Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 54

" Sorry, for my really late update, I have been busy with work for the last month. So, this is for you. Enjoy "


Since it was determined that the Emperor was a pervert who played with eunuchs, Tian Qi was worried and had a very strange idea: did the Emperor really choose her alone? Will there be many, well, like her, but we don't know each other?

When a person is in a dangerous environment, she always hopes that she is not alone. The more people are in the same situation as her, the more secure it is for her.

This is the current situation of Tian Qi. Thinking about it, she decided to consult someone. Of course, you can't ask too directly, or you will expose the Emperor's secret and be killed.

If you want to find someone who knows everything about the Emperor's daily life. This person is Sheng Anhuai

During the Emperor's nap, Sheng Anhuai sat under the eaves in front of the Qianqing palace to enjoy the cool. He held a big Pu fan in his left hand and a red clay pot in his right hand. He shook the big Pu fan and drank the cold tea from time to time, which made him very comfortable.

Tian Qi comes here. She suspiciously looks around, lowers her voice and says to Sheng Anhuai, "Grandpa Sheng, I heard someone speak ill of you today! "

"Oh? What did he say about me? "Sheng Anhuai asked and took a sip of tea. He was a little curious. He didn't offend people easily. Besides, who had the courage to chew his tongue.

"They said,that  you touched the Emperor's little brother! "

"Poof -" Sheng Anhuai spits out all the imported tea. Tea spray in the air, in the sun reflects a layer of light rainbow. He calmly wiped the corners of his mouth and turned to look at Tian Qi quietly without speaking.

Tian Qi hurriedly explained, "it's not what I said, it's what they said. I just listened to it. To be honest, I don't believe it. Ha ha "

Sheng Anhuai is not angry at all. It seems that the main character of this bad talk is not him at all. He asked, "that little brother you are talking about is not Ning Wang, but another little brother, right? "

Tian Qi nods, and his face turns red uncontrollably.

"Well, I did. "Sheng Anhuai said and calmly drank tea again.

"… "Tian Qi looked at him incredulously.

Sheng Anhuai asked, "have you touched it? "

"No, no, no I didn't "Tian Qi's neck was shaking like a rattle.

"In fact, it's nothing," Sheng explained, with a sigh of relief in his voice. "When the Emperor is interested and doesn't want to find a concubine, I help him. A slave needs to know how to share a worries with his master at any time and place, don't you think? "He said quietly, while observing the look of Tian Qi secretly, he thought to himself, Your Majesty, I did it for your good, but I don't even have a face.

Tian Qi nodded blushingly.

Sheng Anhuai added, "in fact, I'm not the only one, many people have done this, for example." he listed several names, "these people know it well, don't let it slip, or I can't help you. "

"Don't worry, I won't say it. "Tian Qi's mind was full of these unlucky people, who could not sum up their common ground. It can be seen that the Emperor's taste is rich and unique.

Seeing that the fire is almost over, Sheng Anhuai finally said, "if the Emperor asks you to do this, you can do it honestly without thinking too much. Do you understand? "

Tian Qi nods.

Sheng Anhuai is satisfied with the success of brainwashing.

Tian Qi has another question: "the Emperor did he want to strip the clothes? "

Sheng Anhuai could not nod his head to admit such a thing, even if he was shameless. His face turned red. "That's not true. "

Tian Qi leaves satisfied. She was not so nervous at the thought that there were many people in the world who had common experiences with her.

But as a girl, she touched the man's thing, which is not the work of a good woman. But she turned to think again, which good family woman will enter the palace to be a eunuch? In fact, she had nothing to do with the word "good family" for a long time

Besides, Sheng Anhuai also has a point. Since she chose to be a eunuch, it is her duty to serve the Emperor.

For a while, she went through all kinds of moods like a lantern. She thought about this kind of things, and her head feel dizzy. She left them all behind and went out to Baohe shop.

When she arrived at Baohe store, she saw Fang Jun, Tian Qi remembered the origin of his family heirloom. She took Fang Jun aside and asked, "do you know Chen Wuyong? "

Hearing the name, Fang Jun nodded instinctively. Then he felt the air around Tian Qi suddenly cold. Fang Jun was a little strange. Looking at Tian Qi, although Tian Qi was trying to keep calm, he heard her voice of biting her teeth.

