Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.116 Christina vs Earth Golem

Christina POV


“Madam, are you sure this is a good idea?” Aneesa asked me after we left the core room.

“Perhaps it is not, but I need to do this. Brian trusts me to be a good dungeon master, and I don’t want to let him down.” I told my maid. “Goddess knows he has been through enough already.” I quietly added.

“Could you repeat that? I didn’t quite hear you, Madam.” Aneesa requested.

“It’s fine. I was just saying something to myself.” I told her.

My comment earlier was referring to Brian’s past. He … entrusted it to me that night. I’m still not completely convinced what he told me is the real deal, but it might just be the truth. But at the same time, world travel like that should be impossible to anyone but God. And as far as I know, only the first hero was ever a world traveler. And even the Saint and the Great Sage couldn’t send him back, even with the help of the Goddess.


But back to the present. I need to focus on the here and now. To make the dungeon more familiar with me, I decided to go hunting within it. I haven’t really done any monster hunting since my days in the Royal Magic Academy, but I think I can still do it.

I confirmed that my maid was ready to go before stepping into the monster area. She was holding a mithril sword that the dungeon had made. And it is the reason I decided to even hunt in the first place. I need access to weapons like that as well. Weapons like that could affect national security after all. I need to make sure Brian understands this as well.

Aneesa has been my personal maid for a long time now. She was with me even before I married into the Watchman family. She has skills in both magic and sword. A real combat maid. Even if she denies it, saying “I’m not skilled enough to be called a combat maid.”


I was about to enter the room, but I stopped as I heard Brian’s voice speaking to me from somewhere. This was something called ‘Announcement’ that I also used. With it, a dungeon master could say something to the adventurers within the dungeon. It is something that would generally be used in emergency situations, like when a strong monster appears in the dungeon.

{Please don’t forget to summon the monsters.} Brian reminded me.

I took a close look at the two cards Brian gave me. They are another mystery that he possesses. Dark Magician and St. Joan. I’ve seen Brian use both of them, but I’m surprised he gave them to me. Even if it is just temporary, they are some of the summons Brian uses the most, at least as far as I know. Perhaps he really thinks I would die without help like this. I think some lesser monsters would have worked just fine for what I need them to do. Well, I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.


I placed one of them on the little slot on my Master’s terminal. Brian said I could hold a card on it instead of having to hold it in my hand. I know his terminal allows him to hold even more cards, but I guess I can’t have something that powerful. 


“St. Joan.” I called out the first monster. I decided to go with her first, as I need better frontline fighters to keep the monsters busy while I focus on casting spells. If things get out of hand or there are more monsters than expected, I’ll summon the other one as well.


As I called her, an illusion-like card appeared on the ground and she rose up from it. This is how the monsters appear from the cards. 

“Oh, it’s you.” She said as she saw me. “What can I do for you?” She asked. Her voice was a lot colder than when she was talking to Brian. Perhaps she only wants to serve her true Master.

“I’m sorry that I’m not Brian. He let me borrow you so I can go hunting in the dungeon. Would you help me with this?” I asked the summon. Aneesa next to me looked like she wanted to comment on the way I was speaking to the summon, but she kept her mouth shut.

“I see. I suppose Master would do that.” St. Joan said. “Do you want me to do everything while you just sit back?”

“No. That would be too much. I want to show Brian that I have skills as well. I need you to hold the frontline with Aneesa. I’ll focus on casting magic from the back.” I told her.

“Sure. I’ll try to leave something for you.” She said in a snarky tone. 



The last boss of the dungeon hasn’t respawned yet, after Brian took down that skeletal beast. I guess it’s nice that I don’t have to start with a higher ranked monster.

“Of course Master would clear all monsters beforehand so you would be safe.” St. Joan commented as she saw the empty sub-room.

“Madam would be more than capable of taking care of some C-rank monsters.” Aneesa quipped back.

“Oh, I see. Then what does she need me for?” St. Joan responded to my maid with a question. “And what about you? You know that sword is a copy of mine. You only have it thanks to my Master.”

“I can fight without a sword!” Aneesa yelled.

“You two, stop that!” I commanded them.

“I apologize, Madam.” Aneesa immediately got back in line. I hope my command got through to St. Joan as well.

“I suppose I could as long as you keep your maid in check.” St. Joan said. I wonder why she has such a big problem working with me? Or is her problem with Aneesa?



{The next room will have some monsters. Be careful.} We heard Brian’s voice remind us over the announcement system.

We made our way into the room and saw it packed with around 20 imp-like monsters. These were the basic mobs of this dungeon, with skeletons. But given that they live this deep, they are stronger than your average E-rank imp.

“Aneesa and St. Joan, you two take the lead. I’ll use magic to support you.” I gave the two their instructions.

“Yes Madam.” Aneesa answered.

“Sure, I got it. I’ll try not to kill them all.” St. Joan commented, keeping up her snarky tone.

I wish Brian could hear her so he could command her as well. Perhaps she would actually listen to him.


As the imps came at us, Aneesa and St. Joan prepared their swords. I also began to chant my first spell.

“Stones, gather and fly as my spear, Stone Spear.” I fired my first spell.

A large stone spear flew through the air and hit an imp in the stomach area. Then it pierced straight through the imp and eventually hit the wall of the dungeon. I think I put a bit too much mana into that spell. Perhaps using magic boost was a bit much against an imp. 

