You Are My Only Sunshine

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Blood Tears

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

“Everything you have is mine now, I took away everything, so you have nothing left because it all belongs to me! How fortunate for me, I possess everything that you own, so you really lost out! You’ve become the biggest fool in this world, you know that? What’s even more tragic is that I don’t even love you, so I don’t care for anything that you have! Whatever you did was in vain because I will never want anything you gave me… Did you hear me?! I DON’T WANT IT! You better take everything back immediately, because I don’t want anything from you at all! Take it… I’m begging you, please take it back, okay?! Please! PLEASE!”

At the end of her desperate plea, Mo Yun could not stop herself from collapsing to the ground.

She desperately clutched at her chest as it throbbed painfully. She felt as though something was stuck in her throat, choking her. The pain and sorrow in her heart threatened to overwhelm her.

The envelope had long since fallen out of her grasp.

Mo Yun used two hands to press down on her chest, her head sinking down deeply, intently staring at the photograph on the plaque.

She no longer showed any signs of agitation, nor did she make any more movements. She just quietly continued to kneel on the ground, staring at the plaque.

A pristine white daisy softly rustled in the gentle breeze that blew. The sky was still ever so blue and the clouds ever so white.

It was a perfect scene of serenity….

A shockingly red blood droplet suddenly landed onto the white petals of the daisy, staining them crimson.

It was followed by another drop, then another.

Mo Yun’s life was unfortunately cut short in its twenty fifth year, due to a sudden cardiac arrest. When her body was found, she had two startling red streaks of tears running down her face.

Yet one thing left people confounded. Her mouth was curled up in a slight smile, as though she had been released from all her worries.

Mo Yun had not died. Blinking open her eyes, she found herself lying in a dark and empty alley.

Underneath her body was the cold, damp pavement.

A thick rotting odor, carrying strong hints of alcohol, permeated the air. She could also faintly detect the scent of… blood.

This setting, this sensation, felt incredibly familiar to her.

A foul-smelling man suddenly pinned her body onto the pavement. As he tried to lay his filthy hands on her, Mo Yun desperately struggled.

However, under the effects of alcohol, she felt extremely weak, only able to put up a token struggle against the brute that was pinning her down.

Mo Yun’s mind was a complete blank, except for the instinct to struggle. She heard a voice in her head urging her to not let the brute have his way, even if it meant death.

“PAH——-” The brute ruthlessly slapped her across the face, frustrated by the resistance that she was putting up.

Cursing and swearing, the foul-mouthed brute wrapped his coarse hands around her delicate neck and started putting more strength into choking her.

Mo Yun’s struggles gradually grew weaker and weaker but her eyes opened wide in shock.

She remembered this exact scene happening, many many years ago….

“SCRAM!” At that moment, a deep and low voice suddenly rang out.

In this dark and empty alley, this sudden intrusion of the voice was extremely shocking and jarring. The brute never would have thought that the shadowy corners of the alley would conceal another person, and his body froze, his hands growing still.

Mo Yun, on the other hand, felt her heart racing at his familiar yet impossible voice.

“Who… who’s there?!” The brute released his vice grip on Mo Yun’s neck, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent as he carefully approached the shadowy corners.

Mo Yun propped her body up and stared with frozen eyes at the origin of the voice.

She could not see the person that was concealed in the shadows of the alley.

However, her nose picked up on his distinctly familiar scent, mixed with lingering traces of blood.

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