Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 178: Morning Meeting

Inside the glorious Inn room, Darcel's group stayed in; the whole room now had the fragrance of an erotic stench. Breathing the air in here would be sure to fire up anyone's beastly desires.

But the thing is, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami weren't even engaged in lovemaking. The trio is sitting at the edge of their bed, all with various thoughts on their minds.

Darcel had his eyebrows furrowed in deep contemplation. While Aniela was sitting on Darcel's left with a small smile encompassing her face. 

"These new clothes are pretty good. Something simple and nice is just what we need….for now, of course."

"Hmph, I guess. At least until we get our image known around here." Masami sat on Darcel's right, appraising their new clothes. 

Like the girls were talking about, the trio was now decked out in new clothes.

And none of them wore anything that stood out. They all wore a plain brown fur jacket and some plain shirt and pants. Their black and white masks were held in their hands, and if they were to put them on, it would complete their average unnoticeable outfits.

This clothing fit, combined with masking their presence, will make them even more unnoticeable than before. 

While Aniela and Masami went over their fashion styles, Aniela soon noticed a certain lack of noise coming from the boy in the middle.

Her eyes trailed over to Darcel, asking him, "Darcy, what do you….Darcy?" 

Darcel truly couldn't hear what either Aniela or Masami were talking about. His mind was entirely focused on something that happened so suddenly and quickly that he had no time to process what just happen.

In the midst of having an excellent comfy morning with the girls, a feeling abruptly streaked in his mind. 

The feeling just came so unprovoked and seemingly out of random.

Yet….Darcel's eyebrows furrowed tighter. This feeling, whatever streaked into his mind, it just felt so familiar to him. 

And at the same time, it felt so foreign to him.

As soon as that familiar yet foreign feeling came to him, it almost instantly went away. But Darcel couldn't get his mind off it no matter what. And try as he might, he couldn't recall the sensation of that feeling at all.

It seemed even silly and trivial for Darcel. However, there was something so mesmerizing about that feeling that nearly put Darcel in a state of enrapture. 

Darcel wanted to continue pondering over this feeling, even just for a little bit, though he knows he won't get any results. 

However, he soon felt two soft fingers poke his cheek, waking him from his stir.

"Hmph! Care to share with the rest of the class what's going on in that perverse mind of yours?" Masami crudely jokes with a jolly smirk on her face. 

"Hehe~, little fox, you have to agree, though. His thinking face is pretty cute!" Aniela's bright smile washed over to Masami, and she averted her eyes. 

A hint of a blush crept on her cheek as she said, "Hmm….well….it was a little cute." 

The stir of Aniela's giggling and Masami's cute embarrassed grunts fully got Darcel back to reality.

He looked back up to the girls, admiring their inquisitive expressions. As he stared into their beautiful faces, Darcel couldn't help but remember some strangeness this morning.

The strangeness of despite having sex and Masami even losing her virginity, none of them broke through. Considering that almost every single time he does have sex, he and Aniela gets a breakthrough, Darcel found this more than odd.

But he and the girls just convinced themselves this was Chaotic Energy doing. 

When they had woke up, though they sensed no breakthrough, they had also sensed the Chaotic Energy nestling in their dantian space had just slightly grown in quantity. 

Still, Darcel just shook his head at the girls. "It's nothing really. Just thinking about Chaotic Energy." Darcel pushed that familiar and foreign to the back of his mind since it's useless to think about now.

Aniela and Masami curiously raise their eyebrows. 

They didn't find anything wrong with Darcel's answer since they, too, continuously wonder about their mysterious Chaotic Energy.

Although, for a split second before, both girls thought they felt something odd in their minds. 

Aniela quickly squashed that thought down since they had more important things to do today. "We can't understand Chaotic Energy for now. But what we can understand now is our mind. So? What's the first of our grandiose plans?" 

Darcel had straightened up his back, clearing away any unnecessary thoughts now.

"So first thing first. We're going to need resources to boost our own cultivation—insider info on the Mercenary groups. And build up our own powerful force that can contend with other powerful forces. So, in order to accomplish any of this, we need to get some new Darkness Servants."

Masami puts a hand to her chin, contemplating it. While Aniela genuinely perked up at this idea. Neither had any problems with Darkness Servants and had found Ninu as an intriguing one to have. 

After all, they knew they would only just be servants.

Still, the thought of the Darkness Servant did make Aniela remember the lone Silver Leader Ninu. "Hey, speaking off, can you sense Ninu from here? We should visit our first Darkness Servant one of these days."

Darcel actually did reflect back on the short time he spent with Ninu. He just needed to slightly focus on his Darkness Soul link, and he quickly searched out the soul core of Ninu.

One of his eyebrows curiously raised up by what he sensed. 

"Ninu….she's all fine and well. Though, it appears she's under some slight stress. Probably just because of work on managing those silver eyesores."

And though Darcel claimed it, he did wonder a bit on why he truly felt a slight chaotic mix of emotion from Ninu's Darkness Soul link. 

He shifted it to the back of his mind as he intends to revisit Mawold Town one of these days.

Masami, however, shrugged her shoulders at this news. "Eh, enough about her. What we need to focus on now is who would be suitable targets to be Darkness Servants."

Masami's two tails waved around slowly as she took a moment to think. Darcel and Aniela were also about to contemplate the issue. 

