You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 151

Chapter 148: Alyssa’S Biological Father (2 In 1)

You call this the black man behind the scenes? 148 Alyssa’s biological father (two in one)

In the white and elegant restaurant, a breakfast is a bit dull.

Mrs. Chelsea, who clearly had something to say, sat at the head of the table, but when the servants began to bring food one after another, she basically said nothing.

She just kept looking at her daughter who was sitting next to the black-haired boy not far away. She couldn’t tell whether she was happy or angry, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

As a guest, Susan reluctantly said a few topics, but after getting no feedback, she also kept her mouth shut.

While chewing the food, she also looked at the blonde girl not far away.

But unlike Mrs. Chelsea, she still has the “Iger” next to the girl.

Susan had a good sense of the young half-breed.

Because it used to be in her home, which is Ernest Manor, this one cooperated with Kevin to prevent a “terrorist attack”.

It can be said that Iger’s behavior saved her a big trouble and avoided a lot of losses.

Therefore, when she saw him being brought to the restaurant just now, Susan thought that it might be her friend Yin Sabella who thought of this, so she brought the boy to meet her as a kind of care for the younger generation.

“Fairy Wood”

But her friend’s attitude during the period allowed her to overturn this guess and suspect that there might be some unexpected news for her during today’s breakfast.

The current situation really surprised her—

The friend’s daughter, who had already been engaged to Kevin, not only sat down next to the young half-blood.

When eating breakfast, he even peeked at him frequently, the shy love in his eyes was particularly obvious, and he couldn’t hide it!

“So, Yin Sabella wants to tell me that she intends to keep these two juniors together?”

Susan naturally thought of this possibility in her mind.

The mixed-race junior was called first, followed by her daughter.

The appearance of two people of the same age sitting side by side is a perfect match, and no one will believe it if it is not a couple.

This also made her suddenly understand why Juliana suddenly left last night.

It must be because this future daughter-in-law is about to not belong to Kevin, and has a quarrel with Yin Sabella, right?

This should be the truth of the matter.

However, what is the use of Yin Sabella asking herself to witness such trouble?

And looking at the attitude of her friend before, it seems that she is also surprised by her daughter’s behavior… Is there any other hidden secret?

Holding this doubt, Susan silently waited for some kind of change to happen—

If you call yourself over for breakfast, you can’t just have breakfast, right?

She was sure of it.

However, what surprised her was that until the end of the breakfast, Mrs. Chelsea, who was sitting in the main seat, didn’t mention anything serious.

Apart from being silent for a while at first, she later only talked about those Practitioners and their rituals.

He looked as usual, and his tone was calm.

But this same performance as usual made Susan feel very unusual.

Unfortunately, until she left Chelsea Manor, she didn’t ask anything special from her friends.

She just heard that this good friend with a bad temperament said something inexplicable at the end.

“In the end, it is a quality that goes deep into the blood. It cannot be erased by acquired education alone.”

“What’s the meaning?”

“It’s nothing, just a little emotion.”

Melon felt that this breakfast was a bit of a failure.

Waiting with anticipation for the teacher to announce the identity of his fiancé, but before it started, the blond girl sitting next to him gave the two of them a bottom-up salary—

With the attitude she showed, it was impossible for Mrs. Chelsea to continue as originally planned.

Because if so, it becomes “mother and daughter fighting for husband”.

It’s a big joke!

It’s embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing, how can it be exposed in front of outsiders?

So just be silent.

What made Mellen curious, though, was that the teacher didn’t seem discouraged, despite being hit in the head by her daughter.

Although I can see that she is very angry, she doesn’t seem to be particularly angry… It’s like she has something else to rely on?

“Or is she planning to regroup and wait and see?”

With this doubt flashing in his mind, Meren couldn’t help but look at the girl beside him.

The girl in a snow-white tight-fitting long dress looks slender and weak, with her dazzling white skin and her shiny and smooth blonde hair, she looks like a noble princess from a fairy tale.

However, unlike her decisiveness when she was drawing from the bottom of the pot, after sitting down, she always looked shy and silent.

Although he looked at himself frequently, it seemed that he was forced to look rather than looking at him—

She is obviously consciously showing her liking, but her character makes her extremely timid about this kind of thing.

