Your Majesty Please Calm Down

Chapter 55

Tian Qi wants to understand why the Emperor said that Zhu Cui was "a whore in the harem" – he doubts what she and Zhu Cui are doing on his backs. Tian Qi didn't explain the details clearly, and Zhu Cui didn't  touch her either, but in a word, they were just doing "lewd" things.

Tian Qi suddenly felt wronged. "Your Majesty, I didn't have anything to do with Zhu Cui. "

Fortunately, you didn't. Ji Heng snorted, which seemed angry, but his voice was a little light. "Get up, do you want to kneel until dark? "

Tian Qi looked up and saw that the sky was actually black. She stood up, just to say a few flattering words, but suddenly heard a woman's painful cry not far away.

It was they who were executing Zhu Cui. Probably to satisfy the Emperor, these people deliberately chose a nearby location so that the Emperor could listen to Zhu Cui's scream.

Tian Qi can't bear to hear it. Zhu Cui is also suffering from the disaster of innocence, and it has something to do with her. Although Tian Qi is not familiar with Zhu Cui, if she dies, she will also feel sorry. No matter how it is, it is also a human life.

"Emperor, since we are all wronged, why don't you let her go? "Tian Qi tries to suggest.

"Why, do you feel a heart ache? "

"No, I think saving one's life is better than building a seven level pagoda. Empress dowager's is a Buddhist and kind-hearted person. You have spared Zhu Cui's life today. If the Empress Dowager knows it, she will be happy for you. "

This palace maid is from Concubine Kang, which is what Ji Heng just heard all the way. If he is the one who cleans up Concubine Kang, his mother may not be happy. This little pervert naturally thought of this, so he deliberately carried out the Empress Dowager. Ji Heng thought of it and got angry. She was too clever. He angry because she used empress dowager to save a maid.

"If she dares to seduce you, she will die. "Ji Heng said coldly.

Tian Qi wanted to explain that Zhu Cui didn't seduce her, but now the Emperor was angry. If she told him, it would make him more angry. She just said, "she's just playing, and I don't like women. Even if she seduces me, what will happen?". "

At last, it pleased the Emperor a little. He took a slow breath and asked softly, "who do you like? "

Obviously the answer he wanted to hear was that word. Tian Qi blushed and lowered her head. She could not speak. But listening to Zhu Cui's heartbreaking scream, she finally summoned up her courage and whispered, "I like you. "

These four words are simple and soft, but they hit Ji Heng's heart like a heavy hammer. He resisted the impulse to pull Tian Qi into his arms and said, "remember what you said. "

Tian nodded and asked again, "the execution… "

When Ji Heng knew that Tian Qi was soft hearted, he called a eunuch and said, "go tell the executioner that he will stop when he has hit 40 boards. Whether she is dead or alive, he doesn't have to continue.". "

The eunuch led the order, and Tian Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Although the unlucky Zhu Cui still has to be beaten, she doesn't have to lose her life.

Tian Qi followed the Emperor back to Qianqing palace. She wanted to go back to the nest, but the Emperor stopped her and called her into his bedroom. Tian Qi has a bad feeling. But she didn't have time to think about it, because as soon as they entered the bedroom, she was pulled into the Emperor's arms and kissed. His kiss was not gentle at all, or even rough, like a sudden gust of wind and rain in the hot summer, even lightning and hail, crackling people can not respond. Tian Qi's mouth and tongue were numb because of his inhalation, and her lips was bitten. Her head was dizzy, and she felt his confused mood, anger, eagerness, desire, and an indescribable melancholy from his fierce licking and kissing.

Ji Heng bit Tian Qi's lower lip and slightly pulled it apart. Seeing the other side's frown in pain, he let go of her with satisfaction, and then pasted it up to lick and kiss heavily. This man is his, Ji Heng thinks a little crazily, belongs to him completely, others can't see, think or touch. If anyone dare to think of his little pervert, he must let that life be worse than death. He was even more excited to think of it. He had an upsurge running up and down.

Tian Qi felt that there was a hard object on her front waist. As a smart person with excellent insight, she soon knew what it was. She have a confused mind and thought that the Emperor would let her touch him again.

Sure enough, the Emperor took her hand and put it on the hot thing, "help me "

The two sat on the broad dragon bed. At first, Tian Qi dared not sit down, kneeling in front of Ji Heng's knee, but Ji Heng was inconvenient to kiss her, so he forced her up and sat side by side with him. He clasped the back of Tian Qi head, kissed her off and on, and led her hand to untie his belt.

"Do as I taught you last time. "He said in a hoarse voice.