Fang Jun quickly shook his head again. "I don't know him. "

"Then why do you nod? "Tian Qi doesn't believe it.

"I think the name sounds good. "

Only those who are more stupid than her can believe such a silly reason. Tian Qi doesn't believe it. She glares at Fang Jun angrily. "Tell me the truth? "

Fang Jun had to answer, "I just think the name is familiar, really. I probably knew each other before, but I can't remember now. "

"Don't think that amnesia is an all-powerful excuse. If you let me know what bad things you have done, I won’t spare you."" said Tian coldly. 

Fang Jun didn't know why the usually gentle and friendly eunuch suddenly turned cold. He scratched the back of his head, searched for the name carefully in his head, and nodded in confusion.

Tian Qi  in a worse mood. She ignores people and hides in the reception hall for tea. After a that, a little eunuch came outside to report that a Tang Tianyuan came to see her. Tian Qi welcomes Tang Tianyuan.

"Why do you come here?. "Tian Qi said, let Tang Tianyuan into the reception hall and ordering people to serve tea again.

"Just passing by, to come and have a look at you. "Tang Tianyuan is actually a pleasant person. These days, the four people didn't met. Tang Tianyuan asked Ji Zheng. Ji Zheng was so secretive. Tang Tianyuan was knew that they were both little awkward. He was afraid that Tian Qi was unhappy, so he came to take a look .

Of course, they were just chatting, not mentioning Ji Zheng.

When Tian Qi saw Tang Tianyuan, she thought of Tang Ruoling; when she thought of Tang Ruoling, she thought of Sun Congrui; when she thought of Sun Congrui, she thought of another thing: "I heard that Sun Fan's father has been highly valued by the Emperor recently, and the Emperor praised him personally. "Said Tian Qi with a sneer.

Tang Tianyuan thought that Tian Qi was unhappy because of Ji Zheng, but Tian Qi's mention of it also depressed him – his father was recently overidden by Sun Songrui. It's not easy for Sun Congrui to be dragged by his son several times. Unexpectedly, the old man recently wrote a memorial and criticized the Emperor. And because of that he was praised by the Emperor.

Tang Tianyuan said, "maybe he was lucky for a while. He critized the Emperor, but the Emperor didn't get angry. "

Tian Qi said, "I'll tell you the truth, if you don't mind. In terms of governing the country and stabilizing the country, your father is the first in the cabinet. However, in aspect slyness, your father can’t catch up with the old thief Sun Congrui. "

Although it's not pleasant to hear, it seems to have some meaning. Tang Tianyuan said with a smile, "you can talk about it. "

"I just know about his memorials, but it's just said that it costs too much money to purchase things from the internal treasury and accuses the Emperor of being too extravagant. It's really interesting. The Imperial Palace's supply bank is the work of eunuchs. The purchase of goods is based on the rules of the first Emperor. You say, who is Sun Congrui scolding? "

Tang Tianyuan suddenly replied, "in a word, he didn't really scold the Emperor. I didn't even think of this level. "

Tian Qi nodded. "You don't expect this because when you serve a king as a minister, you are always cautious and don't dare to disobey him. This time Sun Congrui went the opposite way, which actually provided a step for the Emperor. In recent years, the Emperor has changed many rules set by the former Emperor. Although the original intention is good, sometimes he will also invite some officials to say that he is unfilial. He hated extravagance. Sun Congrui used the inner government's library to talk about things, just like what he wanted to cut people, and someone handed over the knife in a turn. How can such a considerate Minister not be put into use. "

Tian Qi finishes saying all this at one breath. Seeing Tang Tianyuan looking at her with a smile, she doesn't understand, "am I wrong? "

But Tang Tianyuan said, "no, you said very well. Tian Xi, I rarely admire others, but you are one.". "

Tian Qi hurriedly waved her hand. "I don’t dare. I just know something about it. I'll tell you that Sun Congrui knows that the Emperor doesn't like eunuchs, so on the surface, he always looks like he's irreconcilable with eunuchs. In fact, he's most deceiving. He is disgusting. "

Tang Tianyuan was a little surprised. "Sun Congrui and the eunuch have contacts? I haven't heard of it. "

Tian Qi sneers, "you can go back to ask your father why Sun Congrui can be as stable as Mount Tai when Chen Wuyong and the royal concubine joined hands to cover the sky and make rain It's just fooling fools. He took the trust of others and went to Chen Wuyong's place , so that he could exchange his black hat for a stable one. Although Zheng Shoufu didn't dare to offend Chen Wuyong, he secretly saved many good people, more than 100 times stronger than Sun Congrui. "

When Tang Tianyuan saw Tian Qi was getting more angry, he persuaded, "let's calm down. These things have been going on for so many years. Don't be angry about it again. Have you ever had a close friend hurt by Sun Congrui? "

Tian Qi shakes her head and sighs. She lowers her head and takes a sip of tea. “These secrets I told you, it is best not to let others know."

