Placing a Bait part 2 (95)

"So you're saying that it's possible that this alleged boyfriend of your friend could be related to the disappearance of Gino and his group?"Asked a young man with a muscular figure.

He certainly had the appearance of a sack of muscles…

"That's right..."

"He is not only the personal disciple of the Sect Master, but also seems to have been in the same tavern where Gino and his group were, the night of her disappearance…"

"Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?"Bryana said with a half smile. She could be lazy but this did not mean that she was stupid, after talking for a while with Sefia's friends she was able to tie certain ends…

"Mmmm it's certainly quite curious but it shouldn't necessarily be something for which we should suspect him" Edmar murmured as he put his hand to his chin.

The name of this young man was Edmar and he was the current leader of the gang that ruled with an iron fist the fifth district where Sefia and her friends lived.

"How about you inform the Disciplinary Hall? You don't lose anything by having it investigated" said Bryana.

"Mmm no... If I want to get answers, the best way to do it is to get them directly from his own mouth"

"But how will you do it? You wouldn't dare to hurt the Sect Master's personal disciple within the Sect, would you? Bryana asked worried.

"Of course not, silly… but I could do it when he came out."

"Do you want to ambush him on a mission?"

"Exactly. Sooner or later he will have to fulfill his obligation as a disciple! When he comes out he will be completely ours" Edmar said with a sinister smile on his face.

"Isn't it too risky?"Bryana asked with some doubt, after all she was sure that Ruvan would have one or another way to defend himself.

"Mmm it's something I would avoid doing but your friend's attitude leaves the gang in a very bad place. Since Gino's death, the other gangs haven't stopped harassing us. If they find out that the disciples of our district are daring to rebel it will certainly be seen as a trace of weakness on our part..." Edmar said with a dark expression.

The death of his greatest lieutenant had generated quite a few waves inside the entire Outer Courtyard. Rumors about the weakness were circulating through the Courtyard streets. It was Edmar's obligation to restore that lost reputation.

"Tssk you're right..." Bryana said while biting a finger nail.

Bryana didn't know what it was, but a bad feeling came to her mind.

"Don't worry..."

"For now I will send one of the boys to keep an eye on him," Edmar said as he got up from his seat. One of his hands held Bryana's well-developed ass as he hugged her.

 "Glup" Bryana.

"Now it's time for you to get your reward kukuku"


The next morning Ruvan left for the Quest Hall to look for a mission that would be useful for the plan he had in mind.

'If I want to take care of that guy Edmar and his gang I'll need a place pretty far away' Ruvan muttered to himself as he walked calmly through the always bustling streets of the Outer Courtyard.

"Hey look! Isn't that the famous guy everyone is talking about these days?"

"Hey look! Look at his eyes! They are golden as the rumors say"

"Wow~ I've never seen someone so handsome in my life!!"

"Me too! I think I'm in love" A multitude of conversations came to Ruvan's ears, but this one as always ignored them, after all if someone wanted to meet him they had to approach him first.


At that moment a scream coming from a woman on a small improvised platform caught his attention.



"Excuse me, what is this all about?"Ruvan said as he approached a girl who seemed to be handing out flyers with the faces of the disappeared.

"We are investigating the disappearance of five disciples from the Outer Courtyard... If you know anything please let us know" The girl said with a smile as she handed Ruvan a pair of flyers with the painted faces of Gino and his group.

'Mmm it's very well done... The portraits are practically identical to the original faces of those guys'

"Thank you very much.... Be sure that I will inform you if I find out anything"" Ruvan said with a smile which made the young disciple blush. This girl evidently works for the Disciplinary Hall.

'I'm sorry guys but no matter how hard you try you'll never be able to find those bastards...'

After a walk of about twenty minutes, Ruvan finally arrived at his destination... The Quest Hall

The Quest Hall consisted of a five-story high building which was beautifully decorated. A large number of disciples entered and left that place every now and then, making it clear that it was a rather crowded place.

"Those who want to collect their rewards can go to windows five, six, seven and eight"

"Those with doubts or queries can go to windows nine and ten to be attended by one of our Elders"

A girl with a soft but clear voice was standing right at the entrance of the Quest Hall providing information for all the newcomers.

"Hello, excuse me. Where can I see the quest board?" Ruvan asked with his best smile.

The girl remained static for a few moments but quickly pulled herself together as she personally offered to guide Ruvan.

"Are you new by any chance?"

"That's right..."

"Let me guide you" The girl said with a smile as she held Ruvan gently by the arm. Ruvan didn't say anything and just got carried away by the girl.

"My name is Cindel... may I know your name?"

"My name is Ruvan"

"Ruvan? Nice name. Where is he from?"

Mmm is an uncommon name. As far as I know it's original" Ruvan said with a smile. He had never in his life asked his parents about the origin of his name.

"Oh I see..."

"Look carefully, on this board are all the missions available to the disciples of our Sect"

"On each poster you can find a brief description of the mission as well as its rewards and recommendations. Although it is not mandatory, it is always recommended to try to form a group according to the number of disciples required for the mission" Cindel said with a smile as she patiently explained to Ruvan the functioning of the mission board.

"So, if I don't complete the mission should I pay a fine?"

"That's right... You will be recharged the amount of eighty percent of the reward in case of failure of the mission, after all this means damage to the reputation of our Sect"

"Remember that most of these missions come from cities and towns under the protection of our de Sect. It is important that we can fulfill our responsibilities as the dominant power in our region" Cindel said with a serious look.

"It makes sense"" Ruvan said as he limited himself to looking at five columns of missions. Each of these columns had a large number of mission posters available, however the first three columns seemed to be the most in demand.

"Why is there so much queue in those three columns?"

"Ahh... it's because the best missions are located there. Many disciples come here several days in advance in order to have the opportunity to take one of those missions," Cindel said with a half smile.

"What do you mean by better missions?"

"That depends... A good mission can mean many things!"

"For example: A good location, a good reward, a not so complicated task. There are many factors that can determine whether a mission is good or bad" Cindel said while coquettishly raising his index finger.

"And what about the missions of the other two columns?"

"Those are not so favorable... Usually their rewards tend to be very low or they stay in some remote place that can make the mission very difficult" Cindel said with a bitter smile.

Not everything was gold in this world…

"My recommendation is that you come the other week, we will publish another new group of missions"

"Maybe you're lucky enough and you can grab a mission from the first columns" Cindel said with a smile.

"Mmm I'll take a look at the missions of the other two columns just in case" Ruvan said while thanking Cindel for her help.

"Don't be disappointed if you don't find anything good" Cindel said with a smile as she returned to her work of attention to the public.

"Thank you... I'll keep that in mind"

'Mmm let's see what we have here' murmured Ruvan as he took a look at the missions of the last two columns.

'Most of them are about rescuing villages in remote places... The rewards are quite low'

'There's even a mission to find out if one partner is unfaithful to the other hahaha'

'Mmm what's in here...?"One mission managed to capture the eye of Ruvan. The poster looked quite worn out, revealing that it was quite an old mission.


"This one is perfect" murmured Ruvan with a smile. He quickly took the poster of the mission and went to register at one of the many available windows.


Thank you always for your support guys!

If you have questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me! Att: Dark_Prince

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