Tian Qi is very reluctant to touch the Emperor. Although Sheng Anhuai has made sense, she has decided to let go of her face and do it, but this thing has been touched by so many eunuchs, not only eunuchs, but also many women . Think of this, Tian Qi very uncomfortable, holding the ugly monsters motionless.

"Tian Qi "Ji Heng hurried eagerly, and he stood up and moved impatiently.

Tian Qi's dissatisfaction with the Emperor is growing. She thought of the Emperor's moral problems from his little brother, and then thought of the stain of other people's products – stealing money!

Finally, the pain of losing money gave Tian Qi bear heart and leopard courage. She decided to express her dissatisfaction.

Isn't the Emperor afraid of pinching? Then she'll give it a pinch.

Next, Ji Heng encountered one of the most painful moments in his life. The pain of falling into the sea seems to tear him into tens of millions of pieces from the inside out, or crush him into a bloody mess from the outside in.

The Emperor's pain was so great that Tian Qi was scared to death.

She knew that the Emperor was afraid of pinching, but she didn't expect to be so afraid. Seeing that the Emperor was like gold paper and sweating, she was at a loss for a moment. She was stupefied for a long time before she realized that she needed to find a doctor first.

Ji Heng, struggling in agony, grabbed Tian Qi's clothes in time. "Don't "He's really in pain. He's very angry.

"Why? Your Majesty, Aren’t you hurt?. "Tian Qi is in a hurry.

"… "He has no face to be seen by a doctor.

Ji Heng beckoned Tian Qi to help him up. Tian Qi did so. She let the Emperor lean on her, his head on her shoulder, and the two snuggled up.

Ji Heng breathed slowly, and the pain subsided. He was very aggrieved. "Didn't I just say don’t pinch "

"I'm sorry. "Tian Qi looked at his pale face, and somehow tears rolled down her cheeks, dripping into her white fingers.

Ji Heng's heart was hot and soft with this hot tear. He raised his hand to wipe Tian Qi's tears and smiled, "don't cry, I'm ok, really. "

Tian Qi reached out to cover his hand on her face, and she said, "I'm sorry.".

Ji Heng kisses her face, but he doesn't use his strength. He just rubs her cheek with his soft lips. He kisses and sighs, "you are not a mouse. How dare you be so timid? "

Tian Qi cried, "I'm afraid you'll hurt…" fortunately, she stopped in time and didn't say the word "death".

Ji Heng chuckled. He had never been so tender and sweet. His heart was as sweet as a thick layer of white frost sugar. He put his arms around Tian Qi's neck and gently licked the corner of her lips. "It really hurts. "

"Are you better now? "Tian Qi was a little worried. she didn't know if the Emperor would punish her.

His kiss twist along the corner of her lips to her cheeks and finally to her ears. Ji Heng bit Tian Qi's earlobe and said with a smile, "what do you do? It still hurts. "

"What can I do? I'd better go to the doctor? "

"No," Ji Heng leaned close to Tian Qi's ear, and his lips almost touched her auricle. He said with a low smile, "blow it for me, and it won't hurt. "

Tian Qi: "… " He don't forget to play hooligans after all this pain. Emperor, you really deserve to be called the pervert Emperor, the pervert Emperor.

Ji Heng pressed the back of Tian Qi's brain, and in his low and dull voice was a faint bewitchment. "Come. "

Tian Qi is a reasonable person. She thought it was her fault that made the Emperor like that. Now she had to lean on him, squat down, hold his knee and probe closer.

She was really shy. She stopped to look up at the Emperor, and found that the Emperor was holding his breath and his eyes were straight. Seeing that she did not move, he shook his knees and urged silently.

Tian Qi had to pull herself together. The little monster was in pain just now, and now it has stopped its flag and its head is drooping in silence. She poked it with her fingers and gave a slight blow to the ball that had just met her hot hand.

The lips are slightly open, exhaling like orchids. With such a light breath of Fairy Spirit, Ji Heng felt like dumping the jade bottle of Avalokitesvara. The fairy fat dew flowed into the world, making him feel comfortable.

"Continue "And his voice was as light as if he wanted to be immortal.

Tian Qi had to blow two more.

Ji heng wished this situation would last forever. However, when he found that he had been blown for several times, the little brother even showed signs of waking up, so he hurriedly called a halt. He can be tired into a dog himself, but the little brother must protect himself from overwork. Today, he has been scared once, and he has to recuperate.

Ji Heng pulls up Tian Qi and kisses it again. This time, the kisses are as gentle as water. After kissing, he let go of Tian Qi and said with a smile, " I will let you go this time. "

Tian Qi can finally escape.

* * *

In the Moon Palace, Zhu Cui's was brought back with a pale face.

