Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 177: In The Forest

It was at a surreal yet beautiful sight. A sight most people would never get a chance to gaze upon in their lives. The scenery was a beautifully colored forest that burst with a magnetic radiance!

Instead of the usual dreary and drown-out green most forests, even in the mysterious world of cultivation, tend to have. This forest was in a radiant orange shine!

If one to obverse from the skies, the brilliant orange shine of the forest would be noticeable even miles high in the sky. 

A place like the Necropolis Woods from the Blessed Spirit Province simply can't compare to this luminous orange forest.

The trees here were all the epitome of vibrant healthiness. Most extended several meters high in the sky. And the trunks of each tree was in a beautiful orange coat of paint.

The leaves of the tree similarly held that exuberant orange shine that pierced through the skies. 

Moreover, the very grass that littered the forest illuminated the area with its own sparkling orange shine.

If one word had to describe this place, everyone and anybody would simply say tranquility. The serenity here could even allow cultivators with a low mental state to feel like they enter a new cultivation realm.

Nothing could take away from the sereness of the orange forest—nothing except for one figure. 

The grass and leaves on the ground made a sickening crunch as one figure marched through the tranquil forest.

Compared to the beauty of the forest, this figure simply didn't belong here at all. It was a tall, pale-skinned woman mindlessly stepping through the orange forest as if she held no apparent goal or direction.

This pale-skinned woman didn't have any semblance of what can be described as beautiful. In fact, she was actually quite terrifying to gaze upon. 

Just the blank expression plastered on her face would be enough to send chills down anyone's spine.

But to add to this woman's mysterious yet chilling allure was fresh patches of blood splattered on her face. The fresh, bright red blood glistened under the bright orange light of the forest. It amplified the daunting appearance of the pale-skinned woman.

Furthermore, the clothing of the pale-skinned woman was equally eerie. 

The only thing that covered her bare naked body was one ghastly white shirt that went down to her knees.

Similar to her face, the dirty white shirt had patches of fresh crimson blood splattered on it. Just from the woman's bloody face and shirt, it would be enough of a deterrent for anybody to not mess with her.

But, these weren't the woman's biggest attraction. 

No, in her eyes, is what held her most defining appearance. Two bright yellow eyes shimmered a mind enrapturing glow from the woman.

The yellow-eyed woman, the very one who started Darcel and Aniela's journey, was mindlessly walking in the middle of this orange forest. 

She didn't know how long she walked or really that much of how she got here.

Her memories were in a constant state of a chaotic jumble. But, there was one constant feeling that never left the yellow-eyed woman. 

'Darcel….Aniela….still so far away….'

Ever since that fateful day, the Divine Barrier in the sky shattered, all thoughts of the yellow-eyed woman center on Darcel and Aniela. 

She couldn't even clearly recall what she was doing on that bloody desolate island. Nor could she accurately remember just how she got off the island or who she killed on it.

Yet, none of that mattered now. 

No matter who or what gets in her way, the yellow-eyed woman was crazily determined to find Darcel and Aniela once again.

And in this orange forest, the yellow-eyed woman seemingly walked undisturbed. 

That is until four immense presence quickly approached her. 

The yellow-eyed woman didn't stop walking, but she clearly sensed four tremendous aura tearing right at her.

The clouds high in the sky, which was bright orange in this area, seemingly froze as these powers approached the yellow-eyed woman. 

"You!! Don't move a single inch more!!" 

Multiple voices rained down at the yellow-eyed woman.

Just the mere booming power of the voices caused the whole orange forest to tremble. This orange forest expended for several hundred miles, yet those voices shook the entire forest to its roots! 

Right when the voices shouted, four figures suddenly popped up high in the sky, hovering over the yellow-eyed woman like they were ghosts! 

When those four people appeared, the yellow-eyed woman did stop moving. But she didn't bother looking up at the people in the sky. 

Seeing she has no intentions of moving, the four people in the sky looked at each other and nodded. 

From several miles high in the sky, four people blasted to the ground in a single second. 

What appeared in front of the yellow-eyed woman was an incredible sight.

Two of the four people were noble, handsome men. Their gazes were firm and stern, exuding a majestic air about them. They were dressed in bright orange robes and had the legendary God Beast Vermillion Bird inscribed on them.

The other two people, they were stunning beautiful women. Their bright orange eyes seemed like they could pierce into the depths of mortals' souls, gazing at all of their sins.

Like the men, the woman also wore bright orange robes and the legendary God Beast Vermillion Bird inscribed on them. 

As these four beautiful people stared down at the yellow-eyed woman, it was like the world itself stopped.

The power of these four was simply incomprehensible. 

Every breath they took spewed immense energy that could make weaker people faint by just getting in their general vicinity.

They all were in the mystical realm that surpassed even the legendary Heavenly Sage Realm. They all were known as Throne Lords, high existences that could oversee the whole world. 

This was the Emperor Origin realm!

Such unfathomable power couldn't be understood by even the strongest of Heavenly Sage powerhouses. 

One of the handsome men took a bold step forward to the yellow-eyed woman. He fearlessly pointed to the blank staring woman and aggressively stated to her, 

"You! Do you know you're trespassing and violating the property of the Divine Vermillion Bird Sect?!"

