You Are My Only Sunshine

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Man In The Shadows

Translator: Larbre Studio  Editor: Larbre Studio

“AHHHH!!!!” As he slowly approached the shadows, one of the brute’s legs had been cut even though he made no direct contact with the mysterious man. The brute collapsed helplessly to the ground, letting out bitter groans of agony while clutching his profusely bleeding calf.

Concealed in the shadows, one could not make out the figure of the mysterious man. However, a tangible killing intent that chilled one to the bones could still be felt emanating from him.

The brute desperately tried to ignore the pain from his calf and struggled to get up and make his escape.

Just as he shakily managed to stand up, a foot appeared suddenly and powerfully pressed down on his injured calf.

“ARGHHH——” The brute let out another piteous scream. He raised his head and found, to his great dismay, the woman that he had been choking was the one stepping down on his injured calf.

“GET LOST! ARGHH…” No matter how hard the brute tried to struggle, Mo Yun continued grinding her foot on the brute’s injured calf, unrelentingly applying pressure on his wound.

The brute nearly fainted from the extreme pain. Hints of fear began showing on his face. Never would he have imagined that the pitifully weak woman he had pinned down a moment ago would have such a ruthless side to her.

“Kill him.” The mysterious man spoke, tossing a dagger in her direction.

These words were directed towards Mo Yun.

The mysterious man’s sudden command left the brute frozen in shock for a moment, before he struggled to get ahold of the dagger.

As long as he could obtain the dagger, he thought, he would be able to kill these two people!

However, just as the brute made his move, Mo Yun used all her strength to press down on his wound. The brute let out another pitiful shriek as his body curled up in pain, desperately clutching his injured calf. His face looked as though he was going to die from the pain.

Mo Yun raised her leg and moved forward a few steps, picking up the dagger.

In the next instant, she aimed the sharp tip of the dagger precisely towards the brute’s eyes.

The look in her obsidian eyes was incomparably dark and frighteningly frosty.

“No… don’t kill me, please!” The brute whimpered as he looked at Mo Yun with terror-stricken eyes, his body trembling uncontrollably. “I…I didn’t mean to do it, it was someone who ordered me to do it. Let me go, I’m innocent, please spare me….”

Due to his abject terror, the brute, who was already in agonizing pain, blurted out everything on his mind.

Mo Yun’s body jolted slightly and she asked with a cold smirk, “So someone ordered you to do it? Speak, who was it?”

“I don’t know, he only paid me and asked me to come here to find you. I don’t know who he is. Please don’t kill me, here I’ll give you all the money that I’ve received….” The brute hurriedly took out all the money on his person and directed a fawning and disgusting grin towards her.

Mo Yun thought back to how the brute had pinned her down just now.

If the mysterious man had not been there coincidentally, she would be ruined forever by this brute.

Even if the brute ultimately did not succeed, his actions deserve no mercy from her!

“AH—–” The brute was still trying to fish out the money in his pockets, but he did not expect the woman to disregard his pleas and slash his other leg suddenly.

Her movements were fluid and efficient, precisely severing the tendons in his uninjured leg. The brute gave a last tragic scream and immediately passed out, but the extreme pain in his voice bore testament to how ruthless she had been when severing his tendons.

From the shadows, the mysterious man bore witness to the entire scene, and his eyebrows twitched slightly.

What a woman, he thought, how ruthless….

Strangely though, her ruthlessness catered to his taste perfectly….

Although she did not kill the brute, crippling one of his legs was a fate far more cruel. One could only imagine how pitiful the life of the brute, who was incapable of anything but violence, would be in the future after one of his legs had been ruined.

“Your movements are quite decent. You practised them before?” The mysterious man asked, his voice brimming with the charisma and self-assuredness of a person used to being in control.

Mo Yun did not answer him and merely turned her head to look at him unblinkingly.

Her pitch-black eyes, accentuated by the inky darkness of the alley, seemed to be all the more mysterious and alluring.

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