Yuanshin: Kiss Tianli at the beginning

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

“Whew, this path is too winding!”

The three of Chenyu walked for a long time, I don’t know if it was dark or wooded, Chenyu felt that the world in front of him was getting darker and darker.

The small lamp grass on the side of the road flashed with a faint blue streamer, and the rustling sound that made the scalp numb became louder and louder, and Chenyu’s dark eyes were slightly heavy.


Eurasu stretched out his hand, and a big blue sword entered in an instant, his arm tightened, and he swung a sword at the trees on both sides!


The blade of the sword stirred the wind, the branches trembled, Youra’s pretty face calmly withdrew the sword, the rustling gradually decreased, the golden eyes were ancient and waveless, and the vermilion lips lightly said

: “The wolves led by the wolves are very intelligent, as long as they show enough strength, they will not interfere with you.”

Eura has been on a mission before, and has come to the Wolf Domain, and knows the habits of the wolves here.

The law of the jungle is even more evident in the world of wolves.

“It’s worthy of Yura!”

Ying followed behind Yura and admired, her golden eyes still bright even in the dark.

Chenyu wonders when Yura and Ying became so good?

“Is this the natural affinity of the protagonist?”

Chen Yu whispered to himself, following behind the second daughter, there was no need to worry about anything. Hehe, the soft rice is so fragrant!

I don’t know how long I walked in the dark path, and Yura in the front stopped, her beautiful face slightly dignified.

Chenyu and Ying also followed, standing beside Youra, looking ahead, looking at each other, both seeing surprise in their eyes.

The trail is extremely narrow, and it is suddenly cheerful to go back for half a day!

A huge circular ring emerged, and in the deepest part of the ring, a high wall towered, and the wolf’s head was carved in the center of the high wall, as if it had come to life.

Chen Yu just looked at it, and he felt a chill all over his body.

“Is this the North Wind Wolf King’s testing ground?”

Very similar to the scene in the game, Chenyu’s eyes flicker, the wind blows, and the white clothes fly, revealing the divine eye that lights up on his waist.

Along the way, Chen Yu adjusted his state to the extreme.

“That’s right! Stepping into the Trial Ground, you will awaken the ancient demon god of thousands of years ago! Eura

bowed her head slightly, kicked her legs, but her figure jerked!

“Chenyu, what are you doing?!”

Yura turned her head sharply, her blue hair fluttering, and her golden eyes saw Chenyu who grabbed her wrist, and scolded lightly.

Ying also cast a puzzled look at Chenyu.

“You both lead the way, of course I have to come to fight!”

Chenyu’s dark eyes were full of fighting intent, and his black hair flew, staring at the battlefield below, and spoke softly.

The North Wind Wolf King Andreus, an extremely powerful demon god in his heyday, turned his will into a test after death! Chen Yu needs a battle to break out with full strength!

“Nope! It’s too dangerous! Eura

immediately objected, facing the test of the Four Winds Guardian, she did not dare to set foot easily.

Although Chenyu’s strength has greatly increased, he is only a fourth-order ah! It is impossible for Eura to watch Chenyu injured and bleeding, and Pestle is powerless in place!

“Chenyu, don’t be dead, let’s take care of each other together!”

Ying also disagreed with Chenyu’s approach. The test of the Four Winds Guardian, failure means serious injury or death.

Looking at the second daughter who refused at the same time in front of him, Chen Yu looked serious, and said undeniably,

“Youra, Ying, you are right, the North Wind Wolf King is very dangerous, and it is precisely because of the danger that I can completely burst out with full strength!”

The strong have always been trained in life and death battles.

Chen Yu did not want to rely on the strength of others in the future, nor did he want to leave his life and death in the hands of others. Moreover, his goal is a natural disaster-level elemental technique, and Chen Yu does not think that the North Wind Wolf King will give his ability to press the bottom of the box to three people at the same time.


Yura still wanted to say something, her good-looking eyes were full of worry

, but she directly reached out and grabbed Youra, and said with disgust

: “Forget it!” If he wants to die, let him do it, it’s a big deal to wait for him to be ugly, and it’s never too late to strike! Ying

said, but the beautiful eyes winked at Chenyu, hinting at something. The smart girl already understood Chenyu’s determination to practice.

“Hmm… Fluoresce you! Youra

was pulled away, looking at the girl’s white face with a smile, finally sighed helplessly, glanced at Chen Yu without anger, and seriously spoke:

“Okay, but you must do what you can!”

Youra didn’t know what Chenyu was thinking, she was just too worried. For her own comfort, Yura has never cared so much.

Seeing that the second daughter understood herself, Chen Yu smiled confidently,

“Don’t worry!” I’m the most desperate! After

Chen Yu finished speaking, he took a step forward, like a big peng spreading its wings, and his white clothes fluttered, landing on the ring.


The eyes of the wolf head instantly bloomed with a dazzling blue light, and in an instant, the wind and blizzard filled the entire ring, and the terrifying aura bloomed!

Chen Yu bowed slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the wind and snow, a huge wolf shadow walked out step by step! The ground began to freeze.


“Eh, hey! The trial of the North Wind Wolf King actually started? On

the tallest statue of the god of wind in Mondstadt, Wendy was half-lying on the hands of the stone statue, hearing the sound of the wind, and her blue-green eyes crossed countless spaces and looked somewhere.

“Things are getting more and more interesting~”


“Hey, no wonder no one has passed the test for a hundred years”

Even if he was mentally prepared and felt the raging elemental power and momentum, Chen Yu still gasped! The dark eyes were completely tight.

Sixth-order elemental force, sixth-order body strength!

The North Wind Wolf King who came step by step in front of him, his strength corresponds to the limit that mortals can reach!

The giant wolf of about ten meters, blue and white stripes, strong body, and huge fangs all show the terrifying power that the giant wolf has.

“It’s just trying to challenge my authority!”

The Deep Blue Eyes of the North Wind Wolf King looked at Chenyu, who was slightly frozen in place, and a roar, thick and old voice hit Chenyu’s ears.

Chen Yu’s dark eyes stared straight at the Wolf King in front of him, forcibly suppressing the fear in his heart. MD Twalin has not repelled, I will still be afraid of a remnant soul of you?!

Thinking like this, Chen Yu spoke without humility:

“That’s right, it’s a mortal like me, who wants to challenge like a god!”

“Huh! Ignorant mortals … Very good! The

North Wind Wolf King’s huge wolf eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes crossed with approval, and his majestic voice sounded:

“But Er can have such boldness!” I will give you a chance to fight! The

North Wind Wolf King bowed slightly, and the strength of the sixth order began to drop to the fifth order, and the breath was still terrifying!

The solemn voice without the slightest emotion sounded again

: “Defeat me now!” You’ve passed the test! The

North Wind Wolf King could see at a glance the realm of Chenyu at this moment, and lowered his strength to a level higher than Chenyu.

Fifth order elemental force! Fifth Order Body Strength!

The content of the test is to defeat the North Wind Wolf King who is one level higher than himself!

Under the nervous gazes of Yura and Ying, Chenyu’s dark eyes were full of fighting intent, and his whole body was slightly tense…

The battle is on the verge!

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