Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 190: Amazing Force

"Soo….we have a lazy one, a super serious one, and two overly energetic servants. And now this woman….hmmm…." Aniela curiously peered over to Darcel and Melea.

Aniela's eyebrows quirked as she could already make several guesses on what Melea would be like. "She's certainly already proven to be a unique, eh, little fox? I mean, somehow, her face got so expressive at times, and we even heard small little noises leaking from her mouth."

Only about two minutes passed since Darcel started his conversion of Melea. But in just mere two minutes, both Aniela and Masami watched a variety of expressive emotions dawned on Melea's face and quickly left it.

The girls spotted brief flashes of annoyance, frustration, and confusion. However, after the minute mark, Melea's face would periodically flash in blissful pleasure or satisfaction. 

Neither Lauren, Abby, Zara, or even Bella kicked up a fuss when Darcel was conversing them. 

Aniela genuinely found it highly curious as she fathoms that maybe Melea can prove to be more valuable than she initially thought.

Although Masami was almost entirely indifferent. Her arms were crossed under her chest, holding an impassive stare at Melea, who abruptly went gone deathly still again.

"Hmph, you say curious, but I just say another future annoyance. And hopefully, this mere servant knows where to keep her hands." 

Masami couldn't help the tiny flames of jealousy rise in her.

Though she rarely considers herself a part of the family in her sect, Masami couldn't deny she holds some similar personality quirks with them. 

And one of them being the possessive and envious side ingrain in their genes.

Although, Masami does consider herself tamer than what she experienced around the sect. And of course, she knows Darcel will never lay a hand on their Darkness servants. 

Still, Masami wouldn't contain her emotions whenever these servants would act out of her line. 

Aniela was softly giggling at Masami's more envious side, though she didn't hold any disagreement with her. "Hehe~, I know I talk a lot about forgoing such tiresome negative emotions. But even I would much prefer if our servants keep their hands to themselves. Plus, we can get Darcy to fawn all over us if we react to them attempting it."

Aniela began to teasingly nudge Masami's shoulder. "Another great benefit to gaining these servants, eh little fox?" 

Masami felt her whole body lit up in heat at the thought of Darcel spoiling them like last time. She felt her chest soother in a swirl of happiness and almost ended up cooing.

But Masami snapped out of it and quickly regains her composure. She swiftly turned her head away from Aniela, huffing while doing so. 

"Hmph….I guess it's an alright benefit….hm?" 

When Masami turned her head around, her Spirit Senses picked up on three signatures approaching them. And when her Spirit Senses picked up on them, so did her eyes come across three figures in the distance. 

Aniela as well noticed the three figures approaching them, and a flash of realization hit her. "Oooh! So that's what happened to them." 

Aniela was nodding to herself, and Masami was smirking behind her mask. 

As those three figures approached them, she suddenly said, "Well now, somebody sure did take their sweet time getting over here. Although, I thought you three would've been blaster further in the wind." 

The three figures that were slowly making it to the girls were Bella, Lauren, and Abby.

But more specifically, it was Bella still carrying Lauren and Abby under her arms. A bit of blood pooled from Bella's mouth, yet she still kept up a lazed smile. 

As a Captain of the Snow Angel group, she, of course, had healing pills to stabilize hers, Lauren, and Abby's injuries.

Although, that didn't mean all of the pain simply vanished. Bella, though was undisturbed from her Mistress taunting comments. 

She casually told Masami, "Ah, I guess you can say we were lucky because of Master's graciousness, Mistress. But it was quite a walk to get back here."

While Bella still talked with such a casual tone, under her arms, Lauren and Abby were struggling. They were still slightly quivering from their previous injuries even though they were fed healing pills.

Blood leaked from their mouths in the same manner as Bella and Lauren shakily said, "We-we knew Leader Melea wouldn't stand a chance. But….Master and Mistresses are too strong!"

Aniela and Masami ignored the girl's complaints. Their attention focused on Bella as she had just mentioned something slightly interesting. 

Aniela asked Bella, "You said Darcy's graciousness helped you? How so? Truthfully, the aftershocks of our attacks should've left you all face planted into the snow."

Bella lazily smiled as both Aniela and Masami's attention was on her. 

Though Lauren, Abby, and even Zara feared these girls' terrifying pressure, Bella still kept her carefree facade.

