Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 52

Ruyi sees the little monkey, and he also sees the juggler. The Juggler breathes out the fire. Some children around him are frightened and cry. Ruyi is excited and claps his hands.

Ji Heng holds Ruyi over his shoulder and lets him ride on his neck. He was tall. If he sit in such a high position, he can see anyithing  glance. The guards who were hiding in the crowd to protect them looked a bit dumbfounded.

Tian Qi is much calmer than these guards. She also likes to watch the fire spitting people, stretching her neck and standing on tiptoe. Ji Heng saw that Tian Qi was so tenacious. He pushed Tian Qi to the front of him, his chests were close to her backs. Ji Heng holds Ruyi's short legs in one hand and Tian Qi's shoulders in the other. Tian Qi felt the heat coming from the hand on her shoulder and the thin clothes on her back. Even the Emperor breathing, she was at a loss and didn't pay much attention to the excitement.

As Ji Heng grew tall and raised a child, he immediately blocked a large area of vision behind him. Many people pointed at his back. Ji Heng's ears were full of cheers like clapping, and his eyes were full of the red necks and ears of Tian Qi in front of him. So he ignored the discontent behind him, and there was no public morality.

The bodyguards felt more headache. They wanted to catch those who scolded the Emperor and beat them. Unfortunately, the Emperor told them before he came out. They were not allowed to bully the people at will. They had to look at him before they acted. The people who practise martial arts are upright. The Emperor said that one is one, and they are obedient to all kinds of people. Besides, to be honest, it's not very kind of the Emperor to do this

After watching the bustle, Ji Heng strolled in the street with Ruyi on his shoulders and bought him many food to play with. Ruyi's body is delicate. Tian Qi was afraid that he would eat something unclean outside and got stomach ache. so she advised him not to eat those sweet thing and so on, and only said that she would make him something better. Although Ruyi's mouth is full of saliva, but he obediently obeyed

Ji Heng sighs again, if Tian Qi is a woman, how good it is to be Ruyi's mother. The Emperor are intriguing experts, he can see people, who is sincere to whom, who is pretending at a glance.

However, Ji Heng thought again, if Tian Qi is really is woman, then she may not be able to treat Ruyi as well as she is now. Ji Heng doesn't feel so sorry about this. Now the three of them are happy together. isn't it good? They must be content.

Several people strolled around, passing a seemingly prosperous street, Ji Heng wanted to go in and have a look. But Tian Qi held him.

Ji Heng doesn't understand. "Is there a tiger here?? "

Tian Qi didn't explain to him very well, but said, "Your Majesty, please take a closer look. "

Ji Heng looked inside again. The street was not lined with shops, but with embroidered buildings decorated in red and willow green. One or two women leaned on the fence and looked around. When they saw the men walking in the street, they would play with handkerchiefs.

… It turned out to be brothel alley. Ji Heng was a little hesitant, and looked at Tian Qi suspiciously. "Have you been here? "

Tian Qi quickly shook her head. "No, no, no … I'm wandering around the capital with nothing to do so I know here. "

Ji Heng looks relaxed. 

At this time, two women carrying small benches came to the entrance of the alley and sat in the shadow under the eaves, chatting while eating melon seeds. Business here is busy at night and cold during the day, which is why Ji Heng didn't recognize it at the beginning. Women also stand at the entrance of the alley to seek customers, but when they see that the people passing by are two men with a child. It ’s weird to look at them, so they ignore them and just talk to themselves.

Ji Heng was not interested in this. He was about to leave with Tian Qi when he overheard the conversation between the two women. One was bragging about the other, opening one "Tian Wenhao" and closing one "Tian Wenhao".

Ji Heng squints at Tian Qi. Isn't Tian Wenhao the pseudonym of this little pervert. Last time Sun Congrui complained to him, he knew.

Tian Qi was embarrassed and scared by the conversation between the two women. "Your Majesty, let's run! "

"Huh? "

"No, I mean Let's go "

Ji Heng wants to listen for a while. Tian Qi suddenly grabs his hand and carefully drags him forward. Ji Heng looks down at their hands and smiles, holding Tian Qi instead, deliberately rubbing it, and Tian Qi pulls him away.

Ruyi rode on his father's neck, and saw two people did not pay attention to him, then he secretly licked the little sugar candy in his hand.

Angrily returned to the palace, Tian Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, she should have been on duty, and left the two of them and went back to her residence. She thought it would be over.She didn't expect her to be picked up by the Emperor at the dinner, saying there was something important.

What kind of "important thing" is there? She has no way to know. She only knows that there is a table of wine and vegetables in front of the Emperor. All the people around are turned away. There are only two of them in the room. The atmosphere is very serious.

When Ji Heng saw Tian Qi coming, he smiled softly and said in a low voice, "Tian Qi, come here. "

Tian Qi walked over carefully and stood beside Ji Heng. "What can I do for you, Your Majesty? "

Ji Heng takes the wine pot and pours it into the glass.

