You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 150

Chapter 147: Eat Breakfast

You call this the black man behind the scenes? 147 Breakfast

The early morning sun shrouded the earth, covering the Chelsea Manor with a bright veil.

The smell of fresh grass and wood is fishy, which is the smell of the beginning of this new day.

The crystal dewdrops stained on some flowers and buds on the roadside silently revealed the vitality of the world after the day and night were reversed.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Meren, who was neatly dressed, walked towards the restaurant.

On the way, he saw a girl dressed as a servant squatting among the flowers, breaking open a plump snow-white steamed bun with both hands.

After looking down for a moment, she fed one of the petals to a pug around her, while the other was held high in her hands, and she would not touch it.

“You’re only allowed to eat this, unless you stand up and shake my hand.”

The poor puppy who pretended to be naive and spoke slowly and was not enough to eat was shaking his head and waving his tail, and kept spinning around the girl.

“Handshake, do you understand?”


“Oh, how dare you bite me?”

“Wang Wang!”

“Well…don’t worry, I won’t give you any food in a hurry…hee hee.”

The little maid who squatted there giggled, and protected half a piece of steamed bun with her hand, constantly dodging the puppy’s harassment, thinking it was interesting, but in the end she almost fell to the ground and licked her face.

So, feeling that the situation was out of control, she hurriedly turned and ran away, escaping quickly, the pug following her, barking non-stop.

But until one person and one dog disappeared from sight, he didn’t see it successfully eating that piece into his mouth…

Watching all this happen, Meren’s face turned black unconsciously, feeling that he was being ridiculed.

And when he passed by a lakeside in the manor, and heard two words from an old servant and someone, he was even more depressed and rose again.

“If you want to catch a few fish in these little gullies, you can do whatever you want. But if you’re thinking about going out to sea to catch big fish, you have to learn to play a long line.”

“On a long line, you can catch big fish…”

“You don’t look in good spirits?”

Seeing the absent-mindedness on the young guest’s face, the waiter who led the way asked curiously, “Did you not sleep last night?”

“I dreamed that I became a fish.”

Melun said helplessly: “To be played over and over again, but it can’t be achieved at all.”

“Today’s breakfast is a Ginger Fish Pancake Roll.”

The waiter smiled and said, “You can try it more, I think it will relieve this irritability.”

But this is completely a matter of the ass’s lips and the horse’s mouth…

Melon sighed, but couldn’t explain anything, so he turned to ask, “Is Ms. Ransommore still at the manor?”

“It’s gone.”

The waiter replied, “It is said that because the school is about to start at Fort St. Grant, as the deputy dean, the lady must go back in advance to prepare.”

“I heard she had a fight with someone last night?”

“There is no such claim.”

Hearing the words, the waiter said without hesitation: “And with the noble status of that lady, even if there is a conflict with others, she will not choose to quarrel.”

Is it noble?

Merron pouted.

What someone did last night was very dirty. He was a thief who led snakes out of their holes and played hard-to-find. I don’t know who to learn from.

He felt like he was being tricked.

But this kind of thing, this is Jiang Taigong fishing, willing to take the bait.

I can only blame myself for being unsatisfactory and making a mistake that a man would make…

Thinking of this, Meren couldn’t help but feel guilty for a while.

He was being invited by Mrs. Chelsea to accompany him to breakfast at the restaurant.

This is what was decided last night – the madam will take this opportunity to announce the identity of Mellen’s fiancé.

It’s just that she obviously didn’t expect that before announcing the matter, her fiancé and her good friend got together.

If it wasn’t for someone in the back who turned into an eagle for fishing and then walked away in a panic, the two of them almost went on fire…

This made Mellen feel like a disgusting scumbag.

But then he thought about it, nothing actually happened last night, and his fiancé is not real yet, and he can’t be called cuckolding a teacher at all.

At most, he dated an ex-girlfriend before he thoroughly attacked the teacher?

