Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Between the Wolf Leader and Mond City, there is no external connection such as a teleportation anchor. Chen Yu ran the Eye of the Wind System God all night before he came to the edge of the running wolf leader.

“Phew, sooner or later in Tivat I will die of exhaustion from running.”

Chenyu’s chest rose and fell, gasping for breath repeatedly. Reaching out and wiping the sweat from his face, his eyes stared solemnly at the mountains ahead.

Trees are thick, rocks are cragged, raised rocks meander and a path with no end in sight spreads. Dark shadows could be faintly seen passing through the woods, making a chilling rustling sound.

Chen Yu did not hesitate, the divine eye on his waist transformed into an ice system, and a three-foot ice sword condensed from his hand.

This is different from the vast meadows where the wind rises. The land of the wind is the birthplace of the wind god, the best choice for countless Monds to go out on outings, and there are not many monsters in the beautiful scenery.

This is the ghost land of the Mond population, the territory of the North Wind Wolf King. Countless wolves rushed among them, and even the patrolling knights did not want to set foot.

The wolves led by the running wolves received the blessing of the North Wind Wolf King, and generally possessed the strength of the second and third orders, living in groups.

A wolf is not afraid, but imagine a group of wolves surrounding themselves.

Chen Yu couldn’t help but snort, his eyes looked at the deeper path, and he decisively stood in place and waited for Youra’s arrival.

The running wolf leader is very large, and there are many stories circulating, but for this trail, it is the most.

Some people say that it is a path to hell

, and some people say that by following this path, you can reach the deepest part of the running wolf domain.

Many adventurers come to this road, but only a few come back alive.

“When you arrive at the Running Wolf Domain, follow this path, and you can reach the trial ground of the North Wind Wolf King.”

Qin naturally did not believe these rumors and told Chen Yu about the true secret of this path. Although Chen Yu promised to be very relaxed and didn’t care, he was actually one hundred and two percent cautious.

The North Wind Wolf King Andreus, the original god once had the strength to dominate the Wind God, and mastered the two elements of ice and wind at the same time, and his strength was definitely not weaker than Twalin!

In the face of this level of existence, even if the North Wind Wolf King still has his sanity, Chen Yu still has to adjust his state to the limit and make plans.

Chen Yu stood on the edge of the path, the ice sword in his hand was inserted into the ground, and his eyes were slightly closed, recovering his physical strength and elemental power.


I don’t know how long it took, a rushing sound came, and Chen Yu opened his eyes and looked over in surprise.

A familiar silhouette, sky blue short hair flying in the wind, bumpy and delicate body, slightly plump long legs, icy and beautiful face, and as always good-looking

Chenyu was slightly surprised that there was a familiar figure next to Youra.

The white dress is like snow, the hair is blonde, the slender jade legs are full of strength, the breeze flows around the body, and the speed is also extremely fast.

“Ying? Why is she here too?

Chenyu’s black eyes froze slightly, and Qin didn’t say anything to herself.

Chen Yu stood in place dumbfounded, with a somewhat embarrassed smile on the corner of his mouth. I can’t forget the disappointed look in my eyes until now.

Like a knife, when I think of Chenyu, I feel uncomfortable. Seeing Ying, Chen Yu felt a little uncomfortable.

“Hmph! You said you were alive, and you worried us so much. Coming

to Chenyu, Youracanjin’s beautiful eyes stared at the young man’s handsome face, and fiercely stretched out his hand to twist Chenyu’s waist slightly!

“Hiss… I was wrong! Still

a familiar feeling, Chen Yu gasped, and his whole body tensed. Hurriedly begged for mercy.

“Hmph! This hatred… I made a note of it!

Youracanjin’s eyes were full of mist, her nose twitched slightly, and she withdrew her hand without anger, and the corners of her rosy mouth hooked a seductive arc.

It’s good that Chenyu is still alive.

Ying stood aside, looking at the “friendly” interaction of the two, her golden eyes flashed with a trace of envy. Since his brother was lost, he has been alone.

Chen Yu scratched his head lightly, looked at the blonde girl who was staring at him closely, and said a little embarrassed:

“That… What is that, the wind demon dragon is too terrible, I did at first… Not! In

the dull gazes of Youra and Chenyu, Ying rushed over and reached out to directly hug the young man in front of him, his golden eyes were red:

“I’m sorry!” I was wrong! Chenyu you are a hero, fortunately you are still alive, if you die, I… I’ll really regret it for the rest of my life! ”

A month after Chenyu disappeared, Ying almost closed herself off, and only by exercising hard every day until she collapsed in bed could she forget the death of the teenager.

Chen Yu gave his life for Mond City, and he also …

Every time I think of this, my heart is full of self-blame. After a month of hard practice, Ying’s elemental power and physical strength returned to the fourth order, but the guilt in his heart did not dissipate with time.

Until this moment, when he really saw that Chen Yu was still alive, and saw Chen Yu’s beautiful cheeks, Ying finally couldn’t help but hug him and spit out the depression in his heart.

“Whew… It’s gone, it’s all gone, you’re not wrong, I really didn’t have the courage to face the wind demon dragon at that time. The

sound was as pleasant as a silver bell, like soft water, washing away the pain that had always remained in Chenyu’s heart, and Chenyu subconsciously raised his arms and gently patted the girl’s pink back.

A little bit of mustard hidden between the two, because this hug completely disappeared.

Yura looked at the men and women hugging each other, and her good-looking little face bulged slightly.

I’m so angry, I already knew that I was also hugging it.

“Hmph, I wrote down this hatred!”

“Hmm… Ying’s figure turned out to be so good. Chen

Yu felt that he was hugging his people tightly, two soft things against his chest, his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily, his soft and boneless delicate body, his virgin faint body fragrance, Chen Yu’s breathing was slightly rapid, and he subconsciously moved his hands down.

Ying chuckled and withdrew his hand, pushed Chenyu’s chest, and the whole person quickly broke away from the teenager’s arms.

Chen Yu suddenly had a sense of stunned.

The fairy face revealed a shallow pear swirl, blinked playfully, and his voice was crisp:

“In short, it’s great that you are still alive, Chenyu.”

In Chenyu’s dumbfounded gaze, behind her hands, Jade turned around gently, and the breeze blew her blonde hair dancing softly, revealing her slightly crimson earlobes.

“Chenyu, isn’t Ying very good-looking~”

The corners of Youra’s mouth fluttered lightly, and the faint voice made Chenyu couldn’t help but shiver. He could also see Yura’s slightly clenched fists in the straight man.

“Ahem! Good-looking, you all good-looking. Chen

Yu himself felt that his speech was very scumbag. Ying stood aside and snickered.

“Hmph, forget it, hurry up and go to the place of the North Wind Wolf King!”

Eura snorted softly, stepped on the ground with her boots, and took the lead on the winding path.

Ying quickly followed, turned her head with a smile hidden in the corner of her eyes, and whispered,

“Hmph!” Perfunctory man!

“Who did I mess with with this trick!”

Chen Yu looked at the two silhouettes walking away, and followed with a helpless expression.


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