Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 27

Chapter 27


Chenyu’s pupils shrank, his muscles tensed, and he waved his hand violently, and a huge ice shield condensed in an instant! Stand in front of you!


The terrifying force shattered the ice shield in an instant, and with a huge impact, Chen Yu lost his center of gravity and leaned over the city wall.

“Median Elemental Technique, Ice Chain!”

Chenyu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly adjusted his center of gravity, and two chains mixed with wind and snow wrapped around the raised stones at the head of the city wall, and stood firmly on the city wall with his arms, staring at the figure in front of him.

I was afraid for a while.

“Fortunately, I’m a month later…” If

it had been placed a month ago, Chen Yu estimated that he would not even be able to react, and he would have been buried under the big sword.

The silver-white moonlight fell, her long crimson hair was tied up, and the wind blew down like a rushing flame. Fair skin, handsome face, one meter eighty-five height with black and gold dress.

This is not appropriate, rich and handsome.

The corner of Chenyu’s mouth twitched, and his dark eyes condensed slightly. Secretly complained in my heart.

“How did I forget Grandpa Lu of the Night Knight.”

The man held a black and red sword of more than one meter and five meters in his hand. Moonlight adds a chill to it. A pair of red eyes stared coldly at Chenyu.

Diluc! Mond is rich and handsome, the ruler of the largest wine industry in Mondstadt, “Sunrise Winery”. Of course, these are not the most important things.

The five-star fire system great sword, once a powerful lord C, once dared to confront the demon dragon Usa without the Eye of God. The youngest knight of the former Zephyr Knights….

The strength will at least not be weaker than Yura!

Just standing in place, Chenyu could feel a strong sense of oppression.

“What are you! Why break into Mondstadt at night.

Diluc’s thick and magnetic voice sounded, and the crimson divine eye on his waist lit up, and a scorching air rushed, ready to strike.

Being able to block his own attacks and master the Eye of the Ice God, Diluc knows only a few people, and Chen Yu is obviously not among them.

“Oh… My name is Chenyu. Chen

Yu felt the burning heat on his face, the white divine eye on his waist lit up, and after the cold current blocked the scorching, he awkwardly spoke.

Chenyu is not arrogant enough to think that he can defeat Diluc.


Diluc was slightly stunned, and then sneered,

“Lying to people will not deceive ah!” You don’t know that Chen Yu paid with his life because of the resonance of the wind god! ”

It’s something that everyone in Mondstadt knows.

“I know…”

Chen Yu’s face turned dark, and he really thought he was dead. Resonating with God, the words of Instant Fanghua are not deceptive. The corner of his mouth twitched, and he wanted to explain, but his face changed in vain!

Diluc’s figure was like a ghost, and he appeared in front of Chen Yu in an instant, and the black and red big sword fell in the air!

“Hmph! If there is something to talk to Hades! ”

When the Wind Demon Dragon invaded Mondstadt, Diluc was at the Morning Light Winery. It was all over when I rushed back.

“Huh… Relying on the sacrifice of an outsider to save Mondstadt, the Knights of the Zephyr are really unbearable.

After learning the news, Diluc sneered. But for the rain that gave his life, Diluc has great respect in his heart. At the moment someone is posing as a deceased hero.

As soon as Diluc made a move, he used his full strength.

“I don’t think you have seen my portrait or what?!”

Chenyu’s dark eyes crossed the white glow, and the wind and snow gathered into a long sword to block the slashing blade in an instant!


In Chen Yu’s ghostly gaze, the ice sword split in two in an instant, and the terrifying power shook his arm.

“Can’t carry it!”

Chen Yu instantly judged that the broken ice sword shattered into a sky of ice mist to block Diluc’s vision, and the whole person rushed directly towards Mond City!

“Sixth-order physical fitness…”

Chen Yu made a judgment with just one blow. The power to be able to crush his own fourth-order is only possible if he approaches the Demon God level!

“Insect tricks!”

Blazing flames burned from the sword body, and the flying ice mist evaporated in an instant. Diluc looked at Chenyu, who wanted to rush into Mondstadt, and the fire flowed in his eyes!

“Super Elemental Technique! Blade of Flame! ”

The fire burned from the sword body, and the night sky was exceptionally bright, rushing towards the rain!

This is really not to blame Diluc, the image of Chenyu is known to everyone in Mondstadt because of the wind god Wendy’s wind of reminiscence. Diluc was not in Mond at the time, and naturally felt the wind of remembrance.

Coupled with the fact that everyone thought that Chen Yu was dead, Diluc was sure that the person in front of him was fake.

“After finishing the calf, you can’t escape!”

The scorching heat behind him quickly approached, and Chen Yu looked back sharply, looking at Diluc who was rapidly approaching! The speed of the sixth order is faster than his own.

“You can’t really be killed by manslaughter and die unjustly!”

As soon as Chen Yu bit his teeth, the white ice god’s eyes completely lit up, and his black hair flashed with white light because of the urging of the elemental force! In the face of the burning blade, take a step forward

“Super Elemental Technique!” Dance of the Extreme Cold! ”

Ice and fire intertwine in the night sky, creating powerful currents on the edge of Mondstadt.

In Mondstadtt,

a domineering woman sits in the center of the Goethe Grand Hotel. Fair to abnormal skin, delicate red lips, slender snow-white legs upturned.

An icy voice sounded

, “So many days… Haven’t found any news of Fengshen yet? ”

Newspaper … According to the report, the entire city of Mondstad knew the news that resonated with the gods, but no one knew the whereabouts of the wind god. The

man in black with the mask half-knelt in front of the woman, stammering a little.


The air seemed to freeze suddenly, layers of white frost began to spread from under the woman’s feet, and the temperature of the entire hotel dropped below zero in an instant.

“Lord Executive spare your life!”

The man in black couldn’t help but shiver, his heart beating wildly.

“It’s worthy of being Lord Executive, this kind of power is at least the sixth order!”

It was extremely cold, and the golden walls around it were frosted. The woman snorted coldly and looked at the kneeling subordinates on the ground, full of disdain.

The temperature around began to rise and the frozen ground began to recover. The icy voice was chilling

: “The wind demon dragon is too badly injured, it is useless!” Gather your subordinates to attack Mondstadt! Only by causing enough disaster to Mondstadt City can the god who has disappeared for a hundred years be forced out! The

woman waved her hand angrily, the man in black hurriedly retreated, disappeared his figure, raised his good-looking head to look at the ceiling, and the woman’s lilac eyes hid hatred and disappointment.

I almost forgot that I used to be a Mond.

As the lady of the eighth seat of the Fools, the ruling organ of the Winter Kingdom. A hundred years ago, there was a nice name – Rosalyn.

Possesses terrifying powers from the goddess of ice. The years are frozen under this power. It seems that the woman in her twenties has lived for more than a hundred years.

The accumulated elemental power is infinitely close to the level of the Demon God! Every executive of the fools is a real monster.

The wind god respected by the people of Mond is the enemy in the eyes of the lady. When learning about the task of the ice god to collect the hearts of the gods, the lady chose Mond without hesitation.


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