“Ha!” I heard Aneesa yell as she sliced an imp in two. She seemed slightly surprised by the sharpness of the mithril sword. Even for her, slicing an imp cleanly in two is a feat. 


Meanwhile, St. Joan was doing as I asked and pulling the aggro of the imps and gathering them into a nice target. She really is skilled even if she doesn’t want to work with me.

“How about you use your next spell? I won’t wait forever.” She said to me. Admittedly, I was looking at her footwork and swordplay. She is likely on the level of a royal guard captain. 

“Yes.” I responded to her before chanting my next spell. I can use spells with quick cast, but they wouldn’t have the accuracy without a staff. “Earth, crush my enemies, Earth Crush.”

A large slab of the dungeon floor moved slightly before quickly flipping on top of the imps that St. Joan had gathered. I made sure to control the spell so that it wouldn’t hit her.

The spell hit just about half of the imps and they were now buried under the earth. I’m not sure if they all died, but this should make them unable to move for a bit.


After the dust from that the spell dissipated, St. Joan quickly cut the imps that were not caught in it. Her speed is quite something. It only took her a couple of seconds to cut up the eight imps. 

I then spotted some movement in the area affected by my earth crush. Apparently my spell didn’t kill all of the imps caught in it.

“Stones, gather and fly as my spear, Stone Spear.” I fired a stone spear as soon as I saw an imp trying to get out from under the rubble. The spear hit it in the head and embedded itself into the imps skull. This time I controlled the power better so it didn’t fly through the imp. 



“You actually have some skills.” St. Joan commented as we were moving in the corridor between the large rooms. As Brian had cleared the three other sections of the seventh room, we had to go upwards.

“Of course she does. Madam is the best.” Aneesa said.

“Please don’t over exaggerate my skill Aneesa. You know very well I’m far from something that could be called ‘the best’.” I told my maid. She has a habit of telling people of my greatness when I do anything worth some credit. And I’m not even the best of my sisters at magic. Mariina, my sister born after me, is an amazing earth mage. She was titled Witch at 18 when she graduated from the royal magic academy and was later promoted to Great Witch. She can use earth magic to make golems, something I can’t do.


{There is a large monster in the next room. There are also some imps with it. Take care.} Brian informed us over the announcement system. A sub-boss. It should at most be C-rank so we should be fine.



“An earth golem.” I said as I looked at the monster. Just as I was thinking about my sister and her ability to create one, the dungeon showed me that it can do that as well.

“A golem of that size is no problem. Let’s head in.” St. Joan said.

“Of that size? That thing is quite large for an earth golem. It’s about 4 meters tall. How large would it have to be for you to consider it a threat?” Aneesa asked.

“Over double that size at least. Or one made of metal.” St. Joan responded.

Metal golem? Those are super difficult to kill as they resist most magic and are very sturdy so harming them with physical attacks is difficult.


“Well let’s just take it down quickly. I’ll get its aggro and take care of the small riff raff. You two attack with magic.” St. Joan said and ran towards the golem. She shows no fear. Or perhaps she really doesn’t need to fear something of this level.

“Madam?” Aneesa looked at me. “What will we do?”

“Well at this point it’s better to just go with her plan. Let’s cast stone guillotine together.” I told her. 

“Will that take the golem down?” Aneesa asked.

“Well there is one way to find out.” I said to her. “But we need to stop that thing first.”


The golem didn’t move quickly, but it could still dodge a spell like stone guillotine. That spell is only good on stationary targets, but it does deal massive damage if it hits.

“Earth, clear away and make a hole, Pitfall.” I casted a spell to make a pitfall for the golem to step into. The hole was only around two meters deep but that wouldn’t matter.

St. Joan realized my plan and led the golem straight into the hole. This was one of the weaknesses of dungeon spawned golems, they are stupid and move in straight lines towards their target.


A large thud sound was what Aneesa had been waiting for. The golem would quickly get out of the hole if something didn’t keep it in the hole.

“Stone, pierce my enemy, Stone Spire.” Aneesa casted a spell to keep the golem locked in place. The spell grew multiple stone spires around the golem and even into the golem to keep it from moving. Then she came to my side and joined her hand with mine.


“A nice, clean and still target. Madam, are you ready?” Aneesa asked.

“Yes.” I responded as I let my mana flow into her. This was the first step in using stone guillotine. The spell took a lot of mana and even more control to use, so I couldn’t do it alone, but we could do it together. It was the reason I took Aneesa with me whenever I expected to see combat of any kind.


““Earth and Stone, gather into one sharp blade and decimate our enemy, Stone Guillotine.”” We chanted together. 

A large blade made of earth and with an edge made of sharp stones formed above the stone golem, before falling down on the golem.


A large crash sounded as the spell made contact with the golem. With the crash, a large dust cloud popped up so we couldn’t see the results. Not that I really needed to. I know what that spell will do to an earth golem from experience. I used to test out magic like this on the golems my sister makes.


After the dust settled, we saw the golem that had been cut in half down to its midsection. But something strange was happening in the hole beneath it. A reddish glow emanated from it, and I could see heat distortions around it.


{Be careful. That golem is gathering more power. I don’t think it’s dead yet.} Brian told us over the announcement system.


The earth that had been the body of the golem melted down into lava, and sunk into the hole. I got a small glimpse of the golem’s core as it did. I think this can only mean one thing. A lava golem is up next.

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