Tang Tianyuan nodded, "naturally. "

Tian Qi then said, "I'm a younger generation, so I shouldn't tell your father what should he do. But I have a word. If Lord Tang listens, he may be able to help us. "

"OK "

Tian Qi said with a smile, "the Emperor is a man who respects his relatives, friends and brothers and loves his son. Do you understand? "

Respect for relatives, empress dowager, brother, Ning Wang, and Ruyi, the eldest son of the Emperor.

It looks like nonsense, but there is a big mystery.

Tang Tianyuan naturally understood, and responded with a knowing smile. The two talked about something else. The local conditions and customs, the food from all over the world, and Tian Qi's mood was finally better.

Tang Tianyuan came back home and  relayed Tian Qi's words to his father, Tang Ruoling. Tang Ruoling listened to the words as if they were pouring into the roof, saying "wonderful" three times.

In fact, Tian Qi's belly is not more colorful than these old foxes. She relies on her understanding of the Emperor. Because of her understanding, she can see the problem from the perspective that closest to the truth. Tang Ruoling came to the cabinet much later than Zheng and Sun. Naturally, he didn't have enough opportunities to contact the Emperor directly. He really didn't know more about the Emperor.

At this time, Tang Ruoling asked his son, "What exactly is your friend, Tian Wenhao? How can she see this thing so thoroughly?"

Tang Tianyuan replied, "she is from Gusu clan. Her whereabouts are mysterious. She has some friendship with Ning Wang. As for the understanding of the royal family, most probably from Ning Wang?"

Tang Ruoling shook his head. "I don't think so. What does she do at home? Did her father or her grandfather ever serve as officials in the dynasty? "

"I don't know. I only know that she is from famous family. "

Tang Ruoling was shocked. "Tian … Qi? "

"Yes. "

“Tian Qi! "He was very excited.

Tang Tianyuan was shocked. "What's wrong, father? "

"I see. "Tang Ruoling smiled and explained to Tang Tianyuan.

Tang Tianyuan once heard that Tian Qi was a eunuch. At first, he didn't believe it. "Tian Qi manner doesn't look like a eunuch. "

"Before she came to the palace, she was also a son of a famous family. Didn't you say that she hated Sun Congrui? It must be because of Sun Congrui that her family was destroyed and she became a eunuch. If we had not been desperate, we would not have known which family she was from. "Tang Ruoling said, looking back on some people who may have been harmed by Sun Congrui or Chen Wuyang. They have no surname Tian. In fact, Tang Ruoling was not in the capital at that time. He didn't know much about these details. So he had to give up.

All in all, he understand now. Tian Qi and Tang Tianyuan said that they intended to help Tang Ruoling deal with Sun Congrui. She was afraid that Tang's father and son didn't trust her, so she deliberately revealed her own background.

We are all smart people. Tang Ruoling will not miss such a good ally.

Tang Tianyuan didn't really like a eunuch, but he really didn't hate Tian Qi. He couldn't help sighing at the thought that such a gorgeous man should have such a miserable experience. 

* * *

Tian Qi was in a bad mood as soon as she returned to the Qianqing palace. Thinking that the great abnormal Emperor had played with so many eunuchs, she felt a little nauseous. She always felt that she could not bear to go on like this, and then she could only run.

So Tian Qi planned to check his family's fortune first, so that he could prepare for running at any time.

Climb under the bed, find the dark grid, get it out, grope it… Where is her money?

Tian Qi's heart sank and she looked for it carefully. There was really nothing, nothing!

How could Qianqing palace be attacked by thieves?!

It's unbelievable, Tian Qi climbed out and sat on the bed, biting her fingers. She thought about it again, and made sure that when she saw it last time, her silver ticket, silver and gold were still in placed. But today, they are gone. It's not likely that the thief will break into the Qianqing palace. Even if he has any great ability, he will go straight to those priceless treasures and won't risk his life to steal a eunuch's money  under the bed.

