Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 189: Falling Snow Angel Leader

Darcel stood over Melea's fallen body with an impassive look on his face. He held Darkness's glowing hand in an imposing manner over her, feeling no sway from Melea's slightly frightened expression.

In one swift motion, Darcel slammed his Darkness palm right onto Melea's heaving chest. 


"AAAHN~!!" A mix of pain and overwhelming pleasure assaulted every fiber of Melea's being. 

Darcel's Darkness Energy quickly stormed through her powerless body, throwing her whole body and soul in a lustful chaotic state. 

"Mnn~!! You-" Melea surprisingly still managed to grit her teeth, hanging to the slightest thread of consciousness. She wanted to talk, but Yin's pleasure was far too overwhelming for any coherent sentences. 

Her eyes glared into Darcel's black mask. But the more she stared into Darcel's hidden gaze, the greater Yin pleasure became for her. 

And a faint longing allured Melea to Darcel the longer she stared.

"I-I-Ahhn…." Melea was reduced to a mere moaning state. She couldn't believe that her, a grand eighth level Heavenly King respected by many, was thrown into such a state. 

In fact, Melea couldn't think straight or clearly about this situation at all.

So Melea opted to shut her eyes, hoping to cut off the longing feeling Darcel was transferring to her. But even with her eyes close, the longing she felt towards Darcel only got stronger.

Melea's body began to writhe in Yin pleasure. She attempted to wriggle around while still being wrapped up in Masami's foxtails. An unbearable burning desire heated her loins.

At this point, all Melea wanted to do is try to calm the burning lust of her moist pussy. But her situation became even more unbearable as she couldn't even move her arms. Masami's fox tails got her tightly locked up.

Even for a friendly leader like Melea, she still has her pride. But currently, that pride was quickly vanishing. 

All that her mind could focus on was Yin's pleasure. And she just wanted the boy standing over her to do something about it!

While Melea struggles with overwhelming Yin pleasure, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami were catching their bearings. 

They de-transformers from their bloodline state, and a slight wave of tiredness suddenly hit them.

"Fuuu~...." Both Aniela and Masami slightly sighed. 

Aniela stuffed the now powerless Spirit Artifact necklace in her pocket and began to talk. "Really, it's almost always surprising when we have to use our full power. We may need a little bit of training on this."

Although this wave of exhaustion wasn't anything significant for her, it told Aniela a bit about their prowess. 

Because of their craft soul tricks, they rarely would need to use their full power for anyone. But as they fight higher and higher realm enemies. Aniela notices they may need to step up their strategy.

Even if currently, this exhaustion was nothing to them, Aniela found it was better to be prepared for even the slightest of mishaps.

Masami had nodded at Aniela, also providing her own thoughts. "Yea, I mean, battle like these reminds me of how I had to always go all out with an opponent. But ever since we became a team, it appears that we may be slacking off a bit in this department. Still though, at least this woman was a legitimate good workout."

Darcel as well felt was going over the fight in his mind. It was a bit eye-opening to him, to say the least. 

Darcel thinks back on how regularly using their bloodline power causes no strain on them no matter how long they had it up for.

Even if they were to step it up and go all out to only half of their full powers, their stamina drain is almost negligible. 

However, full power was an entirely different ballpark.

Furthermore, what also didn't help their stamina was quickly surging their Martial Skills in a mere second. 

Nevertheless, Darcel knows this was just a slight weakness he and the girls can quickly overcome.

Darcel had then crouched down to Melea, who still had her eyes shut tight. He told Aniela and Masami, "With just slight training, we will be able to use our full power like second nature. For now, let's finish this servant up."

"Good luck!" Both Aniela and Masami eagerly encouraged Darcel. Although a small part inside them felt a bit of trepidation. 

The small jealous, envious part of them that had blossomed with Lauren and Abby was now affecting their thoughts about future Darkness Servants.

However, even though neither were growing fond of these Darkness Servants, both Aniela and Masami knew they were necessary and highly beneficial to them. 

So they kept their thoughts to themselves and began chatting with each other to distract their minds. 

While the girls began chatting it up, Darcel's Darkness glowing hand grasped Melea's sock neck. 


Melea's eyes burst open. A complete Darkness glow shrouded her eyes and was, of course, wrapping Darcel's eyes. 


Darcel blinked his eyes open to a peculiar soulscape space. 

It was Melea's soulscape space, and it was a bright shimmering blue color. Patches of the usual Darkness Energy invaded her blue soulscape space. 

But, what made this soulscape more unique was the atmosphere of the place.

With Bella, Darcel felt uniquely relaxed in her soulscape space. And now, with Melea, her soulscape space didn't affect his emotions. However, it was actually quite chilling to be in here.

Darcel had even exhaled out his soul body mouth and was surprised to see a slight cold breath exude from it. 

Suddenly then, a jumbled mix of foreign emotions sprang into Darcel's mind.

It was a jumbled mix of fear, confusion, pleasure, and irritation, all directed at Darcel. He had then heard, 

'You-you!! Turn around!!' 

Darcel was mildly surprised at that frantic tone of Melea's.

On instinct, he turned to look at Melea's soul core body. And right as Darcel turned around, he heard Melea's voice blaring out in her soulscape space. 