She slightly shrugs while telling the girls, "It was whatever Master put in our souls. It helps us resist the aftershocks, sort of like an automatic defense. Really, these two are perfectly fine on walking on their own."

As Bella said so, she suddenly dropped both Lauren and Abby right into the gray mixed snow. 

"Ah! Puu!" 

Lauren and Abby immediately spit out a mouth full of gray mixed snow.

The taste was gross, but somehow they both nearly felt like gagging from this gray mixed snow. Lauren and Abby promptly stood right back up, their faces fiercely glaring at Bella. 

"Not funny!!" They both shrieked at her though Bella wasn't even laughing.

Bella's didn't even pay attention to their reactions as someone new and familiar had just entered the range of her Spirit Sense.

Aniela and Masami also sensed this new person, turning their heads to the right of them. 

"Ah, you came just in time, Zara. Almost nearly perfect timing." Aniela said as Zara swiftly approached from the sky.

While coming up to them, Zara was in slight awe of the after state of their battle. 

In her mind, she already knew Master and Mistresses could beat Leader Melea. But, she wasn't prepared for such widespread destruction. 

The ground was cracked, and splitting like several earthquakes simultaneously went off. And looking at Aniela and Masami, neither of them was even the slightest bit injured.

Zara already considers Darcel, Aniela, and Masami as terrifying geniuses with insane combat prowess. But just this mere display already elevated their terrifyingness to an extra layer.

Zara quickly touched down in the area and immediately bowed her head to Aniela and Masami. "Mistresses. I hope I have everything you and Master needed."

"Well then, I would have to be the judge of that." Darcel's voice suddenly cut through the area. 

Aniela, Masami, Zara, Bella, Lauren, and Abby all snapped back around to him.

They were taken by a bit of surprise as nobody heard him getting up and even further surprise when they saw Melea already up. 

Melea had her hands on her hips in an imposing manner as she stared right into Zara's mildly surprised face.

"You better not have disappointed Master, Zara! The other Captains were all out on duty today, and the other Leaders are heavily preoccupied. So the resources you have better be top-notched!"

Zara didn't say anything but respectfully nodded at Leader Melea. Even as she is under a new Master, she wouldn't dare disappoint her Leader. 

"Leader Melea really is under Master now…." Lauren said in slight disbelief. It wasn't the fact that she was under Darcel's control but more surprised at how quickly it happened. 

"This….this is just a testament to how amazing Master is!" Abby spoke honest words of praise, barely surprised at all. 

"Hmmm….with her now with us, I wonder what the others will be like." Bella's mind turned to the other far more prideful Leaders being under Darcel's control.

Mild amusement flashed into her eyes as she thought, just maybe, they could all finally get along that way. 

Aniela and Masami strolled right up to Darcel. Their gazes scrutinized Melea, but she only took a respectful step back while slightly bowing her head.

"Mistresses. It's great we can all work together." Melea kept an absolute respectful tone. 

Aniela curiously titled her head. "Oh? She will be an interesting one." Her attention had then turned back to Darcel. "And with this, we already have an amazing force under us! Two sixth level, two seventh level, and one-eighth level Heavenly King!" 

Maasmi also turned her attention back on Darcel, not having any real opinions about Melea. She asked then, "So the next step of our brilliant plan?"

Darcel's gaze immediately turned towards Zara. He held his hand out and asked, "So, let's see what you have for us." 

Zara nodded, quickly went up to Darcel, and handed him a blue spatial ring. "I have gathered numerous special resources that would normally be reserved for the above excellent talent Master. Along with the resources, there are also four contact rings so you can call on Bella, Lauren, Abby, and Me at any time you need to." She swiftly explained.

"Perfect." Darcel nodded as he held the blue spatial ring. 

His, Aniela, and Masami's gaze was entirely into the small ring. Already, the three of them can smell a fresh, exotic scent permeating from the ring. 

Furthermore, Darcel could even feel that this Spatial ring felt a touch bit softer. 

He had then turned his attention around to Melea and asked her, "Though the amount of resources in here will serve us well, we will need loads more. And given your group actions, I know you all are searching for more treasures. So, what other treasures have you all been looking for?"

Melea took a second to think. And her eyes immediately brighten after. 

