Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 72: Risky Move

Immediately both Darcel and Aniela expected pain, flames, and suppression to try and overwhelm their bodies. Their teeth clenched in chilling anticipation for anything to come.

Only….they soon realized nothing did come to them.

For a couple of seconds, the duo waited, and still, nothing happened. Stealing a glance towards each other, Darcel and Aniela nevertheless didn't drop their guard.

But right then, a bright, piercing silver shine flashed in Darcel and Aniela's eyes.

The shine forced the two to squint their eyes, but on the flaming silverish green hand, they saw that the silver glow came from the center of its palm.

Incredible surges of powers suddenly permeated in the air. The silver glow grew intenser by the nanosecond forcing the duo to now shut their eyes altogether.

And at the peak of this bright silver glow,


A blinding luminous silver flash burst out for miles in the Demesne Grave!

Nobody else was in Darcel and Aniela's general vicinity, leaving the blinding silver flash to transpire without any eyes watching.

Once the silver flash died down, Darcel and Aniela were nowhere to be seen.

Quickly then, the Demesne Grave fell into its usual ominously dreary silence.

But soon, this grave will be prone to swelling action once again.


Pain, intense scorching agony, assaulted Darcel and Aniela's body and Spirit Sense.

Their eyes burst open to the size of saucers at this rapid abrupt change of pace.

However, what greeted Darcel and Aniela's vision was bright dazzling green flames. These raging green flames chaotically swirled about whatever room they were transported to. It was akin to a fiery storm.

Though, oddly enough, at first glance, Darcel and Aniela found these green flames to look similar to Fire they once witnessed before.

But they pushed down such small thoughts for now and promptly tried to see if they could surge their bloodlines powers.

Darcel grit his teeth barrelling through the excruciating sizzling pain, and forcefully touched upon a different source of power that wasn't from his soul.

His eyes flashed in realization once sensing he could now mobilize his Nascent Qi and use his bloodline powers!

Aniela as well gained a determined light in her eyes once sensing her Nascent Qi wasn't suppressed that much now.

In a nanosecond, she musters as much bloodline powers she could manage now, enriching her body in a white essence.

A beautiful bright white glow aura wrapped around Aniela's body, alleviating a small portion of her scorching anguish.

Darcel had managed to form a mesmerizing Darkness glow aura, similarly alleviating a bit of the pain.

"Fuu…." A small sigh escaped both Darcel and Aniela's mouths.

Truthfully only two seconds passed since they were teleported to this flaming room. But in those two seconds, they both felt as if they would genuinely be burnt to a crisp!

The level of pain they were dealing with now wasn't precisely tolerable, but Darcel and Aniela weren't particularly unfamiliar with facing a challenge.

Suddenly then, the duo sharply snapped their heads up.

Once somewhat dealing with the pain, they felt their soul get even more intense in its swirling. In fact, during the whole two seconds of tortuous agony, their soul had never stop writhing about.

"Ah-ah is-is that it?" Aniela barely managed to pant out.

Her eyes were enraptured by two beautiful objects floating at the center of this room.

Darcel didn't say anything for a moment; his eyes were too engrossed at the same things.

The two beautiful objects that stole the duo's attention were two luxurious scimitars.

These scimitars were an elegant mix of bright green and a hint of gorgeous silver hue. Several unique, exotic-looking patterns danced on the blade part of the scimitars, further adding to its distinguished excellence.

And yet, the biggest striking quality about these scimitars was the unfathomable aura they naturally exuded. The aura was majestic and breathtaking akin to coming across the beautiful flames of a phoenix.

Just being in the vicinity of these scimitars, anyone would feel the mighty power brewing deep inside these blades.

"Ear-Earthen Spirit Weapons…." Darcel breathed out in slight awe.

From even before the Black Dungeon Labyrinth, neither Darcel nor Aniela decided to change from their Mortal Spirit rapier weapon.

They had just never found it necessary, plus their rapier worked well enough with also fighting above their realm.

But during their training with Vice Principal Zelle, she had taught them about the advantages of Earthen Spirit Weapons and pushed them to get one.

Earthen Spirit Weapons were, of course, far stronger than Mortal Spirit ones, though they cost far more Qi to properly use.

Darcel and Aniela initially had plans to get one after cultivating, but the prospect of testing out their new might got their blood boiling to an unprecedented level.

And in Darcel and Aniela's minds, they had just come to the conclusion that their slight weapon problems were no longer an issue.

"Ju-just imagine what tier they're in." Aniela wonders out loud.

Neither of the two could precisely identify what tier these Scimitars were.

Only this breathtaking aura probably matched even high tier Earthen Spirit Weapons they encountered around Zakira Academy!

"Fi-first, these flames."

Before they could attempt to get close to those magnificent scimitars, Darcel knew these green flames had to go!

He didn't even want to try moving, knowing their pain would probably only intensify.

For a few seconds, Darcel and Aniela's faces scrunched up.

They racked their brains on how to deal with these flames, but nothing seemed obvious.

Most of their power was poured into defending, and even then, it would be unwise to blast out attacks against raging green flames.

'If only we could….!' Right then, a trail of thought shock through Darcel's mind.

His head quickly snapped towards Aniela, who at the same time snapped her head towards in similar realization.


