Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 166: Dazzling Shows

"Fuuu~, truly flashy Darcy! If this was our previous cultivation only at the first layer link of True Soul Core, it simply would've been impossible for us to slaughter those beasts. But with only a fraction of your power, you put on a splendid show!"

Aniela was showering Darcel in praise, and she meant every word. 

Indeed, back when they were first-layer link True Soul Core cultivators, they would have a hard time facing the peak late ranks of the Innate Core realm. Even if they were to use their bloodline states.

But now, not even at his full power, Darcel can crush early level Heavenly Transformation Spirit Monsters like bugs. 

Masami smirked at Darcel, also telling him, "Hmph, Alright, I can give it up. You certainly met our expectations for a good show. Now then…."

Masami briefly expanded her Spirit Sense, and her eyebrows perked up a bit. "Hopefully, something in here can give a semi-decent workout for us while we practice. Doubt it from what I'm sensing, but maybe some powerful beast is hiddenly waiting for an ambush. You wanna take the next batch Aniela?"

"Oooh~! So we're going to save the cutest for last?" Aniela smirked at Masami, who just rolled her eyes but did like her honest compliment. 

"Alrighty then! My show now! Let's roll out!"

Aniela and Masami already began to walk down the only road in the cave until Darcel suddenly spoke up. 

"Say, since we're not in the mystical territory, let's take our traveling speed up a notch. I'm curious to see how fast we got anyways."

Aniela and Masami stopped and glanced back at Darcel. 

Mild excitement began to course in them as Aniela eagerly answered, "Been wanting to stretch out my legs!" 

While Masami boasted, "Try and keep up then!"

Feeling light competitiveness from the fox girl's words, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami bent their legs. 

And they immediately blasted off like three sonic booms! 

The blue ground beneath them cracked like a spider web under the trio's tremendous speed.

While they explosively ran up, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were actually quite a bit surprised about their speeds. They felt as fast; no, they felt even faster than the time they rode on that Snow Lizard beast mount!

And they clearly remember that Snow Lizard was nearing a sonic boom level of speed. 

The trio only ran for a couple of minutes before abruptly stopping themselves.

And in just a couple of minutes, they already crossed twenty meters! 

"So fast….we should've expected this." Aniela breathed out, feeling a little bit fazed about going such high speeds.

While indeed before she, Darcel, and Masami's speeds were always immense. They never quite went as fast as they did now. 

Still, the trio is quite experienced, so they only needed a second to regain their bearing. 

And right when doing so, 


Another batch of Heavenly King Spirit Monsters came roaring down to them. This time, the trio sensed there were even more third-level Heavenly Kings in the group.

But, it didn't affect Aniela's worries much. She simply smiled and pointed one finger to the cave walls. A bright white string of energy spewed from her fingertips and drilled deep into the wall.

Aniela actually didn't wait at all for the Spirit Monsters to near her. 

When they were only within fifteen meters from them, Aniela simply raised the hand she spewed the string of white energy, and clenched it.


This whole section of the cave began to slightly rumble! 

Masami had mild awe in her eyes while a flash of realization crossed Darcel's eyes about what Aniela caused.

Numerous sharp spikes shot out of the cave walls at lightning-like speeds. The eleven Spirit Monsters couldn't react at all and was instantly skewered by the spikes. 

Immediately when the Spirit Monsters got skewered, the light left their eyes. None of the Spirit Monsters even had a chance to squeal before dying. 

Strangely enough, though, no blood spurted out of them. All blood was absorbed by an enchanting white glow.

The cave spikes all had a beautiful white glow to them, and that white glow pierced right in the beast's Martial Veins, immediately shattering their souls. 

Aniela cut off the white string of energy and turned around to Darcel and Masami with a proud smirk.

"So you use your telekinesis again. And you barely needed seconds before you just seamlessly controlled the environment. Now that's a crazed upgrade." Darcel honestly praised, thoroughly impressed by Aniela's display.

Aniela nodded at Darcel's assessment, telling him, "Still weaker than if I did my Martial Skills or black flames. But! It's enough for catching people off guard or foes on the same level as us. More than enough for those weaker than us."

"I forget you actually have telekinesis powers….huh. You know….thinking about it, I don't think I've ever heard of another cultivator having telekinesis power." 

Masami was trying to vividly recall her Grandmother teaching, but nothing about telekinesis popped up in her mind.

She also got Darcel and Aniela to contemplate it. 

Though their life experiences aren't as much as Masami. Neither even recalled those Doctors and Scientists having an ability close to telekinesis. 

"Hmmm….I guess that's just another point on why we're special! But we can think about that later. Because I'm ready to be dazzled for our next show!" 

Masami smirked at Aniela's enthusiasm, and she began to boast herself up. "Hmph! I'll be even quicker and more 'dazzling' than you two! So, should we go at the same pace again?" 

Though she made it seem like a general question, both Aniela and Masami subtly looked towards Darcel for his opinion.

Darcel considers it for a moment, briefly expanding out his Spirit Sense. 

