Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.115 Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu

I was getting a little bored, just sitting in the dungeon. It’s not like I need to be doing something all the time, but just staying here with no real way of telling the time is… annoying. It makes me feel restless. I almost wanted to head to the seventh room again, and do another set of shield training, but Christina said I shouldn’t overdo it. 


(Master. Perhaps we should perform the experiment with Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu now.) Laura offered me something to do.

(Oh yeah. That was a thing we were going to do. Almost forgot.)

(Always so forgetful, Master. What would you do without me?) Laura teased.

(... die? Struggle? Be miserable? Forget to do things?) I listed. Well hopefully I wouldn’t actually die. That would honestly suck. What is the earliest quick-play resurrection I get access to? Call of the Haunted? 

(I would not rely on Call of the Haunted, Master. It will resurrect you as an undead. You may even lose your sense of self.) Laura warned.

(... ok. Yeah. Let’s not do that then. If I was just a zombie I could probably find a way around it with something like DNA Surgery, but if I lose my sense of self… Yeah. Let’s just not die in the first place. That sounds better.) I decided. 

(I agree with Master on that. I’m not even sure I would be with Master if Master died and was resurrected.) Laura said.

(Then that is another reason to not die. I don’t want to lose you Laura.)



“Christina, I’m going to summon another monster. Don’t get too surprised.” I warned Christina and the maids about my intentions.

I made a sleeve for Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu by sacrificing 2x Labyrinth Wall, 2x Rock Ogre Grotto #1 and 1x Pandemonium. I’m not sure I’ll need him again, but at the same time I might. You never know when you need a blacksmith.


“I summon Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu.” I called out the name of my monster to summon it.



And like most other monsters (you know, except the ones that want to show off), he rose from the card that appeared on the ground.

He was quite tall. Another basketball player. Why is every monster so damn tall?

He had a well built body. Or I guess you could say he is just a pile of muscle. Or a mountain of muscle? He had long blue hair and a blue beard. He was dressed in only a loincloth. I think that is a loincloth. It’s a large one, but I don’t really know what else it would be. Perhaps a garment like that has a name of its own.

He was also holding a hammer and an anvil had appeared with him. Free anvil for the win. Okay, I know I won’t actually get to keep it. But it is still interesting that it showed up with him. I guess it counts as his weapon or something.


“Master. What can I do for you?” He greeted me.

“Hello… Kotetsu. I just wanted to know if you know how to work with mithril.” I told him.

“Mithril? Master has access to some impressive materials. I could perform maintenance on mithril weapons, but making new ones is beyond my skill set. I apologize for my shortcomings.” He answered.

“No, it’s fine. I honestly was just thinking that perhaps you could.” I told him.

“If Master gives me materials and time I could study.” He offered.

“That could work. I was also thinking of installing you to the dungeon. That might give you all the time and materials you need.” I offered.

“But then Master can’t call me when he needs me.” He said. “I’d rather be available for Master. Even if my skills aren’t up to par.”

“I see. Well if that is what you want. I wish I could link two cards so that I could leave one copy here and take the other with me. That way I could still summon you whenever I need to.”  I hoped for the next feature of my skill.



In the end, I sent Kotetsu away without having him do anything.


“Now then, Brian. I have something I need to know.” Christina talked to me in a pressuring voice. What is this? An interrogation? 

“What is it now? You know he is not that strange of a summon.” I told her. Like really? Why is she in a huff about a blacksmith summon? 

“Oh, it’s not about him.” Christina said. “I know your summons are strange and I don’t question them anymore. Well unless you go completely too far. What I want to know about is mithril. Why did you ask him about his ability to forge mithril? Do you have a source for securing mithril?” 

“... the dungeon can make it. Or at least it can make a mithril alloy sword.” I told her.

“No it can’t. I would remember if it could make something like that.” Christina argued.

“But it totally can. Do you want me to make one as proof?” I asked.

“Perhaps you should try. That will prove it can’t.” Christina said.


I placed my hand on the core and searched for the mithril alloy sword.

Ah. There it is. And I can now make different kinds of swords as well. Probably because of all the equip spells I installed. There is an arming sword, bastard sword, twin swords and even an ax available. And I can also add lightning, or light as an element to any of them.

I decided to make a light elemental arming sword. It’s the smallest one handed sword, so it should work for me. And if I need a bigger sword, I can just make one. Getting more points is not a big problem. And I got a decent amount of points from that A-rank monster.


After I got the sword I took a quick look at it. I looked super simple. There were no ornaments on the guard or the pommel. Luckily it came with a sheath that could be attached to a belt or something, so I didn’t need to be too worried about cutting someone on accident. 