Mellen had seen that when the girl just sat down, her legs under the dining table couldn’t help shaking, and she was obviously very afraid of rebelling against her mother like this.

This is very contradictory.

It reminded Melon of the manuscripts of the novels written by this man last night.

“Is the enemy behind the influence, or is she really determined to overpower her mother?”

This seems like a hard thing to be sure of…

At this time, Mrs. Chelsea was sending her friends, so there were only two people in the restaurant.

When Merron was silent, a trilling question suddenly came from beside him, “Have you eaten, are you full, Merron?”

The voice was full of tension.

Looking up, Meren found that the blond girl was turning her head sideways at the moment, looking at herself with a timid expression, as if she needed a lot of courage to say a word.

This behavior is completely different from her behavior in her bedroom.

And now, she doesn’t even call her uncle anymore…

Did she want to test her attitude towards her now, so she was nervous?

Merron easily guessed the girl’s thoughts, so he returned a gentle smile.

“I think this egg toast roll is very good, you should try it.”

As he spoke, he pushed the stack of food in front of him to the other.

Don’t worry about what happens next, just lay the foundation for good communication.

Therefore, Mellon is not afraid of any misunderstandings caused by his random statements.


Seeing the kindness on his face, the girl’s tense body relaxed a lot, and when she turned back to taste it, her voice became smoother.

“It’s really good, I don’t usually find it.”

“You don’t seem to eat much?”

“I, I don’t like breakfast very much…”

“I don’t like it either, so I usually drink some milk.”

“Don’t you eat bread?”

Some trivial small talk with no connotation can make the two sides “get acquainted” quickly.

Because this is the least mind-boggling, and the most soothing to agitated emotions.

So, when Mrs. Chelsea said goodbye to her friend and returned to the restaurant, she found that there was no stiff atmosphere between the young couple.

While chatting and laughing, Meren was talking, her daughter was listening, with a quiet and shy smile on her face, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Not only that, but she even ate egg food that she never touched before, completely forgetting how disgusted she used to be!

Madam paused upon seeing this, then simply stood at the door of the restaurant and said to Mellen who looked up, “Ice blue irises blooming in the garden, I’ll show you.”

“I remember that you liked this kind of flower the most back then.”

This seems a bit inexplicable, but Mellon’s expression is normal after hearing the words.

After nodding, he smiled apologetically at the girl beside him, and then walked out quickly.

The blond girl stared at the backs of the two leaving without moving, until they disappeared from sight, and then reluctantly retracted her gaze.

In her mouth, she was still chewing the egg toast that she hated so much.

“Mom still wants to continue acting… Why can’t she let me go?”

“How far do I have to go to get her to tell the truth?”

This question confused Alyssa, but then her thoughts shifted to another matter.

“No matter what Mom was trying to say, she’s failed now. But she won’t just let it go…”

“Now, Mom should be holding Merron to discuss what to do next?”

“She doesn’t seem to pay attention to me for a short time, maybe I should take the opportunity to check that bedroom?”

The thought frightened her.

Thinking of the consequences if my mother discovered this behavior, my heart beat faster.

But then she thought about it, she has done that kind of daring behavior just now, and she is still afraid of such trivial things?

A burst of courage and confidence has grown from this.

So the blond girl no longer hesitated, and after putting down the tableware, she returned to the bedroom in sheep’s clothing.

But when she came to a remote corner halfway, she quietly took out her wand and cast a Sleeping Curse, causing the maid who was leading the way to faint.

Then she took off the maid’s clothes and put them on herself.

When everything was ready, the blond girl dressed as a maid patted her chest and heart, and then hurriedly walked towards a building in the manor with her head lowered.

There were not too many setbacks during this period.

As a noble lady who rarely interacts with outsiders, Eliza is basically a “house girl”. She has an instinctive understanding of her own family, and she also clearly knows the range of actions of the family guards and servants.

This situation, coupled with the inexplicable courage and resolute belief in her heart, allowed her to get over it in the end, despite having encountered several crises that were almost seen through on the way.

So in the end, Alyssa came to a very quaint-looking three-storey house, and climbed in through the wooden windows that were opened for ventilation in the backyard of the house.

Being in the dark always affects her nun, so she feels a little melancholy.