Until, not even a second later, Masami abruptly perked up. Her two fox tails stilted up, and her eyes flashed in remembrance. 

"Actually, we don't need to think long about it. Let's get those prude Snow Angels! They seemed like they would be the most isolated from other groups. Plus, they seriously need an attitude adjustment to the outside world."

Vivid memories of the time they first met a Snow Angel in Mawold Town ran through Masami's head. She couldn't forget that peculiar hint of disdain that woman unprovokedly directed at Darcel.

As a devious glow shined in Masami's blue eyes, both Darcel and Aniela wryly smiled. 

Compared to her, they both are more relaxed when they get disdained or look down upon.

Although the duo did understand because of Masami's troubled past, she would have the most negative reaction to getting disdain on. Furthermore, though they can deal with it, neither Darcel nor Aniela liked to be disdained.

Darcel reached over to caress Masami's fluffy fox ears, making her warmly coo and calm down a bit. 

Thinking about the Snow Angels, a plan quickly formed in Darcel's mind. "Not a bad idea, actually. Out of everyone, these women make it a clear point to stand out with those pure white shining robes. And with their standoffish attitude towards others, that just makes it easier for us to ambush them."

"Hmmm….but we can't go for just ordinary members. We have to go for the high influential ones! That way, our takeover can be achieved quickly." Aniela had suggested.

While she was getting a pet, Masami nodded her head to Aniela's suggestion "Make sense to me. We have no need for any weak servants. So once we get them, what comes after?"

Darcel stopped petting Masami and reached into his pocket to bring out his new Spatial ring. While Masami slightly pouted at him for the loss of his hand, Darcel told the girls,

"Once we take over the Snow Angels, we'll go over the information they have on other groups and decide who would be the next to take over. Once we have all the resources needed to make some major breakthroughs and a powerful force under us, we can then start on taking down the City Lords here."

"Alright! Let's get this show on the road!" Aniela was pumped for a second and then froze in the middle. "But uuh….where would they even be in this huge city?"

Darcel smirked then and ignited his Spatial ring. He brought out a map that caused a small surprise in both Aniela and Masami. 

"While you two were picking out these clothes yesterday, I got us a map of the whole City. And would you believe this thing was quite costly?" 

Aniela and Masami's eyes trailed down to the map. Slight awe gathered inside Aniela and even Masami's eyes at just how massive and detailed the map was. 

"Sheesh! I didn't think it would actually be this big!" Aniela exclaimed in utmost praise. 

"Though I've been here one time before, I never knew this City had this much of a large scale." Masami genuinely praised. 

Her grandmother had visited numerous places when they had come here together. But Masami herself was very limited on where she could go on her own.

With both girls' attention on the map, Darcel pointed to the most isolated area on it. In this district, the buildings seemed to be in a closed-off space, meaning one would have to go out of their way if they wanted to visit that district.

"Closed off and isolated. This place is for sure where those Snow Angels are located." 

Staring into this spot, the widest of smiles formed on Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's lips.

They all were eager to their core to get this plan on the road. 

But before they started, Masami looked over Darcel and Aniela. Both her fox tails reached over to curl around their waist, bringing them closer.

Entranced by the sudden fuzzy warmth, Darcel and Aniela peered over to Masami, both having loving smiles when looking at her. 

Masami had her own soft smile that was in direct contrast to the eager one she had just a second ago. "I know I already said this, but….thank you, Darcel and Aniela. Even if there's a possibility we may fail, that fact we are even going to try will forever remain carved into my heart."

Suddenly then, Aniela vanished in a white flash and appeared on Masami's left side. At the same time, Darcel and Aniela gently caressed her fluffy fox ears, drowning her in warmth.

Masami's eyes became half-lidded as her mouth leaked warm sighs. 

And Aniela softly told the fox girl, "No need to say thanks, little fox. Feelings like love, it's all to be expected when we go hard for each other!"

Darcel also spoke up in a loving tone, "From this day onward, we'll show to your parents, to your whole sect on what it means to be a genius." 

Masami leaked a sigh of content, basking in Darcel and Aniela's touches and words.

After a moment of peaceful silence, Masami suddenly said, "I probably don't need to say this. But I want you two to hear it. No matter what powerful or tricky enemies that could appear from your past, I'll make sure to light them up blue ashes!"

Darcel and Aniela traded a brief glance at each other. 

They both knowingly smile, and Darcel told the fox girl, "I don't think we have explained it fully yet. But you probably already figured it out. Yes, we aren't from this planet, and indeed we may face incredibly powerful foes that can pose a true threat to us. So I'm relieved we have a fiery fox like you on our side."

Hearing how both weren't from this planet would've been shocking news to others. 

But for Masami, she had zero reaction. As Darcel assumed, she already figured out both Darcel and Aniela wasn't from this world.

After all they've been through with that fiery hell trial, it was plainly obvious for her to understand that the duo came from mysterious origins. However, it was also in that fiery hell trials and that gray space where Masami's heart became rock solidly firm about the duo.

She didn't care where they came from or what they are. All in her heart that kept her pushing forward from perilous near-death situations was reuniting with Darcel and Aniela. 

And she promised in her mind, she will never let Darcel and Aniela go!

A comfortable silence fell between the trio again.

They all sat, merely enjoying each other warm feelings before they would go out and enact their plan.

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