Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 73: Fruitful Deal

Usually, at the Demesne Grave entrance, just this vicinity would be eerily silent, creating an ominous dreadful vibe for all those that come near.

However, there was now a group consisting of five confident youths and one indifferent young boy striding right in the Demesne Grave entrance.

For the five confident, charming looking youths, they all wore matching clothes.

Beautiful orange robes with the elegant design of the God Beast Roc donned their bodies, indicating they were all from the Quicksilver Roc sect!

Moreover, these weren't just your run of the mill average disciples.

Every single one of the Quicksilver Roc youths stood proudly at the seventh layer link of the True Soul Core realm!

This was most certainly a line up that could even be counted as unbeatable even for eighth-layer link True Soul Core cultivators.

And for the indifferent young boy, he wore odd-looking green robes that seemed a little bit big for his body. He was merely at the middle layer link levels of the True Soul Core realm.

And yet, the green robe boy was leading the Quicksilver Roc youths in the Demesne Grave. Furthermore, not a single one in the Quicksilver Roc group had any misgivings about this boy leading them.

At the forefront of the Quicksilver Roc group, one beautiful young girl walked there, being the apparent leader for their outing.

She cast suspicious eyes towards the green robe boy saying, "I shouldn't need to remind you but do take note. If this is a massive waste of our time, you'll surely regret ever offering this deal."

The girl's tone was superior, cold as ice and daunting. Anyone weaker than her would understandably get frightened.

However, the green robe boy simply kept his steady indifferent expression.

It was as if that bold tone went right over his head. But the boy was quite aware of this girl's suspicions and as well all the others' doubts in the group.

So with a slight turn, the boy offered a genuine, honest, confident smile and began to assure them.

"I understand your concerns but fret not. After this, none of your rivals will ever get close to touching you ever again."

The green robe boy stared unwaveringly into the leading girl's eyes, his smiling expression never faltering. His bold tone smoothly slithered into all of the Quicksilver Roc youths' ears as he continued on walking.

"Hmph, we'll just have to truly see it then." Begrudgingly, the leading girl snorted and nonetheless kept on following the green robe boy.

And as well, the other Quicksilver Roc youths followed behind them.

While they traversed the Demesne Grave, the Quicksilver Roc youths' eyes were continually darting around this site.

Numerous gravestones expanding on for miles were the biggest recurring thing they notice here.

Moreover, there wasn't a single gravestone even remotely similar to each other. Everyone spouted their own style, shape, and design.

One of the boys in the group dawned a curious expression as he said out loud, "Man….before this whole fiasco with those Zakira rats, I don't think many in our sect really explored these graves. At least, I never found any valuable information on this place."

One of the girls in the group put on a bemused expression. She quickly picked up, saying,

"Hell! Not only this gravesite, I nearly forgot there exist two major powers in these woods! Though you Ravenous Void Clan people are far more reclusive than those Wrathful Clan people."

"We….prefer a more quiet setting." Was all the Ravenous Void Clan boy said.

Though the boy seemed a tad bit awkward in normal conversation, the Quicksilver Roc youths chose to ignore in favor of their deal.

Suddenly, as a collective, everyone in the Quicksilver Roc group decided to spread out their Spirit Sense while following the green robe boy.

However, upon doing so, everyone's eyes burst into excited rays of light.

Initially, they didn't feel much for the Demesne Grave's base presence, but after just a small search with their Spirit Sense, their whole perception of this place drastically changed.

Valuable and plentiful resources, unknown powerful treasure, it was all somewhere below each of these gravestones!

The Quicksilver Roc youths had practically realized this place was a hidden treasure cove!

One of the cute girls in the group, just beside their leader, spoke up in a greedy tone.

"Hey, now, why don't we just start digging up this place? We can sense lots, I mean lots of good stuff here!"

"That would be highly unwise and dangerous. You have no idea of knowing, but these gravestones….they have surprises no one can lightly mess with. Besides, your greatest treasure awaits you here." The green robe boy swiftly shot down her suggestion and stopped just meters away from a unique green gravestone.

If Darcel and Aniela were here, they would be shocked.

Where the Ravenous Void Clan boy led them to was the exact same green gravestone that not only killed the strange man but also teleported Darcel and Aniela!

But, of course, the Quicksilver Roc youths had no way of knowing this.

Their eyes instead were enraptured by the unique, beautiful design that was etched upon this specific gravestone. Truly they never witness unusual markings like the ones upon this gravestone.

However, what stood out the most was what under this gravestone. None of the Quicksilver Roc youths could identify what it was. Still, they were able to sense extraordinary things were brewing there.

Nevertheless, before anyone in the Quicksilver Roc group could attempt anything, the leading girl put her hand up.

She asked the green robe boy, "So? What's your end of the deal has to do with this gravestone?"

The green robe boy didn't answer her. Instead, he simply pointed his finger up and formed a powerful ball of Spirit Qi at the tip of his finger.

