Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 165: Teleportation

"Huee~, like most things, the hallway entrance is a lot smaller compared to what's inside." Aniela's sweet voice echoed out in a vastly wide and expansive gray hallway.

About an hour passed since the trio finished resting up. And after a few more kisses and cuddles, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's were back at full strength thanks to their Darkness Soul link.

Now, they were cautiously walking through this long and wide gray hallway; the three of them were hyper-aware of their surroundings. 

Masami had her hands clenched, ready for battle as her eyes trailed all over the place. "No matter the size, there's bound to be something dangerous down here. I'm not sensing anything yet, but for that scientist to somehow find that gray cave, he had to face some sort of trouble."

For not having cultivation for so long, Masami was more than eager to fight. A sentiment that was also shared with Darcel and Aniela. Especially now, with their evolution, they need a full stretch of their bones.

The trio fell back into silence, focusing up on any potential ambush. 

The only sound that echoed out in the hallway was their feet hitting the gray pavement. And they continued like this for a few minutes.

For these last minutes, things began to get a bit eerie. 

Neither Darcel, Aniela, or Masami spotted even the slightest change of scenery. Like they were walking down a repeated hallway.

It didn't help that there was any kind of design or particular structure on the gray walls or roof. In fact, it barely looked like a cave compared to where they woke up in.

What also didn't help was the fact they haven't sensed any other kind of beings for so long. 

Darcel raised a hand to his chin, scratching it while saying, "Like this, I would say we were overly worried for nothing. Well, there's just nothing here…."

"I don't get it? I mean, you guys said that scientists must've got forcefully teleported to this spot. And clearly, what we experience far surpasses anything on this planet. So where is anything?!" 

Though she may have had a mental state breakthrough, Masami couldn't help the fiery side of her coming out when it comes to battle. 

After getting smacked around in that hell trial for so long, she needed a real battle to flex her prowess.

Aniela thought for a brief moment and raised a single finger. A pure white ball formed at the tip of her finger, brightening the immediate place around themselves. 

"Hmmm….like I expected, we still can't see anything!" Despite how brightly Aniela's white Light is, everything beyond a few inches was still shrouded in a gray have. 

"Darcy….should we try and speed up out of here?" Aniela asked, getting Darcel to further consider changing their course of action. 

No danger was presented before them, yet Darcel, Aniela, and Masami couldn't help but feel slight dread down this hallway.

And right when Darcel was about to talk, he, Aniela, and Masami all abruptly froze in place. Their eyes instinctively shut tight as they felt a soothing sensation wash over them.

The wave of energy phased right through their bodies and souls, causing the trio to feel a shift. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami quirked their eyebrows. 

This shift….it feels so familiar to them.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami weren't strangers to the energy of getting teleported. It was always a unique sensation that goes by so quickly none of them had any time to deeply contemplate it.

And this wave of energy was remarkably similar to that sensation. 

Or more so, it felt far more profound than whatever previous teleportation energy they experienced. Although, like their previous experiences, the sensation was very brief, only lasting for a second.

Once the teleportation sensation stopped, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously flung their eyes back open. 

And they admittedly weren't astonished at all to see their scenery had changed entirely.

Now, instead of that eerie gray cave, the trio got transported to a bright blue cave with patches of ice carved into the wall. The mild temperature from before significantly dropped here to freezing cold.

And up in front, the trio could spot a clear road to follow, presumably leading to an exit for this cave. 

"Heh….and just like that, we're out of there. But that sensation....did you guys also-"


Masami was abruptly cut off as the ferocious roars of various vicious Spirit Monsters blared into her, Darcel, and Aniela's ears. Their Spirit Senses had already frantically gone off, warning them of the dangers rapidly approaching them.

The range of Spirit Monsters that barreled towards them varies from the first level of the Heavenly Transformation realm to the third level! 

Various Heavenly auras tried to crush the trio, yet they remained absolutely unaffected. 

Such a weak lineup before them was nothing to the trio.

Even at their previous cultivation before coming here, they would've had no worries about these beasts. 

Though their cultivation may be lower now, their prowess has taken a tremendous leap since then.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami waited until the vicious beasts got within five meters between them. 

Numerous Spirit Monsters had surrounded their every corner.

From the back to the front and their sides, they were in a pincer trap by these beasts. But when the Spirit Monster finally got within five meters, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami simultaneously snorted.



Darcel, Aniela, and Masami erupted their bloodline states! 

Their blare of powers shook the area, and their auras crazily blasted towards the Spirit Monsters.

The dozens of Heavenly Spirit Monsters approaching all got tremendously suppressed by the mere release of the trio's bloodline auras. In just a split second, their organs, bones, and souls were getting grinded by the suppression of absolute power!

The Spirit Monsters were utterly helpless. When the trio's bloodline auras reached them, it violently crashed into them, flinging the dozens of Spirit Monsters to the walls like mere ragdolls.

Numerous bloody splats echoed out in the vast blue cave as the Spirit Monsters got cemented into the walls. 

Just from the mere release of their bloodline auras, no Heavenly King Spirit Monster survived. 

