can only reserve that power for a last resort attack. Before we continue on now….what do my little lovelies say about taking a short rest?" Darcel asked while stroking the girls' backs.

Aniela felt tingles trickling in her spine, and she hugged Darcel tighter. "Huuee~....this way of resting couldn't be more perfect!" 

Masami also began to hug Darcel tighter, and one of her tails wrapped around all three of them.

It was a fuzzy kind of warmth compared to normal, which got all three to smile broadly. 

Masami had then remarked, "We should do this only when we're alone. It's far too embarrassing to just show this in public."

Darcel quickly spotted Aniela's smile turned mischievous. He can tell then that's she about to try and persuade the fox girl otherwise. 

And Darcel couldn't help but wryly smile already. Still, he began to focus on getting their bodies to full capacity and leave once and for all.


Unknown to Darcel, Aniela, and Masami, there was one other presence in the room with them. 

A presence that they couldn't detect but was immeasurably powerful.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were snuggly resting, quickly regaining back their strength. And several feet, hovering right above them, was a small figure with insanely long gray hair.

The trio would've immediately recognized this as that mysterious and Godly powerful little girl! 

The mysterious little girl had been there the entire time they first awoke.

Her eyes never left the trio for a single second. And when they had gathered Chaotic Energy onto their palms, something clicked in the little girl's mind. 

'Like I expected, none of them exploded or exhibited any sign of pain. At the Beginning Realms, they can use it for one attack. Hmm, all of this should be enough to hold the Deities over. I'll be waiting….??'

For all the power and wisdom she held, the little girl actually briefly froze for something entirely unexpected. 

Darcel, who was occupied with getting snuggly with the girls, suddenly shot his eyes up.

Him, just looking around the cave, shouldn't be a big deal at all. But somehow, Darcel's eyes locked on to right where the little girl was! 

"Hm? An enemy ambush Darcy?!" Aniela immediately got excited, seeing Darcel abruptly shoot his eyes up. 

However, Masami only had confused expressions staring at where Darcel had his eyes. "Hmph, has this Chaotic Energy gotten into your head already? I don't sense anything there!" 

Darcel just briefly narrowed his eyes at that seemingly random spot.

He couldn't tell why but….he just felt like something or someone was there. It came abrupt and out of nowhere, almost like instinct on his part. Now, Darcel wasn't foolish enough to just write it off as a coincidence. 

But he also knows, if he were to investigate it with the girls, they would just end up with nothing.

So Darcel just pushed the feeling in the back of his mind for later and returned his eyes to the girls.

"You may be right, Masami. This Chaotic Energy is just having me a bit on edge."

As Darcel said that, the little girl silently observed as the trio went back to their usual banters. 

A small smile cracked the little girl's face then. 'Alright, Darcel, I'll leave you and your links a small gift when you reach the Divine Plane.'

And just like that, the little girl vanished, as if she was never there in the first place.

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