Although she can’t see what Alicia is seeing, she can feel what she is going through at the moment.

Although the thoughts passed on and off from the girl were scattered, through some key words, she could still be reminded of everything she had experienced when she was in this house as a child.

Narrow windows, old frescoes, sealed fireplaces, old creaky stairs to tread on.

And under the stairs, there is a utility room where some little secrets of the sisters are hidden…

The house was built on the order of their mother, who died young.

Because she believes that although the big house in the manor is spacious, it does not have the warmth of home at all. It is not good for children to grow in such an environment.

Therefore, although the two sisters had a busy life since childhood, they were generally no different from some ordinary girls.

But, with the death of my mother, everything changed…

Her thoughts were a little scattered, but with some special keywords from the girl, the nun instantly came back to her senses.

“There are a lot of books.”

“The clock is broken.”

“White Rose?”

Alyssa has arrived in her bedroom!

The nun was very sure about this, and then she waited attentively, ready to influence the girl at any time.

“A complete collection of black magic?”

“The content is terrible…”

“Photo? Mellon?”

At this time, still thinking about that little bastard?

The nun cursed inwardly after hearing the words.

Thinking about eating, thinking about sleeping, thinking about taking a shower, and thinking about it now that I am exploring the secrets?

Does she have no other interests besides that kid?

Really hopeless, stupid!

Speechless about this, but it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

The nun then prepared to take the opportunity to start influencing her daughter’s thoughts, asking her to question who the woman in the photo was, and then lead to the truth about her mother.

However, when she formulated this plan, she actually overlooked one thing.

That is, when a young girl sees a person who looks very similar to her mother in an old photo, she will not think that this person is her mother’s sister or relative.

On the contrary, it will naturally feel that this is what my mother looked like when she was young.

This is not a serious matter in ordinary times, and it may be a novelty after seeing it.

It’s just that because of Mrs. Chelsea’s previous operations, in this photo, the one who is in a romantic relationship with Mrs. is “Meren”!

This discovery made Alyssa instantly excited, and she even stood on the spot, her mind was empty, no matter how the nun was affected, it was useless!

Because she thought of this bedroom “accidentally” and took the initiative to explore it, Alyssa would never suspect that everything here was a little fake.

But if everything here is true, it proves that my mother’s former lover was Mellen.

Or at least someone who looks exactly like Mellen!

If my mother once liked someone who looked like Mellen, it is not difficult for her to like Mellen now.

In other words, the identity of Mellen’s stepfather is not a lie, but the truth!

But if the person in the photo is actually Merron himself, not a person exactly like him…

“Meren is very powerful. He was able to kill the enemy who was chasing me directly at the beginning. He didn’t look like his peers at all.”

Many details appeared in the mind of the blond girl unconsciously.

“He wrote a book a long time ago. My mother said that this kind of seemingly innocent story is actually not easy to write and requires a lot of experience…”

“Mom asked me to call him uncle from the very beginning…”

“With mom’s it’s unlikely to really like a little boy the same age as her daughter…”

More and more anomalies are recalled.

Before she really recognized that Melun was Yin Luvita, Eliza’s guess about Yin Luvita was actually a middle-aged or even an elderly person.

And considering that I have not had a father since I was a child, I don’t know who the father is…

A guess that made her dazed, even trembling all over, suddenly popped out from the depths of her mind.

That is, Melon is not his own peers, but his mother’s peers.

Mellen isn’t her stepfather either.

But the biological father!

“It’s impossible, I can’t do that kind of thing with my dad.”

The blond girl was completely panicked, holding the photo in her bedroom for a while, then suddenly ran out of the room.

She is going to go to her mother and ask all this clearly!

However, Alyssa had no idea that her mother at this time was telling Merron to do something.

“If Alyssa comes to you these two days, ask your real identity and age.”

While walking on the lawn of the manor, the lady said, “You just say that your real age is over forty years old, but you look young because of your special ability.”

“Your strength is far superior to your peers, and this kind of rhetoric is very credible.”

“Are you planning to deepen my impression of being an elder?” Merron asked curiously.

“Do not.”

The lady said, “I want you to pretend to be Alicia’s dad.”

“Daddy.” +Bookmark+

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