If the weak maids get close to the 40 boards, they will go to hell. But Zhu Cui has a natural advantage of being beaten. Her hips are very cocky, elastic and shockproof. When she is spanked, the strength of the board can be buffered more effectively, and the damage to the body will be minimized.

So Zhu Cui was beaten. She was not only in danger of being crippled, but also had the strength to cry for pain. Concubine  Kang asked the doctor to give her a quick diagnosis and treatment, and asked what was going on.

Zhu Cui still believes that Tian Gonggong is interested in her, so she only puts the problem on the Emperor's sudden appearance. And told Concubine  Kang that the Emperor was furious. At first he said he wanted to kill her, but later, somehow, he changed his tune and only hit 40 boards.

When Concubine  Kang heard this, she said it was not good. Although the activities between the palace maid and the eunuch are not glorious, the crime is not fatal. The Emperor was angry and wanted to kill Zhu Cui, but he didn't care about Tian Qi. It must be he who was angry and intrigued by Zhu Cui.

Punishing  Zhu Cui is the Emperor's warning to her, telling her not to buy the people around him secretly.

Concubine  Kang didn't think she had done it wrong. She just felt unlucky. How could she have been caught by the Emperor. It would be success if the Emperor had not been present.

Looking at Zhu Cui's white face, Concubine Kang was not happy. She said, "you really are. How can you be careless when you are doing things, even the Emperor can see it? "

Zhu Cui explained with some grievances, "Niang, it was almost dark at that time. The maidservant and Tian Gonggong were hiding behind the rockery. No one had noticed. I don't know how the Emperor found it. "

At this time, someone came outside to report that the Empress Dowager's mother asked her to go over the Ci Ning palace to ask for information. Concubine  Kang knew that it was probably the Empress Dowager who heard about what happened today. To hear her explanation, she left Zhu Cui and hurried to Ci Ning palace.

This evening, many people are doomed to suffer from flesh and skin. The victims include the Emperor's little brother, Zhu Cui's ass and the face of the  Concubine Kang.


Concubine Kang was blinded for a moment, her head unconsciously leaned to the side with the strength of the opponent's palm, she covered her face, turned back, and looked back at the empress dowager in surprise and fear, who usually regarded her as her daughter's aunt.

The Empress Dowager was so angry that her lips trembled. She pointed her fingers at Concubine Kang's nose. "I’m so angry with you, I’m so angry with you! "She was so angry that she kept repeating it for a while.

Concubine  Kang knelt at the Empress Dowager's feet with her face covered. "Auntie, I know I was wrong! "

The empress dowager, supported by her maid, sat down tremblingly and sighed, "I used to think you were smart. Although you have done some stupid things, you are still young and have no experience. Now it seems that I don't know people clearly. If you have one tenth of your mother's intelligence, neither of us are in this situation. "

When she said this, she was ashamed. Concubine Kang walked to the Empress Dowager and held her knee and said, “Aunt, I know I'm clumsy, I lost my aunt and mother's faces, and I couldn't help the aunt's love. Please ask my aunt to show my mother's face and give me a pointer. From now on, I will do whatever you want me to do, and never dare to violate it. "

The Empress Dowager didn't answer, only sighed stupidly.

The door in the harem is a way to teach where you can teach. Who doesn't want to please the people around the Emperor? But so far, which one has made such a rash move like Concubine Kang? Her son is so sensitive and suspicious that even she, as a mother, never put people in the Qianqing palace to avoid any discord between mother and son. The imperial concubines only dare to put flattery on the surface, so they are still careful, and the things they send out will not be accepted if they don't want them. There is no difference at all. Concubine Kang is so kind that she openly instructs the palace maid to seduce the eunuch around the Emperor. Isn't this rushing to find death! How can Heng Er tolerate the people around him to work with others? It's really merciful for Concubine  Kang  to not  kill that maid.

The Empress Dowager was so angry that she was in pain. She knew that Concubine Kang was incompetent, but she did not expect to be such an incompetent. This person is a clever layer of oil on the surface, in fact, all inside is paste. How can she be so confused!

Why didn't she find out earlier. The Empress Dowager is very sorry. Now the Empress's position is vacant. The women in the harem are covetous for that position. Concubine  De and Concubine Shun, though seemingly virtuous, and filial, but infact they are scheming, She rather like the Concubine  who died. The Empress Dowager has seen too many scheming in her life. She is really afraid. She is afraid that her son will be controlled by others. She is afraid that her wish will be calculated by others. Her son and grandson are the most important people in her life. For them, she must choose a reliable person to stay in that position. But if she look at the whole harem, she can't find a reliable one. Either too clever or too stupid, or even worse, have ulterior motives and sinister means.

