Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

“Big brother, we really want to attack Mondstadt City at night.”

In the darkness of the night, two or three foolish debt collectors dressed in black and wearing red masks walked through the empty streets of Mondstadt, and one of them asked in a low voice.

“Of course, that’s your lady’s order!”

Behind the people in black, a giant who was more than two meters tall and weighed more than two hundred pounds, holding an ice hammer with a diameter of fifty or sixty centimeters, said with a smile.

“Of course a fart!”

The leading man in black, with a crimson divine eye hanging from his waist, walked in the night, as if blending with the night, and spoke without anger:

“You really think that Mond has no strong people!” Haven’t heard of the legend of the Night Knight?

“That’s all legendary, can it still be true?” Captain, you are too cautious, we are the right-hand men under the lady.

The other man in black spoke unconvinced, he was also a strong man with fourth-order physical fitness.

“You think that’s a legend?”

The man in black glanced back thoughtfully, but the mask seemed to have no effect, and he spoke carefully, for fear that someone would hear it:

“When the lady first came to Mondstadt, it seemed that he wanted to attack without controlling his emotions, and when he met the Night Knight…”

Several fools and all the subordinates came to the next moment, and they all came together.

The black-clothed leader carefully looked around, making sure that there was no one before continuing: ”

That night, the ice and fire collided for a long time, and the sky was dyed half the color of the sky, and it ended only after attracting the attention of the Knights of the West Wind…”

The leader in black paused, swallowed his saliva and continued

, “Since then, Lord Lady has not personally attacked Mondstadt, you can imagine the strength of the Night Knights.”

As the eighth executive officer of the Fools, Madame is so powerful that her subordinates are daunted. For a while, all the fools’ subordinates retreated in their hearts.

Suddenly, a man in black seemed to see something, his voice trembled, and he patted the captain of the fools in the front, pointing his finger forward

: “Captain, is it a view like that?”

“Huh? Me! The

captain in black directly burst into foul language, but fortunately the mask on his face preserved the image!

Not far away, ice and flames collide, and two very different scenes of frost and fire appear at the same time. It’s like that day!

“Madame struck again?”

The black-clothed captain’s face was confused, and he hurriedly ordered

, “Go!” Let’s see…” He

turned into a black shadow and sped forward in the night.



Under a violent explosion, Chenyu’s figure flew out upside down, the thick ice armor covered all over his body was full of cracks, and his beautiful cheeks were pale.

Five-order elemental control, sixth-order physical fitness!

Chen Yu completely determined Diluc’s strength, which was one level stronger than Yura’s physical fitness.

“What a hit!”

Reluctantly throwing out two ice picks and inserting them on the ground, Chen Yu stabilized his figure with difficulty, his breathing was rapid, and the ice elemental power was almost bottomed out.

Only by bursting out the ice elemental power with all his strength, Chen Yu could barely block Diluc’s fierce attack. The consequence is that the ice elemental power is consumed!

Even so, under the terrifying power of Diluc, Chenyu’s arm still hurt and couldn’t help but tremble.

“Whew! You are very powerful to be able to block me for so long with the power of the fourth-order elemental power! In

the light of the explosion, Diluc’s eyes rushed out coldly, holding a great sword in both hands, and the fire rose.

If you drag it on, the group of Zephyr knights should come over! For Chenyu’s strength, Diluc is also more impressed.

“It is clear that the physical body and elemental power are only fourth-order, but they can burst out of fifth-order strength…”

Diluc said secretly, but these had no effect on him. The fire flew and Diluc knew that the boy had reached his limit.

“Hiss… With such a big movement, why hasn’t the Knights of the Zephyr come yet! The

blazing aura rushed to his face, and the white light of the Divine Eye on Chenyu’s waist dimmed and almost extinguished.

“It seems that it can only be exposed!”

You can’t really be hacked to death! Chen Yu gritted his teeth, and the white divine eye on his waist began to transform.

“Devouring transformation…”

“Lord Executive! Here we go! A

black shadow mixed with fire, in Chen Yu’s confused gaze, collided violently with the Diluc Great Sword!

“Who are you, my buddy?!”

Chen Yu stared blankly at the foolish debt collector dressed in black in front of him, and his brain was directly on standby.


Powerful impact, Diluc’s slightly forward-rushing figure was slightly sluggish!


The man in black turned pale and retreated to Chenyu’s side, looking at Shangchenyu with confused eyes. Time seems to stand still.

“Confirmed eyes~ met the right person~”

Chen Yu didn’t know why this song suddenly sounded in his head, and smiled awkwardly.

“Who am you?”

The black-clothed leader was also stunned when he saw Chen Yu’s beautiful cheeks, and several foolish subordinates not far away also rushed over. Blankly looking at the situation at the moment.

“It turns out that you are a fool!”

Diluc’s expression became even colder, and the Fire Elemental God’s Eye on his waist completely lit up, forming a huge firebird.

Chenyu’s whole person was stupid, and he was saved by a group of fools? Wait a minute…… No, it’s pitted!

“Hey, I’m not…”

Chen Yu wanted to explain, swallowed his saliva after seeing the boundless flame Diluc, and decisively took the hand of the captain of the man in black who was still confused.

“I’m also a fool, take me away!”

No matter how you fool the past first, the Knights of the West Wind have not arrived until now, and Chen Yu knows that it is definitely useless to explain to Diluc.

In the Genshin game, Diluc’s father died at the hands of fools….

The revenge of killing the father, do not share the sky!

Chen Yu did not hesitate without any hesitation, feeling the rapidly warming air, the white divine eye on his waist turned blue, and the fierce wind blew up.

“High Elemental Technique! The wind is instantaneous! The

next moment, Chenyu’s whole person fled like a breeze.

“Two elemental forces to use! It’s a fool! Help the adults block it! ”

One person can only have one Eye of God, which is a well-known rule in the continent of Tivat.

Only the fools, after continuous experimentation, have developed an evil eye comparable to that of a god. The reason why the executives are so powerful that they have more than one elemental power in their hands.

“Two elemental forces? Foolish executive?

Diluc’s face froze slightly, holding the great sword in both hands, the fire element was raised to the limit, and he shouted angrily:

“Slaughter-level elemental combat technique!” Dawn breaks! ”

A flaming phoenix of tens of meters flew out in an instant, and the ground burned everywhere it passed! In the face of the fools, Diluc could not suppress the killing intent in his heart.

“I’ll run!”

Be a fart! Looking at the Flame Phoenix that was galloping over, the power contained in it was enough to easily burn a fifth-order powerhouse, the expression of the captain in black changed under the mask, and he turned his head and ran!


Under the flames, the remaining fools who fled slowly were directly engulfed by the debt collectors.


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