Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 188: Absolute Ice & Flames

Melea and Bella swiftly sailed through the sky, sailing straight back towards where Melea believes Lauren and Abby are supposedly waiting for them. 

Along the way, Melea did ask several questions on their journey leading up to the Silver Virgin Flower.

As a bit of an airhead she can be, Bella can admit that Melea was caringly kind towards everyone in the Snow Angel group. Her slight over worrying when she had first told them about the situation wasn't the first time she reacted like that.

Still, Bella didn't slip up when answering questions. 

She smoothly answered each of Melea's concerns with each half-true or small little white lies. And it wasn't like Melea was a gullible person.

Bella had to make sure her lazy attitude was on point so she wouldn't even suspect the slightest mishap. 

Although, this wasn't a particularly difficult ordeal for Bella.

And it wasn't just because Bella is a natural at simply being her lazed self. When she had lied or covered up for Darcel, her Darkness Soul link had slightly pulsated. 

The pleasurable pulsation filled Bella with indescribable confidence every time she was to lie, having her acting be perfect.

And with the speed of two late ranks Heavenly Kings, it didn't take long for them to cross several miles of distance. 

After a few more kilometers of traveling, Bella put up her hand to stop whatever question Melea had next. 

She began to fly slower, telling her, "Put your next thought on hold, Leader Melea, this is the spot." 

Melea looked a bit surprised, but she did slow down. She expanded her Spirit Sense out and sensed two familiar signatures just several kilometers below her. 

Looking down, Melea instantly notices Lauren and Abby waiting on the ground. 

They both stared up at her and Bella with small smiles as if they were expecting them to come right at this moment. 

"Ah, there they are….hm?" As Melea began to lower herself to the ground, her eyes and Spirit Sense began wandering all around the gray mixed snowy ground. 

Slight confusion was quick to arrive on her face. 

"Heey? Zara isn't back yet? Surely getting some extra tools shouldn't take that long. And you arrived even a bit later than her, Bella. Moreover, where's that extraordinary Spirit Monster?"

Melea and Bella stopped once they were only twenty meters above the ground. 

Constant questions began spewing out of her mouth, but her suspicions didn't really rise. After all, she has no reason to believe that her little girls are acting suspicions.

Melea thought Lauren and Abby were going to energetically fly up to her like they usually do when greeting her to explain the situation further. 

But even when she got close, Lauren and Abby stayed still with small smiles.

Another odd note was the fact Bella as well didn't bother to help clarify the situation. Melea slowly turned her head to Bella, expecting to get some answers about this sudden slight strangeness.

However, right in the middle of turning her head, 

"Flash!!" A bright sweet-sounding voice boomed into the area, and accompanying it was, '


A blinding white flashbang that burst like a radiant bomb!

Bella, Lauren, Abby, and Melea all froze. Inside their soulscape spaces, all of their souls' cores gained a blinding white glow.

But almost immediately for Bella, Laren, and Abby, their Darkness Soul links pulsated inside their souls' cores, fueling their bodies with Yin pleasure energy. They blinked their eyes as that split-second soul-freezing moment cleared away.

Although right then, Lauren, Abby, and Bella felt their bodies tightly lock up again. They felt heavily sluggish, and some slight dread swirled in their minds as they instantly recognized the powers bursting in their area.

Three tremendously powerful auras crazily burst from right below Bella and Melea! A Darkness aura, a white Light aura, and a blue flaming aura chaotically swirled from under them like grand tsunamis. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't waste any words, spurring their bloodline state powers in a split second. 

While Melea was still utterly soul frozen, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami blasted from the ground, leaving mini craters from where they took off.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were amazingly quickly, crossing several meters in the sky in just a second. 

Their powerful bloodline auras focused specifically on Melea and violently crushed her sturdy Heavenly Transformation body.

Melea couldn't react to the pain, but her bones and organs were getting intensely squeezed by Darcel's group combined aura. If she were to be hit like this, then the threat of death was very much close to Melea.

And right then, before Darcel, Aniela, or Masami could get any closer to Melea, a bright blue glow sparked from inside her pink-hearted white robe! 

The blue glow intensely lit up around her neck, spewing out chilling blue rays of light that split through her clothes.

Immediately, an immense power spewed from Melea's blue, glowing light. The chaotic rising power stormed their area, shifting the air around them.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami actually froze in midair. Each of them was a bit surprised. 

