Things at Home part 1 (96)

Yellow City, Green Cloud Kingdom.

"How does my new hairpin look like?"

"I already told you that you look good... Don't make me repeat it" Two young voices echoed through the streets of the busy streets of the Yellow City.

These voices came from a small group walking through the streets surrounded by heavily armed soldiers. The soldiers wore black armor with white capes while the shield of a golden lightning could be seen on the chest of their armor.

Those soldiers were naturally Ruvan's soldiers, who were currently escorting Su Meiyao through the streets of the City. Next to Su Meiyao were also Sasha and Mina.

"Is it just me or are there more and more orphaned children in orphanages?"Mina asked as she put a hand to her chin.

"It's because of the war... Apparently the King has decided to invade one of the neighboring kingdoms"" Su Meiyao said with a worried look.

Since moving in with Ruvan, she had been making frequent visits to the orphanages in the city. Su Meiyao always carried with her a large amount of food and toys for these miserable children who had lost everything because of the war.

With the passage of time she had become quite a popular figure among orphaned children, to the point that she was even seen as a saint by the orphaned children themselves.

"Well... At least those kids seemed pretty happy with our visit" Mina said at the time with a smile.

"That's right... They definitely liked the toys that Miss Su bought for them" Sasha replied with a soft smile. Both of them had accompanied Su Meiyao to her weekly visit to the orphanages in the City.

"Miss Su is too kind"

"You two already stop praising me you're going to embarrass me~" Su Meiyao said with a gentle smile as she covered her juicy lips with her fan.

"It's a pity that Ling'er couldn't come to play with the orphaned children" Mina lamented as she remembers how the cheerful girl had stayed at home pouting while she and her sister accompanied Su Meiyao.

"Ling'er has to attend her cultivation classes with Madam Samson" Su Meiyao said with a serious look. It was evident that she was not going to allow her daughter to falter in her cultivation.

Su Meiyao had no intention of missing out on the opportunity Ruvan was giving her and her daughter to become cultivators. Since then she had also been working hard with the mere intention of fulfilling Ruvan's expectations.

"I can't blame Ling'er for wanting to run away... Madam Samson is too strict" Mina said while sticking out her tongue.

"Mina... Don't talk about your teacher like that"

"Remember that Madam Samson only trains you and Sasha at Ruvan's personal request" Su Meiyao briefly admonished.

"It's true sister... Remember that Madam Samson is so good that even the Royal family has to ask her very respectfully to train her family members" Sasha said in that with her characteristic cold and stoic voice.

"Hey... aren't you supposed to be on my side?"Complained Mina.

"I am only on the side of the truth"


"You two stop..."

"Yes~" "Yes~" Both girls quickly stopped after Su Meiyao's wake-up call.

It may not seem like it, but in the short time they had been living in Ruvan's House, Su Meiyao had transformed into that motherly figure that both sisters had lacked so much during their childhood.

As Su Meiyao's group walked through the streets, a middle-aged man was watching them intently while tasting a dish of local food.

"Hey, which noble do these soldiers belong to?"

"Don't you know them?"

"No... I'm a foreign trader. It's my first time in the city"

"Those soldiers are members of one of the former generals of the defunct gang of the Blood Wolves"

"The Blood Wolves? I thought they had disbanded a few months ago?"

"That's right... The band disbanded but many of the soldiers continued to work for their former captains.

The soldiers you see there work for one of those former captains" Said the gossipy salesman who seemed to be well aware of the affairs of the city.

"Great... But isn't their cultivation too high to be private guards? How does the royal family allow such a thing?"

"Mmm according to the rumors the captain of those men is a close friend of the King"

"I don't really know the story but it is said that the King considers that man as his sworn brother..."

"His favor with the King is such that many consider him as someone untouchable within the capital" said the salesman.

"And those women who escort the soldiers? Are they the Captain's family?"

"Mmm apparently yes... The mature beauty you see there is known as the Lady of the Mansion but none of this information has been confirmed..."

"Oh! And what about the two girls who are going with her?"

"I don't know... It seems that they are maids but they enjoy a much more favorable treatment than most maids..." said the salesman as he put his hand to his chin.

"Mmm I see... Thanks a lot for the information friend" The merchant said with a smile as he threw a couple of spirit stones into the seller's hands.

The supposed merchant did not waste his time anymore and without further delay devoted himself to following Su Meiyao's group at a prudent distance.

'Mmm they certainly seem to manage a certain kind of routine... Apparently after visiting the Orphanages they always go to the market to visit one or another jewelry and food stall'

'The route they use also seems to have been carefully selected. After all, they never travel down any lonely street.'

The mission is certainly not simple... I will need at least ten men to be able to distract the guards while I take that woman'
After a couple of laps, Su Meiyao and her group finally returned to the mansion with no clue that they had been followed all morning by a "so-called merchant".

"The mansion is too protected... Hell, I would even dare to say that it is more protected than the Royal Palace itself"

"The best thing will be an ambush through the streets..."

"Yes, it would definitely be the best option..."


"Clang" "Arrghhh" Just at that moment a voice followed by an attack took place in the alley where the alleged trader was located.

The alleged trader fell directly to the ground completely immobilized while his limbs were shaking in a strange way.

"What did you think of Master? "Asked a young teenager with a stoic look.

"Mmm, there is a lot of room for improvement," said a long-nosed old man at that moment, who gently descended from one of the nearby roofs.

"You left him alive, didn't you?"

"That's right master... Don't cut any main arteries! Also apply the paralyzing poison that you taught me."

"Very well... now take him to Miss Lira so that she can take care of interrogating him"



Hi Guys!!

I have been working hard to make a large-scale release of chapters on my patreon. Unfortunately due to some exams at the university I have had to postpone it for a few weeks. For now I will continue updating as always so don't worry.

Att: Dark_Prince.

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