Therefore, it is most likely to be stolen by people in the same room.

Tian Qi dare not act rashly. He finds Sheng Anhuai and complains at the first time.

However, Sheng Anhuai knew the internal situation. He coughed, "you'd better go to the Emperor for this matter. "

Tian Qi doesn't understand. What's? How can the Emperor know about this?

"If you want to go, you can go. If you don't, don't try to get your money back. "

Tian Qi had to go to the Emperor, although he was still confused. But when she saw the Emperor, she understood, because——

"I'm afraid that you spend money recklessly, so I've kept the money for you. "

"… "As an Emperor, he even stole the eunuch's money. He spoke so grandly. She had never seen such a shameless person before. Tian Qi really wanted to go up and bite him to relieve her anger.

"Emperor, I never spend money. "She tried to explain.

Ji Heng went to Tian Qi and looked at him. " So why you hide it from me? "

"I didn't "

Ji Heng lowers his head and kisses her. He bites her gently and leaves. He held her by the shoulder. They put their foreheads against eachother. Ji Heng stared into Tian Qi's eyes and asked in a low voice, "what are you afraid of? "

Tian Qi's face turned red again. She didn't dare to look at him with her eyes down.” This slaves did not afraid of anything”. In fact, she afraid of him

"But I'm afraid," Ji Heng took Tian Qi into his arms and hugged her gently. "I'm afraid you will run around. " So I confiscated your money, who made you think that money is more important than life.

Tian Qi really suspected that the abnormal Emperor belonged to Zhuge Liang. How could he know as soon as she thought about it. She let him hug her and dare not resist. "Emperor, I will not run around. Please give me the money back. "

“What do you want? I'll buy it for you. "

"I want my money. "

"No way. "

"… "

Tian Qi wants to cry. Why she must have this kind of master, she has really fallen into blood mould for eight lifetimes.

Ji Heng gently rubbed Tian Qi's neck with his chin, and suddenly called her, "Tian Qi. "

"The slave is here. "

"You always say you like me. How much do you like me? "

"Emperor, why don't you give the money back to the servant, and then I will tell you? "

"Forget it, I don't want to hear it. " He afraid he will be disappointed.

"Then… Can I leave now? "

"Kiss me. "

After going through more important things, Tian Qi seems to have no pressure to do such small things again. She tiptoed on Ji Heng's lips and pecked lightly. Without waiting for Ji Heng to open her mouth, she ran away in a hurry.

Ji Heng raised his finger and gently pressed it on his lips, thoughtful. Since that happened between the two, Tian Qi has always been hiding from him. He can see that this hiding is not because of shyness, but because of fear. Ji Heng shakes his head and grins bitterly. He has a good temper in front of Tian Qi. Why is this little pervert afraid of him?

Besides, the relationship between them is so close

Some things are not satisfied after tasting, but they desire more. Since that day, Ji Heng's heart has been like an opening, how can he fill in dissatisfaction. He was not only satisfied with the kissing and touching between them, but also with the happiness. He wants to Tian Qi to look at him seriously and say that she likes him seriously.

Ji Heng felt that his request was not excessive, but Tian Qi was more and more afraid of him …

He had a sense of frustration with nowhere to go. This feeling, even in those storms related to life and death, never before, but now facing such a person, he has no choice.

Thinking that he just seemed to frighten the little pervert or make her angry, Ji Heng was a little upset and wanted to go out to see her.

Tian Qi runs very fast. Ji Heng looks for her for a long time. At this time, the dusk outside is heavy, the sun has been swallowed by the horizon, and the sunset also dissipates the color, like the residual fat and light powder on the beauty's face overnight. The whole forbidden city is immersed in this vast twilight, like a sleepy beast.

Ji Heng saw Tian Qi's back and wanted to step forward quickly. However, he soon found that Tian Qi was not alone.

Tian Qi didn't notice the person behind her. She walked while debating Ji Heng in her heart. Playing with eunuchs is a matter of life style, and stealing things is a matter of character. This Emperor is really bad from the inside out. If she is an official, she must write a million memorial to the  Emperor and critized him.