"Nn? This power, it has to be near peak Heavenly King!" Masami pointed out, though her tone wasn't filled with any genuine concern. 

And like she said, the immense power of the ninth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm crazily swirled out for miles.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's bloodline auras clashed with the ninth level Heavenly King power, causing two torrents of immense powers to storm the area. 

And quite literally, the whole temperature of this area dramatically dropped.

The blue glow from Melea's neck dropped the temperature far beyond the already freezing weather of the Plunged Tundra, essentially freezing over everything for miles. 

Bella felt an unbearable cold pierce into her body as a blue glow covered her body. She already couldn't move from Darcel's group combined aura, and now, she felt like she was frozen in an ice cube! 

Back on the ground, Lauren and Abby as well suffer from the absolute cold as a blue glow covers their bodies.

Even Darcel, Aniela, and Masami weren't exempt from feeling cold. 

Actual slight chills shivered up their spines as the same blue glow tried to shroud their bodies. For just a single second, they were legitimately stuck.

And right then, Melea had regained control of her body as her Spirit Artifact counteracted Aniela's soul flashbang. 

Her eyes glared down to Darcel, Aniela and Masami suspended in mid air.

She angrily snorted at these mere youths' pitiful attempt to ambush a Snow Angel Leader! 

"Hmph! This is Absolute Ice! And you three-" 

"We can finally go all out guys! Hah!" Aniela's eager voice cut off Melea.

Before Melea could even react, she felt her death crisis chaotically blared in her Spirit Sense! 


"Ha!' Darcel, Aniela, and Masami blurted a mighty battle cry as they pushed the full extent of their bloodline transformation state!

Darcel's Yin Spiritual Force, Aniela's Yang Spiritual Force, and Masami's three tail nine tail blue firefox cloak auras all brilliantly shined. 

Their full power auras destructively ravaged everywhere, making the snowy ground below them split apart. Their powerful auras fiercely clashed with Melea's Absolute Ice Spirit Artifact and immediately matched in terms of pure power!

Melea was utterly gobsmacked. 

She actually felt immensely suppressed under these children's full powers! Her teeth violently gnashed, unwilling to believe this bizarre reality. 

Her eyes blinked as she yelled, "How-Ah?!" 

Immediately when Melea blinked her eyes, a Darkness glowing fist neared her face. To her left side, a white glowing hand grasp towards her neck, and towards her right side, a blue flaming fox claw was swiping right at her.

Darcel, Aniela and Masami had Melea pincer down. 

She had no avenue to escape, only to defend. And just a split second before their attacks landed, Melea's Spirit Artifact sparked a radiant blue glow again.

The blue glow shined Melea's body, immediately creating an Absolute Ice wall around her. 


Darcel's Darkness fist, Aniela's white glowing palm, and Masam's blue flaming fox claw violently crashed onto the Absolute Ice wall.


Darcel, Aniela, Masami, and Melea's Spirit Artifact powers exploded out in the area, causing the very ground to shake and split further apart for a few miles. 


Bella was chaotically flung away for a few meters, but before their clash of power destroyed her body, her Darkness soul link frantically pulsated! 

A Darkness glow shrouded Bella's bodies, abruptly stopping her in midair and just barely protecting her from the intense clash of powers. 

Bella fiercely gritted her teeth as she still felt tremendous pain all over her body. But, Bella forced down the pain and the rising bile of blood in her throat. 

Her Spirit Senses quickly expanded out, and her eyes snapped down to the flying bodies of Lauren and Abby.

A Darkness glow was shrouding their bodies, but because of their weaker levels, they weren't able to withstand the explosions of powers as well as Bella could.

Bella pushed out her full power, blaring her seventh-level Heavenly King aura wildly in the air. She forced her body and blasted right towards Lauren and Abby's sailing bodies.

Bella's Darkness Soul link kept on constantly pulsating, fueling her with just that extra bit of power to tear through the air. 

Miraculously, Bella managed to catch both Lauren and Abby before they were completely thrown out of the area.

Bella had both Lauren and Abby under her arms. She quickly planted her feet through the gray mixed snowy ground, skidding along with it for several kilometers. 

A gray aura burst from Bella and quickly formed into a Sword Qi barrier which stabbed itself into the ground, halting Bella's momentum. 

"Nnng….damn…." Bella managed to get far away from Darcel's group fight, but she nearly felt like passing out once stopping herself on the ground. 