Concubine Kang's identity was originally the most suitable. She and her is still same family, which is more reassuring in the end, but she didn't expect her to be so disappointing.

The scariest thing in life is not never know how strong your opponent is, but that you have been hindered by your own people. The Empress Dowager looked down at the Concubine  Kang, who was kneeling beside her and crying until her eyes red. She thought, this child has a way of saying sweet words.

However, she can no longer be confused by those three or two good words.

* * *

Ji Heng spared Zhu Cui, but not Concubine Kang. The next day, the imperial edict came to the Moon Palace. Sheng Anhuai launched the imperial edict and scolded  Concubine Kang. The main idea was that  the servant of the Moon Palace, to be frivolous. It can be seen what kind of goods the master was, so the Emperor ordered  Concubine Kang to be reduced to Kang Jieyu and punished for three months.

From the imperial concubine to Jie Yu, only a first-class drop, Ji Heng felt that the punishment was lighter, he was in order to take care of the mother's face. However, the difference at this level is also a big: for the time being, Kang Jieyu is not qualified be the Empress.

Ji Heng thought that his mother would plead for Kang Jieyu again, but he didn't expect that she didn't mention it at all. Ji Heng took the initiative to tell her, and she only said that you should do it by yourself.

So good.

But the Empress Dowager's mother was very uneasy about something: "Heng'er, tell me, how many days have you not turned over the sign? "

"Well," Ji Heng said, "Replying to empress mother, you always worry about this kind of thing for me, which really scares this child. "

In fact, Ji Heng has his own difficulties. Since he found out that he had thought about a eunuch, he had no appetite for the women in the harem. Considering that he has become a broken sleeve, it is understandable that he no longer likes women. Now that he doesn't like women, why should he turn over the sign? Is it to experience the embarrassment when his little brother  can't get up? Ha ha…

What's more, he and Tian Qi are getting closer and closer. Although he is only served by a little pervert with her hands, Ji Heng also feels that it's funny. The feeling that excites the heart is that the woman in the harem never gave him. It can be said that Ji Heng likes to hang out with the little pervert more and more. Since he like it, there is no need to hesitate. He is the Emperor, the whole world is his, he will get what he wants.

Of course, it's a pity that he could not use her hands frequently for the sake of his little brother's health.

Hey, pull away …

Now Ji Heng's mind turned, and he thought of the words to fool his mother: "empress mother, I'll tell you the truth. Because the palace was not peaceful a few days ago, I lost two dragon this year, so I went to find Zhang Dao to make a divination. He said that my house is not peaceful this year. He gave me a way to solve it. It's not hard. It's only ninety-one days. "

Zhang Dao is the old Taoist who was invited by Ji Heng to solve the problem of Tian Qi eight characters. The old man's level of divination is not good at first, but his eloquence is very good. The Empress Dowager is very convinced of him.

As expected, the Empress Dowager heard Ji Heng's words, believed them, and complained, "why don't you talk to me about such a big thing, you child. "

"I'm afraid you're worried. "

The Empress Dowager asked Zhang Dao detailed explanation and the way to solve it. Ji Heng made a fool of it. Fortunately, the Empress Dowager believed Zhang Dao unconditionally. So, She believed everything Ji Heng said.

After that, the Empress Dowager did not ask Ji Heng to turn over the sign. In order to make it true, Ji Heng also call Zhang Dao  into the palace to chat with the Empress Dowager. Of course, he used his money to manage the old way ahead of time, so that he could say whatever he said. Zhang Dao collected the money and did everything well. Not only that, he also told the Empress Dowager that, considering that the Emperor has dragon Qi and his every move is related to the world, the divination is more complicated than that of ordinary people. This eighty-one day may not be enough. It is necessary to wait until the Emperor finishes the divination and then make a conclusion.

The Empress Dowager believed it. From then on, she put up a picture of the Tai Shang Laojun  in the flower Hall of Ci Ning palace. There was already a picture of Guanyin delivering his son in the hall. Now there is another overlord in front of the goddess Guanyin. The two immortals, one sitting on a lotus, one riding on a green ox, one holding a clean bottle, one holding the dust, one with a kind face, one with a crane hair and a child's face, one with a monk, get along in a room in perfect harmony. This flower hall is usually the place where the Empress Dowager meets guests. The Emperor and his concubines will stay here. When the concubines of the six palaces come to the flower Hall of the Ci Ning palace to ask the Empress Dowager for peace every day, they always look at the goddess Guanyin holding a fat baby in her arms and laugh at her husband. That's really weird.

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