She told Darcel, "Ah! Just before this, I was in a recent meeting with the other Leaders. We were heavily reviewing a confidential source, and apparently, those little White Demons are mobilizing a powerful force for a special treasure."

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami got curious. Masami folded her arms, putting a scrutinizing gaze on Melea, asking her, "And? Just how reliable is this confidential source? I'm sure it's not so easy to spy on another group."

"It really isn't, Mistress." Melea's smiles didn't falter despite confirming Masami's thoughts. "But, with how long we've been at odds with them, we can easily predict their actions. You see, those little demons have far better means to track special treasures' energies. And we hypothesized they're planning to fully search in a couple of days."

Darcel thinks for a moment, automatically believing everything Melea says as she can't lie to him. As his thoughts contemplated the White Demon group, Darcel didn't see them as a threat at all.

Moreover, Darcel knew he, Aniela, and Masami would essentially grow far stronger after today. 

So Darcel nodded and told Melea, "We will focus on them a bit later. For now, we need to use all these resources and raise our cultivation. And you five-"

Darcel directed his attention towards Lauren, Abby, Zara, and Bella, who all intently listened to him. "-You all will take the night to cultivate masking your presence through your Darkness Soul link. Bella, Lauren, and Abby, you all already felt it. And I trust that you, Zara, and Melea already know what I'm talking about?"

For a while now, Darcel noticed that Aniela and Masami could indeed use his Darkness Soul link for added extra power. 

It's how they all survived the Fiery hell trails.

But usually, Aniela and Masami had no need for it. Their combat prowess is already immensely high, and their Darkness Soul link, in their current state, is almost negligible to their bloodline state.

Darcel fathoms that his Darkness Soul link could grow in power that can aid all three of them majorly in fights, but he also concluded it could take some time.

But with his Darkness Servants, none of them are nowhere near close to their level of talent. 

Even if they're all Heavenly Kings, Darcel had sensed in their souls that they're at best decently talented.

And Darcel was only going off the range he experienced. He has no idea how talented those in the higher Provinces are, though he can tell they're all probably far, far more talented than anybody here. 

So Darcel knows that his Darkness Soul link would be significantly beneficial to all of them. It's his Darkness Essence now infused in them and can power them all.

Zara had swiftly closed her eyes and sensed inside her soul. She only needed a second before she sensed her Darkness Soul link. 

Zara had then quickly surged a bit of this power, causing a sliver of Darkness aura to spew from her body.

"I feel it, Master," Zara calmly said, feeling extraordinarily pumped up from the Darkness Soul link. Though she didn't let it show on her impassive face.

Bella, Lauren, and Abby all recalled the sensation from before and similarly surged just a bit of their Darkness Soul link on their own. 

Lauren and Abby had excited grins feeling the incredible energy run through them while Bella remained calm.

Melea simply blinked her eyes and already surged her Darkness Soul link. 

"Mn! This will be good for cultivation." It instantly clicked in a second for her to use her Darkness Soul link.

Darcel nodded, already expecting instant results from all of them. Since it's inside their soul's core, it would come naturally to them on how to use it. 

He told the girls then, "Excellent. Now, don't try to overexert yourself with this power. Just focus on cultivating masking your presence in this state. Tomorrow, I will call for you all, and depending on each of your progress, we will further discuss our plans."

Suddenly, Darcel felt Aniela's soft squishy breasts mush into his right shoulder. She began leaning on him and eagerly said, "Right right. Meeting adjourned! Now then, let's get to powering up!"

Darcel had then felt Masam's giant soft pillow-like breast mush into his left shoulder. Her foxtails began to swirl in excitement as she said, "Hm. We have lots to do tonight."

Darcel took one last look at his Darkness Servants, smirking behind his mask. "We'll be taking our leave now." 

And with that, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami abruptly vanished from the Snow Angels girls' sights.

"Alright! Let's get cultivating girls! Master has given us such a great gift; I never felt so in tune with cultivating before this!" Abby had immediately pumped her tiny fists in the air, eager to make her Master proud.

Melea nodded and looked at Lauren, Abby, Zara, and Bella. She began turning around, telling them, "You girls follow me. Leader Zillah and Karis won't have much to say facing me. So let's make Master and Mistresses proud."

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