Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 51

"Happy New Year"

Bafan diners finally opened.

Tian Qi was on duty in the morning, so she didn't come in time, and it was impossible to wait until the afternoon when the restaurant opened. Fortunately, she had hired a deputy manager to take charge of all the affairs in the restaurant.

When she came, there were already many people eating in the restaurant. Ji Zheng give a big reward for grand opening. On the first day, all the people who came here for dinner will get a 20% discount. He also invited some shopkeepers in the street to come here for drinks and small talk. They will all hang out in this street in the future. Naturally, they should take care of each other.

Tang Tianyuan and Zheng Shaofeng also came to join the party. The four take an elegant room. Tang Tianyuan rubbed his hands and ordered Mapo Tofu, and then ordered two cooked pork. Zheng Shaofeng ordered fried mutton with scallion and braised conch. Ji Zheng ordered chicken soup with bamboo shreds and stir fry cabbage with shrimps. Tian Qi listened to his order and reported the name of the dish twice. She was so tired that she felt numb at the corners of her mouth. She didn't know what to order. She wanted to eat this one and try it. At last, she only ordered west lake vinegar fish and steamed crab.

These are ordinary home dishes.

The servant remembered the menu and went out, but Ji Zheng looked at his back thoughtfully.

Zheng Shaofeng also stretched out his neck and asked, "you won't like him, will you? He have a nice mouth Hey! "Then he looked at Tian Qi deliberately and found that Tian Qi was discussing the recipe with Tang Tianyuan. It turns out that the guy just tell the recipe twice, and Tian Qi completely remembered it. Now she picked out what sounded like Sichuan food and asked Tang Tianyuan what they were made of and what they tasted like. Tang Tianyuan explained to her one by one and listened to her talk about Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine to him. When they talked about it, even Zheng Shaofeng was full of saliva and joined in the discussion.

Ji Zheng's eyebrows are fixed and pondered.

Tian Qi said, turning to see Ji Zheng in a daze, and asked, "ah Zheng, what are you thinking? "

When Zheng Shaofeng heard Tian Qi's friend address for Ji Zheng, he deliberately cleared his throat. But no one paid attention to him.

Ji Zheng explained, "I see the recipe is so long. Although the guy is articulate, it will take a lot of effort to write down the whole recipe. Besides, people who listened to it would never remember it. It would be better to write it on paper. ? " 

Tang Tianyuan said, "this is also a way, but the paper should be used frequently, for fear that it is not wear-resistant. "

Zheng Shaofeng suggested, "on cloth? "

Tian Qi shook his head. "It's not good either. It's not convenient to take it up and unfold it. "

Tang Tianyuan said again, "then write it on the board. No, it's better to write it on the sign. It's like a kind of sign in a temple. Write the name of the dish and insert it in a bamboo tube. Guests can look it up and think about it. If you d n’t know what to do, you can draw the lottery and give it to your buddy. “

"That's good," Ji Zheng nodded, adding, "since our recipes are divided into different cuisines, we can also make different colors for the signature, or there are different shapes on the top of the signature, so that we can distinguish them. If the guests are impatient to order, they can draw lots at will. Is not it interesting ?"

Zheng Shaofeng asked, "what if you meet someone who is illiterate? "

Tian Qi replied, "then we have to let the servant report the menu. However, if there are several people who are illiterate in the first place, it should be rare. So making the recipe into a sign should save a lot of things . It’s fresh and interesting. "

After a they gathered their wisdom, they suddenly realized that this method was very feasible. Tian Qi wrote it down and planned to go back to find someone to make sign. After a while, the dishes were served together. Tian Qi held up her glass and solemnly thanked the other three people for their help. Zheng Shaofeng suspected that she had gone outside and forced her  with three glasses of wine before letting her go.

Today, the atmosphere at the dinner table was very warm. Zheng Shaofeng and Tang Tianyuan both drank a lot. At last, they went back drunk. Fortunately, they all brought people.

But Ji Zheng came alone. Today, he drank too much, and his steps drifted. Tian Qi didn't trust him to go back alone, so she hired a carriage to take him personally. When he got off the carriage at the Wangfu, the young man at the gate of the Wangfu came to help Ji Zheng. Ji Zheng pulled Tian Qi's sleeve, so Tian Qi had to follow him into the Wangfu and help him into the room.

Ji Zheng lies on the bed, still holding Tian Qi's hand.

Tian Qi had to whisper to him to sleep.

Ji Zheng said, "ah Qi, don't go back. Stay with me. "

Tian Qi was not very comfortable with this title, but he didn't talk about it with him, just coaxed him "OK, I won't go back. I'll accompany you here. Go to sleep quickly. It's comfortable to sleep. "

Ji Zheng said, "you know what I mean. Don't go back to the palace. I can help you escape. I can hide you so that he can never find you. "

Tian Qi hurried back to draw her hand. "Don't say that, I will remember your kindness to me, but I can't affect you. You can rest assured that I am safe in the palace for the time being, and I will not be in danger of my life. "

Ji Zheng laughed sarcastically. "You have a wide heart. "He said, suddenly pulling Tian Qi hard.

Tian Qi is suddenly pulled onto the bed. Ji Zheng turns over, arms propped up beside Tian Qi's face, and his body is attached to her. Ji Zheng looked down at Tian Qi and asked, "what did he do to you? "

"Ah Zheng "Tian Qi felt bad.

"Is that so? "Ji Zheng said. He lowered his head and kissed her on the lips. Then he looked up at her with blurred eyes.