With a flick of his finger, the green robe boy flung the Spirit Qi ball at the gravestone.

The Quicksilver Roc youths were understandably puzzled at this bizarre sudden action. That is until the Spirit Qi ball was just mere inches from the green gravestone.


Dissipated Spirit Qi burned into the air as a bright green flaming hand spewed from out the ground and effortlessly destroyed the green robe boy Spirit Qi.

"What the hell is that?" One of the boys in the Quicksilver Roc group asked out loud a question brewing in everyone's mind.

This hand seemed like something straight out of a children's horror story.

"This is one of the surprises these gravestones could have for you. If you want to gain entry under this grave, you'll need to mobilize your soul to resist this flaming hand and simply walk right up to it. You already have a soul chain link to me to know that I'm lying, so there should be no doubt."

The green robe boy patiently explained to them.

And as the leading girl opened her palm, there was a pure green chain there.

The soul chain was a simple Mage tool mages used to see if one is lying or not. It's a commonly well-known item and never once failed anybody.

Plus, the Quicksilver Roc youths also sensed this green flaming hand aura. And yet, none of them felt any overwhelming or threatening aura coming from it.

The believability in the green robe boys had just gone a slight notch up then.

"If it's truly as you say, then I'll go first."

Since the leading girl held the strongest prowess out of all there, she unhesitatingly volunteered to go first. For a few moments, the girl went entirely still.

The rest of the Quicksilver Roc youths watched, not speaking a word to not disturb the girl's concentration.

And after a few more seconds, a protective transparent aura swirled around the girl, enriching her body with soul powers.

If it's something like using a small portion of soul powers, any True Soul Core cultivator could do it. They would only need a little bit of time.

Once gathering her small amount of soul powers, the leading girl began her moves.

Separating her and the green gravestone was a few meters of distance.

And as soon as the leading girl made one step on to this spot, the green flaming hand shot out a dazzling green stream of energy at immense speeds!

Not even the leading girl could react, and the green stream of energy tightly wrapped around her body.


Immediate pain assaulted the girl's senses, forcing her to leak out a grunt of pain.

It was akin to a great scorching burn, but….it wasn't anything unbearable for the leading girl. Compared to what Darcel and Aniela experienced, the girl had far less pain running through her veins.

"Haah… .it's nothing too unbearable. Just enough pain that's tolerable if you're courageous enough. Let's go, guys!"

Once hearing the ok from their leader. The rest of the Quicksilver Roc youths smirked and began touching upon their souls.

After a few seconds, now all of the Quicksilver Roc youths were on the trek to go to the green flaming hand. Green streams of energy wrapped them all up, but none of them as well found the pain to be unbearable.

With a vast bout of confidence, the group of six began walking.

For numerous steps, the Quicksilver Roc youths walked unhindered, carefully trekking towards the green flaming hands.

And right when they were getting dangerously close to the green flaming hand, one of the Quicksilver Roc boys boldly proclaimed, "Heh! That dude was making it seem so ominous. This is no-Ah?!-AHH!!"


In a dramatic reversal of events, not only did the boy who boldly spoke out collapse to his knees, so did everyone else collapses to their knees in tremendous pain!

The scorching flames burned their organs, bones, and bloodstreams, immediately wreaking insane havoc in their bodies. Furthermore, the Quicksilver Roc youths suddenly experienced an intense suppression upon their Spirit Qi, entirely immobilizing their bodies.

From behind, none of the Quicksilver Roc youths could notice it, but the green robe boy's eyes had now haze in a chilling bright blue glow. He didn't move a muscle, yet his stare bore a hole into the youths' backs.

Although, in the Quicksilver Roc youths' eyes, a familiar blue glow enriched their eyes!

But unlike the Ravenous Void Clan boy, their blue glow was much lighter and didn't offer any of the youths any increase in power.

"Arghh!! Drawn on your sou-AHH!!!" The leading girl attempted to roar out while also riskily overdrawing on her soul, only to have further immense anguish rack her whole being.

Hearing their leader blood curdling screams stopped everyone else from trying to overtax their souls. But even then, the torturous pain for them didn't lessen in the slightest.

In fact, it even got worse!

And right then, amidst all of their unbearable agony, the Quicksilver Roc youths heard a spine chilling voice that hauntingly slithered into their ears.

A voice that came from directly behind them.

"So someone got lucky enough to get down there? Hmmm….you all can die now." The green robe boy indifferently said as if he was an executioner of death.

And as he spoke, the green flames burning the Quicksilver Roc youths abruptly grew immensely bright!


The whole group of seventh layer links cultivators abruptly burst into wild raging green flames!

None of them even had a chance to scream out in agony before being quickly burnt to death.

The green robe boy was soon left alone with nothing but a pile of green ashes on the ground. The boy kept this eerie blankest of stare as his mind went into contemplation.

"With this….we need to get started right now."

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