Still, the yellow-eyed woman held no reaction. The four Vermillion members felt a bit peeved at the woman's lack of response. 

For a second when landing, the four Vermillion members nearly got lost in the woman's yellow eyes. But an overflowing sense of anger squashed any admiration for the woman. 

The same man continued to talk even as the yellow-eyed woman seemingly didn't react to him. "Normally, we would've just killed you and be done with this. But with your stranger performance, you will come with us. Surrender yourself! Or, we'll take you by force!"


When the man finished talking, the immense power of four Throne Lords explosively erupted! Their air stagnated, and space seemed to freeze around them.

Even though Throne Lords have excellent control of their powers, their immense natural auras couldn't be contained. 

Although, despite all four of them going all out immediately, none of the Vermillion members quite understood the situation.

They all were cautious of the yellow-eyed woman despite her not exuding even a single semblance of power. And yet, the four members know precisely why those fresh blood are on the woman's clothes and face.

At least they assumed they knew why. 

They got reported that some mysterious figure nobody could accurately sense was running amok in their sect area.

Despite the fact they have the highest and most unique Spirit Artifacts here, nothing could seemingly fully sense this woman. Furthermore, it was reported that this woman somehow killed any Spirit Monster that tried to go up to her.

And though no Spirit Monster here could pose a threat to these Vermillion members. It was the mere fact that the weakest Spirit Monster here was a tenth level Heavenly Transformation beast, and it varies all the way up to peak Grand Sage!

And somehow, gods know-how, this yellow-eyed woman killed any and all Spirit Monster that tried to step up to her. 

Only two seconds passed since the Vermillion members threatened the yellow-eyed woman with their auras.

And it was a tense two seconds. Neither side moved a single inch. At first, the Vermillion members were going to believe that the yellow-eyed woman was simply suppressed under their combined auras.

Though she wasn't moving, the fact that she didn't explode into a mist of blood under their Throne Lord's auras really does mean she has some skills. 

But right when the man from before was going to talk again, the yellow-eyed woman finally made slight movements.

The Vermillion members immediately tensed up. 

But all the yellow-eyed woman did was slightly lift her head up. Her gaze didn't practically focus on anyone, but she still spoke.

"Do you all know where Darcel and Aniela are?" 

For a split second, the Vermillion members got puzzled. But they quickly ignored the woman's strange question.

The same man from before took a single step forward, telling the yellow-eyed woman, "Who? Look, we don't have ti-" 

"Then Die." 

The yellow-eyed woman pointed two fingers and uttered two chilling yet straightforward words.

And for a split second, everyone froze. 

No power was gathered, no aura surged, no Laws were summoned, the four Vermillion members sensed absolutely nothing. 

But immediately when the yellow-eyed woman pointed to the man, 


The immeasurable powerful Throne Lord man burst into a yellow blood mist!

The man didn't even feel anything upon his death. One split second he was bright and full of energy. Then instantly, his entire being burst into yellow blood. 

Down to his very Emperor Origin Soul, nothing remained of the man.

A mighty Emperor Origin powerhouse, one that can look down the whole Savage Sunset Continent, died without a trace to be seen. 

However, the yellow-eyed woman didn't stop at one death.

The other Vermillion members were frozen in utter fear. Their eyes were wide open, and their brains lagged. Nobody could understand what just happened. 

But the yellow-eyed woman didn't wait for them to get a grip.

She pointed both her hands to the last remaining man and one of the women. 

'PUFF~!' 'PUFF~!' 

And just like the man, those two combusted into a yellow blood mist.

It was when she was the last remaining one there that the last Vermillion woman regained her senses. Her legs violently trembled, and she snapped her body around.

In a vain attempt, she began to burst all of her power to escape this nightmare. 

But the yellow-eyed woman simply pointed to her as well. 

"Ah-ahhh?!? I-I-I-Can't-Aiee!!" The Throne Lord woman couldn't move at all. She couldn't gather any power at all, becoming a helpless baby in front of this yellow-eyed menace. 

Suddenly, the yellow-eyed woman popped up just a few feet from the woman's face.

"Ahhh!!" The woman couldn't control her fear. "Pl-please!! Don't kill me!! I-I-I-I'll do anything!!" She groveled in a desperate plea for her life. Even with the mass amount of power and experience this woman has, nobody truly wants to die.

"You….you said you are called the Divine Vermillion Sect?" The yellow-eyed woman talked without a hint of emotion. When she saw the woman fearfully nod, she continued to ask, "What is your sect ranking on this Mortal Planet?"

A small hope was inspired in the woman then. Seeing that she may have a chance to survive, the woman desperately said, 

"We-we're a two-star sect, DemiGod! In-in fact, we're one of the strongest two-star sects out of the nine Provinces. Nobody can casually mess with us!!"

The yellow-eyed woman near the Vermillion woman's face then. "I see….then your sect will have a lot. I'll be using you for a bit."

Without warning, the yellow-eyed woman poked her finger on the Vermillion woman's forehead. The Vermillion woman's eyes immediately became entirely yellow, and her expression changed from fear to a blank indifferent one.

Slowly, the yellow-eyed woman murmurs to herself. "Darcel….Aniela…. I'll see you soon."

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