Who doesn’t have an ex-girlfriend these days?

So comforting himself, when Merron came to the restaurant and saw the teacher, he looked relieved.

There is not only one teacher in the restaurant at the moment, but also a short-haired aunt whom Melon doesn’t know. She looks ordinary and has a very sturdy temperament.

After the introduction, Mellon learned that the aunt’s name was Susan Corion Ernest.

So he suddenly remembered that not long ago, he and the unfortunate Arthur were thinking about attacking this guy.

In the end, she somehow hooked up with her husband.

But that was actually because of the nun’s bewitchment behind it. Now that this influence is gone, things have returned to the right track.

“I don’t know how Arthur is doing recently.”

“However, this aunty looks really ordinary…”

Merron, who was sitting at the side of the dining table honestly, pondered secretly, and couldn’t help but glance at the teacher sitting in the main seat.

Mrs. Chelsea was dressed very brightly today. In addition to her usual black dress, she even wore some delicate dark blue earrings and necklaces.

Although it is not dazzling, it makes her whole person appear more elegant.

With her dignified and beautiful appearance and her slow words and deeds, she looks like a noble queen with peerless elegance.

When Melon heard it, the aunt named Susan teased her about it.

However, because of the presence of an “outsider” like him, she didn’t say anything in depth. Seeing Madam’s unsavoury expression, she turned to mention something else.

“Why did Juliana suddenly leave?” The aunt was obviously curious about this.

“Maybe she left after hearing that her ex-husband came to Graham.”

Madam responded calmly, “If she doesn’t leave, her ex-husband will definitely come to visit me today.”

“It’s okay to see each other, as for hiding like this?”

The sturdy Susan didn’t understand when she heard the words, “Is it normal to ignore it if you really want to break up your relationship?”

“Grey isn’t like your husband. Just say a few words and you won’t be bothered at all.”

Madam said, “Of course, with your attitude, he doesn’t need to be bothered at all.”

This made Auntie Susan with short hair couldn’t help blushing. After glancing at an “outsider” not far away, she said in a reserved tone, “Don’t talk nonsense, I stayed at Ernest Manor entirely for me. Son Jim.”

“But how can I listen to someone.”

Madam pointedly said: “If you don’t squeeze your husband out of bed, you will never give up?”

This obviously caught the short-haired Susan off guard.

She was stunned for a while after hearing the words, and then looked at the black-haired boy who was sitting honestly not far away. She wondered what the identity of this person was to make her friend so invisible?

He said in his mouth: “Mainly, I found that he was always running out recently, mysterious, and he didn’t know what he was doing.”

“You suspect he has a lover outside?”

“…I can’t rule out this Having said this, Susan couldn’t help but ask: “You seem to be a little wrong today? ”

“What’s wrong?”

Madam said as usual: “When we were together before, didn’t we all say these words?”


Susan wanted to say, but there is still an outsider present.

And still a child.

Saying this, the impact is not good, right?

But think about it, friends suddenly look like this, it must not be a loss.

So after she stopped talking for a while, she didn’t continue to say anything.

Instead, he shifted the topic to the fate ceremony that was about to begin in two days, and mentioned that his son planned to call a group of young wizards to watch.

But considering that the ceremony was held by a group of crazy Practitioners, she was very uneasy about it.

However, before she could say anything about it, a servant led a blond girl into the dining room.

The girl is very beautiful, and she looks extremely well-behaved in her quiet manner.

Of course Susan wouldn’t have failed to recognize that the girl was her friend’s daughter, Alyssa.

After saying hello with a smile, she even wanted to ask the girl to sit beside her to show her closeness as an elder.

But it didn’t come out.

Because she was surprised to find that after entering the restaurant, this friend’s daughter, who had already been engaged to someone, sat directly next to the black-haired boy named “Iger” and glanced at him shyly. At a glance!

Mrs. Chelsea narrowed her eyes.

The atmosphere around him instantly became tense. +Bookmark+

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