She was thinking about the Emperor, when he was critized. Tian Qi was accidentally bump into someone. She thought she was in the way of someone, so she gave way to her, but she didn't walk up. She smiled at Tian Qi and said, "Yo, Tian gonggong, it's you? I'm sorry. It's dark. I didn't have a good look at the road. Did I bump into you? "

Tian Qi sees that this is Zhu Cui who invites her to the Moon Palace. This Zhu Cui does not look as thin as her name, and her front-convex and back-up look like a malformed radish. Because her breast is too big it always bumps and bumps when walking. Tian Qi feel very tired for her.

Since the last time she told the Emperor about her appearance, Tian Qi didn't want to have too much contact with the people from Moon Palace. So at this time, Zhu Cui came to talk with her. She only politely said two words. She slowed down and wanted to wait for Zhu Cui to go first.

However, Zhu Cui also slowed down and chatted with her.

Tian Qi doesn't know. Zhu Cui is here with a task. Concubine  Kang is going to spend money for Tian Qi. If it can’t, she will have another plan. Since money doesn't work, let's have a good look. It's a pity that she came up with such a way to play tricks on a eunuch. But it's understandable, because Tian Qi's precious master is a notorious lecherous man. After being eunuch for seven years, she surely have very heavy tastes, and like woman with good body. The more exciting they are, the better. Zhu Cui is their goddess. This Zhu Cui originally had a good relationship.Now, Concubine  Kang sent her to seduce Tian Qi. To be honest, Zhu Cui also has her own intention. First of all, Tian Qi is a popular man  in the imperial palace. She has only advantages and no disadvantages. Second, all the eunuchs in the Imperial Palace don't grow as well as Tian Qi. Such a person is always worthy of her.

It was Zhu Cui who came to carry out the task cheerfully. She is full of ambition and wants to get Tian Gonggong's hand. It doesn't matter if she can't get it. It's not illegal to flirt with eunuchs in the imperial palace.

Tian Qi doesn't want to talk to Zhu Cui. She also did not receive the ambiguity in Zhu Cui's words. Even when a man shows his kindness to her, she can't find out what it's like, let alone an inexplicable woman.

But the more unresponsive Tian Qi is, the more Zhu Cui wants to tease him, she suddenly pulls Tian Qi's arm, "Tian Gonggong I have a big secret to tell you. "

"I don't want to hear it. "

"… "Zhu Cui said," Concubine  Kang wants to hurt you. "

This has to be heard. Tian Qi is pulled to a secluded place by Zhu Cui.

However, Zhu Cui didn't tell him any big secret. She rubbed Tian Qi's arm with her chest as if it were nothing and said with a smile, "what do you think of me, Tian gong? "

Tian Qi was arched twice by the big chest. Looking at the two mountains, she frowned and said, "you are very big here. "

It's too much! When Tian Qi suddenly became unrestrained, Zhu Cui felt embarrassed and smiled.

"Aren't you tired of walking? "Tian Qi is really curious about this problem. Her own chest is at least two laps smaller than Zhu Cui's, and she is exhausted every day.

"Tian gong "Zhu Cui just wanted to invite Tian Qi to have a try, but suddenly she hear a sharp voice:

"How shameless! "

Both of them were frightened. They came out from behind the rockery and saw the Emperor standing on the side of the road. They knelt down quickly. The sky was darker and the Emperor's expression was not clear, but Tian Qi thought that his face must be ferocious now.

"Come on. "Ji Heng shouted loudly, and immediately a nearby eunuch came and bowed his head to wait for orders.

"Drag down this shameless and immoral slave from the rebellious harem and kill her with staff. "

Obscene and shameless – what's wrong with the harem? Tian Qi can't understand it clearly. She was a little confused at once, so inexplicably she was going to die?

Several little eunuchs hurriedly came to hold down the two men. Tian Qi could not hear her heartbeat. However, at this time, a sudden change occurred. Ji Heng flew a cool and refreshing jade in his hand and knocked down a eunuch beside Tian Qi. "Who said to take her! "

Another also quickly let go of Tian Qi. Several people dragged Zhu Cui away. Zhu Cui is scared now, even forgetting to beg for mercy, and then she is dragged down with her eyes wide open.

Although Tian Qi has escaped a disaster, she is also full of emptiness.

Ji Heng holds back others. He goes to Tian Qi and looks down at him. His voice is so soft that it can disperse as soon as the wind blows. "Are you scared? "

Tian Qi: "… "Should you ask me, if I am scared

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