"Don't "

"Or what? "Then he lowered his head and grabbed Tian Qi's lips and kissed her fiercely.

Tian Qi is much more frivolous, and her psychological quality is also strong. After a moment's hesitation, she reacts and pushes Ji Zheng hard. However, the drunk has great strength. She can't push him away, so she has to bite him.

It was a success this time.

Ji Zheng releases Tian Qi, turns over and lies with his back to her.

Tian Qi hurriedly climbed down from the bed, wiped her mouth and said angrily, "you are crazy! "

Ji Zheng didn't speak.

Tian Qi put up with it and said, "I dare not be your friend if you are like this! "

Ji Zheng still didn't speak. After a while, there was a faint snoring in the room.

Tian Qi: "… "

Really. What a drunk men. She comforted herself and walked out of the room. But though she said this, she was finally kissed by a man again. Tian Qi's heart was awkward, so don't mention it. As she walked, she wiped her mouth and went out. She found a servant girl to clean Ji Zheng's face and clothes, so that he could sleep better.

But the servant girls were blown out by Ji Zheng. They had never seen him get mad.

In the bedroom, Ji Zheng lies on the bed, staring at the roof.

Tian Qi doesn't like him. As can be seen from her  first reaction when he was just kissed, she didn't like him.

It turned out that he was just wishful thinking from the beginning to the end. Ji Zheng thought of it and laughed at himself.

After laughing, he stayed for a while. At last, he closed his eyes and said to himself, "although you don't like me, I still want to get you. "

* * *

Tian Qi was despised by a drunk men. After a long time of self psychological counseling, she finally calm down. She slept soundly that night, and went to work the next day with full spirit.

Well, seeing the Emperor, she felt uncomfortable again. Because the Emperor looks at her as if something is wrong, like a dog looking at a bun.

Tian Qi is not at ease, and Ji Heng is also troubled. This Tian Qi is like a mobile spring medicine bottle. Wherever she goes, he will be fascinated. Ji Heng always wanted to do something on the spot, but he was afraid that the little pervert would be angry and ignore him after the impulse, or there would be cracks and even resentments between the two people, which was even worse. If he want he can force Tian Qi. But he's not a pervert.  So he can't force her.

Well, he is perverted, but the direction of perversion is different. 

Ruyi jumps out again to help them out.

The little guy came with a little clay figurine in his arms. It was one of the sets that Tian Qi gave him last time. Ji Heng told Ruyi not to play with this before. Now he saw that his son disobeyed him. He was not angry. He picked up Ruyi and put him on the table.

Ji Heng has hidden his discontent so deeply so that Tian Qi doesn't realize it. When she saw the clay figurine, she thought of the origin of the little thing Ji Zheng had told her.”when I was collecting the clay figurine, I heard that the clay figurine originally came out of the palace. Your Majesty  knows a lot. Can you give me some pointer? "

Ji Heng was shocked. "It was bought from outside? Didn't the eunuch sell it to you? "

"Ah, no, it's an ordinary man outside. His family is so poor that there is such a set of clay figurines. He's not a eunuch. He has a beard. "

Ji Heng thought for a moment and then realized, "once the beast lost, his family's wealth was gone, and it's reasonable for this thing to wander elsewhere. It's a pity that the scribes didn't copy it clean at the beginning. "

Tian Qi did not understand. Seeing the Emperor's mysterious face, she did not dare to ask.

But the Emperor said voluntarily, "this Musical Figurine really comes from the palace. It was something that my father Emperor gave me on my fourteenth birthday. Originally, it was not a treasure. The hateful thing is that Chen Wuyong saw it, and because he liked it, he managed to rob it. "

At last, Tian Qi could hear something wrong. Chen Wuyoung was the great eunuch of BingBi, who was the leader of the traitors. This is the one who colluded with the concubine to push the Emperor out of power. The Emperor hated him to the point of gnashing his teeth.

Tian Qi didn't know the details of these people's fighting methods very well. Today, hearing from the Emperor, he must have borne the humiliation. A prince, even a eunuch can come to rob him. How much do you think the prince has to hold back. But this is also the admirable place of the Emperor. He can't complain to his father, but what can he do after complaining? Unless Chen Wuyong can be killed at once, he will be out of breath for a while, and there will be great trouble in the future. A 14-year-old boy can bend to such a degree. He is worthy of being the Emperor.

So, in all ages, no Emperor is normal. Tian Qi finds that his idea is a bit rebellious and and touched her nose in guilty conscience. 

Ji Heng didn't want to think about the past, so he just shook his head.

Ruyi suddenly gave his father a kiss.

Ji Heng is a little flattered. His son doesn't often kiss him, let alone take the initiative to kiss him unless he has something to ask for

"Father, I want to see the little monkey”. Ruyi said coquettishly holding Ji Heng's neck.

Ji Heng deliberately turned his mouth. "No. "

"I want to see it. "Ruyi said and kissed Ji Heng again.

Being kissed twice by such a beautiful and lovely doll, even the stone heart will soften, not to mention his father. Ji Heng smiled and touched Ruyi's head. "I'll invite him to the Palace tomorrow, so you can have a look. "

"I want to go out today," Ruyi said. 

Ji Heng thought, the little guy has never played outside the palace. Thinking about it, he took another look at Tian Qi and saw that the little pervert was daydreaming. He didn't know what she was thinking about. Ji Heng thought that it should be interesting to go out with Tian Qi. He was also happy to have a half day's leisure and took them out of the palace.

If Tian Qi had known what she would encounter when she went out with the two men, she would have hold the big red pillar in front of the Qianqing palace and died.

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