Bella's eyes had then trailed down to Lauren and Abby.

And these two weren't in any better shape. Both Lauren and Abby had their eyes closed, and their bodies were continually shivering from both the previous cold and pain.

The only reason they both and Bella could still be conscious was because of their Darkness Soul links constantly pumping them up with Yin pleasure energy. 

Bella shakily turned her body around to see the effects of the massive fight.

"Fuuu….holy hell. I knew they were strong….but this strong?" Bella was whistling in amazement at the aftershocks of the fight. 

A colossal fissure had split right below where Darcel, Aniela, Masami, and Melea's Spirit Artifact traded blows, expanding for at least a few meters.


At the same time Bella swooped down to catch Lauren and Abby, Melea was in a constant state of disbelief. Her eyes nearly popped out of her sockets as her Spirit Artifact Absolute Ice wall was cracked all over!

'Just how?!?' Melea truly couldn't understand. 

Her Spirit Artifact was equivalent to the ninth level of the Heavenly Transformation realm! How can these masked juniors possibly match up to it?!

Melea had no choice but to push this thought down. When she wanted to move, Masami's fox tails suddenly grabbed both Darcel and Aniela. 

Masami had then swiftly flown backward with the duo firmly in her fox tail's grasps, a wide smirk splitting on her face.

"Let's see if your Absolute Ice can match our flames!" Masami confidently boasted. 

And right then her, Darcel and Aniela's powers explosively increased.

Melea felt her whole world shook again as the incredible suppression suddenly tripled. 

'Shit! Martial Skills!' Melea fiercely cursed, knowing exactly why their powers increased beyond their full capabilities. 

The power of Martial Skills, once perfected, shouldn't be underestimated no matter what initial rank it is. Melea felt her frustration burst over as now she could barely even move under Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's rising power of their Martial Skills.

Melea felt immensely sluggish. She felt as if tons of building weight of pressure was continually crashing onto her.

Still, Melea didn't want to give up. She attempted to slowly move her up, but right then, the temperature dramatically shot up!

The previous freezing cold vanished by boiling, blazing heat. Dread could only fill Melea's eyes as she peered down to glorious fiery sight.

Blue flames and black flames elegantly mixed together as Darcel, Aniela, and Masami pointed their hands at Melea.

Darcel and Aniela didn't even need two seconds before they gathered the energy for their Martial Skills. 

"Fiery Slice!!" Two thin streams of black flames burst out of Darcel and Aniela's palms.

"Fox Claws!!" Masami shouted at the same time, blasting out a massive blue flaming fox claw from her palm, only needing a second as well. 


Melea's Spirit Artifact sparked its most intense blue glow yet.

Melea's Spirit Artifact shot forth its Absolute Ice Storm, spewing out a blue icicle storm at Darcel, Aniela, and Masami's Martial Skills. 


A tremendous explosion burst between their ultimate clashes of powers.

Blue and black flames spewed out everywhere, burning holes right through the gray mixed snowy ground. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were knocked to the crack and split ground from the explosion. But they managed to flip their bodies around, planting their feet into the ground and tore through it for a few meters. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami forcefully stopped themselves and snapped their heads up.

They all spotted Melea rolling on the ground, a trail of blood spewing from her mouth. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami didn't rest for a second. They quickly blitz right forward, tearing through the dust of their explosions.

Once they were only several feet from Melea, one of Masami's fox tails sailed out and grabbed hold of Melea, preventing her body from rolling any further.

Aniela flashed right next to Melea's body, spotting that same blue glow appearing on her neck.

"Nope!" Aniela reached down to the blue glow, grabbing a solid object, and tore it right off Melea's neck.

Aniela opened her palm to a shining blue Spirit Artifact necklace that was trying to surge its power. Aniela didn't let it, shrouding the Spirit Artifact necklace in her Light powers, making its blue glow vanish.

Darcel was the last one to come up Melea's body. As Darcel stood right over her, Melea wearily opened her eyes. 

Her necklace Spirit Artifact couldn't fully tank the trio combined Martial Skills and Melea just barely survived the attack.

And now she had zero energy left. All of her Heavenly Qi and Heavenly Aura was gone. Melea was basically a helpless doll with no strings attached to her. 

She could only stare in fear as the masked boy began coating his palm in a deep Darkness glow.

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