"Ahhh! You! Hey! What are you dooo-Ahn~!!:

Darcel's eyes landed on Melea fruitlessly struggling against his Darkness tendrils. Though she was moving a bit oddly. Her tongue panted out her mouth, and she was mainly moving legs in a desperate motion.

Melea wanted more than anything to rub her moist loins with her legs, but those damn Darkness tendrils made it almost impossible! 

Darcel felt his smile considerably broaden as Melea surpassed Bella in the most oddest reactions to Yin's pleasure.

He had then begun walking up to Melea, instantly gaining back her attention. 

"He-he-Nng! Damn! Ahhh…." Melea simply decided it wasn't worth it to talk anymore, given that she can't suppress her moans. She thought it would be different in her soul but was immediately proven wrong.

Melea started back on trying to rub her burning pussy while staring directly into Darcel's black and white mask. 

As he walked up, Darcel abruptly felt Melea's emotions quickly change.

The initial feelings of fear and irritation began to quickly go away. And what was left was confusion and the feeling of wanting more. 

On Melea's soul core body face, her expression morphed into a fiercely determined one.

Darcel thought he should be a bit more surprised at this sudden shift. After all, he didn't even start the actual coercion process. 

But he assumed it was just his Yin Pleasure becoming better efficient at changing emotions during these times.

And finally, Darcel didn't even make it halfway, yet he already felt Melea's greatest Desire. It was quickly transmitted to Darcel during this strange and sudden shift of Melea's emotions.

Darcel quickly went over Melea's Desire in his mind. He nodded to himself after and didn't stop walking. 

As Darcel got within inches of Melea, neither broke gazes for even a split second. 

Darcel started to talk, telling Melea, "So Snow Angel Leader Melea Patel, quite a shift of emotions I'm sensing from you." 

Up close and personal, Darcel's smooth voice was already soothing out Yin pleasure to be less overwhelming. Melea's writhing quickly subsided.

But Melea still kept up her determined gaze. She wasn't overwhelmed with pleasure now; however, it didn't lessen the longing to finger the burning yearning generating in her pussy. 

She glared right up to Darcel, saying, "It's all your fault!! All perverts in the world would wish to have a skill like this! Ahhh….it just feels sooo good!!"

Darcel felt a bit queer about Melea's reaction. Her just so quickly jumping sides took even Darcel a bit back. However, he quickly shook his head and was at least grateful that this coercion won't take long.

Darcel crouched down to Melea's eye level and gently poked his finger on her forehead. As Melea began to shudder from his touch, Darcel told her, 

"Let's start talking real; we can skip the middle man. You're quite the protective one, hm. A mere glance at your Desire and I can clearly tell, you really made all those Snow Angels your responsibility."

"Eh?" Melea felt her mind pause. Darcel's words nestled deep in her soul core body, and she felt an additional layer of rumbling her soul. 

Melea nearly wanted to relax in Darcel's touch then. "So straightforward and direct….wait….how do you know this?!"

"Just relax. I, too, can understand the feeling of being a bit overprotective. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to my cute girlfriends." Darcel began to slowly massage his finger on Melea's forehead.

Melea felt her entire soul relax all over. Profound patches of Darcel's Darkness began to cover more of her bright blue soulscape space, creating a new blended mix of blue and Darkness.

Melea's mind was moving at a million miles per second. 

But the most significant concept that was at the front of her mind was this boy, no, this strange man's magic finger!

"Ahhh….your finger is even better Magic than Mages. I suppose that's why you have multiple girlfriends with hands like these. Yes, yes, protecting loved ones is goood…." Melea's words turned slightly rambling at the end.

Darcel was greatly amused at just how peculiar Melea's mind is. 

Darcel fathoms that he barely needs any words to coerce Mela towards his Darkness Soul link.

Inside Darcel's soul core, his green shade Divine property sparked up and transferred into Melea's soul core body. 

Melea's eyes immediately bust open wide. She was drowned in her greatest Desire, the Desire to have the ultimate power to always protect what's dear to her. 

"Oh-oooh! This!!" 

Interestingly enough, Melea is the only one that could make any sort of noise during this process of coercion.

In just a few short minutes, Melea went through a rollercoaster of emotions, feelings, and sensations. 

But there was something that Darcel said that rooted deep into her.

His Desire to always protect his girlfriend, never letting any harm befall them no matter the cost. 

Throughout this entire time, Melea was already growing attached to Darcel's presence. But him simply saying that solidifies the process. 

Yin pleasure, the green shade Divine Property and his touch all helped speed up the coercion. 

Melea had already decided that the strange man who wants to protect is also her Master that will give her the power to protect her precious Snow Angels!


A Darkness glow burst from the center of Melea's soul core body! 

She was even slightly shorter than Bella when her Darkness Soul link formed, and it had instantly solidified. 

With her Darkness Soul link formed, Melea still didn't break eye contact with Darcel. But now, a beautiful broad smile curled up lips. 

"Ah, Master, this was fun! And now I no longer feel crazy in my loins. Now, let's get going!"

Darcel was smirking as he snapped his fingers, letting his Darkness tendrils unravel Melea and gently put her on the soulscape space floor. 

"Master! This is going to be incredible! Under your and my rule, nobody will ever get hurt!" Melea eagerly continued on.

Darcel felt a bit of a wry smile form at just how eager Melea was. Still, he confidently told the Snow Angel Leader, "Of course, you're all my servants now, and I can't be losing any one of you. Now then, let's get back to the real world."

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