Both Darcel and Aniela simultaneously shouted in zealous excitement.

Looking towards Aniela, Darcel found it a bit amusing she was holding a pained smile upon coming at this realization.

Although Darcel was sure, he himself had a similarly excited smirk in what they were going to attempt next.

It was way, way back when they had first started their journey in this Province. But there was one critical moment that had saved their lives for their journey.

Darcel and Aniela had vividly recalled the time they had taken on Anne's group and escaped the Wrathful clan.

That group had made the desperate last effort attempt to fry them both with their signature black flames.

Only that plan had fruitlessly failed right in front of their faces. By just using a small portion of their souls, not only had Darcel and Aniela absorb their black flames. They also managed to fully gain the Element of Fire in their souls as if they had it since their conception stage.

Compared to that situation, absorption now was highly risky.

Darcel and Aniela could tell how terrifying these green flames can be, just by going how that strange man was incinerated to mere ashes.

However, they truly didn't have any other options left. They wouldn't be able to hold their protective aura forever, and once that's gone, essentially, a slow, painful death awaits them.

Although even during the absorption process, they could make one small fatal mistake and burst into a bloody mist!

But out of these risks, if Darcel and Aniela succeeded, they would be able to rapidly advance in their comprehension of the element of Fire.

Taking one last look at each other, both Darcel and Aniela determinedly nodded.

In just their eyes, the two can tell the unwavering amount of confidence they had in each other. And with rising courage, Darcel and Aniela swiftly made up their minds!

They had both then sprang open their right palms and closed their eyes.

Instead of using Nascent Qi or their bloodline powers, Darcel and Aniela directly touched upon their souls.

Slowly and carefully, they willed their pure black flaming essence towards their palms.

Darcel and Aniela were patient, forming these black flames. Using pure essence from their souls could result in a heinous deadly backlash.

Still, Darcel and Aniela were quick to adapt and stay calm under this risky move.

After ten seconds of pushing down the pain and diverting all of their attention in forming their pure black flames, Darcel and Aniela finally felt the breaking point.

More focus than ever, on the palms of Darcel and Aniela, black Fire slowly began to appear, swirling in a circular motion.

The black flames were vague at first but quickly began to become pronounced within mere seconds.

And after precisely ten more seconds, the duo swirled a completed pure essence black flaming ball!

Opening their eyes, Darcel and Aniela were a bit surprised at the current appearance of their flames.

Seemingly, their black flames looked more dazzling and luminous to gaze upon. The way their black flames swirled was almost elegant in a way moving in a rhythmic pattern.

But Darcel and Aniela quickly shifted their attention from the appearances as now wasn't the time.

Carefully, Darcel and Aniela recalled the exact same sensation and feelings when they had first used their souls to absorb the Wrathful Clan black flames.

The duo plunged deeply into their minds, vividly recalling every little detail down to the tiniest of specks.

Seeing as they are far stronger compared to that time, Darcel and Aniela didn't have to rely on a risky lucky chance to control their souls to absorb.

Simultaneously, Darcel and Aniela sprang open their eyes and clenched their palms.

Very steadily, a small wisp of sizzling green flames flows towards the duo.

Darcel and Aniela's pure essence black flames continually spewed a magnetic allure for the wisp of green flame, pulling it in like a whirlpool.

As soon as this small wisp of green flames touched Darcel and Aniela's pure essence black flaming ball, it immediately got sucked in with zero resistance!

Right then, Darcel and Aniela felt tremendous changes to their body, Spirit Sense, and soul!

It didn't matter which part of their being; everything was under intense scorching burns. This was even more intense than the green flames that surged around the whole room.

Bearing this kind of pain was borderline torture. No sane youths Darcel and Aniela age would ever want to survive this kind of power even if it meant a tremendous power boost.

But for Darcel and Aniela?

They were warped ever since their grueling childhoods. Their eyes turned bloodshot, blood gushed from their mouths as they violently gnashed their teeth.

In Darcel and Aniela's mind, a straightforward thought was repeated on verbatim.

Never submit to any challenges!

From their childhood kidnappings until now, it was never in Darcel and Aniela's style to let when something challenging come up roll all over them.

No matter who it was in the Parasol Organization, they always kept a defiant but smart attitude.

Others resist or go against the grain because of pride, egotism, or determined hard workers ready to make massive changes in their lives.

And yet, Darcel and Aniela always resist as their minds simply wouldn't be at peace. There was something incredibly wrong Darcel, and Aniela found in being weak and submissive and having a give up attitude.

Darcel thought, perhaps it really was like Aniela said.

Maybe....maybe it really wasn't in their blood to just stay confined. Maybe their bloodlines are genuinely pushing them to always have a defiant attitude.

Though no matter what pre-development led to this train of thought, Darcel and Aniela were sure right now they will not lose out to these green flames!

And it was upon this thought Darcel and Aniela became utterly still.

Their eyes became unfocused, but their minds were becoming increasingly sharp.

The scorching sizzling pain in their souls, bodies, and Spirit Sense was still present, but none of that could affect their minds now.

Mysterious and complex properties of the element Fire Darcel and Aniela couldn't understand before were now slowly becoming less vague.

Under the intense green flames, Darcel and Aniela steadily fell into an Enlightenment trance….

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