“I told you so.” I said to Christina as I pulled the blade out of the sheath. 

The blade had a slight turquoise hue to it. I couldn’t see the gold, but I guess it’s somewhere in there as well. 


“May I hold it?” Christina asked.

“Sure. Go for it.” I said as I carefully handed it over. I’m not sure how sharp it is, but I would guess it's sharp, so I want to be careful with it.

Christina held the sword in her hands and looked at it closely.

“This does appear to be mithril. How did you make it?” She asked.

“... I just did. You saw me using the dungeon to make it.” I told her.

“Then why can’t I make one?” She almost whined.

“... you can’t?” I confirmed.

“I can’t.”


Why? That makes no sense.

(Laura? Any ideas?) I asked.

(It might be because it’s closing the limits of what the dungeon can make, so the dungeon doesn't want to make them for anyone but you.) Laura theorized. (Or the dungeon doesn’t like Christina enough yet.)

(But how can one not like her? She is amazing.)

(People have different preferences.) Laura reminded.

(I guess so.)


“Sorry, but it’s probably that the dungeon doesn’t like you enough and it hides the mithril swords from you.” I told Christina.

“I see. So I need to do more for the dungeon before it accepts me as its master.” Christina got what I was trying to say. “Brian, may I borrow a monster or two from you? I’ll go out and hunt some monsters in the dungeon. That will hopefully increase its affection towards me.”

“Are you sure? It might be dangerous.” I told her.

“As long as I have someone holding the monsters back, I can deal with them. I’m quite good with earth magic after all.” She claimed. Then she came right up to me and whispered in my ear. “I also heard that you can use resurrection magic, so if the worst were to happen, I hope you will do that for me.”

“... fine. Do as you want.” I said as I pulled up my collection. If you want to go hunting, I’ll make sure you have the best bodyguards I have access to. 


“Here. You should use these two.” I said as I handed my Dark Magician and St. Joan over to Christina. I’m just going to hang out here, so I want her to have them. For now.

“Thank you. Now I just call out their name, right?” Christina confirmed. She did try summoning before she ever even had Card Summoner, but better safe than sorry.

“Yes. Also, remember to hold the cards in your hand.” I reminded her. “But you can also put one of them onto your master’s terminal, like this.” I said to her as I took St. Joan’s card from her hand and slipped it into place on her terminal.

“I see. Thank you. Too bad the terminal can only hold one.” She said as she looked at the card on the terminal.

“Also, please be careful. If something bad happens, I’ll come over and help you. And if another huge monster appears, hide in a safe area and let me take care of it.” I told her.

“We will be. Aneesa. You are coming with me.” She ordered the older maid.

“As you wish, Madam.” The maid responded. 

“Brian, may she borrow this sword?” Christina asked, referring to the mithril sword she had placed on a table.

“Sure, but I want it back. The same goes for the cards I gave you.” I told her. I then sheathed the mithril sword and handed it over to Aneesa.

“I’ll take good care of the sword.” Aneesa said as she received the sword.

“Also, if you are not comfortable heading into combat in that dress, I can make you some other clothes.” I offered the maid.

“A maids uniform is their battle garment. Please don’t make fun of it.” She told me in a serious tone.

Wow. I didn’t expect her to be so serious about it. Now I want to make real super-enchanted maid outfits for all the maids in the manor. But I don’t think I can make them. I would need to draw them out or something. Or get a maid card. Are there even other maid cards than the Dragonmaids? And those are like brand new.1No, this is not a mistake. Brian is not from 2022, but from 2019. And Dragonmaids came out august 2019 for the OCG and november 2019 for the TCG. I never even managed to get a box of Mystic Fighters.



“Please be careful mum.” Sana said to her mother before her mother left the core room with Christina.

“I will. I promise.” Aneesa responded as she gave a light kiss on Sana’s forehead.


“We will be back before too long.” Christina said. “Please warn us if something bad shows up.”

“I will. And I’ll rush over to help.” I told her.



“Will they be alright?” Sana asked after Christina and Aneesa left the room.

“I’m sure they will as long as they stay with the monsters I gave Christina. Those monsters are super strong.” I told Sana to reassure her. I’m not sure how skilled Aneesa is in combat, but with St. Joan and Dark Magician protecting them, they will be fine. Perhaps I should have had Christina summon the two in this room so I could have told them about their mission to keep her safe.

Well I can always speak to them with the PA-system.

I sat down on a sofa with Sana and pulled up the surveillance video so we could watch over Christina and Aneesa.

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