He shrugged a second later and told the girls, "Looking at it now, everything here ranges to at most third-level Heavenly King. But, even if we find a fourth level, it'll be no problem for us. Let's roll; I'm eager for the next show as well."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami bent their legs and blasted off like supersonic missiles once again. 

Behind them, they kicked up the air into a chaotic frenzy, causing any stray Heavenly King Spirit Monster to get swept up by their speeds.

While running now, the trio took a moment to focus on their stamina. And like they were expecting from before, they felt their bloodline state was as natural as breathing.

Eventually, the trio stopped again. 

Their Spirit Sense picked up on a slight exciting change in the batch of Spirit Monsters. 

Masami's face was proud as she told the duo, "Keep your eyes peeled for this one!" 

Darcel and Aniela crossed their arms and were eager to see what the little fox would come up with. 

And Masami actually began to float before their very eyes.

Masami smoothly levitated several feet in the air, having no problem with flying at all. Even at her previous cultivation, Masami did encounter problems grasping flying at the first rank of the Innate Core realm.

But, despite regressing back to that realm, Masami was no longer the same as before. Her Innate Qi smoothly pushed her afloat, and Masami felt as if she had more control over flying now.


Once again, the familiar Spirit Monsters roars echoed throughout the blue cave. The exciting thing about this batch of Spirit Monsters was that there were a few fourth-level Heavenly Kings in the mix!

But, this couldn't faze Masami at all. 

In an instant, Masami puffed up her cheeks, gathering a massive sum of powerful blue flames there. Her long blue hair briefly flashed in a bright blue glow. And the temperature dramatically rose.

The Spirit Monsters were twenty meters from them, yet Masami didn't need to wait.

Masami turned her head upwards in a mere split second and spewed out the raging blue flames from her mouth! 

"Fuuu~!" Masami smoothly controlled her blue flames, making it swirl in a blue flaming vortex!

The blue flaming vortex didn't even get close to Darcel and Aniela. 

The blue flaming vortex blitzes straight towards the Spirit Monsters, covering the whole twenty meters distance!


The whole batch of Spirit Monsters shrieked in utter anguish. 

The blue flaming vortex outsped even the fourth level Heavenly Kings, trapping them all and frying their bodies and souls.

Though this may seem like a regular attack Masami could just do with her hands. There was actually a unique property inside her blue flames that could only come from surging it internally in her mouth.

The property of burning souls! Masami's blue flaming vortex drilled in the Spirit Monsters Martial veins easily, frying their soul defenses and torching their souls all over.

It's a highly concentrated technique that would typically take Masami several seconds to prepare, even in her bloodline state before. 

But now, it was quick, instantaneous, and far more powerful than ever. Moreover, Masami felt as if she didn't need to limit herself to his one attack to cause a soul-searing move.

Compared to her attacks before the evolution changes, Masami never felt a clear, direct link to her soul unless she specifically willed it.

Yet now, power from her soul was automatically coming towards her.

In just a few seconds, the anguished wail ceases; all Spirit Monsters were burnt to mere blue ashes. 

Masami gracefully flowed back to the ground, waiting to be showered in praise.

Darcel didn't disappoint the cheeky fox girl as he said, "Somehow, I feel like your comprehension of Fire got, even more, better than us now. At this rate, with our prowess, we can end fights before they even start."

"Mnh! And I thought before we're already powerful together. But it does seem like the challenge of these beasts is finally starting to increase. In fact…." 

Aniela expanded her Spirit Sense a bit ahead of them. "I can pick up on some decently powerful beasts ahead. I think we are going to eventually find that good workout, little fox." 

Not minding Aniela's nickname at all, Masami's three tails began to dance in slight excitement.

"Say, with all these beasts down here and the increase in levels, maybe there's some sort of treasure down here! Going by how the temperature is freezing cold, plus the ice on the wall, we're definitely still in the Plunged Tundra. And I read about a lot of dangerous but rewarding underground caves around the Plunged Tundra."

"Hmm-Ah! That's right! Remember Darcy? When Fruna mentions that supposed genius who managed to become so powerful from the treasures here? Maybe after that trial, our stroke of luck is finally looking up!"

Aniela mentioning it did get Darcel to recall Fruna's introduction to the Plunged Tundra. 

Since there were no Spirit Monsters in their surrounding area at the moment, Darcel found they could stand and talk for a bit.

And he turned his attention to Masami, who perked up at Aniela's mention, asking her, "Have any of what you read about that supposed lucky guy? Or any other extraordinary tales?"

"I've….probably heard of that tale Fruna mentioned. But there's one tale that stuck to me the most. In the same city where my sect resides, someone was able to attain some legendary divine artifact that pushed their sect to be able to contend with us and the other strongest in the city. Hopefully, we can hit a sweet jackpot like that."

When Masami finished talking, Darcel walked in front of the girls, turning his head back to say, "Well then, shall we blast through here even faster? A divine treasure could be waiting for us."

Aniela and Masami didn't need to be told twice as they eagerly blurted, "Let's Go!"

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