"Hehehe~, would you look at this?" Aniela began pointing to all the bloodied splatter Spirit Monsters. "None could even resist just a release from us! We couldn't even do this in our previous bloodline state! Now we have a shortcut in mowing down weak beasts."

Darcel was actually impressed they could now kill with their mere auras at their levels. A thought streaked into his mind then. 

Darcel Spirit Sense quickly expanded out; picking up that batch of Spirit Monster was only the beginning. "Hmm….as impressive as this is. We can actually use these Monsters as a sharpening tool since there's a lot more of where they come from." 

Aniela and Masami got greatly curious and eagerly listened in on what Darcel had to say.

Darcel smirked and continued on, telling the girls, "Just instantly killing these beasts won't really benefit us. So, let's mask our bloodline auras, get these beasts to still come at us, and experiment with our abilities. After all this, I now know instead of merely overpowering our enemies, we can finish things even quicker if we master our abilities and skills."

Aniela and Masami perked up even more. 

While in the past, they would use their soul-stopping abilities to gain an absolute edge in combat. They also know there will come a time where they'll fight someone that can resist their soul attacks.

Or maybe even be forced into a dead-end by someone who far outstrips their realms. 

But with the evolution of their entire bearings by Chaotic Energy, Darcel was sure their skills and abilities evolved. 

Masami's three tails began to swirl in excitement as she said, "Now this will make mowing down these beasts fun and useful! Makes me think we got to find some good cultivation guides and Martial Skills to master. For now, though, what do you say about giving our perverse boyfriend first picking Aniela? I want to see how he dazzles us since he suggested this."

"Oh-Oh! I was just thinking the exact same thing, little fox. Alright, Darcy! Let's get this show on the road!" Aniela was snapping her hands forward, indicating for Darcel to take the lead.

Darcel wryly smiled, but he did appreciate the enthusiasm both girls brought to the table. 

In just a second, the trio easily masked their bloodline auras in the same way they hide their base presence. They deliberately let a bit of power leak from them just to get the Spirit Monsters to rush back at them. 

Once they were ready, Darcel took the lead, and they began walking on the singular path here.

The trio walked only for a couple of minutes, and they didn't have to wait long for another batch of Spirit Monsters to come screeching at them. 

"RWAA!!" Their vicious cries bounced off the cave walls as they came close.

Aniela and Masami smiled and folded their arms. 

Darcel was smirking while counting how many Spirit Monsters were coming this time. Three to their back, four from their sides, and five just up ahead of them.

And this time, the Spirit Monsters' prowess varies from only the second level to the third level of the Heavenly Transformation. Furthermore, there were more third levels than second levels.

Before the vicious beasts got within ten meters of them, Darcel raised his hand to the roof, shot a Darkness tendril from the center of his palm, which swiftly drilled into the ceiling.

In the same motion, Darcel's Darkness tendril pulled him up, using only half a second to do so. 

The Spirit Monsters made it to the ten meters mark, but Darcel's speed suddenly explosively increased!

Darcel quickly rotated his body in a three-sixty motion. His Darkness eyes marked every Spirit Monster surrounding them while spinning. 

Only a mere second passed, and the Spirit Monster neared closer.

Right then, Darcel snapped his hand. 


The Spirit Monsters all raised roars of confusion as they felt their bodies get utterly locked up! Spewing from under the Spirit Monsters' feet was Darcel's Darkness shadow.

And out from the shadow was his Darkness tendrils that powerfully wrapped up the beast bodies. 

Aniela and Masami admittedly got impressed. Previously Darcel always needed to concentrate only one person to spawn multiple Darkness tendrils from their feet.

And if he did it to multiple targets, there would be barely any Darkness tendrils, and its power would be weak. Plus, Darcel always needed at least a couple of seconds before the shadow spews from the being feet.

Yet now, all that limitation is gone! 

Darcel was only using a small percent of his bloodline powers, and he still managed to spawn so many Darkness tendrils at the same time. And every Darkness tendrils hold immense power no Spirit Monsters could break free from!

Darcel felt a bit of pride seeing the girls impressed with his abilities. 

He had then snapped his hand again, causing his Darkness tendrils to spew a massive amount of Darkness Energy into the Spirit Monsters Martial veins. 

The Darkness Energy easily bypasses the automatic soul defenses and rampage inside the beast's Martial Veins.

The Spirit Monsters' eyes nearly burst from their sockets. 

An overwhelming power was overloading their Martial veins causing their souls and bodies to get overly bloated.

Aniela and Masami curiously watched on as droplets of Darkness spewed out of the Spirit Monsters' eyes. 

None of them could even utter a roar of pain, and in a split second,


Numerous wet pops blared in the cave as every Spirit Monsters combusted into thousands of droplets of black blood! 

This level of control and precision was something Darcel realized he could never do previously.

His Darkness abilities used to be the most potent if concentrated on a single target. But now, everything was nearly instantaneous, far more powerful, and he can do multiple targets at the same time!

Feeling a rising of confidence in his abilities, Darcel slowly lowered himself to the ground. 

What awaited him was the impressed smiling faces of Aniela and Masami.

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