Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 26

Chapter 26

The next morning, the wind blew the parting.

Chen Yu sat up from the bed, and Mona did not lie beside him. Rubbing his sleepy eyes with his hand, his originally confused brain gradually woke up.

“Whew… It’s time to go back to Mondstadt. ”

The soft big bed is so comfortable, Chen Yu really wants to sleep.

“Chenyu, are you awake?”

The gentle wind blew a sound like a silver bell, and Chen Yu subconsciously turned his head, his breathing slightly sluggish.

Mona’s long soft hair. The girl did not tie up her hair so that it hung softly around her waist. Holding a white shirt in his hand.

There was not much rendering, but Chen Yu felt extremely amazing.

Mona also wore a white dress, outlining the delicate curves of her body, revealing white legs that were as white as tender lotus. Like a blooming lily.

Purity and charm are perfectly displayed in Mona.

Chen Yu estimated that any girl in the continent of Tivat put on Earth would become the object of countless people’s pursuit.

“Your clothes are already torn to that extent, I made you one, can you see if it fits?”

After a month of training, Chenyu’s original outfit was already full of stains and damage, and Mona didn’t even look at it.

“Hmm… Mona, do you still make clothes? Chen

Yu took the white shirt in surprise, and felt the silky touch on his fingertips, and couldn’t help but admire.

“What, no… Don’t underestimate me!

Mona pouted, turned around and said as she walked out

, “Quickly change your clothes to see if they fit, after all…”

Mona walked outside the house and whispered like a mosquito

fly, “After all, I am also the first time to make clothes for men.”

A minute later, Chen Yu pushed open the door and walked out. As soon as Mona turned around, her good-looking little mouth opened slightly.

The white to flawless shirt set off Chenyu’s more slender figure. Beautiful and clean cheeks, dark eyes flashing with determination.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes, horses on saddle.

Chen Yu originally had a good foundation, but she was too lazy to take care of it in college before, but now when she dresses carefully, Mona feels a little amazing.

“Thank you Mona, this dress is so good”

With a smooth fit, Chen Yu felt very comfortable, and praised the girl in front of him with satisfaction.

“Hmm… Of course I know well done!

Mona’s praised little face crossed a beautiful blush, don’t overdo it, it took half a month from the selection of materials to the completion of this dress.

“It’s almost time to go, Chenyu…”

Mona pinned her head and spoke gently.

“Hmm… It’s almost time to go back!

Chen Yu nodded, feeling that the atmosphere was a little depressed, and couldn’t help but laugh and joke

: “Hey, what’s the matter, don’t you go to Mond at that time, just let me go to mix first.” Familiarity with familiar rules or something.

Chen Yu’s tone was as relaxed as possible, and the older he was, the more he hated parting.


Looking at Chenyu’s appearance of comforting herself as much as possible, Mona couldn’t help but smile. The most amazing moment tugged at the heartstrings of the teenager.

“I didn’t say anything, let’s go!” I don’t feel comfortable being alone in the same room every day!

Mona pouted, turned and walked briskly towards the house, her plain white skirt raised in the breeze.

“Well, goodbye~”

Chen Yu was not pretentious, looked at Mona’s back and waved, turned and walked towards the distant forest. The wind blew the boy’s black hair, and Chen Yu did not look back.

I am also afraid that I will not be able to resist staying. After a month of getting along, Chenyu and Mona are friends who have even been friends for three years.

The number of times Chen Yu has communicated with girls in the past eighteen years has not been more than this month.

The bond is always inadvertently forged and slipped away unknowingly.

“Whew, why are you still a little uncomfortable.”

Closing the door, Mona looked at the quilt of Chenyu on the bed and was stunned, and then patted her pretty face with her hand to cheer up her spirits, seriously walked to the bed to sort out Chenyu’s quilt, opened the cabinet and carefully put it in.

“It seems that it is really time to include the entry into Mondstadt.”

Mona looked at the wooden window and muttered to herself.

The boundless ice and snow in the Winter Kingdom

flew up, and the entire heaven and earth were blurred. Hundreds of meters of solid ice are stacked one after another, and the extreme low temperature has almost no trace of life.

Inside the fortress made of hard bluestone, several figures stood and the terrifying aura spread uncontrollably. Wind and snow are all avoidance.

“It’s been a month since the lady left for Mondstadt…” The

husky voice was ancient, without human emotion.

Since the moment the wind blew a month ago, the plan for the winter solstice has officially begun….


The bright sun has moved from east to west at some point.


Chen Yu’s figure is straight, shuttling through the woods, the blue light of the divine eye on his waist flashes, and the whole person is as agile as the wind.

The magnificent city of Mondstadt is already looming in front of you.

“Sure enough, the most important function of the Wind God’s Eye is to run the map!”

Chen Yu remembered that a month ago, he was so tired that he was out of breath and it took three days to reach the distance, but now he can reach it in half a day, and he clearly understands the role of strength.

Rushing to the forest by the Mond Bridge, Chen Yu stopped, and the cyan divine eye on his waist was extinguished.

“Devouring God’s Eye, elemental transformation! Ice! As

a white glow flashed around his waist, the cyan divine eye turned white, and a faint ice elemental power flowed.

In the memory of Yura and Ying, Chen Yu is the eye of the ice god, and Chen Yu is also worried about whether there will be any trouble if his elemental power switch is exposed.

“Here again…” Looking

at the high city wall again, the rushing river shining in the sun, Chen Yu still felt amazing. Children feed pigeons on the bridge deck, and the guards stand dutifully in front of the city gates.

There are many people coming in and out. After a month of renovation, Mondstadt was once again vibrant.

All these quiet years are because a young man resonates with the gods and gives his life. Chenyu has become the new hero of the entire city of Mondstadt.

“Oh… Sure enough, I still waited for the curfew in Mondstadt at night before entering the city. Chen

Yu estimated that if he passed now, he would definitely be surrounded as a giant panda to visit under the screams of the Mond guards. Although he is not afraid, but a group of people look at it, Chen Yu will still feel very awkward.

Chenyu decided that Mondstadt had a curfew at night, and was sneaking in the dead of night. First go to Ying and Yura, explain the situation, and then make a note to the Zephyr Knights.

Time passed by minute by minute, and night fell while the rain was waiting.

The wind blew up the white corners of Chenyu’s clothes, and it was a little cool.


The Mondstadt guards slowly closed the gate several meters away. It’s time for curfew. No one is allowed to enter or leave Mondstadt at will.

Free city-state, this moment becomes solemn.

Chen Yu moved his stiff body, pedaled the ground on his tiptoes, and the whole person ran towards Mond City flexibly and lightly.

“Median Elemental Technique! Ice chains! The

white light flashed, Chen Yu waved his hand sharply, and two long ice chains flew out instantly, hanging directly on the wall of Mond City.

“Brush! Brush! Chen

Yu grabbed the ice chain with both hands, and with the powerful physical fitness of the fourth order, he stepped on the wall and flew up.

“For those who have the Eye of God, no matter how high the city wall is, it can’t be stopped…” Chen

Yu was extremely fast, and soon saw the end, and spoke to himself.


The moment Chen Yu just stepped on the city wall, a crimson big sword suddenly slashed over!


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