Tian Qi quickly reached out and said, "how can I let the Your Majesty pour the wine himself? This slave will do it. "

Ji Heng gently separated Tian Qi, and motioned to the stool beside him, "sit down. "

"I dare not. How can I sit at the same table with the Your Majesty.

"Just sit down.”  Ji Heng said, continue to pour wine.

Tian Qi had to sit down as he said.

Ji Heng poured out the wine and asked casually, "do you know what Jingpi cup mean? "

Tian Qi sat on the ground.

Ji Heng has poured a full glass of wine into the lunimous glass. He glanced at Tian Qi on the ground, raised his eyebrows and smiled. "I heard this word for the first time today. Would you explain it to me? "

"I don't know "Tian Qi is about to die of shame. How can she explain this.

"You don't know? "Ji Heng looked at her in surprise." I heard that you played with those prostitutes very well. How could you not know? Do you want to bully the king? "

"Your Majesty "Tian Qi was almost crying because of her grievance." I really haven't done such a thing. They made it up. "

"Well, that’s it," Ji Heng nodded suddenly. "I don't believe it. "

"… "

Ji Heng looked at Tian Qi's red face and her eyes shining with water because of her grievances and anxieties. He smiled and said to Tian Qi, ""You show me what the Jingpi Cup is, and I believe you ,how is it?"

"… "Tian Qi can't find the cause and effect relationship between the two things. The most important thing was that the Jingpi Cup was so ashamed that she couldn't do it.

"No? Then I can't help you. Go to lead the board. Don't forget to tell the executioners that you have committed the crime of deceiving the king and they know how to fight. "

"… "For the sake of life, Tian Qi had to get up from the ground." This slave is willing to respect you.""

Ji Heng gave the glass to Tian Qi with satisfaction.

Tian Qi looked down and saw that there was a bright red wine in the bright and clear glass. The cold touch of the glass indicates that the wine has been chilled with ice water, and the air conditioner condenses a thin layer of water vapor along the edge of the glass. Tian Qi swallows saliva, peeps at the Emperor, and finds that he is swallowing saliva, and his eyes are shining.

Tian Qi took a sip of wine after biting her teeth. The sweet, cool and refreshing liquor had the best taste. The liquor swayed in her mouth for a while, and then she swallowed it. After drinking, she unconsciously smacked her lips.

Ji Heng: "….”

Tian Qi was also a little embarrassed. She took another big sip. This time, she remembered that she couldn't swallow it. Unfortunately, due to too much filling, her mouth tooted into a ball. With a slight movement of the corner of her mouth, the liquor would flow out, so she had to swallow it again. After swallowing,she can't help sighing. How can she say that the three hundred and sixty lines are the first prize? This original Jingpi cup not only fights the face, but also the skills.

Ji Heng watched Tian Qi drink two drinks. He feel angry and funny. He put Tian Qi on the stool. "you are not useful, take it! "He grabbed the glass, poured all the residual wine into his mouth, then pulled Tian Qi, pinched her chin and forced her to open her mouth, shut up her mouth and let the liquor into her mouth.

Talent is a terrible thing. Ji Heng toasted people for the first time, but he didn't waste any liquor and forced it into Tian Qi's mouth.

Tian Qi swallows the liquid in her mouth, and her tongue unconsciously stirs with this action, which is in line with Ji Heng's mind. He opens her mouth and hooks Tian Qi's tongue to suck and kiss hard, and then licks back the liquor in her mouth. After licking, he continued to kiss her hard.

Their lips and teeth were filled with the intoxicating sweetness of wine. Their breath was hot. Ji Heng's heart beat faster and faster. The hot blood was forced out by the heart. Half of them flowed upward and half of them flowed downward. The sudden upward flow hit the blood vessels in the brain and made him feel hot. The downward flow was simpler, his little brother woke up from the heat, cocked his head and wanted to come out to have a look.

Tian Qi had been kissed again. She wanted to push him away. She just stretched out her hand, but she was caught by him and moved her hand down, covering a hard thing. Tian Qi didn't see where her hand was. At first, she thought it was a bag of silver. She was wondering what the Emperor would do with such a big pack of silver on his body. But she was forced to touch it twice and press it again. She felt that the bag of silver was hot and beating faintly. It was like a living thing. Tian Qi was afraid and hurriedly backed down.

Well, she can't move

Ji Heng opens Tian Qi's mouth, pecks and kisses at the corner of her mouth, vaguely saying, "Tian Qi, do me a favor, OK? "

Tian Qi didn't hear Ji Heng's words. She was confused and focused on the strange thing under her hand. She asked unconsciously, "what kind of monster is this? "

Ji Heng kisses and laughs. How cute is this little pervert. He unbuckled his belt with one hand and said with a low smile, "I don't know , so have a look. "

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